Chapter 2499

After Liu Mingzhi waited for Li Jingyao's elegant and slender figure to disappear down the corridor, he turned to look at He Shu who was beside him, only to find that He Shu was staring at the corridor outside the hall in a daze.

"Shu'er, what's wrong with you? The girl Jingyao has agreed to her marriage with Cheng Zhi, why do you look sullen instead?"

He Shu came back to his senses, looked back at First Young Master Liu, walked to Young Young Master Liu, and sighed softly with his cherry lips slightly parted.

"The concubine can finally feel the sadness contained in the sentence that the female college is not allowed to stay.

On the one hand, the concubine hopes that her daughter can find a good husband and live a happy life as soon as possible, and on the other hand, she also hopes that her daughter will marry later and stay by her side for a few more years.

Looking at Yao'er's shy appearance of a young girl Huaichun just now, wishing she could marry into your home and spend the rest of her life with Cheng Zhi, her sweetheart, this concubine really feels bad!
Yao'er is still a good daughter of a concubine, but once she leaves the cabinet and gets married, she should become a relative of a concubine.

Thinking of these concubines, I felt mixed emotions for a while, and I really didn't know what to do. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at He Shu's regretful and melancholy expression and nodded clearly, a feeling of sympathy welled up in his heart.

A few days ago, I saw my good daughter Liu Yiyi talking and laughing with that young man, and the figure of the girl Huaichun, didn't I feel the same way?
I not only hope that my daughter can find a satisfactory husband to spend the rest of her life in peace, but also think that they can stay by my side and accompany me for a few more years.

However, if the girl is not allowed to stay, the one who should come will still come after all.

You can't let your daughter never marry for the rest of your life, can you?
After he proclaimed himself emperor, he promulgated a new decree, and only after the girl can get out of the cabinet to marry.

Although many common people's families dare not violate the government's decrees, they are always afraid that their daughters will not be able to find a good husband when they grow old. Jiri married her daughter out of the family.

What's more, he lied about his daughter's real age when registering and registering, hoping that her daughter would be married one day earlier.

This is not because the common people don't like their daughters and want to marry them off quickly, but because of deep-rooted ignorance.

Liu Mingzhi is clear about these things, but Liu Mingzhi believes that sooner or later the situation will be reversed.

Liu Yiyi and Liu Feifei have reached the age of 19 this year. Although they are not very old, they are considered to be the best among late-married girls in Dalong's eyes.

Liu Mingzhi breathed a sigh of relief, and walked towards the back of the hall holding He Shu's bright wrist.

"You can't have both fish and bear's paws, since ancient times there are gains and losses in everything, we just have to look at it for ourselves.

See Shu Er, you look worried, what's the matter?Are you still afraid that girl Jingyao will treat her badly as a husband after she enters my Liu family's family? "

"No, no, this concubine has never thought about it that way."

"Shu'er, put your heart in your stomach. After Chengzhi and Jingyao get married, your husband will treat her like your own daughter. If this kid Chengzhi dares to bully Jingyao in the future, why not?" Husband has to discount that bastard's legs!

He Shu's pretty face was stunned, and she turned to look at First Young Master Liu curiously: "But what?"

Young Master Liu exhaled with a smile: "But if the two of them disagree on the matter of Cheng Zhi wanting to take a concubine, the husband will not be able to help you!

This kind of trivial matter between the parents had to be resolved by the two future young couples by themselves.

After all, this kind of thing about children's affection is beyond the control of the husband, can't he? "

He Shu was stunned for a moment, then raised his eyebrows, and stretched out his hand to perform a set of two-finger meditation on the soft flesh on Liu Dashao's waist, until Liu Dashao repeatedly begged for mercy, He Shu withdrew his fingers.

"Chengzhi won't be like your playful father who attracts bees and butterflies everywhere!"

"Hey! That's hard to say. As the saying goes, like a tiger, like a dog, like a father, like a son. No matter how good your sense of Chengzhi is, but don't speak too harshly, lest there is no room for respite in the future .

Cheng Zhi, Cheng Qian, Zheng Hao, Zheng Ran... In the main text, Cheng Rui and the others may be even more flirtatious than their husbands when they grow up in the future!

After all, people are not flirtatious and waste youth!

What's more, I still have the fine traditions of my Liu family, and the superior genes of my husband are here!
The dragon begets the dragon, the phoenix begets the phoenix, and the son of a mouse can make a hole. This saying has its own truth!

It's not impossible that green out of blue is better than blue! "

He Shu raised his brows, although he didn't know what the word "gene" was, he still glared at Young Master Liu angrily.

"Then...then they won't be merciful and licentious like your father."

It's just that after He Shu finished speaking, he also felt that he didn't have much confidence in what he said.

"Also, how can you say that about your son? Are you what your own father should say?"

"It's just talking about things!"

"Bah, it's just absurd from a concubine's perspective."

"Shu'er can do whatever she says, and I won't argue with you for my husband's sake.

By the way, when we're done with our business, you take the time to ask Jingyao about her tone and see which day she wants to set as an auspicious date for getting married.

If she agrees with Cheng Zhi's choice, then the wedding date will be set on August [-]th.

If she doesn't want to get married on this day, then let's renegotiate a new date. After you get the result, you can write a letter and send someone to visit the husband's house and tell him the result. "

"Okay, I understand. Husband, you just said that you will let me go to Jingyao after finishing your business. Besides Jingyao and Chengzhi's marriage, is there any other business?"

Looking at He Shu's puzzled eyes, Young Master Liu smiled and raised his hands to rub the stubble on his chin. He stared up and down at the beautiful woman's graceful figure in front of him and grinned.

"Good Shu'er, we have already walked to the courtyard of your boudoir, what business do you think you can do as a husband?"

He Shu felt Young Master Liu's aggressive eyes staring at him, his pink cheeks were immediately stained with a seductive blush, he secretly looked around the courtyard where there was no maidservant, and spat secretly at Young Master Liu .

"Hey, what are you thinking about in broad daylight!"

Liu Mingzhi was already very familiar with He Shu's gentle and gentle character, so how could he fail to hear the shyness in the beautiful woman's words that wanted to refuse but still welcome.

In the soft cry of the beautiful woman, Young Master Liu directly picked up He Shu and strode towards the door in front of him.

"Good Shu'er, this is not a wild idea for my husband, but a true unity of words and deeds.

Who told you, Shu'er, that you just said that I am a romantic and licentious husband?

As a husband, you can't bear this infamy in vain, so as a husband, you can only show me the real flair. "

"You - obscene, quickly put down the concubine, can't you pay attention in broad daylight? Let the servant girl hear the movement, how can I see people after the concubine's body!"

"For your husband, this is for your own good. After Jingyao leaves the court and gets married, you will be bored at home alone without anyone close to you to relieve your boredom.

Let's work hard to have a baby, and your life will not be boring in the future. "

"Unreasonable, then you can wait until night... oh..."

"Demon girl, bring honey!"

The bickering voices disappeared immediately in a low groan, and the inner courtyard of the princess mansion gradually echoed the notes that made the passing maids blush and their hearts were impetuous.

Listening to the all-too-familiar movement in their ears, the maids left He Shu's courtyard one after another, looking for the pure land where there is no war.

(End of this chapter)

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