My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2494 The gentleman's luster, exhausted in 5 generations

Chapter 2494 The gentleman's luster will be exhausted for five generations
After his son Liu Chengzhi left the study, First Young Master Liu walked to the window and gently pushed the window open a gap.

After stopping at the window, First Young Master Liu looked at Liu Chengzhi who walked obediently to the courtyard outside the study and knelt silently through the window, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

After silently staring at Liu Chengzhi who was kneeling in the courtyard with a firm expression for a long time, Young Master Liu silently turned around, walked to the chair and sat down, picked up the book just now and read it again.

"This child is good everywhere, but he still lacks tempering."

Muttering a word to himself, Liu Mingzhi once again immersed himself in the contents of the book in his hand, as if he had forgotten Liu Chengzhi who was kneeling outside the study in the cold night.

One stick of incense, two sticks of incense, or more time passed, there was another knock on the door in the study, and Qi Yun's soft voice sounded outside the door.

"Husband, is it convenient for me to come in?"

Liu Mingzhi withdrew his attention from the book, and glanced at the door without any surprise.

"Yun'er, come in."

"it is good."

Qi Yun responded softly, and walked into the study with a tray in her hand.

"Husband, this time you came back and didn't even eat dinner, so you plunged into the study. I prepared some pastries and longan porridge for you and brought them over to fill your stomach."

Liu Mingzhi put down the book and got up to meet him, took the tray from Qi Yun's hand and walked towards the table next to the stove.

"My husband is not hungry yet! Otherwise, if you don't come to see your husband off, you will tell the servant girl to prepare it yourself.

Come on, sit down and keep warm, it's cold outside, isn't it? "

Qi Yun smiled sweetly, nodded with a faint smile and sat on the stool beside Liu Mingzhi.

"Husband, even if you are not hungry, you can still eat a little bit, can you still support you?

This is the wish of the concubine, you can't let the concubine down, right? "

Liu Mingzhi listened to Qi Yun's coquettish words, and smiled lightly towards the steaming longan porridge.

"Okay, okay, in order to live up to Yun'er's intentions, is it okay to eat for my husband? But you have to let my husband wait for the porridge to cool before drinking it. If you drink it now, my husband may not even be able to talk. "

Qi Yun turned her head to look at the longan porridge just out of the pot, and patted her forehead in embarrassment.

"The concubine is negligent, can't the concubine be negligent?"

Young Master Liu picked up the tongs and fiddled with the burning coal balls in the stove a few times, then put the tongs back to the original place, and then put the copper pot with cold water on it.

Young Master Liu patted his palms a few times, walked behind Qi Yun and hugged the beautiful woman's slender and somewhat plump willow waist, with a little force, he hugged the beautiful woman onto his lap and sat down astride her.

Under the gaze of Qi Yun's shy and infinitely soft and charming eyes, Liu Mingzhi grabbed the beauty's slightly cool jade hands and put them into his arms, nodded slightly and kissed and sucked deeply on Qi Yun's cherry lips for a while.

Looking at Qi Yunchun's watery, charming and blurred eyes, Liu Mingzhi gently walked up and down Qi Yun's willow waist with both hands, and asked with a faint smile: "Tell me, which maid who passed by the study gave Yun'er you A tip-off?"

Qi Yun's phoenix eyes flickered for a moment, and she lowered her head with a smirk: "What are you doing to tell the news, why are you talking so badly? I heard that my son was punished, why don't I come and see what's going on?"

"Okay, of course, Yun'er, just wait and see, not only you, Sister Ya and the others will definitely come here one after another to intercede for my husband and Chengzhi in a short while.

If you don't want to be disturbed again and again for a while, my husband must clean up you, this annoying female fairy, right now. "

Qi Yun pulled out her warmed hands, and angrily beat Young Master Liu on the shoulder: "You are the goblin! And you are a goblin with a heart.

Husband, what is going on with Cheng Zhi?After you came back, I didn't hear any noise, nor did I hear the news that Cheng Zhi and the others were causing trouble outside again. Why do you let him kneel outside to be punished?

It's freezing outside now, can't you feel sorry for the child? "

"He didn't make any mistakes, and he didn't cause any troubles. As a husband, he just wanted to temper his character.

This child is eighteen years old this year, and he is not too young. It is time to train him well. "

"But... There are many ways to temper your mind, why do you have to use this method? Even if you let him kneel in the house, it is better than kneeling in the cold wind blowing yard!

If you accidentally catch a cold, I will see how you end up.

Besides, there must be a reason for tempering xinxing, right?How did you tell Cheng Zhi? "

Liu Mingzhi pondered for a while, and directly told Qi Yun about the content of the conversation between himself and his son just now.

After Qi Yun finished listening, the delicate body that was softly sitting on Young Master Liu straightened up involuntarily, her phoenix eyes looked down at Young Master Liu tightly, her face showing a faint nervousness.

