My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2504 The sky is in full swing, the king is in the world

Chapter 2504 The sky is in full swing, the king is in the world

Young Liu, father and daughter, the three of them stared dumbfounded at Liu Lianiang, who was hugging her father's legs with an awe-inspiring, generous attitude, but did not react for a long time.

Especially Young Master Liu was in a daze, secretly asking himself a few questions, who am I?where am I?what am i doing
"Sister Yue'er, sister Yunxin, why are you so dazed? It will be too late if you don't run away, Lianiang's arms are so small, they won't last long.

Hurry up and run!leave me alone. "

Young Master Liu reacted from Liu Lianiang's yelling again, and hurriedly lowered his head to look at Liu Lianiang who was holding his legs tightly with both hands, and the corners of his eyes twitched fiercely a few times.

What the hell is this?Why is this young master acting like a big villain who is about to wipe out the three of you sisters?
The two sisters Liu Luoyue and Liu Yunxin also recovered from their astonishment, they looked at Liu Lianniang who hugged her father's legs and looked at the two of them with a determined face, wondering what to say?
We're just going down the river to catch some fish, and we're not doing anything outrageous, sister, don't you want to be so exaggerated?
"Sister Yue'er, sister Yunxin, are you two running away? You stand there in a daze like this, and it looks like you are acting like a pity for your mother!"

The two sisters Liu Luoyue and Liu Yunxin looked at each other with complicated expressions, and looked at Liu Lianiang with a puffy face: "Then did we really run away?"

Liu Lianiang's exquisite eyes were tangled and she nodded heavily: "Run, it's better to be beaten by one person than three people together."

Young Master Liu looked at Liu Lianiang's pitiful appearance with a strange expression, and stretched out his hand to scratch the little girl's armpit.

"Hehehe... Sister, run quickly, Lianniang may be... soon to confess... Hehehe... Hahaha..."

Looking at Liu Lianniang, who was writhing on her legs like Bai Suzhen had drunk realgar wine, but was determined not to let go of her legs, Young Master Liu increased his speed again.

"Run? Dare the two of them try to run if I don't want to say anything? Can the monk run away to the temple?"

Even half a cup of tea was not enough for Liu Lianiang to be weakened by her father's squeak, and she knelt down in front of Young Master Liu, looking at her two older sisters.

"Lianniang can't bear it anymore, really can't bear it.

If you tell you to run, you don’t run away. It’s all right now, the whole army is wiped out, right? "

After a while, the three sisters lined up and squatted aside pitifully, clutching their ears with both hands, and glanced at the old man sitting on the recliner silently drinking tea with resentful eyes from time to time.

A cup of tea was gradually down, and Young Master Liu was about to tease the three little padded jackets about how they felt, when suddenly a few strange whistles came from the nearby Penglai Restaurant.

Young Master Liu, who was playing with the teacup with a smile on his face, put down his teacup, stood up slowly, and glanced at the three little padded jackets.

"Looking at your good attitude of admitting your mistakes, this time, my father will spare you. Take your things and go home quickly. If you let my father know that you are braving the wind and rain again, you will be punished for both offenses."

The three sisters, who were secretly wondering how long the father would punish them, heard what the father said, and looked at their father in surprise, as if they couldn't believe what they heard.

"What are you doing in a daze? Why don't you go home now. Don't forget to take a hot bath and make some ginger soup to get rid of the cold. Don't catch a cold!"

The three sisters hurriedly stood up, put on coir raincoats and hats, and looked at First Young Master Liu suspiciously when he mentioned that he was holding fish.

"Daddy? Did we really go home?"

Young Master Liu glared at the three little padded jackets angrily: "If you don't want to leave, then continue to squat, because father has plenty of time to spend with you.

Who hasn't squatted enough, then squat down and wait..."

Before Young Master Liu could finish his sentence, the cute Liu Luoyue grabbed the wrists of the two little girls and disappeared into the shanty in a flash, braving the wind and rain towards Liu's mansion.

Liu Mingzhi watched the figures of the three little padded jackets gradually becoming hazy in the wind and rain, and with a solemn face, he picked up the oil-paper umbrella at the side and walked towards Penglai Restaurant.

On the fifth floor of Penglai Restaurant, Liu Mingzhi put away the oil-paper umbrella and pushed open the private room of the Tianzi Shop and walked in. Seeing Suzaku Liu Mingzhi who was standing in front of the window with a somewhat cautious expression, he walked over directly.

