My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2508 Teenagers have their own teenage madness

Chapter 2508 Teenagers have their own teenage madness

As soon as Jiang Yuanming cried poorly, Young Master Liu hadn't spoken yet, Song Yu, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, came out first, holding the imperial wat.

"Old Jiang, you fart, now excluding the expenditures for supporting the people's livelihood in Beifu and Xinfu, plus the money used for disaster relief in various state capitals, there are now gold, silver, copper coins, silk, grains, and rare treasures in the treasury. The combined value of all kinds of treasures is at least two to thirty million taels of silver.

Even if all kinds of rare and rare treasures are excluded, there are about 2000 million taels in terms of gold, silver, money and food alone.

If about 300 million taels of grain were allocated from it, it would be more than enough for the imperial court to recruit another 20 recruits.

I have millions of Dalong young men who want to serve the country with fists and fists. You just want to send it away when you say that the treasury has no money? "

Jiang Yuanming raised his eyebrows, and glared at Song Yu not to be outdone.

"My dear, old Song, you really don't have back pain when you stand and talk, and cooperating with you, is it so worthless in the eyes of you Song Dashangshu?

Yes!What you said is not wrong. There are nearly 3000 million taels of silver in the treasury now, but how long do you think the 3000 million taels of silver can stay in the treasury?
Canals cost nothing?The military salary of hundreds of thousands of soldiers, the food salary is free?

Is it because the Academy of Sciences spends no money on research?Or does it not cost money to upgrade the military equipment of hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the North?

Are you as busy as dogs all year round and don't need salary?Don't officials of all sizes and state capitals need salaries?

Don't you need money to repair the official roads, repair the city walls, and repair the pavilions in the palace?
Shouldn't emergency money and food be set aside?
This is still a large amount of expenditure, and some small expenditures are even more varied. Can you tell me which one does not cost money?

It's just that this official hasn't included the silver consumption required for the construction of His Majesty's Mausoleum!If it is included, it will cost several million taels of silver.

Now just the money spent on opening the canal is enough for this official to burn out. You old man is still making sarcastic remarks here, as if there is so much money in the treasury that any official can squander it.

The money in the state treasury is not my official's money, but why should I be reluctant to take it out if there are surplus silver taels?
After all, isn't he still poor?

what!Because you are not in charge of money and food, do you think that everything is gone when you raise your banner, say something big, and wave your hand?

Mr. Song, 20 years ago, you were the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs. Did you forget the days when you were so anxious that you almost became a panty because the treasury had no money?
Co-author, you are now transferred to the military department, so you can stand and talk without back pain?
Since you Song Dashangshu said so happily, 300 million taels is not too much, and it is not too much, you can take it out of your own pocket!

As long as you can take it out, let alone recruiting another 20 recruits, even if the recruiting of another 30 recruits is just a waste of money, I will find a way to make up for the rest of the money you need.

The key is can you take it out? "

Song Yu looked at Lao Jiang who was cursing at him, put away his wat and sat back in a resentful expression. After hearing so many things that needed money, he really couldn't find a reason to refute Lao Jiang.

Lao Jiang looked at Song Yu who was retreating, sneered a few times and saluted Young Master Liu.

"Your Majesty, now I can use up to 50 elite troops to go to each pass, and the veteran thinks that there is really no need to recruit new soldiers now.

One is that there is really no extra money to come out, and the other is that I have a lot of soldiers and generals, so where should I recruit new recruits?
The government soldiers in various state capitals are now becoming more and more streamlined, so it is impossible to recruit recruits to fill their positions, right?
In this way, the money and food consumed are not as good as not streamlining the soldiers and horses of the government soldiers!After all, the fighting power of the government soldiers is not as good as the brave frontier soldiers, but they are worse than the recruits, right?

His Majesty was also from the army at the beginning, and the veterans would understand how much money was spent on training recruits and preparing the recruits' armor and equipment.

I, Dalong Younger Lang, can understand the country's situation with fists and fists, but understanding is understanding, and reality is reality.

