My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2503 Miscasting a Daughter

Chapter 2503 Miscasting a Daughter

After Song Qing silently left, Liu Mingzhi fell asleep for about half an hour, and finally felt sleepy again.

Just when Liu Mingzhi was about to enter his dream to play chess with Duke Zhou, a clear and pleasant voice suddenly sounded in his ears.


Young Master Liu jumped up from the reclining chair with a jerk, hastily opened his eyes and raised his head subconsciously to look around.

When Liu Mingzhi saw three thin figures, one tall and two short, in coir raincoats and bamboo hats in front of the low table of the Gua Tan, he was stunned for a moment. Because of the cover of the bamboo hats on his head, Liu Mingzhi didn't recognize him for a while. Who are these three people.

Liu Mingzhi calmed down, bent slightly and poked his head to look under the bamboo hat. When he saw clearly the faces of the three people under the bamboo hat, Young Master Liu twitched the corners of his mouth strangely.

"Yue'er, Yunxin, Lianiang, it's raining cats and dogs right now, why don't you three just stay at home and rest, why are you here?"

Standing in front of First Young Master Liu, the three people wearing coir raincoats and bamboo hats were Young Young Master Liu's three little padded jackets, Liu Luoyue, Liu Yunxin, and Liu Lianiang, three sisters.

Hearing Dad's questioning words, Liu Lianiang, who was the youngest standing on the far left, smiled and moved towards Young Master Liu's reclining chair.

Seeing this, the little cutie at the side subconsciously stretched out her hand to stop her, but Liu Lianiang's speed was too fast, and the little cutie was still one step too late after all.

"Daddy, Lianiang, Sister Yue'er, Sister Yunxin didn't come from home..."

"Cough, cough, cough!"

The little cutie suddenly coughed a few times, and Liu Lianiang, who was talking, heard sister Yue'er's coughing, and her pink and tender face suddenly became embarrassed, just like her mother Chen Jie's bright and flexible big eyes. Spin around a few times.

"Lianniang... Isn't Lianniang rushing out of the house to meet Daddy?"

Young Master Liu looked at Liu Lianiang's bitter pink face because of his inconsistency, he couldn't help but raised his brows, pinched Liu Lianiang's vulnerable cheeks and pulled at them.

"Stinky girl, you've learned to lie, tell daddy the truth, what are you doing now?"

"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm, Lianiang, Sister Yue'er and Sister Yunxin just came out from home to see Daddy coming.

Daddy is very busy these days, he doesn't have time to play with Lianiang, daughter misses Daddy, so why not take the initiative to come and see Daddy? "

Looking at the little girl who still had a tough mouth, Young Master Liu stretched out his hand and pulled Liu Lianniang onto his lap and scratched at the little girl's creaking hole.

"Smelly girl, it seems that you don't plan to recruit if you don't give you a big punishment. My lord wants to see how long you can last."

"Hehehe... Daddy, please forgive me, Daddy, please forgive me, what Lianiang said is true... Hehehe..."

Looking at Liu Lianniang, who was lying on her lap and writhing and struggling because of the soreness, Young Master Liu gradually stopped tickling her daughter's armpit and waist, and silently lowered her head and raised her nose to move towards Liu Lianniang. Lianiang's body was sniffing.

The little cuties in front of the hexagram stand, Xiao Yunxin and sisters swallowed involuntarily when they saw their father's movements, glanced at each other secretly, and began to slowly move their positions towards the outside of the shed.

First Young Master Liu took a few deep sniffs, and finally he was sure of the smell he smelled from his good daughter Liu Lianiang.

Fishy, ​​and a very clear fishy smell.

Young Master Liu immediately helped Liu Lianiang stand up from his body, and directly stretched out his hand to lift off the coir raincoat that wrapped the little girl's thin body.

Looking at Liu Lianniang's little girl wearing a cloud radish fringed skirt, holding a fish basket that was hanging on the left and right sides of the little girl's waist, the corners of Young Master Liu's eyes trembled a few times.

Liu Lianiang took advantage of the opportunity to look down, and hurriedly covered the two fish baskets around her waist with the fresh fish shaking inside with the coir raincoat.

Liu Lianiang looked at her father's twitching face, and slid her tender neck a few times.

"Father...Daddy...this is the fresh fish that Lianiang and the two older sisters bought together. When you go home, ask the aunts to cook fresh fish for you and make fresh fish soup for you, okay?
Is Lianiang very filial to your father?Lianiang is so obedient! "

First Young Master Liu directly ignored Liu Lianiang's cunning expression, and looked up at the little cutie, Xiao Yunxin, who was about to sneak out of the shanty.

