Chapter 2496
Liu Mingzhi and the others were chatting and laughing about the marriage between the two children, Liu Chengzhi and Li Jingyao, and gradually walked out of the courtyard of the study.

A group of beauties saluted their husband together, said good-bye, and then dispersed towards their respective courtyards.

"Wanyan, don't go back in a hurry, I want to talk to you about some small things for my husband."

Empress Lianbu stopped and turned around to look at First Young Master Liu with a puzzled expression. Under the ambiguous eyes of all the sisters, Empress Shengyan gradually became hot and bright red, obviously thinking of something unhealthy.

Thinking about it, the night has already been quiet for a long time, and it's time to go to bed and rest. The reason why the husband left a sister is obviously Sima Zhaozhi's heart, and it's hard to think about it or not!
The queen avoided the ambiguous gazes of the sisters, raised her hand and pretended to caress her slightly warm cheeks inadvertently, and walked towards First Young Master Liu with a smile like a flower.

"What's the matter? If you want to say it, say it quickly."

"Why is it so early? It won't be too late when Lian'er and the others go back."

Young Master Liu's words made all the beauties chuckle softly, they turned their heads and gave the Queen a narrow look, and deliberately quickened their pace of departure.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the embarrassment blushing on the empress's beautiful face, and couldn't help but feel a little surprised. When the empress stopped in front of him, Young Master Liu felt the light in the empress's bright eyes reflecting the lights in the corridor. The infinite shyness suddenly tightened in my heart.

Didn't you just feed the day before yesterday?It's only been a day, why do you want to look at this young master again?It was as if he wanted to eat this young master right away.

Young Master Liu couldn't help swallowing a few times, he really wanted to tell the Queen, bluntly said that you are thinking wrong, because my husband asked you to stay, there is really something I want to talk to you about.

instead of wanting to do something with you

After the beautiful figures of all the beauties disappeared one after another, Young Master Liu stretched out his hand and pointed in the direction of the garden in the inner courtyard.

"Honestly, let's go to the garden first, and talk while walking."

Empress Shengyan was startled, she turned her head and looked around for a while, silently leaning towards First Young Master Liu, her slender arms naturally wrapped around Liu Mingzhi's and asked in a low voice.

"Without conscience, is it too cold to be in the garden in this weather? Why don't we go back to the room? If you really want to be in the garden, at least you have to go back and get a big cloak to spread."

The corner of Young Master Liu's mouth twitched, he reached out and grabbed Empress Zhu Yuanyurun's earlobe and twisted it.

"What are you thinking? Husband really has business to talk to you about."

The empress's delicate face froze, and she turned her head to look at Young Master Liu's serious and helpless eyes, and hurriedly let go of her arms around Young Young Master Liu's arms, covered her cherry lips and coughed a few times.

"Whispering...Of course I know that you want to talk to me about something serious, but it's already late at night, and the cold wind is blowing non-stop. When I came out, I was too anxious to wear some frivolous clothes. I wanted to go back and get a big cloak Is there a problem?"

Young Master Liu looked at the empress' embarrassment and embarrassment, laughed a few times, took off his cloak and put it on the empress, took the empress's bright wrist and walked towards the garden in the inner courtyard.

The queen glanced down at the cloak wrapped around her graceful and delicate body, her heart was as sweet as honey, but her mouth spoke vigorously: "You gave the cloak to Wan Yan, what do you wear yourself? My body is more important than yours Isn't it important?"

"Now the two of us only have this big cloak. Of course I will put it on for you. It's nothing to blow some cold wind on your rough skin. I can say that you are a beautiful woman with thin skin and tender flesh. If I give you It's freezing, it's more uncomfortable for my husband than being frozen myself!"

"Poor mouth! You know what to say!"

"Words from the bottom of my heart!"

With a coquettish snort, the empress intentionally staggered the steps between herself and First Young Master Liu, and threw herself directly on Young Young Master Liu's back, ripping off the cloak on her body and wrapping herself and First Young Master Liu around their bodies.

The empress's slender arms pulled the cloak around Liu Mingzhi's neck, and tightly pressed the two of them together, her chin gently resting on Young Master Liu's shoulder.

"Without conscience, don't say bluntly that I don't know how much I love you. Let's wear this big cloak together, but you will be a little tired."

First Young Master Liu turned his head to look at the beautiful woman behind him, wrapped his arms around the empress's round and strong jade legs, lifted them up slightly, and happily walked towards the garden.