Now that the imperial court does not need to recruit new soldiers at all, the veteran thinks it is better to spend money on real things first, please think again, Your Majesty. "

Liu Mingzhi quietly looked at the red-faced Lao Jiang who was about to fight with the Minister of War, tapped his fingers on the table lightly, remained silent for a while, and suddenly spoke.

"One hundred thousand! How about one hundred thousand?"

"Huh? The old minister is confused."

"Jiang Aiqing, what I mean is that [-] recruits have been streamlined and streamlined from the sons who volunteered to join the army from all over the country.

I have just carefully considered the placement of the [-] new recruits, and after being trained by veterans of the imperial army, they will be transferred to Dashi, and the two countries of Tianzhu will be added to the two armies of the Western Expedition.

There are three reasons for this.

On the one hand, they can quickly transform into elite veterans on the battlefield. Training for half a year is not as good as going to the battlefield for ten days.

If you want to turn a group of recruits into elite soldiers as quickly as possible, blood and fire on the battlefield is the best place to train your troops.

Secondly, most of the young and strong guys are young men who have not yet established a family. After they are mobilized in Dashi, they can not only make contributions there, but also allow them to establish a family there. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

If my Dalong wants to gain a firm foothold in Dashi, Tianzhu, and the small barbarian countries in the far west, the first thing is to implement a Sinicization strategy for the local people.

Only by allowing the people of my Dalong to multiply and thrive there, can the blood of my Dalong people truly spread all over the world, all over the world.

Hit and leave, of course you can promote my Great Dragon Tianwei, but that's just a momentary Great Dragon Tianwei.

Only by letting the figures of my Dalong people spread all over the place where the sun and the moon shine, that is the real sense of opening up the territory.

And if you want to do this, the only way to have no worries is to spread the seeds of our Dalong Celestial Dynasty civilization bit by bit.

Come three!The year before last, Zhang Shuai, Nangong Shuai and their battle report documents have all been read. Although our army of the Western Expedition of the Celestial Dynasty did not suffer much in the battle against the barbarians, nearly [-] soldiers were lost due to unacceptable conditions. .

This also means that the guards, battalions, and departments of the Western Expeditionary Army urgently need to replenish their troops and restore a complete organizational system.

The more troops our Dalong Erlang has in the barbarian countries of the West, the more beneficial it will be for our Dalong court from an overall perspective.

At the same time, recruits can also replace some veterans and return home to live and work in peace.

Ladies and gentlemen, I, the people of Dalong, have traveled thousands of mountains and rivers, and the last thought is just the four words of falling leaves returning to their roots.

In the same way, I don't want to see the great dragon soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the country and the country and sprinkled their blood finally end up in a situation where they died as a guest.

Recruiting another [-] recruits to add to the Western Expedition Army is indeed a big expense, but I can't help thinking about the soldiers!
Spend more money, spend more money!Even if my imperial mausoleum cannot be completed within ten years, let the old soldiers of the Western Expedition Army who want to return to their roots and return to their hometown come back first.

You can earn money back after spending money, but it is difficult to keep warm when people's hearts are cold.

Recruit another [-] recruits.

Teenagers have their own youth madness, and a new generation replaces the old ones.

In the end, the world is dominated by young people. The imperial court needs them to expand their territories, and the people of the world also need them to defend their homes and countries.

In the face of the general trend of the world, those of us who are half buried in the loess can't rest on our laurels!

Ministry of Household Affairs, it shouldn't be difficult to recruit another [-] recruits by slightly reducing or temporarily putting aside some unimportant expenses, right? "

Jiang Yuanming looked at Young Master Liu's meaningful gaze, and nodded hesitantly after a long silence.

"The veteran can't guarantee it, but the veteran will definitely do his best."

"Well, I trust you, Ministry of War."

"The old minister is here."

"Work together with all our strength, and strive to complete the conscription within three months."

"The old minister obeys the order."

(End of this chapter)

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