Chapter 2488

On the first day of the first month of the fifth year of Dalong Taiping, the new year is auspicious, and the people of Dalong ushered in a new year.

Compared with the Roman Kingdom, where the war had just ended, Dalong was full of scenes of peace and prosperity.

On the morning of the first day of the Lunar New Year, the Liu Mansion was filled with laughter one after another. Of course, the laughter was occasionally mixed with the helpless curses of Young Master Liu.

As for the reason, of course it has something to do with First Young Master Liu's precious daughter, the cute little Liu Luoyue. After all, no one in the entire Liu Mansion except Liu Luoyue dared to provoke Liu Da on the first day of the new year. It is not happy to be without the head of the family.

The whole family of the Liu Mansion ended the morning reunion dinner in a generally harmonious atmosphere. When the sun was around three poles, Liu Mingzhi estimated that it would take less than half an hour for the Liu Mansion to welcome many important officials from the court who came to pay New Year's greetings. .

In the first two years when he became emperor, Young Master Liu cheerfully received these ministers who came to pay New Year's greetings. Later, he got used to the New Year's greetings of these old foxes who were similar to each other, so Young Master Liu felt a little dull.

Therefore, every year on the auspicious day of the new year, when these important ministers came to pay New Year's greetings, Young Master Liu directly found some excuses and hid in the inner courtyard to seek leisure.

As for the reception of these important ministers who paid New Year's greetings, Young Master Liu handed over the full authority to Qi Yun, a virtuous housewife who had already been tacitly regarded as the lord of the harem by the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, although he had not been canonized as the current empress by himself.

First Young Master Liu was sitting in the pavilion in the inner courtyard, knocking melon seeds, and looking at Liu Zhenghao with a faint smile. Liu Zhengran and the others eagerly held up the long incense sticks and headed towards the firecrackers stuck in the snowdrifts.

When the burning incense was about to touch the fuse, First Young Master Liu suddenly yelled out sharply.


All of a sudden, a group of little guys were shocked, and before they had time to see if the firecrackers had actually exploded, they hugged their heads and screamed at each other like birds and beasts running away.

After a while, a group of little guys huddled behind the pillars and looked at the snowdrift with firecrackers stuck in them. Looking at the fuzes on the firecrackers swaying in the wind, a group of little guys reacted immediately, and sat opposite each other with 'angry' faces. The smiling old man in the gazebo let out a soft snort.

Young Master Liu turned a blind eye to the resentful eyes of his sons and daughters who were 'full of joy', spit out the melon seeds and drank the tea carelessly.

What is the purpose of having a child?Isn't having a baby just for fun?

How about the old saying that when there is no danger, the father is the greatest danger!
Liu Lianiang, who was hiding behind the pillar closest to Young Master Liu, looked at her father's unscrupulous appearance, and waved her pink fist at her father in a naive manner.

"Bad dad, if you scare us like this again, Lianniang will ignore you. Sister Yunxin, brother Zhengran, let's continue setting off firecrackers and ignore our bad dad."

"Hey, the stinky girl turned against you."

First Young Master Liu muttered to the backs of a group of little fellows, and subconsciously groped towards the stone bench beside him. He groped several times and finally found nothing.

First Young Master Liu turned his head to look at the empty stone bench and shook his head regretfully. In the past, he would always keep a few firecrackers by his side. When he saw Liu Chengfeng and his older sons and daughters setting off firecrackers, he would take advantage of them not paying attention. Throw a few behind them.

Today, the girl Yue'er made a fuss, and even forgot about this mess.

"See the young master for the little ones."

Young Master Liu turned to look at Liu Song, and clicked his tongue playfully: "Here you are?"

Liu Song nodded slightly, and pointed in the direction of the mansion gate: "Du Shangshu, Jiang Shangshu and the others are waiting outside the mansion gate with their family members. How is it? Do you want to meet the young master in person this year?"

Young Master Liu hurriedly shook his head, stood up, stretched his waist, and walked towards Qi Ya's courtyard in the inner courtyard.

"It's the same old rhetoric every year. I really don't want to deal with it. If there are political affairs, it's fine. It's just for New Year's greetings. There's nothing to meet.

You can tell Yun'er directly, she has busy work again today. "

"Yes, little one understands."

Qi Yun felt a little distressed in his heart, and Young Master Liu went to do what he should do like a normal person.

"Sister Ya, is Wei Husband's light purple robe in the closet in your room? Quickly take it out for Wei Husband, and after I put it on, I plan to go out for a walk."

Before Liu Mingzhi entered Qi Ya's boudoir, he yelled at the top of his voice, reached out and patted the melon seed shell on his body, and Young Master Liu walked directly into Qi Ya's room.

"Huh? Why are you girl Ren? Where's Sister Ya? You just drop by after dinner?"

