My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2510 Why don't you go grab it

Chapter 2510 Why don't you go grab it

Young Master Liu looked at his son Liu Chengzhi's vague reaction, and the look in his eyes could not be called disappointed, but he couldn't be called overly happy either.

Compared with his peers, this child's character and ability are already superior, but in his own eyes, he always feels a little unsatisfactory.

Liu Mingzhi shook the folding fan and sighed secretly, and couldn't help asking himself, did he ask too much of this child?

Or is it that my expectations for this child have far exceeded what he should be capable of at this age?

Liu Mingzhi reflected on himself for a while, sat up straight and tried his best to look gentle and approachable, so as not to cause any psychological pressure on his son.

"Now that you've finished reading it, tell Weifu what you think. What have you learned from the book?"

Listening to his father's soft voice, Liu Chengzhi clutched the hem of his clothes and thought for a moment: "I don't think it's suitable for me to delve into the contents of the book carefully now.

With the child's current virtues, if he studies the contents of that book forcefully, it will be tantamount to spoiling the seedlings.

This is not necessarily a good thing for children. "

Liu Mingzhi fell silent, looked at Liu Chengzhi silently for a while, looked away, raised his head and quietly looked up at the clouds in the sky: "Where are the books?"

"In the child's study room, if father wants to take it back, can he give the child another five days? After five days, the child will personally send it back to you."

"Oh? Since you said that you are not fit to delve into the content of the book now, why do you have to wait five days before returning it to your father? Is there something wrong?"

"No, nothing went wrong, it's just that the boy is copying the content of the book now, and he plans to copy two identical books and give them to sister Yue'er, the third brother and the others, so that they can also read the articles in it. "

The pupils of Young Master Liu's eyes suddenly tightened, he closed the folding fan and tapped the palm of his hand lightly, looking thoughtfully at Liu Chengzhi's calm and plain face, heaved a sigh of relief.

"You just said that your current virtue is not suitable for studying the articles in the book, but you copied two books and gave them to Yue'er, who is younger than you, to become their siblings.

It is not suitable for you to study the articles in the book now. Could it be that the current virtues of the two siblings are suitable for studying the articles in the book carefully?
Do you know what you are doing? "

"The child knows everything."


"Yes, the child is very clear, the child has written epigrams on the title page of the book that can be read but not deeply read.

The brothers and sisters of Hai'er have not tasted the taste of rights, and Hai'er does not hope that one day because of rights, the close relationship between us brothers and sisters from childhood to adulthood will be disintegrated.

The boy dared to say something disrespectful to his father. In the future, the boy can sit in that seat, the eldest sister, the second sister, and the eldest brother can also sit, sister Yaoyao, younger brother Chenggan, and younger sister Yue'er can also sit.

Zhenghao, Yunxin, Zhengran, Lingyun... Chengrui and the others can also sit.

But as for who will sit on the toilet in the end, I don't know what you think, dad, and how you think about it, but I think that the best result is whoever is more suitable to sit on the toilet.

What Haier and other brothers and sisters' descendants think, Haier doesn't know, and Haier can't guarantee, but as far as we brothers and sisters are concerned, Haier and others will never turn red and turn against each other because of that position.

Because no matter who we sit in that position, we will never treat each other badly in the future.

What the boy wanted to say has been said. "

First Young Master Liu glanced at his son's calm expression of nodding his head and lowering his brows, and his eyes gazing up at the sky rarely showed a hint of bewilderment.

"If...if my father told you now that right now your little sister Yue'er is more suitable to inherit that position than you, what would you think?
Not only you alone, but your grown-up brothers and sisters besides Yue'er are more suitable.

Do you feel that the father favors your little sister Yue'er too much? "

"No, the child will never think so?"

"Tell me what you think."

"Because Sister Yue'er grew up in a different environment than Hai'er and others, you have always trained us as the future pillars of the imperial court since we were young.

But sister Yue'er was raised by Aunt Wanyan as the successor of the Kingdom of Jin.

When Sister Yue'er was only six or seven years old, she had already started supervising the country as the future king of a country. She acted as the emperor's administration until Sister Yue'er was 11 years old.

At a young age, she managed the country's politics in an orderly manner, and was fully supported by the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty of the Jin Kingdom at that time. As far as the current situation is concerned, Sister Yue'er is indeed more suitable than us to inherit the big position. "

Hearing Liu Chengzhi's sincere words, Liu Mingzhi was in a daze for a long time, then withdrew his gaze from staring at the sky, leaned back on the recliner, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

"Go to Jingyao's mansion first, I'm a little tired of being a father."