"Queer, what happened?"

Suzaku hurriedly greeted his young master, took out a document from his sleeves which were slightly wet by rain, and handed it to Liu Mingzhi.

"Master, the brothers below have sent a letter to report that a large number of spy spies are gathering towards the capital recently. As for why they came, the brothers have not found out because the time is too short."

Frowning, Liu Mingzhi took the document in Suzaku's hand and looked down at it. After a while, Liu Mingzhi gently closed the document with confusion in his eyes.

"It's strange, the spies of Spy Shadow have been dormant since the fall of the Li Dynasty, and even if they show up occasionally, it's just a flash in the pan, and I won't give this young master a chance to capture their hiding places.

What is the intention of the spies to be dispatched on such a large scale without warning? "

Suzaku heard what Young Master Liu was talking to himself, and sighed with crescent eyebrows.

"I'm afraid the comers are not kind! There was no sign of it before, and a large-scale dispatch suddenly gathered around the capital. It is impossible to say that there is no purpose at all."

"Maybe, since they can't find out their purpose now, they can only see their tricks.

Let the brethren be careful, and secretly monitor the every move of these spies. If there is anything wrong, they are allowed to kill first and then play, capture or directly kill those spy shadow spies who have abnormal movements. "

"Qe'er understands, after going back, Que'er will send an order to all the brothers."

"By the way, have you found any traces of the shadow master from these spy shadow spies?"

"No, they are all just ordinary spies."

Liu Mingzhi frowned and remained silent for a long time, then gently untied the pipe from his waist and sighed.

"Understood, you go back to pass the order first, young master, I want to be alone for a while."

"Yes, Que'er will leave."

Suzaku picked up the umbrella at the side and jumped out the window, disappearing into the wind and rain without a sound.

Liu Mingzhi looked down at the contents of the document again, picked up a chair and sat down behind the window sill.

Taking out the torch and lighting the tobacco leaves, Young Master Liu stared at the pouring rain outside the window with squinted eyes, quietly swallowing clouds and mist.

The spy spies suddenly appeared and gathered towards the capital on a large scale, which caught him off guard.


In Wo Niu Mountain, a hundred miles west of the capital, in a cave with living expenses, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, at this moment, two people are kneeling and sitting in front of the bamboo table, silently tasting the tea in their hands. .

One of the two people sitting opposite each other drinking tea was covered in a black robe and could not see any appearance. We could only guess from the wisp of gray beard that was slightly exposed when he was drinking tea. old man.

As for the person opposite the black-robed man, he is an old Taoist priest who does not trim the length, but has a calm and unpredictable temperament.

The old Taoist looked at the black-robed man's bottomed teacup, and casually picked up the teapot beside him to pour tea for him.

However, when the teapot fell vertically, only a few drops of tea dripped down, an indescribably bitter smile appeared on the old man's face.

Seeing this, the man in black silently put the teacup aside, and a hoarse voice came from under the black robe.

"Shen Xiang, the tea that should be drunk has been finished, and you should tell the old man the hexagram that the old man asked for."

The old Taoist put down the teapot in his hand with a complicated expression, and gently stroked the whisk in his hand.

"Why bother? There is God's will in everything. Some things are better not to know than to know."

"The god looks good, the old man understands it, but the old man tried his best and tried so hard to find the god to get an answer. Please ask the god to tell the old man the hexagram that the old man is looking for."

The old Taoist stared at the black-robed man opposite him for a while with simple eyes, and then slowly said eight words.

"As the sun is at the height of the sky, the king is in the world."

After saying this, the old Taoist silently closed his eyes, as if he was going to see off the guests.

The black-robed man on the opposite side was shocked suddenly, his fists were clenched, he raised his head and swept across the old Taoist who closed his eyes and stood up gently.

"Thank you for the good looks, the old man said goodbye."

"Since you already know the answer, do you still want to do this?"

The man in black stopped in front of the cave door, looked up at the lightning and thunder for a while, and walked towards the stormy and dark sky without hesitation.

"Eating the emperor's salary is a matter of being loyal to the emperor. As a minister, Li Kan will die even if he is smashed to pieces!"

The slightly hoarse but loud words of the man in black reverberated in the wind and rain, and then they were drowned out by the squalling wind and rain all over the sky.

It was as if the man in black had never appeared before.

(End of this chapter)

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