My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2511 The beauty doesn't know what you mean

Chapter 2511 The beauty doesn't know what you mean

In Penglai Restaurant, Xue Bizhu was leaning over the counter while flipping through the ledger next to him, while gently flicking the abacus in his hand.

Hearing the sound of footsteps in front of him, Xue Bizhu raised his head and swept slightly, and saw Ren Qingrui gently tossing the copper plate in his hand and walking towards him with a smile like a flower.

Xue Bizhu picked up a pen and made a mark on the account book, and with his arms around his undulating chest, he looked at Ren Qingrui, who was wearing a book boy costume, but still couldn't conceal his beautiful and heavenly appearance.

"Good sister, look at your sweet expression as if you have eaten honey, it seems that you have taken advantage of my sister's husband!"

Ren Qingrui heard the ridicule in Xue Bizhu's words, her smiling pretty face hurriedly returned to normal, and handed the twenty copper coins in her hand to Xue Bizhu's eyes as if offering treasures.

"I gave you [-] Wen for taking a teacup, it seems that earning money is not that difficult!"

Seeing Ren Qingrui's complacent and charming appearance, Xue Bizhu couldn't help but burst out laughing, looked down at the twenty bright copper coins in Ren Qingrui's hand, and nodded teasingly.

"Yes, earning money is not difficult at all, but it also depends on who earns it.

He gave me [-] Wen for just a teacup, and that foolish husband from my sister's house was the only one who was 'deceived'.

This is you, good sister, but any outsider who dares to blackmail him so blatantly will have to go to the capital's yamen. "

Ren Qingrui looked at Xue Bizhu's teasing expression, and wrinkled Qiong's nose resentfully: "Anyway, my little sister earned it herself!
Who told that stinky husband of yours to collect so much rent from my little sister all of a sudden? If I don't work hard to earn money for my little sister's property, I might be punished by your little sister for not being able to pay the rent. The smelly man was kicked out of the house.

I don't want to be reduced to the miserable days of living alone on the streets. "

Xue Bizhu picked up the bamboo strip on the counter and slapped Ren Qingrui's wrist lightly: "Stinky girl, for the rent you need to pay every month, if you sell that night pearl in your room, you will be considered It's not enough to pay a lifetime's rent.

If you want to find an excuse to get my husband's attention, just say no, what are you doing with all these tricks?
Are you being stupid as a sister?Or do you think my husband is stupid?Do you really think he can't see your ghostly thoughts? "

Ren Qingrui immediately withdrew her arm on the counter with a cry of oops. Looking at the light red mark on her icy and snow-skinned wrist, Ren Qingrui walked to the stool inside the counter with resentful eyes and sat down.

"My little sister doesn't want to do this either! But who told that big bastard in your family to... Alas... Isn't it obvious enough for me? Isn't my heart clear enough?
However, although he didn't look like he rejected me thousands of miles away, he always kept a clear distance from my little sister.

Even though they are together day and night every day, they can be so close, but there is always an unseen, unexplainable, and insurmountable natural moat between the little sister and him.

I don't know why he treats me like this, even if his heart is like a stone, it should be warm even if he can't cover it! "

Xue Bizhu looked at Ren Qingrui's suddenly desolate expression, put down the bamboo stick in his hand a little at a loss, wanted to speak to persuade, but didn't know where to start.

Husband's mind seems really hard to understand!

The atmosphere behind the counter suddenly became quiet, which was in stark contrast to the bustling scene in the restaurant.

"Sister Rui, maybe my husband has some last resort."

Ren Qingrui wiped the corners of her eyes with her fingers indiscriminately, a charming smile appeared on her pretty face again, she picked up the teacup on the counter and Ren Qingrui waved her hands and walked out of the restaurant.

"Sister Bizhu, my little sister went to deliver teacups to your man first, who knows what faults he will pick if he goes late? My little sister finally earned [-] Wen, if he wants to go back Wouldn't it be a waste of work?"

Xue Bizhu watched as Ren Qingrui's pretendingly chic figure walked out of the restaurant, her cherry lips were tightly pressed together, she shook her head lightly, sighed faintly, and was about to continue to check the accounts in the morning.

"Sister, do you think that sister Rui and her husband can really achieve a positive result?"

Xue Bizhu's tender body suddenly trembled, and glared at Huang Lingyi, who was lying on the counter with a grinning posture at some point: "When did you come here? Why didn't you say anything, you want to scare my sister to death?"

"I came here just now, but seeing you chatting so speculatively with sister Rui, my sister didn't dare to bother you to whisper. Do you think sister Rui and your husband can really achieve a positive result?"

