Chapter 2498
After hearing Liu Mingzhi's frank and straightforward words, He Shu was silent for a long time, intertwined with moved and tangled expressions on his charming and pretty face.

Wei Wei got up and leaned her waist, picked up a bun with chopsticks and put it in Liu Mingzhi's hand, He Shu sighed softly.

"You don't have to care about your reputation among the people, and my concubine and sister Jie don't have to care about these reputations in order to stay with you until old age.

But we have to think about the children, right?The concubine does not hope that one day the children will be burdened by their reputation because of us.

Chengzhi, Jingyao, Tao'er, Zhiyao, and Lianiang are the first to bear the brunt, followed by Yiyi, Chengfeng... Yunxin, Keke and their children will also be affected.

We'll be done in a hundred years, but what about the children?
The concubine is still the same sentence just now, the three of you and I are not ordinary people who are not paid attention to, especially you, you are now the emperor of the emperor and the king of the country, not only the eyes of the civil and military officials of the court are always watching Staring at you, the people all over the world are also staring at you all the time.

Your words and deeds are all related to the court's face.

Aren't you afraid that the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty and the people of the world will follow our actions after knowing our affairs?
In this way, rituals and music collapse, and there are always mistakes in the outline.

Who knows what bad things might happen?What kind of mess will it leave for the children?
Furthermore, it is still a child's problem. As parents, we have to think about it for the children. "

Listening to He Shuyu's earnest words of advice, Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly and fell silent.

Maybe Shu Er is right, because she thinks things too simply.

I habitually look at the affairs of my family as the head of the family, but selectively ignore my status as the current king of the country.

I don't need to care about the names in the history books before and after, but I have to think about the children below.

If the matter between me and Shu'er, Jie'er and the other two sisters were revealed to the world, then I don't know how many caring people will make a big fuss about it.

It's hard to stop the mouths of people all over the world!
However, it would be too unfair to the two sisters if they kept maintaining such an adulterous relationship with Chen Jie and the others.

Is there really no perfect solution?
How can I make the relationship between the two sisters and myself justifiable and public?
It would definitely not work if you came forward to tell the world, after all, your identity is too sensitive.

It is easy to be exploited by caring people, leaving criticism.

First Young Master Liu squinted his eyes for a long time and pondered for a long time, and suddenly his eyes lit up. He thought of a person who could handle this matter perfectly.

That is, now living alone in the deep palace, the ancient Buddha of Qingdeng accompanied his mother, Nangong Meng, as long as she came forward to act as a matchmaker, then the matter between himself and Chen Jie and He Shu could be put in front of the world in a legitimate way.

He had already thought of the solution, but Liu Mingzhi frowned tightly when he thought of the attitude of his mother, Nangong Meng, who had always rejected him over the years.

If he wanted to persuade Nangong Meng to come forward to help him, he had to start with Yan'er, and only if she helped him, would he have the greatest chance of being able to persuade his mother, Nangong Meng, to help him.

If even Yan'er's appearance is useless, you can also try to start from the clan's mansion, as long as you arrange it properly, you can achieve the effect of Nangong Meng's appearance.

It's just that compared to asking Nangong Meng to come forward, starting from the clan's mansion is relatively more troublesome.

It seems that this matter has to be discussed in the long run, and we must be prepared!

But now that there is a solution, the troubles I face are greatly reduced.

Young Master Liu couldn't help but smile when he solved one of his heart problems, and turned his head to look at He Shu, who was slightly frowning, with a smile. The buns began to feast on.

He Shu instinctively covered his red lips, and was about to scold Young Master Liu to pay attention to the situation in a low voice, when he saw Young Master Liu wipe out a big meat bun, and swallowed the words that had reached his mouth went back.

"Eat slowly, don't choke, there are so many buns left, why are you in a hurry."

Young Master Liu glanced at He Shu's exquisite and delicate body with a smile and smiled.

"I thought of a happy thing for my husband, and I suddenly felt my appetite whetted, don't worry, such a big bun won't choke my husband.

