Chapter 2486

As soon as Hu Yanyu's words fell, the expressions of the generals were stunned for a moment, and then tightened suddenly, and the same thought popped up in their hearts.

Warlord, is he going to kill the captives?
With this thought in their hearts, everyone couldn't help but fell silent, looking at Hu Yanyu's appearance with tangled expressions, hesitant to speak.

One must know how many years Dalong hadn't done the killing of captives.

If the two armies were still engaged in the fighting of you attacking me and beheading tens of thousands of enemy troops in a head-to-head confrontation on the battlefield, they would not feel the slightest burden in their hearts.

But if they are asked to kill tens of thousands of unarmed captives who have surrendered and surrendered, they really can't get over the hurdle in their hearts.

The reason for such hesitation has nothing to do with the ominousness of killing the prisoners. The main reason is that the psychological burden may be difficult to bear.

Feng Buer came to his senses from his contemplation, frowned slightly and looked at Brother Huyan, who looked neither sad nor happy, raised his hand and pulled Huyanyu's one-armed Feng Buer and walked towards the side first.

Hu Yanyu looked at the old brother's back, hesitated for a moment and silently followed.

Jiang Lei, Ke Yan and the other generals didn't say anything when they saw this scene, they looked at each other with complicated expressions and gathered together and talked in a low voice.

There is a higher soil slope on the battlefield. If you stop here and raise your eyes slightly, you can have a panoramic view of the desert in the distance and the beautiful scenery of the long river and the setting sun.

And the flesh and blood corpses and blood-stained weapons dotted on the yellow sand add a sense of loneliness and desolation to the beautiful scenery in front of you.

It's just a bit depressing after watching it for a long time.

Feng Buer untied the wine bag around his waist, staring at the enemy prisoners who had been gathered in the distance, raised the wine bag to taste a few sips, and then casually threw it to Hu Yanyu who was beside him.

"Brother Huyan, can we discuss this matter again, these prisoners are not a small number, plus the wounded soldiers after cleaning the battlefield, it is estimated that there are nearly 5000 people.

If this is a direct murder, let's not talk about the pressure on the hearts of these generals and soldiers, what should I do with the military recorder?How will the court explain?

After all, they are no longer enemies who hold their weapons and still fight to the death and refuse to surrender, but captives who have voluntarily put down their weapons and surrendered.

Or such a large number of captives.

If they resisted to the death, they would be killed if they came and went between the two armies, but now they have become fish on the chopping board to be slaughtered.

Brother, to be honest, if you act like this, brother, you really can't do it!

I think not only my brother can't do it alone, but the rest of the brothers probably can't do this cruel hand either.

This is not a question of being kind to the enemy or not, but that the hurdle in my heart cannot be overcome! "

Seeing Feng Bueryu's earnest look, Hu Yanyu raised the wine bag and took a few gulps, then casually wiped the wine from the corner of his mouth with his arm, Hu Yanyu sighed heavily.

"My dear brother, I understand what you are thinking in my heart, brother. To put it into words, I have thought about what you are thinking carefully several times in my heart just now.

To make such a decision, my brother and I are forced to do so.

Before the expedition, His Majesty repeatedly told Zhang Shuai, Nangong Shuaiwu and other main generals of the Western Expeditionary Army that once they arrive in a foreign country, no matter what, our Dalong's artillery cannot fall into the hands of these barbarians.

Even if God does not bless our Western Expedition army, let us wait for the unfortunate Western Expedition to fail, and we have to return home as a last resort. Even if our artillery is destroyed, it will not fall into the hands of any enemy.

His Majesty said in person that once these cannons fall into the hands of barbarians, if they copy them in the future, or even develop more powerful cannons, then it is possible to use this to retaliate against my dragon in the same way. .

If something like this happens in the future, not only our generals, but even His Majesty himself will be the eternal sinner of our Chinese nation.

What my brother said are the exact words of His Majesty himself! "

After Hu Yanyu said these words in a low tone, she raised the wine bag again and drank freely, until the wine bag bottomed out before stopping.

