My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2505 Not too far away

Chapter 2505 Not too far away

Ten days later, the sun was shining brightly over the capital city, and the clouds were calm and the wind was light.

It was still the Tianzihao private room on the fifth floor of Penglai Restaurant, and Liu Mingzhi silently flipped through the information documents sent by Suzaku in his hand without saying a word.

After a long time, Liu Mingzhi closed the document in his hand with a confused expression, and turned his head to look at Suzaku who stood behind him and gently kneaded his shoulders.

"After these spies entered Beijing, apart from gathering in Li's ancestral temple, didn't they do anything?"

Suzaku stopped kneading his shoulders for Liu Mingzhi: "Return to young master, the detailed content is all recorded in the document, other than that, Que'er has no other information here.

Although these spy shadow spies can't be called ostentatious, they don't deliberately hide their whereabouts, as if they don't care about the surveillance of our brothers at all.

Now that they are distributed in the approximate location of Shiliufang, the brothers under his command have been detected. Master, do you want to order the brothers immediately to arrest these spy shadow spies. "

Liu Mingzhi pinched the document and patted his palms lightly: "Among the spies in the city, are there shadow masters, the four great dharma kings of wind, thunder, rain and lightning, and the remaining eleven shadow protectors?"

"No, it's still the same ordinary spies as ten days ago, but..."

Suzaku suddenly became hesitant to speak while talking.

Liu Mingzhi frowned, raised his head and glanced at Suzaku behind him: "But what? Just say what you want to say, there's no need to hesitate."

"Yes, master, none of us have seen the faces of the Shadow Master, the Four Great Dharma Kings, and the remaining eleven Shadow Guardians. Que'er is worried that they will not be hidden among these ordinary spies. Dormant.

More than a dozen innate masters are dormant in the capital, if they wait for an opportunity to assassinate the young master, then no one will be able...can..."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Suzaku's tangled pretty face, and smiled relaxedly: "Que'er, you don't have to worry about this, let alone this time they are dispatched on a large scale, even on normal days, they just need to think Hibernating up to assassinate this young master, there are only a handful of people who can find their whereabouts in the world.

Since they are fully capable of assassinating me, do you know why I can still sit on the throne for five years and still be safe and sound? "

"This... Que'er is confused."

"Because they don't dare, they want to restore the former royal family, and changing the dynasty is not just something that can be ended after assassinating the young master and me alone.

There are still many external factors affecting their actions!

First of all, some important links of the film owner's desire to restore the Li Dynasty are all under the control of my young master, and the most important link is to select a useful Li family member to inherit the throne .

And now, although all the Li family members still enjoy the generous support from the court as before, their every move is also under the young master's control.

Once the film master dares to assassinate me, then he must make preparations for all the Li family members to be buried for me.

Once all the Li family members with pure bloodlines who can inherit the throne are all buried for the young master, who will he support to restore the former royal family?

Unless he thinks that he has a heart of disobedience and plans to become emperor on his own.

However, judging from what the spies did in Tao Ying's house back then, the shadow master should not be the kind of person who intends to replace the throne.

Therefore, as long as he is not fully sure that he can completely control the overall situation, the movie master will not dare to assassinate the young master easily.

Second, it is because of the Jade Seal of Chuan Guo, the importance of the Jade Seal of Chuan Guo to the king of a country does not need to be known to you, Young Master.

Without my young master's personal appearance or this young master's oral order, this imperial jade seal will never be easily shown to others.

Therefore, if the film master wants to obtain the Chuanguo Jade Seal, he must capture the young master alive, otherwise, it will be extremely difficult for him to obtain the Chuanguo Jade Seal.

As long as he doesn't get the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, no matter which Li family member he wants to support to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor, it will be difficult for him to be justified.

A king of a country who cannot justly sit on the throne, the situation he will face in the future is hard to say.

The third is that the film owner needs to obtain the edict of the Zen position from the young master. Since the young master became emperor on his own with a strong army, I have always attached great importance to the issue of people's livelihood and government administration during the years of my reign.

