My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2512 Youth is Priceless

Chapter 2512 Youth is Priceless
The years are invisible, and the days have passed in the blink of an eye. On the third day of May in the fifth year of Dalong Taiping, Liu Mingzhi, who was busy processing paperwork in the study, suddenly heard a knock on the door from outside the study.

"Come in."

Qi Yun gently pushed open the door, and Shi Shiran walked into the study with a tray in her hands.

"Husband, are you done?"

Hearing Qi Yun's voice, Liu Mingzhi put down the vermilion pen in his hand for reviewing documents, and a self-deprecating smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "I just finished reviewing half of the documents and memorials submitted by various ministries.

I thought that the world would be peaceful, the Haiyan River would be clear, and my husband would be able to live the same life as before, fishing for three days and drying the net for two days, but I never thought that I would become more and more busy.

There are many seemingly ordinary documents, but as a husband, you still have to do it yourself.

I don't know when this kind of day will be the end. "

Qi Yun put the tray in her hand on the table, picked up the porridge bowl and placed it in front of Liu Mingzhi.

"My concubine has stewed some fresh fish soup for you, drink it while it's hot."

"Is this girl Yue'er bringing Lianiang and the others fresh fish from the Qingling River?"

Qi Yun pulled up a chair with a smile and sat beside Liu Mingzhi: "Who else can there be except her, don't look at this girl getting older, but her heart is getting younger and younger.

After finishing the official duties in the Hall of Ten Kings, she either disguised herself as a man and lingered in the place of fireworks, or took her younger siblings to catch fish and shrimp outside the city.

She relies on our father and mother as backers, not to mention Wanyan's sister, even your husband, you can't do anything about it!

The underage Zhenghao, Lingyun and the brothers and sisters are closer when they see Yue'er than when they see concubines and sisters. As long as Yue'er is at home, the children below seem to be overturned. God seems to be. "

Liu Mingzhi picked up the fresh fish soup and put it into his mouth with a spoon to taste it.

"When the kids are old, we can't take care of them.

Go for it, as long as you don't turn the capital upside down, you can do whatever you want.

It's nothing to make a little trouble, as long as you don't lose your heart. "

Qi Yun silently looked at her husband who was savoring the taste of fish soup, hesitated for a moment, took out an envelope from his cuff and put it in front of Young Master Liu.

"Sister Qingrui left early in the morning with a simple burden on her back. This is a letter she left for your husband, and I asked my concubine to hand it over to you."

Liu Mingzhi, who was tasting the fish soup with a light smile, suddenly froze, and then his expression eased, making it impossible to see that he had any intentions, drinking the fish soup silently again.

"Let's just go! Half a month ago, at the fortune-telling booth, she told her husband that she was going back to Sichuan to visit her parents. These days, my husband has been busy with government affairs and almost forgot about it. .

Gathering and parting are the norm, and there is always a banquet in the world. As a husband, you can't stop people from returning to their hometowns to fulfill their filial piety, right? "

Qi Yun looked at the casual-looking husband in surprise, and asked softly after pursing her red lips in silence for a moment.

"What do you think about Sister Rui's husband? The concubine sisters can see clearly what she is thinking, husband, you can't really see it, can you?"

"Is it important what she thinks? You asked this question a few months ago, sister Ya once asked Wei Fu once. How do you want to hear Wei Fu answer? What kind of answer do you want to hear?

If you, Yun'er, insist on giving me an answer for my husband, now I can only tell you that I don't know myself. "

"I know it, but I think husband, you should not be such an indecisive person! No matter what the result is, you have to give someone an answer, right?

Gold and silver have a price, but youth is priceless.

The most beautiful youth of a woman's life is only a short period of ten years, but sister Qingrui has already wasted five years of youth in vain.

Even if there is no destiny, you have to make it clear to others face to face! "

With a disappointed expression, Liu Mingzhi put the bottomed porridge bowl on the table, took out a handkerchief and wiped the soup from the corner of his mouth: "I told her what my husband should say a few years ago.

I have told her the big truth and the small truth time and time again, but this girl is just stubborn, and her husband doesn't know how to deal with it.

Rhyme!My husband is 39 this year, and she is only about four years older than our oldest children, Yiyi, Feifei, and Chengfeng.

A hundred years from now, even if she is no longer a young woman like a jade, she will only have just passed the age of a half-mature lady.

Something really happened, didn't this ruin the girl's life for the rest of her life?
My husband does not deny that I am definitely not the kind of person who does not like sex, but we have to have a bottom line in life.

Do you have to be like those high-ranking officials and famous family heads who are already in their dying years, marrying a cute little beauty who is almost the same age as his daughter, and then dies in a few years.

Then leave the family alone to guard the vacant room, and die alone alone. Isn't this too cruel?

This is only secondary, the most important thing is this girl's mind... Hey... Some things are not convenient for my husband to tell you, and I don't know how to explain them to you.

As a husband, I have my own considerations for my own husband. There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain. Let's take a step and see. "

The indecipherable expression on her husband Liu Mingzhi's face made Qi Yun's Fang feel a little enlightened, it seemed that her husband really had something unspeakable to hide.

It's just that I can't understand the reason for this unspeakable secret.

Qi Yun nodded thoughtfully, got up and picked up the porridge bowl on the table and walked towards the door with lotus steps.

"Since the husband has made his own decision, the concubine will stop talking. The husband has also drank the fish soup, and the concubine has brought the letter he handed over. If there is no other matter, the concubine will not delay you from dealing with government affairs. .

By the way, the concubine has already asked Liu Song to lead your husband's horse, Fengxing, to the gate of the mansion, and now you should be able to catch up with sister Qingrui's footsteps if you rush there quickly. It's up to you, husband. .

The concubine went back first. "

Young Master Liu sighed and sat down on the chair, looked at Qi Yun's back and said in a helpless tone: "I can't figure it out for my husband. The ladies of other people's families want to see their husband to death, for fear that he will attract bees." Attract butterflies.

It's good for you, don't say that you are so stubborn about your husband that you don't want your husband to mess with flowers, it's almost like stuffing the little girl into your husband's bed.

Can you be a little jealous?It's very uncomfortable for you to be your husband now! "

"The concubine didn't let you go out and have sex, did you hear it? Did you stop you again? You didn't let me, and you brought back a dozen sisters for the concubine.

There are already more than a dozen sisters, and now Ren Qingrui is a lot less than a little girl, and there is not much more than a little girl.

The concubine doesn't want to do something like beating mandarin ducks with a stick, and get a bad name of being a jealous woman who doesn't obey women's morals for no reason.

Anyway, the concubine has already figured it out now, it is better to be blocked than to be sparse. Anyway, you want to take a concubine, so it is better to let you take a woman who knows everything about concubines.

When the time comes, you will marry a little tigress who doesn't know her roots. When she comes back, she will openly and secretly oppose the eldest wife who is a concubine, causing disturbances in the mansion and the house.

Since there is a woman who can be easily manipulated by the concubine, why should the concubine ask you to find a tortured little goblin to come back and make me angry?
Do you think this is the reason? "

"The principle of being a director, but Yun'er, your thinking is a little too sensible, right?"

"It's up to you, whether you want to take a concubine or not is your own business. If you want to take a concubine, I can help you arrange it. If you don't want to take a concubine, you can just leave it alone.

The letter was delivered, so I went back first. "

(End of this chapter)

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