"It has been nearly a month since these Romans captured the artillery.

Who can guarantee that none of these Roman prisoners has touched the artillery they snatched from the general?

Who can guarantee that none of them have tried to delve into or grope for those artillery pieces?
With so many people captured, we can't identify who hasn't touched these artillery one by one. If one of them is released, it will be the root of disaster! "

" one can guarantee it."

"So, brother, you should understand how I behave after we have been together for so many years. I, Hu Yanyu, am definitely not a bloodthirsty person, but I have no choice but to make such a decision!

Since there is no way to discriminate, the only way to ensure safety is to kill the wrong ones and never let them go. The germ of powerful weapons such as artillery that might end up in the hands of foreign countries must be killed in the cradle.

Forging artillery, developing artillery, and using all the secrets of artillery, only in the hands of my Dalong Tianchao is the safest for us.

We can't be sinners through the ages!Your Majesty, he can't be a sinner through the ages!
Brother's painstaking efforts, do you understand?
Brother Bu Er, after all, there must be someone who will act as a villain. For the sake of the overall situation, let me, Hu Yanyu, bear the infamy of this villain! "

Feng Buer was silent. Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to admit that he was persuaded by Hu Yanyu's principles.

The lives of more than 1 captives are indeed not worth mentioning compared with the righteousness of the family and the country.

But this time the soldiers and horses who set up an ambush to encircle and suppress the Roman Legion were not just the dragon's soldiers and horses!There are also [-] soldiers and horses of the Dashi Kingdom who act as pawns!

If I and others wantonly kill the soldiers of the Roman Kingdom this time, will the soldiers and horses of the Great Food Kingdom have a kind of sad thought after seeing this scene?
If this is the case, it will lead to the separation of morality between the soldiers of the Great Food Kingdom and the Great Dragon in the days to come.

And all the efforts to appease people's hearts that I and others have made in the Great Food Country will all be in vain.

Feng Buer thought of this, took out the pipe and lit it, and quietly expressed his worries to Hu Yanyu.

After hearing Feng Buer's words, Hu Yanyu's eyes suddenly focused, and his expression became a little serious.

"My brother ignored this point, if the soldiers and horses of the Great Food Kingdom saw our murder of Roman soldiers, it might really make them feel sad!

Thirty thousand soldiers from the Great Food Kingdom were present, and it is no exaggeration to say that they have many eyes and ears. Once these Roman prisoners are killed, there must be no way to cover them up if they want to cover them up.

As a result, this matter is really a little difficult to handle.

It's not good to kill and kill, let alone let go, this is really a dilemma! "

Feng Buer breathed out a mouthful of thick smoke, tapped the embers in the smoke pot a few times on the soles of his shoes, glanced at the soldiers and horses of the two countries cleaning the battlefield in the distance, and slowly approached Hu Yanyu.

"Brother Huyan, brother, I have a compromise here, that is, I have to pay a little price."

Hu Yanyu's eyes lit up: "Tell me!"

"Send troops and horses to escort these Roman captives back to our Dalong capital and hand them over to His Majesty.

The physique of these Romans can be described as tall and powerful, and they must be good at work. They can be sold to wealthy families as servants, or they can be exiled to various state capitals to do labor like those Russian soldiers.

It is enough for them to serve as laborers, and it is enough to have a full meal, which can save a lot of expenses for the court and use them elsewhere. This is more beneficial to my dragon than killing them directly.

As long as they reach the hinterland of my dragon, even if they have the intention to study artillery, it will be useless.

In the future, as long as they can die in my dragon, then even if some of them have been in contact with artillery and have studied artillery, we don't have to worry about it.

Your Majesty will have a proper way to deal with them.

Don't we happen to have a batch of newly smelted gold and silver to be escorted back to the capital?My brother suggested that they should just be escorted back along the way.

Left and right are just a matter of consuming more food and grass, what do you think of Brother Huyan? "

Hu Yanyu squinted her eyes and was silent for a while, then smiled and nodded to Feng Buer.


(End of this chapter)

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