For the people in Beifu and Xinfu, my young master vigorously develops people's livelihood. For the people in the inner mansion, I let them have no worries about food and clothing, and gradually live a more prosperous life.

Since ancient times, the hearts of the people have always been Si'an!

In other words, the hearts of the tens of millions of people in the world today, [-]% of them, are concentrated on me, young master.

It is easy to win the world, but difficult to win the hearts of the people.

Especially the hearts of the people in Beifu and Xinfu who had just surrendered to the rule of the Dalong court.

If the movie master doesn't get the imperial edict from the young master, as long as he dares to assassinate the young master and seize the throne forcibly, then even if he supports a certain Li family member to get the throne because of the momentary power, then the trouble they will face will be endless is endless.

Leaving aside the pressure created by the people in the Inner Mansion, Xin Mansion, and Bei Mansion, I just said bluntly that the pressure brought by Yun Yao and the other two former Queens of the Kingdom of Jin and the former Turkic Khan is enough for him to drink a pot of.

Maybe even be overwhelmed.

After all, the former Turkic national teacher under Yao'er, the five King Kongs in the admiral's department in Wanyan, and the four elders in Neiliu in the old man's hands are not vegetarians.

Furthermore, it is the power of the young master, my grandfather Bai Hulai, the thirteenth aunt Bai Linger has two innate masters, plus the coffin bearer Song Zhong, Dao Yahai Liu Sandao, Master Fan and the others The three must give the young master and me a little bit of a face.

Although the power in my hands, young master, is not yet a top expert, it doesn't mean that young master, I am easy to bully.

As long as the young master and my relatives and friends get together, such strength is enough to make the actor have to think twice.

Even if it is difficult to protect oneself, isn't it foolish to think about restoring the former dynasty?

So, it's not that the movie master didn't want to assassinate the young master and I'm done, but he didn't dare.

Pull one hair, and move the whole body!
Young master, I guess he has been waiting all along, waiting for a chance that can be done once and for all.

These days, young master, I have been thinking about whether the reason for the large-scale dispatch of the spies is because the film master saw in me, young master, enough opportunities to let him die once and for all.

However, young master, after thinking about it, I still can't figure out where I have exposed my flaws.

Of course, it is not ruled out that there are other possibilities, let the brothers continue to investigate, and try to find out the reason for the large-scale change of these spies.

At the same time, I ordered Qinglong and Xuanwu to strengthen the protection of the family around me, the young master, so as not to give the enemy an opportunity.

Even if it's an ordinary spy spy, if you put them in the arena, those who are first-class masters, once my family is controlled by others, master, I will become very passive.

Master, I have never liked to be passive. "

"Que'er understands, but Que'er thinks that since the young master doesn't like to be passive, why don't we take the initiative to attack the spies in the city immediately.

Only by dealing with them all, the safety of the young master and his family can be guaranteed to the greatest extent. "

"Young master also thought about doing things like this, but young master, I am even more afraid of scaring the snake!

It has been more than a year since the Spy Shadow forces attacked me at Tao Ying Mansion last time.

When we make a move now, what we catch at best is just a few small fish and shrimps. The Shadow Master, the Four Great Dharma Kings and the rest of the Shadow Guardians can still retreat completely and continue to lie dormant.

In this case, it would be better not to make a move.

Once they startled the snake, it would not be so easy to lure them out.

The spy shadow's real threat to this young master has always come from the shadow master and the old foxes. Only when they are all arrested, the matter will really come to an end.

Right now, let's wait and see what happens, young master, I have a strange feeling that the movie master should not be too far away from us. "

"Okay, since the young master has made up his mind, Que'er will obey orders. If there are no other orders, Que'er will go back and deliver the order first."

"Hmm! Tell me, brothers, you must be careful. The opponent you are facing this time is not an ordinary shrimp soldier or crab general, but the kind of downhill tiger that will kill people."

"Yes, Que'er will leave."

(End of this chapter)

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