My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2490 Li Changting, 8 Spring and Autumn

Chapter 2490 Ten Li Changting Pavilion, Eighteen Spring and Autumn Periods
After Liu Mingzhi, Qinglian and his wife left the city gate, Eldest Young Master Liu already had a jug of wine in his hand, while Qinglian was holding a pack of spiced broad beans, which he would throw into his mouth from time to time as a snack last one.

As for where the wine and spiced broad beans came from, only the two of them knew.

The couple stopped and walked, watching the boundless snow scene in the suburbs of Beijing, while discussing the future marriages of their children in a low voice. Before they knew it, they wandered to the ten-mile long pavilion north of the capital.

Liu Mingzhi looked around at the bare willow trees on both sides of the gazebo, took the woman's wrist and walked towards the gazebo.

Looking at the stone bench and the snow that had not completely melted on the stone table, Liu Mingzhi handed the wine jar to Qinglian's hand, bent down to brush off the snow on the table and bench, and sat down carelessly.

"Lian'er, sit down!"

Qinglian smiled and nodded sweetly, first put the wine and broad beans on the stone table, then straightened the hem of the skirt with both hands, and then sat down next to her husband in a graceful manner.

With a light flick of Qinglian's jade finger, the mud seal on the wine jar was removed, she nodded and moved to the mouth of the jar to deeply smell the rich aroma of wine, Qinglian handed the wine jar to Liu Mingzhi's hand with a smile.

"Husband, quickly taste how it tastes."

"My husband doesn't need to taste it to know that this stolen...ahem...the borrowed wine must taste better than the bought wine.

You can see the way you look when you just ate broad beans, just like you were reincarnated by a starving ghost in your previous life. "

Qinglian wrinkled Qiong's nose resentfully: "Isn't it okay if I didn't eat enough in the morning? Besides, just because broad beans are delicious doesn't mean that the wine will be delicious. Seeing how serious you say it, I've already drank the wine What a taste it is."

Young Master Liu picked up a broad bean and threw it into his mouth, his smiling eyes revealed the look of recalling the past: "Good Lian'er, you don't understand this.

Whether the wine tastes good or not depends on the type and year of the wine, and the key lies in the state of mind when drinking.

The taste of this borrowed wine is completely different from that of the bought wine.

Let me tell you this, just like watermelons, now there are many people growing watermelons in Dalong Gyeonggi, and watermelons are no longer a rare fruit.

However, when fruits such as watermelon were not popular among the people, the taste of watermelon at that time was different from the taste of watermelon now.

Just like my husband's previous life, my husband's family background was average when he was young, and he often went to the melon farmer's field with his childhood playmates to steal watermelons to eat.

At that time, even if the stolen watermelon was half-baked, it would be sweeter than honey for my husband to eat.

Later, when my husband grew up, even though my husband hadn't started a family yet, he was barely able to support himself. With the money in his hand, he could easily buy endless watermelons.

But Weifu can no longer find the taste of eating the watermelon he stole with those childhood playmates when he was young.

Watermelon is still watermelon, there is no difference in essence, some are just changes in mood.

So, the taste of stolen things will never be the same as that of bought things. "

Qinglian looked at Young Master Liu who was talking eloquently with a strange expression, and nodded with a half-smile.

"No wonder my husband, you go to places like brothels just to drink flowers and wine, and you never find the girls there to do bad things, instead, you sneak to Sister Chen Jie and Sister He Shu every now and then to be affectionate and lingering.

Is this the difference between spending money to buy love and stealing someone secretly?

If you like excitement, just say you like it. Why do you talk so much?Do you appear to be very knowledgeable?

What about different moods, what kind of mood, is this necessary? "

"Eh...these are two different things, why are they involved in Jie'er and Shu'er."

"Drinking your bar, you will know nonsense, and you will talk about things in your previous life. In your previous life, you were a fairy in the sky! Who knows the key things in your previous life? Will anyone believe me when I tell you about my body?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the beautiful woman's delicate expression pretending to be angry, smiled wryly and shook his head: "Summer insects can't speak ice, summer insects can't speak ice!
Good Lian'er, just treat your husband as nonsense.

Come on, with such a beautiful view, we and my wife have a good drink today. By the way, Lian Er, did you steal the cup while stealing the broad beans? "

Qinglian froze while eating broad beans, looked at her husband and shook her head with a sneer: "I forgot about this, but it doesn't matter if I don't have a cup.