"Liu Luoyue, Liu Yunxin, you two stinky girls, let me stop, if you dare to sneak a step, I will definitely break your legs today."

The thin and delicate bodies of the little cute sisters suddenly trembled, they turned around and looked pitifully at the ferocious looking father, silently lowering their heads.

"Pick up the coir raincoats of both of you."

"Father, it's so windy and windy outside, it will be troublesome if you catch the wind and cold if you lift up the straw coir raincoat, so let's not do it."

"Yes, yes, Yun Xin's clothes are thin. If she is blown by the wind or rained, Daddy, you should feel sorry for Xin'er again. In order not to worry Daddy, why don't you let it go?"




"Open it."

Covered by the bamboo hats, the two sisters turned their necks imperceptibly and looked at each other. They showed each other helpless eyes, and stretched out their hands to silently lift the coir raincoat covering their bodies.

Sure enough, little cuties, sisters Xiao Yunxin and sisters have two fish baskets hanging on both sides of their slender waists, which are exactly the same as Liu Lianiang's. Shaking lightly, as for what Young Master Liu contained inside, I don't know.

First Young Master Liu moaned tremblingly at the corner of his mouth. He didn't need to guess who the mastermind among the three sisters was. Except for Liu Luoyue, a stinky girl with countless criminal records, Liu Yunxin, Liu Lianiang and the others I simply don't have the guts to do it myself.

It’s fine to go down the river to catch fish and shrimp, but today it’s raining so much and dare to go down the river. What if you encounter trouble or catch a cold?
This stinky girl is really getting more and more out of tune.

Don't do any business, but be proficient in eating, drinking, whoring and gambling.

She can do anything that I can't think of, and it seems that in a few years, it will be the young age to marry out of the court. If this continues, which man will dare to marry such a lawless master as a wife in the future.

Even if you are not in a hurry to get married and plan to inherit the throne, you have to work hard in that direction to let Lao Tzu see your abilities and methods.

now what?Don't talk about working hard, eating, drinking, whoring and gambling all day long, idle about not doing business, and made me even more of a dandy than me, the dandy I was back then.

It's fine if you're a boy, but you're the daughter of a lady!
You make your father and I worry to death.

You, Liu Luoyue, were born at the wrong time, you were born with a daughter by mistake!

I think that I, Liu Mingzhi, have been upright and honest all my life, how did I give birth to such a wonderful thing?

Sin, sin!
The little cutie took a peek at her father's uncertain expression and sighed inwardly, she knew it would be like this, so she couldn't help but promise Lianiang, this stinky girl, to bring her to see her father. read.

It's all right now, I can't hide in a hurry on weekdays, but today I took the initiative to deliver it to my door.

I don't know how my father will punish me this time!Spanking is definitely not an option. Since I was 13 years old, my father has never pressed himself on his lap to slap his butt as soon as he got into trouble as he did when he was a child.

Butt pumping is gone, just started to use the training stick.

You must know that I was the only lucky one among the many brothers and sisters who had not been trained by the training stick. As I grew older, I gradually tasted the wonderful taste of fried pork with bamboo shoots.

After I go back, won't there be fried pork with bamboo shoots waiting for me again?
Thinking of this, Liu Luoyue glanced sadly at the pitiful Liu Lianiang who was standing next to her father's reclining chair and sighed helplessly.

A-mei mistook me for Liu Luoyue!

"Liu Luoyue, Liu Yunxin, why are you two in a daze? Don't you think you should give me an explanation?"



When the little cutie and the little Yunxin sisters were moaning and didn't know what to say, Liu Lianiang, who was standing by the side, looked at sister Yue'er, sister Yunxin and their embarrassed expressions, Cherry Xiaozui took a deep breath , as if an important decision had been made.

Liu Lianiang took a sneak peek and ignored herself, staring straight at the father of the two sisters, gently untied the two fish baskets from his waist and put them on the ground, then suddenly jumped on Young Master Liu's body On the legs, the slender and weak arms hugged the old man's legs tightly and gave the two sisters a 'farewell' look.

"Sister Yue'er, sister Xin'er, you two run, it's Lianiang who caused the trouble, at worst, let the old man beat Lianiang's ass.

If spanking doesn't work, I, Liu Lianiang, will be the one to kill or cut.

You run quickly, don't worry about me. "

(End of this chapter)

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