Chapter 2489

Qi Ya's words are so straightforward, if Liu Mingzhi can't hear it anymore, then there is something wrong with him.

Looking down at Qi Ya who was silently undressing himself, Liu Mingzhi reached out to smooth Qi Ya's messy bun: "Sister Ya, let's talk about some things."

Qi Ya first put the robe she took off on the hanger, then lightly shook the purple robe in her hand a few times and put it on for Liu Mingzhi to wait on.

"Looking at the world, many things can be solved, but love can't be solved.

I hope you can face up to the existence of Sister Qingrui. No matter what, there must be a result between the two of you. "

"Sister Ya, is this what you should say as a lady? Ordinarily, even if you don't cry, quarrel, and hang yourself, you should at least not speak for Qingrui, right?"

Qi Ya fastened the jade belt around Young Master Liu's waist, and shrugged her shoulders casually.

"Get used to it, who made this concubine blindly look for a big carrot!"

"I... Well done, my husband won't bicker with you anymore, you can go on with your own trivial matters, my husband will go out first."

"It's freezing outside, come back early."

"Understood, being a husband is just going around casually."

Liu Mingzhi knew that there was an endless stream of officials visiting the front door to pay New Year's greetings, so he made a detour to the backyard after leaving Qi Ya's courtyard.

"Hey, Lian'er, what are you doing here?"

Holding a wooden tripod in her hand, Qinglian looked at Liu Mingzhi who was standing under the long corridor, and greeted him with a smile: "Husband, I went to grind some herbs to feed the little dragons, and one of them has a strong smell. I was afraid that it would smoke you so I went to the backyard.

Sir, where are you going?Go to the backyard too? "

"That's right! My husband is planning to go out for a walk, but the front door is full of officials who come to pay New Year's greetings. I am afraid that I will be embarrassed if I meet them, so I plan to take a detour and leave the house through the back door.

are you still busy?How about we go around together? "

Qinglian's almond-shaped eyes lit up, and she nodded hurriedly: "Okay, you wait for me, I will go and send the medicine back to the room first, and change a piece of clothing before going out to find my husband."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Qinglian who was trotting away while talking, and shouted softly: "The floor is freezing, please slow down."


After about half a stick of incense, Qinglian's beautiful figure came into Liu Mingzhi's eyes again, looking at Qinglian wearing a light blue skirt on her plump and delicate body, Liu Mingzhi nodded in satisfaction.

"Looks good, Lian'er is really getting more and more beautiful."

Qinglian gave Young Master Liu a coquettish look: "I know how to say nice things, we've been married for so many years, and my concubine has turned from a little girl to an old witch, haven't you seen enough?"

Liu Mingzhi shook his head with a smile, took Qinglian's hand and walked towards the backyard: "What old witch? How can anyone say that he is an old witch.

Even if the good Lian Er who is a husband is no longer in her twenties, she is still a charming beauty of an old lady, a charming beauty that a husband can never get enough of in his life. "

"You can just talk poorly to make this concubine happy. What about a little girl who is really a concubine or a young girl who was so inexperienced in the world after hearing a few sweet words?

The concubine is not the same as before!In the past, my concubine was young and ignorant, so I was deceived by your slick mouth, but now I am a...mother of three children. "

Hearing Qinglian's suddenly low-pitched words, Liu Mingzhi's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately understood that Qinglian must be missing her eldest son, Liu Chengfeng.

It's been almost half a year since this kid led the Great Dragon Mission to Tsarist Russia, and up to now he hasn't even sent back a letter from home declaring his safety.

I don't know if I have arrived in Tsarist Russia. If I have already arrived, how is the matter with Elizabeth Serena, the little queen of Tsarist Russia, going?

If calculated according to the time and distance, the Great Dragon Mission should have arrived in Tsarist Russia to meet the Little Queen of Tsarist Russia.

It's just that there has been no letter from home, and Liu Mingzhi himself is not sure whether Liu Chengfeng has met the Russian Empress.

I hope God blesses this kid to return safely.

After thinking inwardly for a while, Liu Mingzhi patted the back of Qinglian's hand calmly: "Lian'er, don't worry about Chengfeng's safety, maybe this kid is already on his way back home!

Even if he hadn't set off to return to China because of the road closure due to the wind and snow in the Northland and Tsarist Russia, my husband believed that he must be safe.

