My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2487 Destroying Rome

Chapter 2487 Destroying Rome

Hu Yanyu and Feng Buer spent about an incense stick of effort, and finally discussed the best way to deal with these Roman prisoners.

If those Roman soldiers knew that they almost went to the gate of hell before a stick of incense, how would they feel?

Hu Yanyu handed the wine pouch to Feng Buer: "Brother Buer, just deal with these captives as we just said.

But those culprits must not be let go, and their heads must be used to commemorate the spirits of my 23 Longwu Guards in the sky.

This is not only my brother's meaning, but also the meaning of the commander and the deputy commander.

On this point, you should have no other suggestions. "

Feng Buer took the wine bag, covered it with a stopper, hung it on his waist, and nodded to Hu Yanyu with a light smile: "I have no objection to this point, even if you don't tell me, brother Huyan, I don't plan to spare those culprits." .

Murder pays life, debts pay back money, this is the eternal truth.

The bloody enmity of the 23 robes of my great dragon, Long Wuwei, can only be repaid with blood. "

"After all, he is a general trained by His Majesty himself. This character is almost exactly the same as His Majesty, so let's go there!
After those culprits are dealt with, let Jiang Lei and the others take the heads of these bastards to report to the commander, and it's time for us to attack Rome.

To be honest, there is a country like Rome lying in the middle of the main road leading to the Frankish Kingdom, which is really a hindrance.

Although the bastard thing of acrylic has done evil deeds that make us gnash our teeth and get furious, it also gave us a chance to penetrate all the kingdoms of the East and West.

As long as we win the Roman state this time, all kingdoms from the Western Regions to the Frankish Kingdom will be under the control of our dragon soldiers.

This is a great thing for us to completely control Central Asia, West Asia, and the eastern half of Europe.

Maybe it won't be long before the names of Central Asia, West Asia, and Europe on the map His Majesty gave us will all be replaced by the word Dalong.

At best, it is nothing more than adding the word Duhufu at the end.

Now more and more young girls in the Great Food Country are willing to marry unmarried young men in our army as wives. Let us strive to blow this trend of intermarriage from the Great Food Country to the Roman Country, and then from the Roman Country to the Frankish Country .

As long as the blood of my Dalong Erlang spreads and thrives here, then one day, all the territory here will become an inseparable part of my Dalong Celestial Dynasty.

At that time, it is not up to us leaders to decide whether it will be called the Protectorate's Mansion or what kind of state capital it is. Let His Majesty and the old foxes in the court discuss those matters together!
But this is a century-old project, and it cannot be solved by our generation alone.

It is impossible to accomplish such a great achievement without the efforts of two or three generations.

This is still the least, and it is not impossible for three or five generations, or even more generations of descendants.

Although His Majesty is now at the peak of his age, he is not young among the emperors of all dynasties.

We have been on the expedition for so long, and we don't know that His Majesty is standing... standing... oh..."

"Huh? Brother Huyan, why didn't you say anything?"

Feeling Feng Buer's puzzled eyes, Hu Yanyu sighed faintly, and the voice and smile of her younger sister Huyan Yunyao couldn't help appearing in front of her eyes.

The little girl finally grew up under her company and care, and finally got her wish and married her favorite Mr. Ruyi.

Two years ago, she even gave birth to a cute little nephew, who was also named Liu Zhengwen by the brother-in-law of His Majesty.

Before he went out to fight, his nephew Liu Zhengwen's wrinkled little face hadn't grown yet!
Fast forward two years, and the kid should have started babbling and toddling.

I don't know if the younger sister told this child that he still has a biological uncle who is leading the army abroad to fight for the country!

I don't know what the child looks like now?Is it more like her mother and her little sister, Huyan Yunyao?Or is it more like his father?

"Brother Huyan, are you okay?"

"Brother Buer, I'm really sorry, my brother was distracted."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, my brother is just in a daze after seeing you talking and sighing, I thought something happened to you!

By the way, brother Huyan, what did you want to say just now? "

Hu Yanyu looked at Feng Buer's curious expression, hesitated for a moment and let out a soft breath.

"Brother Buer, these words should not be discussed in private by us courtiers, but since the words are about issues related to the future of our Dalong Heavenly Dynasty, my brother has the courage to talk about these words with you.

What my brother wanted to say just now is that I don't know if His Majesty has already established a crown prince.

My brother just said that it is definitely not something that can be solved in one generation if the thousands of miles of land in the western barbarians is to become a part of my great dragon.

In order to accomplish such a thousand-year achievement, it is necessary for two generations, and even more descendants, to devote their minds to these things one after another.