"You! You're still the same as before. If you feel sorry for your husband, you will feel sorry for your husband. Why do you say so many words of explanation?
Does my husband still not know what kind of person you are?Silly to put it bluntly! "

When the empress heard Young Master Liu's soft tone, her pretty face, which was pretending to be reserved, suddenly relaxed, and she put her side face directly next to Young Master Liu's ear, gently rubbing it.

"Compared to the past, has the politeness changed a lot?"

"Yeah, a lot has changed."

"Nineteen years ago, when we first met in Jinling City, you were not what you are now. At that time, you bluntly said that you were full of arrogance, giving people a cold feeling that strangers should not enter.

But now you are more like a little wife who is married and obeys her husband. Although she plays a little bit of temper occasionally, she puts all her heart on family affairs. "

"Aren't you a villain who is too hateful? After the first meeting, I grabbed Wanyan's baby feeding place before I got to know him well.

If that incident hadn't happened, even if we would meet in the future, there wouldn't be subsequent incidents happening one after another.

At that time, you really gritted your teeth so hateful, don't you know what an innocent body means to a woman who has not yet left the cabinet?

If it wasn't because your Liu family was too powerful and Wanyan encountered obstacles everywhere in Dalong's territory, maybe Wanyan would have eliminated you long ago.

I was thinking of revenge for a gentleman, ten years is not too late.

But Wanyan didn't expect that when you later went to the Kingdom of Jin, Wanyan not only failed to take revenge, but even developed a more inseparable and inseparable relationship with you. "

"Young and frivolous, young and frivolous! Let's stop talking about these old things, my husband wants to know, do you really think about it?
To put your intelligence to good use, you should know what question your husband is asking. "

The empress was silent for a long time, and sighed faintly: "The polite words in the past may not be appreciated, but the polite words are now.

Wanyan figured it out a long time ago, Wanyan shouldn't impose her obsessions and ideas on Yue'er.

To whom do you intend to pass the throne to in the future, I think you already have a rough plan in your heart.

If Yue'er is lucky enough to inherit the throne, Wanyan will definitely be happy, after all, she will help Wanyan fulfill Wanyan's long-cherished wish for many years.

If Yue'er really doesn't have that fate, she won't be depressed bluntly.Something will occur if it belongs to your life, if not, do not push it.

It's like no one thought that one day you, the unconscionable you, would eventually rule the world.

Time is fate, and some things really cannot be forced.

Of course, I said these things bluntly because I know better in my heart that you are a person who will not be influenced by others.

You have made a decision yourself, and you can't change it if you want to change it bluntly.

That being the case, why should blunt words increase troubles in vain?As for who you plan to inherit the throne in the future, you can only let it go. "

"Sigh, it's easy to know people, but hard to know them. To put it bluntly, you can see this, and I, Liu Mingzhi, have not worked hard in vain.

Before you went to the study, my husband had already told Yun'er that the brilliance of a gentleman will be exhausted for five lifetimes. There are some things, let my husband think about it.

The girl Yue'er seemed to be making trouble for her husband all day long, making her husband furious, but in fact this girl was the child who saved her husband the most trouble.

Because this girl with seven apertures and exquisite heart is very clear about what she wants, what she does for and what her purpose is.

In this regard, Yiyi, Feifei, Chengfeng, Chengzhi, Yaoyao...the grown-up children of their brothers and sisters are not as good as Yue'er.

But the girl Yue'er always pretended to be ignorant for my husband, me.

Let me tell you something that you might not like to hear, Cheng Zhi is the best candidate to inherit the throne, but Yue'er is the most suitable candidate to inherit the throne.

However, this child Yue'er... oh... the husband is also hesitant!

Wait any longer!Wait any longer! "

"These are your own business, but no matter what your decision is, I fully respect your opinion.

If it was in the past, Wanyan definitely wouldn't think so, but who made the world go from one moment to another? "

"Yeah, who made the world go from one moment to another... Hey... Hey... What are you doing with your husband's belt?"

"In the dead of night, everything is silent, lonely men and widows together, what do you think my mother wants to do?"

"It's not... the cold wind blows you... um..."

Spring is here, and the music of spring gradually reverberates in the inner courtyard garden of Liu Mansion, where no one pays attention to it because of the dead of night.

(End of this chapter)

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