My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2509 Responsibilities

Chapter 2509 Responsibilities
Liu Mingzhi finalized the recruitment of another [-] recruits by the Ministry of War, and then turned his attention to Qin Ziying, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites.

"Department of Rites."

"The old minister is here."

"How is your ceremony department preparing for the wedding between the Second Prince and Yunchang Princess Li Jingyao?
Seeing that the auspicious day is approaching day by day, your Ministry of Rites must not make mistakes at critical moments. "

"Reporting to Your Majesty, more than half of the matters concerning the new marriage between the second prince and Princess Yunchang have been carried out. The old minister guarantees with his life that there will be no problems. At that time, the second prince and Princess Yunchang will definitely let the two The prince and Princess Yunchang got married on time."

"I'm relieved to have old Aiqing's words. By the way, has your Ministry of Etiquette calculated how much money will be consumed for the marriage? Do you have an approximate amount?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, a month ago, the old minister and Mr. Jiang, Minister of the Household Department, have roughly calculated the amount of silver taels needed for the marriage, and it will cost about 210 million taels of silver."

Young Master Liu picked up the teacup to drink tea, and suddenly stopped, looking at Qin Ziying who looked calm and calm with trembling corners of his mouth.

"How much? 210 million taels of silver? How could it be so much?"

Qin Ziying looked at Liu Mingzhi's slightly stunned reaction, and bowed respectfully.

"Returning to Your Majesty, this is already the result of the old minister and the Minister of the Household Department repeatedly cutting unnecessary expenses.

If calculated according to conventional customization, the prince's wedding would require at least 280 million taels of silver.

Especially for the future prince and concubine with such a distinguished status as Her Royal Highness Princess Yunchang, the silver consumption required is only a lot more than the conventional custom-made silver consumption.

The ministers and others knew that His Majesty did not like extravagance since he took the throne, and he did not want to waste the money in the treasury, so after several discussions, the money was reduced to about 210 million taels.

This is already an extremely low amount of expenditure. If it is further reduced, it will no longer meet the specifications for the prince's wedding. "

Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly and glanced under the dragon platform, looking at his son Liu Chengzhi who was kneeling and scratching his head with the same tangled expression, and sighed silently.

Good guy, to be married would cost a year's tax revenue of a top wealthy state capital!
"Old Aiqing, can't it be reduced? 210 million taels is too much, right? You know, when I married the queen, it only cost more than 30 taels!"

"Your Majesty, it really can't be reduced any more, and if it is further reduced, it will not meet the royal family's standards.

When your majesty was the left servant of the household department, he was very clear about the income and expenditure of the treasury at that time.

When Daxing Xiandi Wuzong was a prince in the past, he only married the Empress Dowager Chen, and the two empresses, Concubine He, spent more than 300 million taels of silver.

When the first emperor Chengzong became the queen, he consumed more than 630 million taels of silver.

In comparison, the expenses for the wedding of the Second Prince and Princess Yunchang have been reduced to the point where it cannot be less.

If the ministers and others knew that His Majesty does not like extravagance and waste, they would have given out 300 million taels of silver to prepare for His Royal Highness's national wedding in accordance with the customary order. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Qin Ziying, the Minister of Rituals who spoke earnestly, and recalled in his mind the amount of silver consumed by Li Baiyu, Li Ye and his father when they got married. There are very few.

But now there are too many places where money is used in the world, more than 200 million taels is just a marriage, isn't it a bit wasteful?

Young Master Liu fell silent for a while as his thoughts turned sharply, and then he turned his gaze to Old Jiang, the Minister of the Household Department.

"Jiang Aiqing, don't you want to say something?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the old minister seconded the proposal, the prince's big wedding is a matter of my celestial face, how can I deal with it.

The expenditure of 210 million taels is already the lowest, and the amount cannot be reduced any more. "

"Your Majesty seconded the proposal, it is related to the majesty of our Great Dragon Dynasty, how can we be negligent, please allow your Majesty.

"Your Majesty seconded the proposal. It is related to the majesty of our Great Dragon Dynasty. How can we be negligent? Please allow your majesty."

"Your Majesty seconded the proposal. It is related to the majesty of our Great Dragon Dynasty. How can we be negligent? Please allow your majesty."

Young Master Liu saw that even Xia Gongming, the chief assistant of the cabinet, an evergreen tree in the officialdom who usually held back everything he did, came forward to second the matter with a court wat, rubbed his forehead and nodded helplessly.

