My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2495 Auspicious Day

Chapter 2495 Auspicious Day
Qinglian understood from her good sister Qi Yun's helpless expression that her husband had already seen the little Jiujiu of her good sister and others.

"Husband, the concubine sisters are afraid that you will be hungry if you don't eat dinner. What do you think of the concubine sisters by saying this? The concubine sisters came here because they were worried about your health!"

Young Master Liu looked at Qinglian who was still struggling to make excuses, and shook his head helplessly: "Okay, if you continue acting, the show will be over, let them all come in.

It's so cold outside, if it gets cold again, won't it be my husband who will feel distressed in the end?go quickly! "

Qinglian was finally sure that her husband had really seen through Xiao Jiujiu of her sisters and others, she wrinkled Qiong's nose with a playful smile, turned around and walked out the door with a coquettish snort.

A moment later, a large group of beauties with their own merits, thin and fat, followed Qinglian into the study with strange expressions.

All the beauties looked at each other with embarrassing faces, and then looked at Qi Yun, who stood aside with a delicate face and a sense of helplessness.

Young Master Liu got up angrily and walked to the door, first glanced at Liu Chengzhi who was kneeling in the courtyard, and directly closed the door against the cold wind.

"Okay, stop winking at each other, find a place to sit down and keep warm by yourself, all of them are like ignorant children, who don't know how to cherish their bodies.

The purpose of your coming is clear to you both in your own hearts and in your husband's heart. As for the reason why this kid Cheng Zhi is kneeling outside, let Yun'er explain it to you.

Let's fill my stomach first for my husband. "

After finishing speaking, First Young Master Liu walked towards the table next to the stove, picked up the chopsticks and ate the food and wine in front of him.

Seeing this, all the beauties hurriedly surrounded Qi Yun and started whispering.

After the food and drinks in front of Major General Liu were swept away, Qi Yun also explained to the sisters the specific reason why Liu Chengzhi was punished to kneel outside.

After all the girls knew the truth, they looked angrily at Young Master Liu, who was drinking wine like everyone else, and surrounded him.

"Husband, how can you do this? Chengzhi is still so young, and his mind is not yet strong, what if he takes what you said seriously?"

"That's right. How can a father cheat his son so much? Husband, what you did this time is really too much."

"It's my husband's fault that I'm also on Chengzhi's side."


All the beauties condemned First Young Master Liu with one word at a time, and defended his son Liu Chengzhi one after another.

Half of the girls watched Liu Chengzhi gradually grow up. Although Liu Chengzhi was not born by himself except Qi Yun, but because of the excellent relationship between the sisters, a group of beauties treated all the children under their knees. They all treat each other as their own, regardless of each other.

Now that they heard that their son was punished for such an unwarranted crime, how could they let Young Master Liu go easily.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the looks of all the beauties angry and coquettish, took out a handkerchief and wiped the leftovers from the corner of his mouth.

"Is eighteen still young? Lian'er was already pregnant with Liujia when you were.

My husband does not deny that children will always be children in our eyes, but we can't make them unable to bear any setbacks just because of the word "children", right?
As a man and a man, it is for his own good to suffer a little bit, and you are a bit like a loving mother and a loser. "

The pretty faces of all the girls froze, and they all lowered their heads in embarrassment. After knowing the cause and effect from Qi Yun's mouth, all the girls also knew that it was indeed their sisters who made a big fuss.

Seeing the embarrassing reactions of the ladies, Liu Mingzhi turned his head slightly and glanced at the candle on the desk, looking at the half of the candle left. Liu Mingzhi bent down and picked up the tongs to continue fiddling with the stove in front of him.

"Call Cheng Zhi in."

Qi Yun's pretty face was filled with joy, and she couldn't wait to trot out of the study.

"Baby pay respects to father, respect to mother, respect to all aunts."

Young Master Liu carefully replaced the briquettes in the stove without saying anything, but all the beauties hurriedly signaled Liu Chengzhi to stand up without courtesy.

Young Master Liu put down the tongs, picked up the teacup and poured the tea in the cup onto the steaming briquettes.

"Have you thought about it? You still have one last chance to speak out your decision. Do you agree with the decision of being a father, or stick to your own opinion?"

Listening to his father's extremely calm words, Liu Chengzhi swallowed a few times and subconsciously looked at his mother and the aunts.

"You don't need to look at your mother and your aunts, my father has already told you not long ago, the decision I made is useless to any of them, even if your grandparents come.

Tell me, what's your final decision?You only have one last chance, and my father hopes that you can make good use of it. "

After listening to his father's words, Liu Chengzhi first looked at the expressions of his mother and aunts, and saw the helpless expressions on their faces. Liu Chengzhi was silent for about a cup of tea.

"'s still the original answer. If you can't come up with a suitable reason, please forgive me for being difficult to obey."

Liu Mingzhi silently inserted the poker in his hand, raised his hand and rubbed his brows, and looked at the roof of the study for a long time.

"For my father, I sent someone to look at it. This year, the ninth day of May, the sixth day of June, the [-]th day of August, and the [-]th day of October are all auspicious days.

Which day do you think is more suitable to marry this girl Jingyao? "

"Baby is not filial. If you know this kind of answer, daddy... huh? Marry... marry Jingyao?"

"What? You don't want to? If you don't want to, then forget it. It's because my father didn't say it."

Qi Yun looked at the stunned son who was staring at her husband, and hastily stretched out her hand to push Liu Chengzhi's shoulder.

"Silly boy, why are you so dazed? Why don't you hurry up and thank your father!"

Liu Chengzhi came to his senses, and with an excited plop, he knelt down behind Young Master Liu: "Thank you, Dad, thank you, Dad, for making my marriage with Jingyao possible."

"The ninth day of May, the sixth day of June, the [-]th day of August, and the eighteenth day of April, you can choose one of these four auspicious days. It's up to you to decide which day you get married."

Liu Chengzhi pondered for a moment with a thoughtful expression on his face: "August [-]th will be fine."

Young Master Liu turned around and looked at Liu Chengzhi with a surprised expression: "Oh? Why didn't you choose the first two days? Aren't you in a hurry to marry Jingyao?"

", don't you know what Jingyao is thinking? I have to choose a relatively good and auspicious day first.

If Jingyao has no objections, it is not impossible to advance the wedding date. Doesn't it all depend on what father, you and Aunt He Shu want? "

Young Master Liu nodded thoughtfully, waved to the beauties, turned around and walked out of the study.

"There are seven books No.20 on the third floor of the bookshelf. You should take them home and study them carefully. After a while, I will take time to teach you the contents of the books for my father.

As for the wedding, Jingyao has her own father to handle it for you.

After picking up the book, go back early and rest. "

"Yes, my boy, thank you Daddy!"

(End of this chapter)

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