Chapter 2506
At the beginning of March, the night in the capital was still slightly chilly, Young Master Liu, who had been bored in the study for a long time, came out with a burden when the night was getting dark.

After a while, Liu Mingzhi appeared outside Qi Ya's boudoir with the bundle in his hand, raised his hand and knocked lightly on the door a few times, and after the knock sounded, Qi Ya's slightly slurred voice came from the boudoir .

"Who's at the door?"

"Sister Ya, it's for your husband."

"Husband? Wait a minute, I will open the door for you wearing a coat."

The rustling sound of dressing in the boudoir came to Liu Mingzhi's ears clearly, and a moment later Qi Ya opened the door and looked at First Young Master Liu, yawning again and again.

"Husband, the night is already so deep, why haven't you rested yet?"

"My husband just came out of the study after finishing his work, Sister Ya, Lingyun didn't sleep with you today, did she?"

Qi Ya stretched out her hands and rubbed her cheeks to wake herself up, then turned her head towards the bed behind the screen and pouted her lips: "Unfortunately, Lingyun insisted on arguing to sleep with my concubine today.

What's wrong?Husband, are you looking for a concubine?Or looking for aura? "

Liu Mingzhi picked up the burden and took out a night clothes from inside, and handed it to Qi Ya: "Sister Ya asked you to go out with me to do something for my husband, and you will let the servant girl take care of Lingyun later, and then you can change into night clothes." Yi is waiting for her husband at the back door.

At most, a quarter of an hour or so will pass, so try not to wake Ling Yun up. "

Looking at the night clothes her husband handed to her, Qi Ya lost all sleepiness in an instant, looked at her husband with tender peach blossom eyes and nodded solemnly
"The concubine knows, let's meet at the back door later."

"Okay, it's very cold outside at night. Sister Ya, don't forget to wear more clothes to keep warm. Husband, go to Yun Shu's first."

"Well, I'll save my life."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly as a signal, then turned around with his luggage and rushed to the courtyard where Wenren Yunshu lived.

After about a cup of tea, Liu Mingzhi repeated what he had said to Qi Ya to the Wenren Yun Shu who was also awakened by him from his sleep, handed over the night clothes to the beauty, and then changed his way again. Qinglian's residence.

After another cup of tea, Liu Mingzhi and Qinglian changed into night clothes in Qinglian's boudoir and rushed to the back door of Liu's Mansion hand in hand.

Liu Mingzhi silently approached the gate of the backyard and knocked lightly.

"Sister Ya? Yun Shu?"


"It's me, you two, my husband and Lian'er will come out right away."

"Okay, there is no one outside now, you just come out."

Liu Mingzhi beckoned to Qinglian who was hiding in the dark more than a dozen steps away, and the couple looked at each other and used lightness kung fu to climb over the wall and come out.

Outside the back door, Qi Ya, Wenren Yunshu and sisters, one on the left and one on the right, immediately gathered over when they saw the figures of Liu and Young Master.

"Husband, Sister Lian'er."

"Sister Ya, sister Yun Shu."

"Husband, what happened?"

"Yes! What are you planning to do with the three concubine sisters?"

"I am also curious."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the curious and astonished eyes of the three beauties, lifted the mask on his chin to cover his face, and gestured towards the west of the city.

"Go to the temple."

The three sisters were stunned and asked in unison: "What are you doing at the ancestral temple at night?"

"Go to check the whereabouts of the spies. My husband got the information not long ago. Now there are a large number of spies gathered in the ancestral temple. I don't know the purpose of these spies, so I plan to take you to investigate for yourself. "

The faces of the three beauties changed, and they nodded solemnly: "I understand, then let's go."

Liu Mingzhi turned his neck and glanced around Liu's mansion with piercing eyes: "Maybe we are already under the surveillance of spy shadow agents, maybe we are not.

Be careful no matter what, go to the Jongmyo first, let's go! "


The three beauties nodded in agreement without hesitation, followed Young Master Liu quietly into the night with lightness kung fu.

Under the starry night, the four of Liu Dashao and his wife avoided the patrolling guards coming and going on the street, and at the same time reconnaissance whether there were any spy spies following them. The figures finally came to Huaiming Around the Li's Ancestral Temple in Fangfang.

The four of them quietly hid their figures behind the high wall obliquely facing the main hall of the ancestral temple, and cautiously scanned the brightly lit courtyard.

The size of the Li clan's ancestral temple is no less than the size of the clan mansion next door. After all, the ancestral temple houses the memorial tablets of the Li clan emperors of all dynasties. If the size is too small, it will lose the face of the Li clan.

