My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2514 Ruthless may not be really ruthless

Chapter 2514 Ruthless may not be really ruthless

Liu Mingzhi listened to Ren Qingrui's words that contained sorrow, and raised his hand with regret in his eyes, and gently rubbed tea on the wound on his lips where the red lips of a beautiful woman left the warmth.

Slightly nodding his head and glancing at the faint blood on his fingertips, Liu Mingzhi watched Ren Qingrui walk towards the carriage parked beside the official road in the distance with simple and unwavering eyes.

"Girl, Da Guoguo, I don't know in my heart that what I did is unfair to you, but how can there be so-called absolute fairness in this world?
The fairness you want is just the illusion you still have about Da Guoguo.

However, although this is not your wishful thinking, but each has its own fetters. "

While Liu Mingzhi was muttering to himself, Ren Qingrui had quietly walked to the middle position between Liu Mingzhi and the carriage.

As the figure got closer and closer to the carriage, Ren Qingrui's pace gradually slowed down, turning her head frequently to look at Liu Mingzhi who was standing motionless in place, her lips pursed as if she wanted to express her heart with a thousand words.

Ren Qingrui stared quietly at Young Master Liu for a while, seeing that she still had no intention of asking her to stay, the infinite anticipation in her beautiful eyes was slowly replaced by coldness, mixed with some indescribable sadness meaning.

"Little sister is gone, Da Guoguo, how precious you are."

Ren Qingrui said something to herself, a pair of hands that were crystal clear like jade, with white knuckles clutching the purse containing broken silver, and the gold medal engraved with the five-clawed dragon walked towards the carriage that had been waiting for her with difficulty. .

Stopped beside the carriage, out of the corner of Ren Qingrui's eyes, he glanced at Liu Mingzhi who was still standing motionless in the distance, and the last trace of expectation in Ren Qingruifang's heart had disappeared, with a sad and sour smile raised from the corner of her lips, she supported the carriage boarded the carriage.

"Old man, let's go."

"My lord, you have been waiting for your confidant and friend to come and practice for you along the way, and now he has finally come chasing after you, isn't it a pity that you both left after chatting for a while?
Anyway, you have already hired the little old man's carriage, and the little old man is not in a hurry, why don't you chat for a while longer to catch up on the old days?
If there is not enough wine, there are still two catties of good wine in this gourd, little old man, which can be given to you to add to the fun. "

"It's not too much to say, as long as you have the heart. If you don't have the heart, what's the difference even if you say a thousand words?

Xiao Ke and the friend who came to see him off have already talked, and there is no point in talking any more.

Old man, I appreciate your kindness, let's set off on our way! "

The old man looked at Ren Qingrui who quietly put down the curtain, put a cage on the two good horses grazing on the side of the road, shook his head and sat down on the frame with a sigh.

"Oh! What a muddled world!

Gold and silver have a price, affection is priceless.Gold and silver are easy to get, but true love is hard to come by.

I only sigh how many infatuated children in the world are just a big dream in the end.

But this ruthless person is the most affectionate person.

Being ruthless is not necessarily ruthless, and being merciless may not last forever.

It's just that you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, and all helplessness is trapped by fetters.

Alas!What a pity!

Young master, you sit down, we are going to set off.

drive. "

The old man sighed as if talking to himself, whipped his horsewhip, mounted the carriage and rushed towards the endless official road.

Liu Mingzhi watched the carriage drift away until it turned into a sporadic black spot, pulled out the cork from the wine bag and sent it to his mouth.

However, after pouring it hard a few times, there was still no taste of wine in his mouth before Liu Mingzhi realized that the fine wine in the wine bag had already been wiped out by Ren Qingrui.

When the carriage was no longer visible on the quiet and long official road, Liu Mingzhi got on his horse, turned his horse's head and galloped away towards the capital.

"Send two people to escort Ren Yatou safely to the territory of Shu.

