Chapter 2497
In the early morning of the next day, Liu Mingzhi, who was in good spirits, carried the hot water brought by his maid and walked towards the back of the screen, and shouted loudly when he saw the two mermaids who were sleeping soundly huddled in the brocade quilt.

"Yun'er, to put it bluntly, if you don't get up again, the sun will soon dry your ass."

The blue hair in the brocade quilt was messy, and the two beauties whose pink cheeks still had the lingering charm heard Young Master Liu's noisy voice, turned over sullenly and shrank directly into the soft quilt.

"Husband, I haven't woken up yet! Husband, you should wash up first, and when I have enough sleep, I will naturally wake up."

"Be quiet, if you annoy the old lady, the old lady will castrate you directly."

Listening to the angry words of the two beauties on the bed, First Young Master Liu shrugged helplessly and proudly, and walked towards the washing rack with hot water.

Qi Yun, the empress and the other two sisters, because of their internal energy, after a night of love, instead of making young master Liu feel physically and mentally exhausted after practicing Yin-Yang Hehe Great Compassion Fu, it made him a little more energetic, and the true energy in his body became stronger. It's a lot more refined.

For this, Liu Mingzhi has no other thoughts except to be sincerely grateful for helping him to break through the realm of hearing about the old man of Renzheng.

Recalling the miserable days when I was caught between many women when I didn't break through the fourth layer of Yin-Yang Harmony and Great Compassion Fu, Young Master Liu triumphantly sighed secretly that Feng Shui turns, stretched his arms and began to wash stand up.

Not long after, Liu Mingzhi put on a light white Confucian robe, and slowly walked towards the bed with a playful expression.

"Yun'er, to put it bluntly, I'm going out first for my husband, and you two will continue to rest."

"Oh, I see."


Hearing the moaning and chirping voices of the two girls, Young Master Liu left Qi Yun's boudoir contentedly, and let you bother to be husbands before, but now you know what it's like to be sleepy and tired.

After leaving the mansion, Young Master Liu rushed directly to Li Jingyao's Princess Mansion with a clear goal. Young Master Liu stopped outside the Princess Mansion and looked around instinctively, then raised his hand and knocked on the mansion door a few times.

"I have seen Mr. Liu, please come in."

"The old housekeeper is here."

"Don't dare, the empress dowager and the princess are having breakfast in the main hall now, it's inconvenient for me to accompany you in, sir, please."

Liu Mingzhi nodded to the old housekeeper of the Princess Mansion, and hurried towards the inner courtyard of the Princess Mansion with ease.

Young Master Liu looked at He Shu who was talking and laughing in the main hall, and Li Jingyao's mother and daughter coughed a few times, reminding them of their arrival.

"Shu'er, girl Jingyao."

The mother and daughter who were drinking porridge were stunned for a moment when they heard the sound of coughing, and then heard Young Master Liu's voice, and subconsciously looked outside the hall.

When they saw First Young Master Liu walking towards the main hall, the mother and daughter hurriedly put down the porridge bowls in their hands and came out to meet him.

"My son, Li Jingyao, has seen my uncle, and my uncle is well."

"My concubine has met my husband, why did you come here so early in the morning? Is there something wrong?"

Looking at the completely different reactions of the mother and daughter, Young Master Liu happily walked towards the main hall.

"Don't be too polite, it's cold outside, let's talk in the hall."

"Yes, uncle first."

Liu Mingzhi casually found a chair and sat down, looking at He Shu who was following behind, Li Jingyao and her daughter pointed to the chair beside them.

"Sit down and just eat and drink, don't worry about me."

He Shu sat back to his original position gently, looked at Young Master Liu, pointed to the cage on the table and asked, "The buns prepared by the servants, our mother and I are full after eating only one bun. Download a lot!
Did you eat at home before you came?If you haven't eaten, eat here. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded without hesitation, reached out to pick up a bun from the cage drawer, and sent it to his mouth.

"It's too early, I really haven't had time to eat at home!"

He Shu looked at Young Master Liu who was gobbling up without grace and shook his head helplessly with a pretty face, and put the millet porridge that he had only drank two mouthfuls in front of Young Master Liu.

"Eat slowly, drink some millet porridge and send it down, don't choke."

"You don't drink anymore?"

"There's more in the kitchen! I'll just fill another bowl in a while."

Although Li Jingyao already knew about the private relationship between her concubine and her uncle, she still felt a little awkward seeing the unusually intimate behavior of her concubine He Shu and uncle Liu Mingzhi in front of her.

"Mother, you continue to talk with uncle, my son will go to the backyard to serve you porridge."

"Uncle, sit down with mother for a while, Yao'er will come back as soon as she goes."

He Shu looked at the beautiful figure of his daughter hurrying towards the courtyard, and looked at Liu Mingzhi with a complicated expression and sighed.

"Jingyao is still a little uncomfortable with the private relationship between the two of us, don't take it to heart."

"It's okay, it's okay, as a husband, I definitely won't take it to heart, let alone Jingyao, won't our second boy react the same as Jingyao did when he saw you?
I always feel that it is difficult for my future mother-in-law to become my aunt in an instant.

Some things should not be rushed, just give the children some time to adapt.

This is something that can't be helped, we can't make us become in-laws who are strangers in order to fulfill the two of them, right?
In the same way, in order to fulfill the two of us, we can't break up the marriage between these two children.

In this case, there is only a slow running-in.

After the two children get married, just get used to calling them.

As long as the seniority is not chaotic, the husband is relatively open-minded in this regard. "

As soon as Young Master Liu's words fell, He Shu directly vetoed it.

"No. You have to follow the rules, how can you get used to how to call it!"

Liu Mingzhi took a sip of the warm millet porridge and looked at He Shu in surprise: "Then what do you call Shu'er?"

"After the two children got married, Chengzhi called my concubine mother-in-law, and Jingyao called you father-in-law. We can't break the ethical rules because of the two of us.

After all, the things between us are only known to our own family, but not to outsiders. If two children call us each other casually, spreading the word will have a great impact on your reputation.

Don't forget that you are in today's world. If the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty know about our relationship, and finally spread it to the people, I don't know what kind of rumors will be caused.

In this way, what is the face of you today?

The concubine is not afraid of being criticized behind her back, but she has to think about your face.

It's okay if we are ordinary people, no one will care about the little things in the family like us, but you are not the head of the family of ordinary people, and the concubine is not an ordinary widow.

There are some things that I am content with knowing what you want, but you still have to pay attention to it.

You now have a very good reputation in the eyes of the people all over the world, and you are the Mingjun of the prosperous age praised by thousands of people. I don't want to shame your face because of my own affairs with my sister.

This is not only the concubine's meaning, but also the sister's meaning.

As long as Jingyao and Chengzhi can live in harmony and love each other after they get married, the concubine sisters don't care about those so-called status at all.

Husband, you have to listen to my concubine in these matters, and don't act on your will.

After all, words are scary!
Once things get serious, not only will my sister, you and I lose face, but Chengzhi, Jingyao and Lianniang will also be persecuted by gossip in the future.

It doesn't matter what you do in private, you must maintain your majesty as the king of a country on the surface.

Your face is also the majesty of the Great Dragon Dynasty, no matter what you can't ignore it. "

Liu Mingzhi drank the millet porridge thoroughly, put down the porridge bowl in his hand and sighed with regret.

"My husband understands what you and Jie'er are thinking, but I don't want to wrong you two sisters, and I don't care about some things at all.

After all, what notoriety and infamy can compare to raising troops to rebel and seeking power to usurp the throne?

I don't care about these nicknames, and I don't care about the others. "

(End of this chapter)

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