You've been waiting for so long, so let's wait a little longer. "

Seeing the relief in her husband's eyes, Qinglian suppressed the sadness in her heart and smiled: "Well, let's wait a little longer, even if you can't wait for Feng'er to return immediately, it would be nice if you can wait for the letter from him to report his safety." what!

Although Feng'er is not stupid, but after all, he is in a foreign country where he is not familiar with. Once something happens, it will not be as convenient as at home.

The concubine does not expect that he will be able to form a good relationship with the empress of Tsarist Russia, and the concubine only hopes to see him return safely and be satisfied.

The ancestors of the Liu family must be blessed by the spirits in heaven, and the descendants of the Liu family are safe and sound. "

"Then don't worry, the Buddha may not be easy to use, but our family's ancestors must be easy to use!"

Qinglian burst out laughing when she heard the joke that her husband was not upright, and the melancholy in her heart eased a little.

The couple left the mansion through the back door, looked around like thieves, and walked towards the main street side by side.

"Husband, where shall we go?"

"Turn around casually, there are so many places in Shiliufang that there isn't even a place for a walk, right?
If we really can't find a good place, then let's go out of the city for a walk. There was so much snow a year ago, the snow scene outside the city must be particularly eye-catching. "

"Then why don't we just go out of the city, today is the Spring Festival, the city must be full of people walking around, even if it is not crowded, it must be very noisy.

The concubine wants her husband to accompany the concubine out of the city to enjoy the scenery and relax. "

"Okay, I'll listen to you for my husband, let's go directly outside the city to turn...turn...turn...what the hell!"

Qing Lian heard Young Master Liu's sudden swearing, and looked at Young Master Liu with a coquettish face: "Husband, how can you say such obscene words on the street, and you are not afraid of being overheard by acquaintances and losing your identity." .”

However, Young Master Liu turned a deaf ear to Qinglian's words, and stood at the same place, staring straight ahead with a fierce look in his eyes, motionless.


"Husband, what's wrong with you?"

Qinglian yelled two more times, but Young Master Liu still didn't reply like a piece of wood, Qinglian followed Young Master Liu's eyes curiously.

When the two talking and laughing figures walking side by side came into view, Qinglian's curious expression also froze slightly, and then she showed a somewhat relieved and sad gaze.

The two figures in front are Liu Yiyi, the good daughter of Young Master Liu, and a young man dressed in a Confucian robe.

The dumbfounded Young Master Liu finally came to his senses, and glanced at Liu Yiyi and the young man he didn't know with piercing eyes, then Young Master Liu lowered his head and scanned around.

When he saw a blue brick covered with snow in the corner, Young Master Liu's eyes lit up and he rushed over.

Without saying a word, she picked up the blue brick and went to meet Liu Yiyi and the two. Qinglian looked at the angry Young Master Liu and hurriedly grabbed her husband's wrist with a flustered expression.

"Husband, what are you doing?"

"Lian'er, let go of your husband, I will beat this little bastard to death today who dared to kidnap my good daughter."

"Husband, please calm down, okay, Yiyi is nineteen this year!"

First Young Master Liu's body stopped suddenly, and he turned his head to look at Qinglian who was holding his wrist helplessly for a while, his angry face gradually calmed down.

First Young Master Liu sighed softly, looked in front of him for a few moments, talking and laughing with the young man beside him, Liu Yiyi, who hadn't noticed her parents yet, threw the blue brick in her hand back to its original place with a melancholy expression .

"The girl who was lying in her infancy waving her little hands and shouting was 19 years old.

How fast!
I said, why can't I see anyone after eating early in the morning!It turned out to be the age to marry. "

"Yeah, the little baby back then was nineteen years old, and it was time to leave the cabinet.

No matter how reluctant, so what, the daughter's family is going to marry after all. "

Liu Mingzhi blinked his eyes lightly a few times, then silently turned around and walked towards the side alley.

"Let's go, let's make a detour, don't let the children feel embarrassed after seeing us."

Qinglian looked at her husband's back that suddenly became a little bleak, and then turned her head to look at Liu Yiyi and the two of them. Jiaoyan also chased after her husband with a little melancholy.



"After meeting Yiyi, my husband planned to let the two children, Cheng Zhi and girl Jingyao, choose a good and auspicious day, and we decided to get married this year."


"What's the surprise? After so many years, it's time for the dragon and the phoenix!

And Feifei, it's time to find a good husband for her too.

In the blink of an eye, there will be three or four children who can no longer surround us as before. Parents and mothers are short.

Years!Really ruthless! "

(End of this chapter)

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