"Who knows! Don't you understand our husband? When he squints, he looks like a devil in sex, but when he is serious, he is like a eunuch who is sitting still.

Just because of Sister Rui's youthful beauty and beautiful face, any other man in the past few years would probably have children running all over the place, but our silly husband didn't even touch him with a single finger.

But to our sisters... it's hard to say, hard to say!
By the way, do you have anything to do at the counter? "

"The back kitchen doesn't have much mutton, donkey meat and some fresh vegetables. Hurry up and send someone to He's shop and ask them to deliver some tomorrow morning. Don't delay the business."

"I see. After finishing the calculation of the remaining accounts, my sister will send someone to visit He's business."

"Okay, that little girl will go to the back kitchen first. Xiaolu is really good at learning to cook. After my sister, I hand over all my skills to him, and then there are guests who order signature dishes, my sister can rest assured. Slightly.

At that time, my younger sister will also go to the hexagram booth every day to accompany her husband to tell the guests. "

Xue Bizhu looked at Huang Lingyi's grinning back, chuckled a few times and began to calculate the remaining accounts.

"Hey! The teacup you asked for."

Ren Qingrui put the teacup in front of First Young Master Liu, and sat on the stool beside her carelessly fingering the slightest filth in her nails.

Liu Mingzhi didn't care about Ren Qingrui's 'bad' attitude, picked up the teacup and poured a cup of herbal tea and drank it silently.

"Girl Ren, do you remember what day it is today?"

"The eighth day of April? What's the matter?"

"No big deal, Brother Wei just wanted to tell you that you have seven days to pay the rent. Are you ready for the rent? If you can't pay the rent by then, Brother Wei will have to evict you!"

"Hmph! Don't worry, even if I don't eat, I won't miss your two taels of rent."

"Don't be so aggressive, you also know that it's not easy to support a family for a big brother!
Not bad on the line. "

Ren Qingrui glanced at the idle Young Master Liu: "You're not short of money, you're short of my girl's two taels of silver, right?"

"No, no, who is it not rented to? Girl, do you think this is the case?"


Ren Qingrui was almost choked by Young Master Liu's indifferent attitude, and gave Young Master Liu a hard look, Ren Qingrui continued to fingernails.

Liu Mingzhi saw Ren Qingrui's resentful look with nothing to say, so he stopped talking, and just drank the tea in his cup silently.

"I plan to go back to Sichuan at the end of the month to visit my parents."

"Okay! You even spent the Spring Festival in the capital, and it's already April, you should go back and visit your parents.

Ren Guo... Ren Yuanwai and Mrs. Ren are old, and their children really should spend more time with Gao Tang and fulfill their filial piety. "

Ren Qingrui suddenly raised her head to look at Liu Mingzhi, who had a nonchalant expression on her face. Seeing Liu Mingzhi's plain expression, Ren Qingrui bit her red lips and rubbed them for a long time, then nodded her head imperceptibly.

" don't want to keep me at all?"

"The sage said: Parents are here, if you don't travel far, you must travel well.

It is human nature for you to want to go back to your hometown to be filial, how dare you open your mouth to keep you and make you an unfilial person?In this way, wouldn't the crime of being a brother be too great?

My dragon governs the country with filial piety! "

"What if... what if I never go back to the capital again?"

Liu Mingzhi's right hand, holding the teacup, trembled indistinctly: "Girl, there is no feast that never ends, brother, I wish you a smooth journey in advance.

Brother Wei has said this to others, and I will say it to you again today.

Living in this world, separation and reunion is the norm. "

Ren Qingrui looked at Liu Mingzhi whose eyes were all on the teacup in his hand, took out an exquisite purse embroidered with blooming cherry blossoms from his arms and put it on the table, staring blankly at the haze in the sky with ethereal bright eyes, he was dazed.

There is a kind of meaning that the beautiful woman does not know what the king means, but still looks at the sky and asks the sunset.

"Liu Mingzhi, you are really decisive. My little sister admires you. Originally, my little sister, I still have a lot of questions and wanted to get an answer from you.

But hearing what you said today, I don't think that's necessary anymore.

It turns out that not every woman is as lucky as Sister Tao Ying, so I won't bother you to drink tea to greet guests, I'll go back first. "

Liu Mingzhi stared at the video of Ren Qingrui walking towards the restaurant for a moment, then glanced at the cherry blossom purse on the table that was exactly the same as the purse that Tao Ying left for him at his waist, and drank cup after cup of tea in silence.

(End of this chapter)

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