In the ancestral temple, except for the sacrificial ceremony, few people set foot here on weekdays, even the Li family members. After all, this is the place where the ancestors are enshrined. No one will easily come here to disturb if there is no special matter. The spirits of the ancestors in the sky, for no reason, have been stigmatized as an unworthy descendant.

But even if people don't come in and out of Li's Ancestral Temple, there are still hundreds of clan guards patrolling around the main hall day after day and year after year to show their respect for the ancestors of the past generations.

"Husband, apart from the guards of the clan's mansion who patrolled back and forth, I didn't see any other figures on my body, are you sure the news you got is true?

Are there really a large number of spies gathering in the Jongmyo recently? "

"Sister Ya is right, the concubine has not observed any figures other than the guards, but it is hard to say whether there will be people hiding in the main hall and the side halls and wing rooms around the main hall.

It would be great if I could touch it in and check the situation. "

Wenren Yunshu also quietly came over: "I'm afraid it's not easy to get in! The density of the guards of these clan mansions when they patrolled seems to be ordinary on the surface, but in fact they are tight inside and loose outside. There is no gap left for us to touch into the hall.

Moreover, there are likely to be hidden piles under the eaves around the main hall, and it seems impossible to use lightness kung fu to touch them in from the sky, but if you only observe the situation from the outside, you can't see anything wrong.

Once the traces are accidentally exposed, it's time to startle the snake. "

Liu Mingzhi listened to the calm analysis of the internal force of the three ladies and nodded thoughtfully, then gently pulled out the binoculars from his cuffs and looked into the courtyard.

After a while, Young Master Liu frowned slightly and put down the binoculars in his hand: "Shu'er is right, it is indeed loose on the outside and tight on the inside. The guards of these clan mansions are all good at kung fu, so I want to avoid their attacks." It's not impossible to touch it quietly, but it's very difficult.

The criss-crossing trees and bushes in the courtyard are all neatly built, and there is no place to hide at all. If you sneak in forcibly, the possibility of revealing your whereabouts and scaring the snake is too great. "

"Then what should we do? Are we just waiting outside to see if any spy will come out?"

"That's not the case, but the tighter the defense inside, the more something is wrong inside. My husband even doubts whether these patrolling guards are real clan guards."

"Husband, do you mean that these patrolling clan mansion guards may be disguised as spies?"

"It's not impossible. Spy Shadow's real lair is in this ancestral temple. Although the shadow masters moved to other places to hibernate after the fall of the Li Dynasty, it may not be that there is no manpower left in the ancestral temple.

However, whether these guards are real guards can only be recognized by people in the clan mansion, but as a husband, he can't go to the clan mansion to ask Zongling Li Chengbai to ask about it.

Now I can only look at Lian'er's. "

Qi Ya, Wen Ren Yun Shu's pretty face was startled for a moment, and then seemed to react.

"Little Dragon?"

"Yes, people can't get in. Snakes should be able to get in. Xiaolong just needs to check whether there are people in the houses."

Qinglian smiled and nodded at Liu Mingzhi, took out a pill from her waist and sent it towards the cuff, in the blink of an eye Xiaolong directly uttered a snake letter and got out of Qinglian's cuff and took the pill in Qinglian's hand Swallowed into the mouth.

"Xiaolong, it's time to move around after eating. You will follow the corner of the courtyard wall..."

Young Master Liu, who was watching Qinglian talking to Xiaolong in a low voice, suddenly felt a chill go down his spine. Out of instinct, Young Master Liu directly pushed Qinglian and the three of them to the sides, lifted the scabbard of the Heavenly Sword towards Block behind him.

The moment Young Master Liu held up the Heavenly Sword and turned around to block, a feathered arrow with a letter tied to the shaft and shining cold light shot accurately at the Heavenly Sword's scabbard, and there was a piercing crisp sound.

"Who's outside?"

Liu Mingzhi grabbed the feather arrow that was still lingering, nodded to the three beauties, and jumped into the dark night.

After two incense burns, in Qinglian's boudoir in the inner courtyard of the Liu Mansion, the four of them, Young Master Liu and his wife took off the veil nervously.

"Husband, who is sneaking up on us from behind?"

Liu Mingzhi shook his head solemnly, and raised the feather arrow in his hand to signal to the three beauties.


Liu Mingzhi directly untied the envelope from the arrow shaft, pulled out the letter paper and put it in front of the lit candle.

"My lord, the film master asked the old man to advise the lord, there is no need to waste your efforts, and when the time comes, we will meet."

"Spy shadow protector, Chen Ying."

(End of this chapter)

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