Chapter 2507
After Liu Mingzhi finished reading the brief content of the letter in his hand, a bitter feeling of helplessness after being teased appeared on his face.

Seeing the uncertain expression on her husband's face, the three beauties hurriedly asked with concern: "Husband, are you all right? What's written in the letter?"

"Is it a letter from the spy spy?"

"Is something wrong?"

Liu Mingzhi felt the caring meaning in the words of Qi Ya and the other three sisters, sighed quietly and handed the letter paper to Qi Ya's hand.

"Sister Ya, you three can see for yourself."

Qi Ya and the other three were not polite, and they directly held the letter paper and moved towards the candlelight beside them. After reading the short content on the letter paper, the three sisters looked at each other in astonishment, with serious expressions in their eyes. shine.

"How could this be?"

"My husband is indeed right. It seems that our every move is under the surveillance of spies."

"I just don't know if there are spies around us, or they have planted a hidden stake outside the house. If it is the former, spies are always around us, which is too scary.

The servant girl in the mansion said too much was not too much, and said little was not too little, and it might not be easy to find out the existence of the spies. "

Liu Mingzhi squinted his eyes and pondered for a long time, then turned around and took the letter paper in Qi Ya's hand and put it on the flickering candlelight, watching the ignited letter paper Liu Mingzhi casually threw it into the brazier under the table .

"It should be that the shadow master arranged for his spies to hide hidden stakes outside the mansion or elsewhere. When my husband came out of the study to find you, he kept carefully observing the surrounding environment. No servant girl saw him go. you are there.

It is also possible that there are hidden piles of spies around the Jongmyo Temple. We may have exposed our whereabouts as soon as we appeared in the Jongmyo Temple.

Of course, it is not ruled out that there are spies in our family.

After all, capable people and strange men emerge in endlessly in the world, and it is not too unusual for some martial arts practitioners to have some strange hiding skills.

No matter how far Weifu's innate level of hearing and eyesight is far beyond that of ordinary masters, I dare not say that no one can escape Weifu's perception.

The so-called innate masters are after all just people with deeper qi than ordinary warriors, not omnipotent gods. "

"Husband, what are you going to do next? When I think about our every move, every word and deed may be under the nose of others, I feel a little creepy."

"The same is true for the concubine. It was fine when I didn't know it before, but now after I know it, I always feel a little chills on the back and feel uncomfortable all over."

Liu Mingzhi frowned lightly and let out a sigh: "Of course it's the same as before, just do what you want! Even when the enemy is in the dark and we are in the clear, my husband is helpless now!

Sister Ya, you don't need to have any psychological pressure. For now, they only dare to do some shameful tricks behind their backs.

Just leave the other things to my husband, and you can continue to live your own life happily. "

The three women were silent for a while, and nodded with a forced smile in order not to put pressure on the husband.

"The concubine sister understands."

Liu Mingzhi took off his outer robe and walked towards the back of the screen: "Look at all of you smiling, since something unhappy happened, I have to work hard for my husband to make you all happy.

It's getting late, just rest at Lian'er's place tonight, let's rest together. "

When the three girls heard the words, their delicate faces were immediately stained with a blush, and they blew out the candles on the table and followed behind the screen in embarrassment.

Not long after, Qinglian became full of spring in the boudoir where the night was slightly cool.

The eighth day of April in the fifth year of Taiping.

Unknowingly, more than a month has passed since Young Master Liu visited the ancestral temple at night last time. Since more than a month, Liu Mingzhi has never been to secretly investigate the ancestral temple of the Li family, and spies have never appeared on a large scale again. However, it seemed that everything had come to an end quietly.

As the Ministry of War sent people to various state capitals to post notices from the imperial court, the people in all parts of Dalong once again knew the glorious record of the Western Expeditionary Army's destruction of two small barbarian countries.

For a time, there was an endless stream of young men from various state capitals in Dalong who wanted to join the army, which made the Ministry of War and the military offices of various state capitals very busy.

In order to handle these matters satisfactorily, Young Master Liu's uncle, Minister of the Ministry of War, Song Yu often went to First Young Master Liu, hoping that Liu Mingzhi would come up with an idea, and wanted to hear how he planned to handle the matter properly.

Song Yu, Minister of the Ministry of War, made a rough calculation based on the documents reported by the officials of the Ministry of War in various prefectures. In just a few months, there are now more than 90 young Dalong Erlangs in the prefectures of Dalong who volunteered to join the army. .

If they all agreed to join the army, that would be 90 recruits!
However, judging from the current strength of the imperial treasury, let alone recruiting 90 recruits at once, even if it only recruits 50 recruits, the imperial court does not have that much confidence!

It is true that the taxation of the imperial treasury is doubling year by year, but [-]% of the money and food are used to support the people's livelihood in Beifu and Xinfu.

In order to make the people's livelihood and officials in the two governments catch up with the level of the people in the inner government as soon as possible, the imperial treasury flows out a lot of money every year.

The treasury, which seems to be getting richer day by day, is actually strong outside but capable inside!

Not to mention recruiting another 90 recruits, even if recruiting another 30 recruits, Jiang Yuanming, Minister of the Household Department, would have to pester Young Master Liu on the court and cry poorly.

Therefore, no matter how important the matter was, Song Yu, the Minister of the Ministry of War, did not dare to make a claim, so he could only harass Young Master Liu again and again.

In the Qinzheng Hall of the Imperial Palace, Young Master Liu was sitting on the dragon chair with a strange expression, flipping through the documents presented by the Ministry of War.

Without the imperial court posting notices to recruit recruits, suddenly more than 90 young and strong Dalong Erlang volunteered to join the army, which is tantamount to a good thing.

This shows that the court's prestige in the hearts of the people has reached an extremely high level.

But there are 90 young and strong young men all of a sudden, what should the court use to support them?

Young Master Liu's thinking was surprisingly consistent with Song Yu's, because it was true that he was happy about this matter, but no matter how happy he was, he had to consider the actual situation.

As far as the soldiers and horses on the border in the north and the soldiers and horses on the west expedition are concerned, the imperial court has now supported nearly a million elite troops.

Although it is not a stretch for the treasury to feed so many soldiers and horses, some places can still save as much as possible.

Recruiting nearly one million new recruits is not an easy task for the current imperial court.

In a word, Dalong has no shortage of young people who enlist in the army, but the treasury is short of money and food!

After recruits enlist in the army, they can eat sweet potatoes and potatoes, but the hundreds of thousands of soldiers who are loyal to the country cannot be allowed to eat sweet potatoes and potatoes all the time, right?
In this way, it is better not to collect than to collect.

Moreover, 90 young and strong young men are 90 labor forces for the Dalong court. With these young and strong labor forces for production and operation, the revenue generated is not a small amount of income for the national treasury.

Under the current situation of Dalong, Liu Mingzhi doesn't really want to recruit these recruits.

But if they don't collect, it's inevitable that some young people will be hit with the heart of serving the country with all their might.

Gently closing the document and putting it on the dragon table, Liu Mingzhi looked at Jiang Yuanming, the secretary of the household department under the dragon table.

"Hubu, you have heard what the Ministry of War just reported, so how many more recruits do you think the imperial court should recruit?"

When Jiang Yuanming heard Young Master Liu's question, he came out with a distressed expression holding his wat.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the treasury has no money."

Jiang Yuanming was the same as before. If he didn't say anything else, he would cry poorly. No matter what he said, he could sum it up in four words.

The treasury has no money.

(End of this chapter)

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