My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2513 is unfair to me

Chapter 2513 is unfair to me
Liu Mingzhi listened to Qi Yun's lingering sound echoing in the study courtyard, looked down at the letter on the desk, hesitated for a moment, and gently took it in his hand.

Pulling out the letter paper, First Young Master Liu silently reviewed the contents on it.

"Love is impermanent like wind and snow, but it's a moment of sorrow.

The younger sister didn't want to stay with the king, but only wanted to accompany you on the end of the world.

However, such a simple request seems to have made Da Guoguo tireless!

That being the case, it is not the most beautiful ending for one to separate and two to live in peace.

Da Guoguo, after a few years, my little sister has been bothering me a lot.

Maybe after this farewell, I really won't go back to the capital again. I think Da Guoguo should be very happy in the days when there is no little girl chattering around.

The rest of my life is well.

Ren Qingrui nodded. "

Young Master Liu slowly put the letter paper on the desk, leaned gently on the chair and looked at the quiet and elegant scenery outside the window.

Da Guoguo, I haven't heard this name for a long time.

It must have been a few years since the last time I heard it?
Yes!It really has been many years!


On the official road from the capital to Shu, an old man over half a century old with gray beard gently waved the whip in his hand, and was driving a carriage pulled by two Xiong Jianliang horses slowly. .

"My lord, there are still about eighty miles to go before we leave the territory of the capital. Why don't you speed up, little old man?"

There was a moment of silence in the carriage, and a refined voice came out.

"Wait... wait until you get out of the official road in the capital, and then speed up. Xiao Ke wants to enjoy the scenery along the way."

"Hehehe...Young master, little old man, I have lived most of my life and can't see anything!

The young master doesn't really want to appreciate the beautiful scenery on both sides of the official road, but is intentionally waiting for a bosom friend to come and practice it, right?
But if the little old man said something that was not pleasant, the young master might be disappointed, the little old man's carriage was pulled by two good horses, no matter how slow it would be, it would not be too slow.

If you are not sure about waiting for a bosom friend who may not come to see you off, it is better to speed up and return early, so that you can reunite your true friends. "

"Old man, what you said is right.

It's just that Xiao Ke may never come back again. Although the capital is prosperous and prosperous, there is no home where Xiao Ke can live.

That being the case, it is better not to go back early than to go back early. "

"This--the little old man is talking too much, the little old man is talking too much, son, you can just treat yourself like a little old man and talk nonsense.

The little old man's carriage has been booked by the young master, and we can go as the young master says. "

After a long silence in the carriage, the voice sounded again.

"It doesn't matter, but the old man's words made Xiao Kemaosai suddenly realize that waiting for someone who might not come to see him off at all is just being sentimental, it's better not to wait.

Old man, speed up. "

"Sir, are you sure?"

"Okay, let's speed up!"

"Well, since the son has already..."

Before the old man in the carriage could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the sound of horseshoes galloping on the official road behind the carriage.

Hearing the sound of the horse's hooves getting closer and clearer, a young man who was so handsome and so handsome that some young ladies were jealous of his handsome appearance immediately came out of the small window of the carriage.

As soon as Mr. Xiao Lang got out of the car window, he poked his head impatiently and looked towards the official road behind, the deep anticipation in his exquisite eyes was beyond words.

When he saw clearly the appearance of the figure galloping towards the carriage on horseback, the eyes of the young young gentleman gradually condensed a faint mist, but the corners of his lips were filled with a smile involuntarily.

"Old man, stop, stop quickly, Xiao Ke's friend is chasing you."



The moment the carriage came to a complete stop, a horse that was stronger and stronger than the two horses pulling the carriage raised its hoofs high and stopped rhythmically at the side of the carriage.

Mr. Xiao Lang hastily retracted the half of his body that was leaning out of the window of the carriage, raised his hands and wiped the corners of his eyes several times, took a deep breath and pretended to be calm, and got out of the carriage.

Pretending to glance casually at Young Master Liu who was riding on horseback with a strange expression, Xiao Langjun gently jumped off the carriage and walked over.

When Young Master Liu appeared here, the identity of Mr. Xiao Lang was self-evident, and there was no one else except Ren Qingrui who bid farewell to Young Master Liu.

The old man driving looked at Young Master Liu who was riding on the horse, then at Ren Qingrui who was silently walking towards Young Master Liu, pulled his horse rein and pulled his carriage towards the place where the weeds were abundant on the left side of the official road.