"Yes, baby retire."

After Liu Chengzhi got up, he left the hexagram booth directly, and the footsteps next to Young Master Liu's ears gradually disappeared.

Gently waving the carved jade fan, the expression on Liu Mingzhi's face was as silent as a pool of stagnant water, making it impossible to see anything at all.

"Here comes your tea."

Young Master Liu subconsciously opened his eyes and looked forward, only to see that Ren Qingrui, who was wearing a book boy's clothes, was bending down her willow waist as if she couldn't bear to hold it, and was putting the tea and pastries in the tray on the low table one by one.

Sitting up and stretching, Young Master Liu looked at the indifferent Ren Qingrui playfully, throwing off the folding fan and blowing the cool wind heavily.

"Hehe, it seems that the wings are hardened, and even the eldest brother stopped shouting.

I said girl, when did you come to the restaurant to help Bi Zhu and the others take care of their business, why doesn't the elder brother know anything about it?
And ah!Brother, I have almost two incense sticks of tea to ask for, and you have not delivered it until now. This speed will definitely dissatisfy the customers. If it is placed in another restaurant, the shopkeeper will probably let you pack up and leave.

You have to keep working hard. "

"My girl, I brought tea here a long time ago. I just happened to see you talking to Cheng Zhi. I don't know what's inconvenient for you two to chat. Come here directly. I'll just wait beside you!"

"So that's the case, then I will forgive you if I have a lot of elder brother, and pour tea for elder brother."

Ren Qingrui gave Young Master Liu an angry look, lifted the small bench and sat down directly beside him, without any intention of carrying the pot of tea for Young Master Liu.

"You have to drink it yourself. This girl is now a tenant who will pay you the rent every month. She is not a poor creature who lives in your house, let alone a servant girl who sells herself to you. Why do you use this girl with peace of mind? ?
It's not impossible to ask this girl to pour tea, fifty copper coins at a time, pay with one hand and pour tea with the other.

You and I pay both money and goods, and do not owe each other. "

Young Master Liu looked at Ren Qingrui, who was leaning sideways on her waist and stretched out her hand to ask for money, the corners of her eyes twitched a few times.

"Fifty coppers at a time? Why don't you just grab it?

This young master, I spent a long time fooling around to earn ten copper coins for tea. If you let the eldest lady do it, the hard work of this young master will be gone. Don't you think you are too dark? "

Ren Qingrui's beautiful eyes flashed with sarcasm and snorted coquettishly: "Humph! How can you earn so much if you go for the robbery? Not to mention breaking the law of the country, and it's not safe for me to be a weak woman. Do you think I'm stupid?"

"Okay! Okay! You have sharp teeth, you are getting sharper and sharper, you are getting better and better, my young master will let you let the eldest lady pour tea, can't I drink it by myself?

My young master, I have sound hands and feet, so why bother to spend that unjust money. "

Young Master Liu closed the folding fan and stuck it under the clothes on the back of his neck. Young Master Liu, who was about to pour tea for himself by lifting the teapot, looked at the empty tray suspiciously.

"Huh—where's the cup?"

"I didn't bring it, I can go to the restaurant for you to get it for you, but the cup costs [-] yuan a time."

"Nonsense, you don't deserve a cup for your tea?"

"You yourself told Liu Song to send a pot of herbal tea, but you didn't say you would send a cup."

"Who am I... What kind of evil is this?"

Ren Qingrui shrugged her fragrant shoulders, and looked at Young Master Liu with a tangled expression in her beautiful eyes, "Do you want it? If not, you can just drink it directly from the teapot.

This girl doesn't matter. "

Young Master Liu looked at the extra-large teapot in his hand and shook his head helplessly. If it was his own purple sand teapot, he would hold it and drink it directly.

It's a pity that this is not a small and exquisite purple clay pot. If you really hold it and drink it, you don't need your arms.

First Young Master Liu put down the teapot, gritted his teeth, took out a handful of copper coins from his cuff, counted twenty of them, and slapped them heavily on the low table.

"Go, get a cup for the uncle."

Ren Qingrui smiled and hurriedly pulled the twenty copper coins into her palm, stood up and saluted Young Master Liu.

"Come on, wait a moment, sir, the little one will come as soon as he goes."

Seeing Ren Qingrui bouncing away like a little fox who stole fish, Young Master Liu threw away the folding fan and hummed a few times.

"Only women and villains are difficult to raise, and the ancients never deceived me!"

(End of this chapter)

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