Ren Qingrui looked at First Young Master Liu who was standing by the door with a surprised face, and put the teacup in his hand on the table heavily, and snorted coquettishly: "This is Sister Ya's room, not yours. Why can't the girl be here? Are you so surprised?"

"Hehe, you dare to talk to me like this after only a few days of full food? This is indeed not my room, but the place you are stepping on now is my home!

As a guest who dares to talk to the master like that, you are not afraid that this young master will drive you out in anger?

If you live under the fence, you must have the attitude of living under the fence, and learn to be gentle, so as not to be rejected by your in-laws when you leave the cabinet. "

Ren Qingrui's expression immediately became a little embarrassed, Jiaoyan glanced sullenly at Liu Mingzhi, clasped her two index fingers tightly, got up and walked towards the door.

" will bully me, at worst, treat me as a tenant who lives in your house, can't I give you money every month?
By the way, I have been serving you at your hexagram stall for more than a year, and you didn't even give me half of your copper wages. Those wages will be treated as the previous rental fees I paid, and we can settle the dispute.

I will give you the rest of the rental fee every month, and I will go back first. "

"Hey? Sister Qingrui, why did you come out? It's so cold outside, I brought you the pattern you want, go into the room and pick which one you like better!"

"I'm sorry, Sister Ya. The younger sister suddenly remembered that the stove in the room had not been cleaned properly, so she went back first. The little girls with tricks will come to pick it up later."

"Isn't it just that the stove is not cooking? My sister can ask the servant girl to take care of it for you. Come in quickly."

Ren Qingrui looked at Qi Ya who was smiling lightly, shook her head with reddish eyes, and walked quickly towards the arch of the courtyard.

"Thank you, Sister Ya, for your kindness. My little sister is already a troublesome person, so I'm sorry to trouble others anymore. My little sister will go back first, and I will come to Sister Ya's place as your guest some other day. My little sister will leave first."

"Hey, sister Qingrui, why are you in such a hurry? Be careful of the snow under your feet."

Qi Ya's beautiful eyes watched Ren Qingrui's hurried figure disappear into the archway in surprise, she shook her head and walked towards the room talking to herself.

"When I came here, I was talking and laughing! Why did you turn around like a different person... Husband... Husband? When did you come?"

First Young Master Liu withdrew his gaze from looking outside the door, looked at Qi Ya who saw his surprised expression and smiled resentfully.

"I just sat down and didn't even have time to take a sip of a cup of tea! Where did you go just now?"

Qi Ya nodded knowingly, walked to the front of the stool and sat down, put a few pieces of embroidery in her hand on the table, and poured a cup of tea for Liu Mingzhi with the pot.

"Sister Qingrui just came to this concubine, saying that she wanted to borrow some patterns for sewing purses from this concubine for comparison. The patterns of my concubine were all borrowed by sisters Qingshi and Wei'er, so I had to let them Sister Qingrui was waiting in the room, and went to get it from them first.

Who knows that sister Qingrui seems to be a different person this time when I come back from my concubine body, let her choose the tricks to get back..."

As Qi Ya spoke, her pretty face froze for a moment, she looked at her husband thoughtfully and nodded with a half-smile, and put the teacup in front of her husband.

"Husband, drink tea!"

"It turned out to be like this, but I remember that the purse worn by Ren Yatou is still new! Why do you have to sew a purse again? It seems that you are still too free."

Qi Ya looked at her husband's erratic eyes narrowly, picked up the teacup and took a sip.

"Maybe I want to pass the time, my husband, what are you doing here?"

"Come to change clothes. Is my husband's light purple robe with you?"

"Yes, my husband, wait a moment, and I will fetch it for you."


Qi Ya got up and walked towards the back of the screen, Liu Mingzhi casually picked up those embroidered handkerchiefs and looked through them a few times.

"Sister Ya, what kind of flowers are the patterns on it? They look a little like cherry blossoms, but they don't quite look like them. Are they new varieties of flowers?"

"It's cherry blossoms, but the concubine's body has not been embroidered yet, so it seems a bit specious."

Liu Mingzhi couldn't help thinking of the beautiful figure that he hadn't seen for a year, and he would never see again in the future, and he put the embroidered handkerchiefs back to their original places with melancholy eyes.

"After the embroidery is finished, I will leave one for my husband, and my husband's handkerchief should also be changed."

"The concubine knows, after you come over the screen, the concubine will help you change your clothes first."

Liu Mingzhi put down his teacup and walked towards the back of the screen, looking at Qi Ya's robe on his arms and raised his hands.

Qi Ya immediately leaned forward to undress her husband, and when she took off her husband's robe, Qi Ya looked at the frayed purse on Liu Mingzhi's waist with strange eyes and smiled helplessly.


"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Sister Qingrui has such a kind heart!"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"It's nothing interesting, I just want to remind my husband, don't wait for no flowers to break branches."

(End of this chapter)

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