And these all require a premise that cannot be ignored.

That is to say, after a hundred years from His Majesty, whether the successor will pay attention to this territory that is thousands of miles away from my Great Dragon's Inner Mansion.

And while the successor king attaches great importance to this territory, there is another prerequisite, that is, whether the successor king has such a great talent and plan as His Majesty, does he have a visionary plan, and does he have the means to act vigorously and decisively.

These seemingly simple things are the most important thing about whether my Dalong Guozuo can continue. "

Feng Buer was silent for a long time with a complex expression, and shook his head with a wry smile.

"Brother Huyan, I can't continue chatting with you about these things, and I dare not continue chatting with you.

It is not for you and me who lead the army to intervene in matters related to the future prince and crown prince. Only your majesty knows who your majesty will let rise to inherit the throne.

It's better for us not to speculate about the holy will indiscriminately, so as not to be involved in disputes that we shouldn't be involved in one day.

No matter who is the successor, who will inherit the great treasure, we just follow orders.

We only need to be a loyal courtier to the country, and the rest has nothing to do with us. "

Hu Yanyu nodded silently: "That's right, let's not get involved in these matters, let's go, let the imperial court solve the court's affairs, and let's solve our own affairs."

"Stick what you want, please!"


After Hu Yanyu told the generals the result of his discussion with Feng Buer, the tense expressions of Jiang Lei and the other generals suddenly relaxed.

"The warlord is brilliant."

"Okay, stop flattering me, these are my brother's suggestions, and have nothing to do with me.

Since you all feel that it is more feasible to deal with these Roman captives in this way, then let's do it this way. Next, let's discuss the crusade against the Roman Kingdom.

The idea of ​​the warlord is to take advantage of the high morale of our exterminated acrylic legion, immediately prepare troops and march into the Roman country, strive to win the Roman country in one go, and completely open up all the important hubs from the Great Food Kingdom to the Frankish Kingdom.

As long as we win the Roman state, our Western Expeditionary Army will be able to move unimpeded on this territory, and we will be able to better educate the Yi people in various kingdoms.

What do you think? "

"We have no objection, and we will obey the order of the warlord."

"Okay, after cleaning the battlefield, a part of the soldiers and horses will be assigned to take care of these Roman prisoners, and the rest of the soldiers and horses will rest in place and start to recharge their batteries.

Immediately after noon tomorrow, we will march against the Roman Kingdom, and strive to win the Roman Kingdom in one fell swoop before the first day of the Lunar New Year in our dynasty. "

"We take orders."

Around noon on December 25th in the fourth year of Dalong Taiping.

Hu Yanyu gave an order, and the coalition forces of more than [-] people from the Dalong and Dashi countries rushed towards the border city of Bulgaria, which is close to the Frankish Kingdom.

When the setting sun was still hanging in the sky, a cannon shot officially opened the continuation of the dragon's crusade against the Roman Kingdom.

In order to be able to capture the entire territory of Rome before the New Year, the dragon soldiers and horses used infantry artillery along the way to cooperate with conventional artillery to attack the cities of Rome with artillery fire.

When the setting sun fell to the west, the border city of Bulgaria in the Roman Kingdom was reduced to a ruined wall under the diffuse smoke.

Then the Dalong infantry, who had been preparing for battle for a long time, rushed into the city surrounded by fireworks, and planted the dragon flag of Dalong on the head of the city.

The dragon soldiers and horses who took a short rest left a small part of their troops stationed in the city, and rushed to the next city of Rome overnight to protect the city.

In the next few days, Dalong's soldiers and horses continued to use troops in this way, covered by artillery fire, and the infantry entered the city to strangle the remnant enemies who continued to resist, and occupied the whole city as quickly as possible.

Fight first and govern later, this is the only order Hu Yanyu conveyed to the generals of the ministries.

Under Hu Yanyu's order, in just a few days, the dragon soldiers and horses ran through the east and west half of the Roman country with overwhelming power, until they came to the city of Tantin, the king's city of Rome, on New Year's Eve.

Seeing the dragon's dragon flag raised on the wall of Tandin City, which was billowing with gunpowder smoke, Hu Yanyu silently put down the binoculars in his hand, gazed softly at the bloody setting sun in the sky, and smiled softly.

"Tomorrow is the new year, little sister, good nephew, happy new year!"

"Report! Report to the Overseer, we have captured the Roman king Akrond who wants to escape, how should we deal with it?"

"Put it in prison first, order the Huotou army, and start making dumplings and glutinous rice balls from now on. Let's also have a peaceful and beautiful New Year in a foreign country!"

(End of this chapter)

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