Chapter 2500

The [-]th day of the first month of the fifth year of Dalong Taiping is the Lantern Festival.

He Shu sent someone to send a letter to Young Master Liu in the Liu Mansion. The contents of the letter did not exceed Liu Mingzhi's expectations. Li Jingyao had no objection to Liu Chengzhi's choice of the auspicious day for the wedding, and stated that she completely obeyed Liu Chengzhi. The opinion of uncle and mother.

When you let yourself get married, when you get married.

After Young Master Liu read the contents of the letter, he immediately asked Liu Song to hand over the letter to Liu Chengzhi.

Hearing Liu Song say that Liu Chengzhi, a bastard, read the content on the letter paper, jumped up and down happily and almost grinned to his ears.

After listening, First Young Master Liu smiled helplessly and didn't say anything.

The slander corrupts the true gentleman, and the beauty kills the mad boy.

Liu Mingzhi could only secretly discuss and pray that the little bastard Liu Chengzhi would not be too obsessed with the love of his children, thus failing to live up to the deep expectations he had placed on him!
During the Lantern Festival, Young Master Liu, who had no government affairs in his hands, felt that he had nothing to do, so he dragged his family to the Lantern Festival outside the south gate of the capital for a walk.

At the lantern festival, Young Master Liu easily gave Liu Yunxin, Liu Lianiang, Liu Zhenghao... each of these underage children won a lantern by guessing lantern riddles.

Looking at the cheering children carrying lanterns, Liu Mingzhi looked at the beauties and laughed, with happiness in his eyes.

In this world, what one seeks is nothing more than fame and fortune. There is a high school alive, and there are children and so on.

Liu Dashao's family wandered around at the lantern festival, and did not return to the mansion until after the lantern festival was over.

On the eighteenth day of the first lunar month, the New Year's rest period ended, and the first grand court meeting in the five years of Taiping began in the court hall.

Ever since what happened to Tao Ying, Liu Mingzhi has always come to every court meeting as scheduled, and this year's first court meeting is no exception.

"Your Majesty, my ministers, long live my emperor."

"My dear friends, you are free to sit down."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

After the officials were seated, Liu Mingzhi sat on the dragon chair and rubbed his slightly cold hands, his eyes calmly scanned the officials in the hall.

"Aiqings, do you want to play?"

Jiang Yuanming, Minister of the Household Department, took out a document from the cuff of his official robe, got up and walked out: "Report to Your Majesty, the Ministry of Household Affairs has a book to play."


"Reporting to Your Majesty, a few days before the end of the rest period, the old minister's household department received reports from Tongzhou, Xuzhou, Lizhou, Xingzhou, Chengzhou...a total of [-] state capitals.

Among them, Tongzhou, Xuzhou, Xingzhou, Hengzhou, Pizhou... Six prefectures found traces of locust eggs.

Lizhou, Yizhou, Shuzhou...the seven prefectures experienced disasters in which people's houses were collapsed by heavy snow, and it is said that there were also civilian casualties.

Yuanzhou, Yuezhou... There are signs of drought in the three places. As for whether the situation will develop to a serious level, the local officials dare not make a judgment.

Now officials from various state governments have written to the imperial court to ask His Majesty for an order, imploring His Majesty to allow them to mobilize local financial officials without authorization to prepare for the disaster. "

"Where are the documents?"

"Here is the document, please read it Your Majesty."

"Xiao Chengzi."

"We obey."

After a while, Liu Mingzhi put the reviewed documents in his hands on the dragon case, turned the thumb on his thumb and remained silent for a long time.

"Yushitai, Hubu."

"The old minister is here."

"After the imperial court was dispersed, the two ministries immediately dispatched officials from the government office to go to various state capitals to verify these things, and once the situation was confirmed, they immediately ordered the various state capitals to make preparations for disaster relief on their own.

If the local government is unable to do what it wants, immediately send a letter to the imperial court, and then the household department must spare no effort to mobilize money, food, and grass to start disaster relief. "

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty is wise."

"Ministry of Industry."

"The old minister is here."

"Regarding the collapse of common people's houses, your Ministry of Industry should also remember to plan ahead. Once the matter is verified, if the local officials are unable to support themselves, then your Ministry of Industry and Government Office will have to fight."

"The old minister complies with the order, rest assured, Your Majesty. After the court is over, the old minister will immediately plan to send it to the government offices of the Ministry of Industry under the jurisdiction of various state capitals."