After excluding your key identity as your husband, our husband and wife can be regarded as half-children of the world!

Since they are the sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes, they should be informal and just drink directly to the wine jar. It's not like they haven't drank like this before. Isn't it all drinking if there is a cup? "

Qinglian picked up the wine jar in Liu Mingzhi's hand with a smile, stood up and stepped on the stone bench with her lotus feet, raised her jade neck and gently opened her red lips, lifted the wine and poured it down.

After a few breaths, Qinglian held the wine jar and burped, gently placed the wine in front of Young Master Liu, and casually wiped the wine from the corners of her lips with her sleeve.

"Husband, it's your turn to drink."

Young Master Liu looked at the heroic figure of Qinglian Girls' High School in amazement, and silently gave a thumbs up.

"It's a pity, Lian'er, that you are wearing a light blue double-breasted skirt today. If you change it into a red corset, it really looks like Dongfang Bubai drinking."

"Huh? Who is Dongfang Bubai?"

"Hey, it's just a legendary character written by a gentleman. It doesn't matter if you say it or not, drink."

"Husband, don't drink so fast, eat some broad beans!"

"It's still Lian'er who knows how to be considerate to others. Marrying a wife is like this, what more can a husband ask for!"

Qinglian smiled triumphantly, grabbed a handful of broad beans and put them in Liu Mingzhi's hands, looking at the scenery outside the pavilion.

"Husband, do you still remember the poem that Sister Yun asked you to compose?"

"There are too many poems written for my husband. Which one do you say? The one about a flock of geese in the sky?"

"Of course it's not those poems that you deliberately babbled on, my husband, but birds flying in thousands of mountains, and people disappearing in ten thousand paths. I'm alone in a boat and hat, fishing for the snow in the cold river alone.

Husband, look at the boundless snow scene in front of you, isn't it appropriate to recite this poem? "

"It turned out to be this one. My husband vaguely remembers that I seem to have copied... I wrote this poem, but it was many years ago. If you don't mention it, Lian'er, my husband will almost forget it."

Liu Mingzhi carried the wine jar and got up and walked towards the steps of the gazebo, silently stopped on the steps and looked at the beautiful scenery in front of him: "As for whether this poem is very timely, I don't know my husband.

Because of the artistic conception in the poem, my husband has never experienced it from the beginning to the end.

But outside the long pavilion, beside the ancient road, the artistic conception of fragrant grass and green sky is deeply felt by the husband. "

Liu Mingzhi silently drank a few sips of wine, then turned to look at the endless official road in the north.

"18 years ago, when my husband first went to the Kingdom of Jin, the old man, mother, and Yun'er...they practiced for my husband in this ten-mile long pavilion, and sent my husband and the Dalong Mission to go outside the customs. He had friendly diplomatic relations with the court of the Kingdom of Jin when Wanyan was in power, and conducted border cross-market affairs.

17 years ago, Uncle Zhang Kuang returned to Northern Xinjiang, and he also practiced for him here as a husband.

16 years ago, my father visited the current Haijin Port in his incognito clothes and personally supervised the construction of the treasure ships and docks of the Dragon Fleet.

At the time when the eldest brother Li Baiyu was the crown prince supervising the country, soldiers and horses from the Western Regions suddenly jointly invaded the frontier, and his husband was ordered to serve as the governor of the six guards of the northern border. It is practiced here for my husband.

Twelve years ago, when my husband served as the governor of Yingzhou and Fuzhou in northern Xinjiang, the eldest brother Li Baiyu gave him a willow here.

Five years ago, my husband sent Li Ye to live in seclusion in the mountains. Although my husband sent him to the east of the city, I came here specially to break a wicker.

In the blink of an eye, our husband and wife have known each other for 20 years, and Yiyi, Feifei, and Chengfeng are all 19 years old.

We met when my husband was 19 years old, but now my husband is 39 years old.

Since becoming an official in Beijing, he has traveled here and there for many years. This inconspicuous little ten-mile long pavilion has witnessed eighteen years of being a husband!

Father Huang worked hard all his life, and died at the age of 51.

My husband is 39 this year, do you think my husband can survive to the age of my father? "

(End of this chapter)

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