"You...what are you here for?"

Young Master Liu looked at Ren Qingrui who was looking up at him, lifted the wine bag on the horse's back and turned it over.

"Girl, you and brother Wei also met once, and now you are going to return to your hometown. Now that brother Wei knows, why don't you come to Shibali to see each other off?"

Ren Qingrui's delicate face was startled, and the joy in her beautiful eyes gradually faded: "Didn't you come to keep me?"

First Young Master Liu took out the cork, raised his head and took a few sips, burped casually, and looked at Ren Qingrui who was staring at his pretty face in a daze with disgust.

"Girl, what are you thinking? My brother is afraid that you will not be determined to go, and you will suddenly regret it and turn back halfway, so I came to Shibali to see you off!

Only when I personally watch you go and make sure you are gone can I really feel at ease in my heart! "


"Just now, after chasing for thirty miles, I didn't see any trace of you. Brother Wei was very worried. I was afraid that you would make a detour and return to Beijing. Now that you are still on the way from Beijing, Brother Wei is completely relieved."

After finishing speaking, First Young Master Liu wiped his wine bag with his sleeve, then raised his hand and handed it to Ren Qingrui.

"Then what, Brother Wei didn't bring a cup or a wine bowl when he came out, anyway, Brother Wei is not sick, so don't dislike it, just drink the wine from the wine bag.

Although some are unsatisfactory, good or bad is also a brother's wish.

There is a poem how to write it, I advise you to drink advise you to drink half a bag of wine, and there will be no old friends when you leave Yangguan in the west.

Although you didn't leave Yangguan in the west this time, the land of Shu is also thousands of miles away from the capital, so the meaning is almost the same. "

Ren Qingrui stared straight at the eloquent Young Master Liu, and the last trace of joy in Fang's heart disappeared.


"Don't you, you, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, I am me."

"Just drink it! My lady, thank you for your kindness!"

Ren Qingrui directly snatched the wine bag from First Young Master Liu's hand and brought it to her mouth, frowning and gulping down the rest of the wine.

It took about half a cup of tea, Ren Qingrui's delicate, crystal-clear jade face flushed slightly, and she stuffed the empty wine bag into Liu Mingzhi's hand.

"I've drank the wine and sent it off. Is there anything else you want to say? If not, this girl will go ahead."

Young Master Liu looked at the wine bag that didn't even have a drop of wine left, covered the wine cork with a strange expression, took out a purse from his arms, and threw it into Ren Qingrui's hand.

Ren Qingrui held the heavy purse in her hand with surprise in her eyes.


"50 taels of silver."

"Why are you giving me money?"

"Of course, I was afraid that you didn't bring enough money for yourself. You didn't wait to leave the territory of Gyeonggi, but you came back halfway because of your lack of money."

"You... you can do it! You are really exhaustive. Don't worry, Liu, this girl will not go back even if she starves to death on the way."

"That's fine, that's fine, with your words, my young master didn't make this trip in vain.

But you and my brother and sister are destined to meet each other after all, you left too hastily, and I didn't have time to prepare any gifts for you, this gold medal is just a little bit of care for my brother.

Holding it, no matter what troubles you encounter on the road, you can be guaranteed to return to Sichuan unimpeded to reunite with your parents.

Of course, Brother Wei only guarantees that you can return to Sichuan unimpeded, so that you will not go back to the capital halfway and continue to disturb Brother Wei's leisurely and comfortable life.

In order not to let you come back, it can be said that I have taken great pains for my brother!I hope you don't let down the pains you put in for my brother in vain.

If you take it and return it to the capital without hindrance, this young master will really want to die... huh? "

Liu Mingzhi's face was slightly dazed, feeling the waxy and slightly sweet lips on his lips, and his eyes were complicated as he looked at the familiar face right in front of him, a little lost in thought.

The sudden pain in his lips made Liu Mingzhi subconsciously take a step back.

Ren Qingrui quietly stared at Young Master Liu who was frowning slightly with bloodshot lips, raised her hand to wipe the blood on her lips, turned and walked towards the carriage dozens of steps away.

"Liu Mingzhi, I'm Ren Qingrui, I'm really Ren Qingrui.

But I'm not the Ren Qingrui who made you worry about me.

You big bastard, why do you want me to bear the mistakes made by others?
You are unfair to me.

I hate you, hate you forever. "

(End of this chapter)

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