After all, the buns that are much bigger than this are not eaten less by your husband, no, you have already gained a wealth of experience.

If you are afraid that your husband will choke, you can go to the boudoir later and let him get to know you better. "

He Shu was stunned for a moment, followed Young Master Liu's gaze and lowered his head to look at his proud chest, and immediately understood the meaning of Young Master Liu's words.

With a reddish face, He Shu hurriedly glanced at the maid who was not far away, and glared at First Young Master Liu with an angry pretty face: "Bah, those who talk nonsense in broad daylight are not afraid of being heard by the maid.

By the way, just talking about some useless topics, you haven't told me why you came here so early in the morning!

Is there anything I need my help with? "

Liu Mingzhi wiped out the buns in his hand with a big gulp, and belched without grace.

"That's right, you didn't say that my husband almost forgot what you were here for, and that my husband came early in the morning to discuss with you about the marriage of Cheng Zhi and Jingyao.

If you and girl Jingyao have no objections, Wei Fuke will arrange for the people from the Ministry of Rites to prepare the three-match six-hire matter.

My husband plans to let the two children complete the marriage contract made many years ago this year, and let them get married as soon as possible.

It's okay, but it's a matter of our hearts.

If the father and the eldest brother are alive, seeing Jingyao and Chengzhi finally reunited and happily married Yaner, Jiuquan will probably be smiling.

Not long ago, I found someone for my husband to calculate the auspicious dates for this year's auspicious days, and selected four auspicious days in total. Cheng Zhi chose the [-]th day of the eighth month.

However, this is only a tentative date. If girl Jingyao is not satisfied with August [-]th, the date can be advanced or postponed for a period of time. There is no problem with these.

This point of husband is quite open-minded. As for the specific day when the two children get married, it depends on the two of them. The husband fully respects the decision they negotiated.

This is the general idea of ​​the husband at present, I wonder what you think of Shu'er? "

He Shu was stunned for a moment, then nodded hurriedly: "Of course there is no problem with the concubine, just listen to your husband's decision."

"That's good, that's good, then it depends on what girl Jingyao wants, if she has no objection, Cheng Zhi can marry girl Jingyao into my Liu family at any time on the nearest auspicious day.

As for which day, when Jingyao returns..."

When Young Master Liu's voice was interrupted by a soft clang, the two subconsciously looked towards the source of the sound.

I saw an exquisite porridge bowl from the official kiln rolling down in front of Li Jingyao, as well as steaming millet porridge scattered on the side.

The girl stood at the exit of the hall door at a loss, staring at the two of them in a daze, her pair of light-white hands in mid-air seemed to have no place to rest.

Sensing the gazes of her uncle and concubine looking at her, Li Jingyao recovered from her sluggishness, and hurriedly squatted down to pick up the porridge bowl on the floor.

"I'm sorry, the child accidentally tripped while walking, which surprised my uncle and mother."

Liu Mingzhi stood up immediately: "Don't pick it up, don't pick it up, don't burn your hands later, just let the maid clean it up when it gets cold."

"This... yes, the child listens to uncle."

Looking at Li Jingyao's pretty nervous face, Liu Mingzhi knew in his heart that this girl must have heard the conversation between him and He Shu, and that she stumbled while walking was just an excuse to cover up her nervousness.

"Jingyao girl."

"Hey! Uncle, tell me, my son, listen up!"

"Uncle won't tell you false words. I think you have heard the conversation between uncle and your mother just now, right?"

Li Jingyao panicked, she couldn't help lowering her head, her slender jade fingers were tightly intertwined: "!"

"Hehe, good boy, you don't need to be nervous or feel embarrassed. Since ancient times, men have been married since ancient times, and women have been married. There is nothing to be ashamed of.

Now that you have heard it, my uncle asks you, are you willing to marry Liu Chengzhi, a worthless bastard from your uncle's family? "

", but mother and concubine make the decision.

Haier... Haier was rude, and Haier left first. "

Liu Chengzhi watched Li Jingyao trot away, and nodded with relief.

"That's it!"

(End of this chapter)

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