Chapter 2502
Dalong Taiping five years, January 25th.

Under the cooperation of the Ministry of Rites, Qin Tianjian, and the three government offices of the Clan Mansion, the news that Liu Chengzhi, the second prince of the current dynasty, and Li Jingyao, the former princess of Yunchang, will be married on August [-], the fifth year of Taiping, spreads in the capital. Spread the word.

Not long after, the good news of universal celebration started from the capital city and spread to the various state capitals in all directions of the capital.

Perhaps within a few months, people all over the world will know the good news that Liu Chengzhi and Li Jingyao will be newly married.

While the news was spreading through the mouths of the common people, officials of the Ministry of Rites, large and small, were also frequently coming in and out of Li Jingyao's princess mansion under the leadership of Minister of Rites Qin Ziying.

The children of ordinary people in Dalong have to go through the cumbersome etiquette of three matchmakers and six hires in order to get married, let alone the marriage of the prince of the dynasty.

With the return of spring and the revival of all things on the earth, Dalong's court has resumed the busy scene of hundreds of officials performing their duties in the past. Even Young Master Liu is also sneaking around in various affairs.

When the dragon raised its head on the second day of February, there was a light rain in the sky, which turned into a torrential rain in the afternoon.

After dealing with the government affairs, Young Master Liu started his leisurely life of setting up a stall outside the Penglai Restaurant to fool people. However, the weather is not good, except when it was raining lightly in the morning, Young Master Liu welcomed a guest at his hexagram stall. In addition, no guests came to the door because of the heavy rain throughout the afternoon.

When the drowsy Young Master Liu who was sleeping on the recliner was about to fall into a dream, Song Qing hurriedly appeared in front of Young Master Liu's hexagram booth against the pouring rain.

Song Qing put away the umbrella and got into the shelter in front of the hexagram stall, took out a document from his cuff, and slapped it heavily on the table.

"Third brother."

"Huh? This Guikeshan person is very polite. I don't know if you are looking for marriage or... big brother? Why are you here?"

Young Master Liu rubbed his sleepy eyes in a daze, and finally saw clearly that the person standing in front of him was not a guest who came to tell a fortune, but his elder brother Song Qing.

Song Qing looked at Young Master Liu's bewildered stare and shook his head helplessly, and gestured to the document he slapped on the low table.

"Hey! The thing you dreamed of receiving is finally here."

Young Master Liu was stunned and lost all sleepiness for a moment, staring at the documents on the low table with sharp eyes like a sword.

"The Western Expeditionary Army or Chengzhi's?"

"It is the battle report document of the Western Expeditionary Army, which records the detailed situation of the two Western Conscripts in the barbarian territory of Dashi and other countries in the past six months.

You should look over the specific situation yourself, I am afraid that the dictation will not be clear. "

Liu Mingzhi moved his body quickly and lifted the teapot on the side to the table, then picked up the documents on the table and carefully reviewed the contents above.

Song Qing looked at Young Master Liu who became engrossed in the blink of an eye, and heaved a silent sigh. He picked up the teapot and gently poured two cups of tea on the table, picked up one of the cups and tasted it carefully.

After about an incense stick of kung fu, Young Master Liu raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a slightly arrogant smile, and there was even a vague smile in his sharp eyes.

After reading the last word on the battle report document, Young Master Liu closed the document heavily in his hand, watched Song Qing and uttered a word loudly.


Song Qing put down the teacup in his hand with a relaxed expression: "Brother Wei mentioned Zhang Shuai, Nangong Shuai and the other three armed forces commanders who have experienced many battles. They will not fail to consider whether the rear foundation is stable or not.

Can you finally relax now?

However, my brother never expected that among the barbarian and small countries, Tianzhu, the two relatively powerful countries, did not do the stabbing in the back. On the contrary, this little Roman country, which lived in a strange place, unexpectedly When the battle was going smoothly, he suddenly betrayed his promise and committed the act of stabbing my Dalong soldier in the back.

Fortunately, God bless my Great Dragon Expedition to the Heavenly Army, these despicable Roman barbarian enemies did not cause too much loss to me Xizheng Erlang, otherwise, my uncle... with Zhang Shuai's heart, maybe he would do something to massacre the city. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently, and took a sip of the warm tea in front of him: "Prince Acrylic of the Roman Kingdom caused the unfortunate death of 23 of my great dragon sons because of his plan for artillery, and at the same time gave the left soldiers of the Western Expedition It is an opportunity to completely open up the east and west of the big food countries.

For a moment, this young master really didn't know whether to grit his teeth at him or thank him! "

"It's really hard to say. My Dalong is a state of etiquette, and I have never been famous for unknown teachers. If there is no acrylic, this bastard's deadly behavior, Zhang Shuai and the others want to run through the whole territory of the Dashi Kingdom to the east and west of the Frankish Kingdom. The plan really didn't work out.

But this acrylic gave Zhang Shuai and the others a chance to become famous. To be honest, I don't know how to evaluate the behavior of this acrylic. "

"Hey! Anyway, we can't ignore the fact that we lost 23 sons. Let the imperial court make up for the families of the 23 sons to the greatest extent.

Say hello to your uncle after you go back, and ask him to work with the household department to compensate the families of the 23 soldiers. "

"Brother, I understand. By the way, more than 1 Roman prisoners will be escorted back to Beijing with the batch of gold and silver in less than three months. How do you plan to deal with them?

Brother Huyan has been in a dilemma for a long time because of the handling of these captives.

Three thousand soldiers escorted the gold and silver and the Roman prisoners on the way back to Beijing. There was no military recorder. Do you want to send them to...

In this way, it can be regarded as a memorial to the spirits of 23 soldiers in heaven. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Song Qing's gesture of wiping his neck, and calmly meditated.

After thinking for a long time, Liu Mingzhi shook his head silently: "It's nothing to kill all these captives, but after all, it's more than 1 young and strong laborers! It would be a pity to kill them directly.

The excavation project of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal just needs to hire a large number of young and strong laborers from the private sector. For the imperial treasury, this is not a small expenditure!

Since more than 1 young and strong laborers who do not need to pay salaries have been sent to us, it would be a waste to kill them directly.

Divide the more than 1 Roman captives into ten batches and let them build the canal!Being able to do something practical for my Dalong Tianchao can be regarded as atonement for their own evil deeds in the past. "

Song Qing nodded clearly: "That's true. It would cost a lot of manpower and material resources to kill people directly. It is indeed more reasonable than using waste all at once."

"Just understand, then you will stop by later to say hello to the Ministry of Industry and ask them to reserve more than 1 seats in advance."

"Okay, I will handle this matter myself!"

"Don't forget to tell my uncle, let him lead the officials of the Ministry of War to prepare to publicize the glorious achievements of our Western Expedition Army in the Far West.

After the Xiaochao meeting the day after tomorrow, I will personally go to the cabinet and explain to Mr. Xia to deal with this matter as soon as possible. "

"No problem, I know what to tell my old man."

"Just know, is there anything else?"

"No, then I'll go back first?"

Young Master Liu nodded casually, put down his teacup and leaned back on the recliner, squinting his eyes and falling asleep.

Seeing this, Song Qing directly put away the documents on the table, held up an umbrella and gradually disappeared into the misty mist.

(End of this chapter)

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