"Okay, besides the Ministry of Household Affairs, do you have any other memorials or documents to start?"

"Chen Si Nong Si has a book to play."


"Reporting to Your Majesty, due to the promulgation of the new decree by the imperial court last year, the number of acres of fertile land reclaimed by various state capitals has increased several times. Now the local officials have written to the imperial court, hoping that the imperial court will provoke the grain..."

"Quasi-playing. The Ministry of Households dispatched manpower to coordinate!"

"Your Majesty Shengming."

"Report to Your Majesty, the Ministry of Ministers and Punishments has a book to play."


"Reporting to Your Majesty, since the beginning of last year, officials from various state governments..."

"Quasi-playing, Dali Temple coordinates processing."

"Your Majesty Shengming."

After a group of officials reported the documents in their hands one by one, Liu Mingzhi finished processing all of them in court.

"My dear friends, who still wants to play?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, there is nothing for me to wait for."

"Military Department."

"The old minister is here."

"Has your Ministry of War not received any new battle reports from the Western Expeditionary Army so far?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the Ministry of War has not received any battle reports regarding the Western Expeditionary Army."

Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly and pondered for a while: "Take a seat."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Since you love ministers have nothing to play, then I will announce something about the royal family to all my ministers, Xiao Chengzi."

"We obey."

Hearing Young Master Liu's words, Xiao Chengzi respectfully picked up the imperial decree on the dragon case, walked straight to the dragon platform and slowly opened it.

"The Great Dragon Emperor said.

Since the Three Emperors ruled the world, the Five Emperors established the relationship.The continuation of the country depends on the incense of descendants.


There are three types of unfilial piety, the greatest of which is to have no descendants.How can there be no successors and no successors for a country with mountains and rivers for a hundred thousand miles, so that the people of the world worry about it!

Therefore, today it is announced to the world that my second son Liu Chengzhi and the widow of Daxing Emperor Wuzong Li Baiyu, Princess Yunchang Li Jingyao, the pearl of the Li family, tied the knot on August [-]th in the fifth year of Taiping.

Today, Princess Li Jingyao of Yunchang is specially granted the honor of Crown Princess after she gets married.

This is it. "

All the officials reacted from the stupefaction, and they all raised their wats and bowed to salute with joy.

"The ministers wish His Royal Highness the Second Prince a happy spouse, and congratulations to Princess Yunchang for finding a good husband."

"All the ministers are exempt from the ceremony. You must come to cheer on the day when the two children are newly married."

"Your Majesty was just joking, how dare the ministers have no reason to miss such a great joyous event celebrated by the whole world."

"That's right, that's right, the ministers are afraid that His Majesty will keep everything simple as before, and won't send an invitation to the ministers!"

"Lord Du is right. The old minister thinks that the marriage between His Royal Highness the Second Prince and Princess Yunchang should be a national marriage, so as to demonstrate the state of our Dragon Dynasty."

"The minister waits for a second opinion."

"The minister waits for a second opinion."


"My dear ministers, all my ministers, let's discuss this matter again, and discuss this matter again, Ministry of Rites."

"The old minister is here."

"Your etiquette department will have to worry a lot about the various matters of the marriage.

After the results of all matters are discussed together, I will go through the purpose myself, and I hope you will not disappoint me. "

"The old minister complies with the order. Please rest assured, Your Majesty. After the court is over, the old minister must discuss this matter with his colleagues in all ministries."

"Old Aiqing is bothering you, so let's retreat."

Xiao Chengzi hastily flicked the whisk, and shouted sharply: "Your Majesty has orders, retreat!"

All the civil and military officials looked at the back of Young Master Liu who had disappeared at the entrance of the apse, and looked at each other in dismay.

This... is this retreating?

After Princess Yunchang marries the second prince, she will enjoy the honor of being the crown prince. Shouldn't there be further discussions about establishing the crown prince?

The Minister of Rites reluctantly swallowed the manuscript that was on his lips, walked up to Xia Gongming, the chief assistant of the cabinet, and his colleagues and spread his hands helplessly.

"Xia Shoufu, can this be done!"

Xia Gongming stroked his gray beard and sighed, shook his head and walked towards the outside of the hall.

"The Sacred Heart is unpredictable, the Sacred Heart is unpredictable! Let's disperse and deal with the newly acquired documents in our hands. We have nothing to do with the matter of establishing a crown prince!"

(End of this chapter)

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