How deep the relationship between his son Liu Chengzhi and his future daughter-in-law Li Jingyao is, Liu Mingzhi, an old man who goes out all the year round to set up a stall and tell fortunes, is not very clear, but his own mother is very clear about it!

Although the two children have not officially married for the time being, it is not an exaggeration to say that the current relationship between the two children is like glue.

If what the husband said just now is true, Qi Yun can't imagine what kind of blow it will be to his son if he intends to separate this pair of lovers alive.

Therefore, because she was worried about her son, Qi Yun didn't have time to think carefully about the meaning of her husband's words, so she asked her own questions in a disordered manner.

"Husband, you don't really want to go back on the marriage between Chengzhi and Jingyao, do you?"

Looking at Qi Yun's pretty nervous face, Liu Mingzhi couldn't help but burst out laughing, this silly lady really cares about her but is confused, isn't what she said just now not clear enough?
"Silly lady, what are you thinking? My husband is 1 satisfied with Jingyao, his future daughter-in-law. The reason why I said that to this child, Cheng Zhi, is to see how this child's mind is."

Qi Yun breathed a sigh of relief, her tense heart gradually calmed down, and she patted her proud mountain and nodded her head.

"That's good, that's good, husband, if you really break up the marriage of these two children abruptly, I don't know what will happen to Cheng Zhi, but I will definitely blame you on my side.

And Sister He Shu will definitely blame you, I can see it from myself, don't look at Sister He Shu who is gentle and considerate on weekdays, she is a good woman who is knowledgeable and understanding, but if you really let her down, In the end, you are the one who suffers. "

"Silly lady, don't worry, my husband is only 39 years old this year, and he hasn't reached the age of old fools!
As the saying goes, Dao would rather destroy ten temples than destroy a single relationship. This is true for outsiders, let alone for the husband's own son?As a husband, he is not so confused as to do such a thing of beating mandarin ducks. "

Qi Yun angrily stretched out her slender fingers to caress the soft flesh on Liu Dashao's waist: "It's good that you know, but next time I say hello to my concubine before doing this kind of thing again, so I won't be so concubine." I don't know who I am, so I worry about it.

On the way to your study, the concubine was almost out of his mind, and he didn't think about what trouble Cheng Zhi got into today, so that you made him kneel outside the study.

The concubine is exhausted enough to be busy every day, can't you be considerate of the concubine? "

"Yes, yes, I made a mistake for my husband. Isn't it okay for my husband to make a mistake? Isn't it okay to compensate Yun'er for my husband after I finish my work and go back?"

Qi Yun's delicate face was immediately stained with a layer of blush, she turned ashamed and gave Young Master Liu a look and murmured softly.

"Bad husband."

"Hahaha, the husband is not bad, but the lady doesn't love it!"

"Then Chengzhi, has this child passed your husband's test?"

Liu Mingzhi stared deeply for a moment, the words Liu Chengzhi said when he refuted him not long ago echoed in his mind, he looked down at Qi Yun who was curious and smiled lightly.

No nod, no denial.

"The sage said: The brilliance of a gentleman will be exhausted in five lifetimes. You don't need to explain the meaning of this sentence. Yun'er, you have read poetry and books, and you should understand the meaning."

"Of course I understand what it means."

"So, in order to avoid this kind of thing from happening, I have to think again as a husband. Rushing some things will only backfire.

Let Weifu think about it carefully. "

Qi Yun watched her husband staring at the candlelight in front of him with deep eyes, and nodded obediently.

"Well! We are still young, and we will have time and opportunities to think about it slowly in the future. No matter what decision the husband makes, the concubine is willing to follow the husband and wife."

Just after Qi Yun's words fell, there was another knock on the door, and Qinglian's voice sounded outside the door.

"Husband, I am here to bring you some food, is it convenient for you now?"

Young Master Liu raised his brows, looked at Qi Yun who hurriedly got up and straightened his robes with a smile, and said softly, "Look, my husband knows that you have to form a group to intercede for this brat."

Qi Yun gave First Young Master Liu a charming look, and walked towards the door with a smile: "Sister Lian'er, come in."

Qinglian pushed the door open and walked in, blinked at Qi Yun who was coming, and walked towards First Young Master Liu with a tray.

"Husband, you didn't have dinner after you came back, so I came here to bring you some food and wine."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the two dishes of side dishes and a pot of wine on the tray, and shook his head helplessly: "Okay, don't put on a pretense and come to test your husband's tone one by one.

Let Sister Ya, Wanyan, Qingshi, Bizhu, Yunyao... Lingyi and the others come in together.

Each of you eats the same food, and you can't finish it even if your husband dies, let Liu Song let him share it with the servants in the front yard, just come in directly. "

Qinglian looked at Young Master Liu as if she saw through everything, and smiled bitterly on her pretty face, then turned her head and looked at Qi Yun secretly.

Qi Yun felt the good sister's gaze, smiled wryly and shrugged her shoulders.

(End of this chapter)

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