210 million taels is 210 million taels. All civil and military members of the Manchu Dynasty have passed it. It is a bit inappropriate for me to be a father, no matter how petty I am.

"Precise play."

"Your Majesty is holy, long live long live."

"My dear friends, do you have any other books to play?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the ministers have nothing to play."

"Then retreat."

"Your Majesty is being sent off respectfully, long live long live."

After Young Master Liu stood up and left, all the officials also left the Qinzheng Hall in groups of three or four.

Liu Mingzhi, who returned to the harem and changed into a looser uniform, still had the 200 million taels of silver in his mind to get married. He agreed to this matter, but he still felt a little distressed.

After leaving the palace, Young Master Liu went straight to the hexagram stall outside Penglai Restaurant, no matter what happened, he still had to live a happy life.

"Master, have you finished your court affairs?"

"Well, I'm done. How's the business today? How many books have you sold?"

"Seven copies have been sold, all bought by former regular customers."

"Not bad, not bad. I have earned several hundred taels of silver. At least it is not a big problem to support my family."

Young Master Liu was quite satisfied with the income reported by Liu Song, nodded with relief and walked towards his hexagram booth.

"Xiao Song, go to the restaurant and ask the waiter inside to bring you a pot of herbal tea. The weather is getting hotter and hotter. If you don't drink more tea, my body really can't handle it."

"Okay, the little one will pass right away."

"Tiekou directly judges the world's affairs, and I know the fate of marriage.

Don't miss it when you pass by, take a look and take a look. "

First Young Master Liu went to lie down and yelled at the passers-by on the street at the top of his voice, and smiled helplessly at the embarrassing scene where no one paid attention to him.

Randomly picked up the books on the low table and fell asleep on the recliner, Liu Mingzhi shook his folding fan and watched the contents of the book silently.

Liu Mingzhi had just finished reading a page of the book, when he was about to turn the page, he suddenly felt that the light in front of him dimmed.

Liu Mingzhi frowned, hurriedly put down the book and sat up straight with a smile on his face: "My guest, are you looking for marriage or...Chengzhi? Why are you kid?

You were not in the Palace of Ten Kings just now to deal with the business in your hands, why did you come to Lao Tzu? "

Liu Chengzhi looked at his father with a surprised face and bowed and saluted: "I have seen my father, so I told my father that there is no document memorial in the Ten Kings Palace today that I need to deal with and verify. I plan to go to Jingyao's place after I leave the palace. , I took a turn towards Dad on the way."

"Okay, okay, there is no need to be so polite when people come and go on the street, just sit down."

"Hey, thank you dad."

Liu Mingzhi tapped the book in his hand on the low table, and while sleeping on the recliner, he silently shook the carved jade fan in his hand.

"It seems like only a blink of an eye has passed, but today it's already early April, and the wedding date between you and girl Jingyao is getting closer and closer.

Roughly estimate that there are still three or four months before the two of you will be newly married and form a couple who watch and help each other.

How do you feel about starting a family soon, how do you feel now? "

Liu Chengzhi scratched his head and thought for a while, then glanced at his father with a little embarrassment.

"Yes... I'm looking forward to it and nervous. When the date of marriage was not set, Hai'er and Jingyao had been looking forward to the early arrival of this day. Now that the date is fixed, Hai'er is faintly nervous.

The closer the day was to August [-]th, the more nervous the baby felt. It wasn't the nervousness of being afraid of marrying Jingyao, but an inexplicable feeling of nervousness.

As for what you are nervous about, you can ask the child to talk about it, but the child cannot tell. "

Seeing his son's embarrassing face, Young Master Liu couldn't help snorting a few times. Liu Chengzhi's current mood is exactly the same as his situation before he was about to marry Qi Yun.

At that time, my appearance was not much better than my son's now, and I couldn't say that I was nervous, but I was looking forward to and secretly praying that that day would not come so soon.

The previous self didn't understand, but the present self already understands the reason for that feeling back then.

Responsibility, a responsibility that is about to be the head of the family.

"When you reach the age of being a father, you will naturally understand. Don't think about it, let alone have any psychological pressure. Life is always about getting married and starting a business."

"Yes, the child knows."

"Have you finished reading the book that your father asked you to take away from the study a few months ago?"


First Young Master Liu frowned at Liu Chengzhi who was hesitant to speak, and his movement of shaking the folding fan was a little slower.

"You don't want to tell Father that you didn't watch it at all!"

"No, no, my boy has read it, my boy has finished watching it."

(End of this chapter)

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