If something goes wrong, he will be punished severely. "

Young Master Liu's sonorous and forceful words echoed on the official road, becoming the last sound on the silent official road.

After Liu Mingzhi galloped away for a few breaths, ten figures in gray and brown robes and bamboo hats jumped out of the bushes on both sides of the official road.

The slightly older man among the ten looked towards the south for a while, and then looked towards the north a few times.

"For a couple who are in love, it is often more cruel to go against each other than to have nothing to do with each other.

This deplorable world!
Kuilang, Manniu, you two are going to escort Miss Ren, and make sure that Miss Ren can safely rush to the territory of Shu to reunite with her family. "

"Under the order, this subordinate will leave."

When the sun was rising, Liu Mingzhi finally returned to Liu's mansion again under his haste all the way.

"Small... young master?"

Young Master Liu turned over and got off the horse, and glanced angrily at Liu Song who was sleeping on the recliner with a dry pipe in his hand and looked at him in astonishment.

"Are you so surprised to see this young master? Looking at your reaction, I don't know if you thought you saw a ghost!"

Liu Song hurriedly got up from the reclining chair and greeted First Young Master Liu, knocking the cigarette pot in his hand on the sole of his boots: "Master, didn't you go to see Miss Ren off?
Since I was going to see you off, my little one thought that, young master, you would have to see him off at least eighty miles away, and you wouldn't be able to come back until the sun was setting in the west!

It's been less than half a day since you went out, and you came back so quickly, I almost didn't react when I saw the figure of the young master suddenly. "

"Send me off at eighty miles? I will send you off at eight hundred miles, my young master! Do I have that much free time, young master? It's not a matter of life and death. Can't it be enough to just say what the girl should say?"

"Yes, yes. The young master is right, and everything the young master says is right."

"Okay, you take the horse to the stable in the backyard first. I'm going back to the study, young master. There are still more than half of the documents and memorials left to be reviewed!"

"I understand, young master, you should go back first."

Liu Mingzhi went all the way to the inner courtyard of the Liu Mansion. In the garden pavilion leading to the study room, Qi Yun, Huyan Yunyao, and Gu Mo Rongrong were chatting and laughing while knocking melon seeds.

Qi Yun, who was sitting directly opposite, suddenly noticed the figure of her husband, her pretty face was stunned subconsciously, and when she recovered, Qi Yun immediately put the melon seeds in her hand on the tray, slapped her palms and greeted Young Master Liu .

"Husband, are going to send sister Qingrui back to her hometown, haven't you? Why did you come back so soon?"

Huyan Yunyao, Gu Mo Rongrong and sisters also put down their melon seeds and came out of the pavilion with Qingluo fans. They had already learned from Qi Yun just now what the husband was doing.

And we were talking about it just now!

Seeing that my husband came back so soon, I subconsciously asked, "Husband, why did you come back so early?"

The corner of Liu's mouth twitched as he looked at the three sisters who reacted so surprised: "What's wrong with coming back earlier? If you don't come back, why don't you still sleep in the wild all night with Maid Ren in your arms?

How do you all react to this?The purpose of my husband is to say goodbye to girl Ren, why did you say it from your mouth and make it look like I'm going to elope with her?

Listen to what you mean, what's the matter?Can't wait for your husband not to come back? "

Seeing her husband's helpless reaction, the three daughters hurriedly shook their heads.

"No, sir, what nonsense are you talking about? How could this concubine want you not to come back?"

"That's right, the concubine's sisters are just curious about why you came back so soon, husband, there is no other meaning."

"My concubine thought you would bring Sister Rui back, husband? Even if you can't bring her back, at least you have to bid farewell.

But now... Surprised, really just surprised. "

"You three goblins still have a bit of conscience."

"Husband, did you really let Sister Qingrui return to her hometown like this?

Didn't you make an agreement with him? "

With a flash in his eyes, Liu Mingzhi instinctively reached out to touch the fan at his waist, and only got up after several failures, and he went out in a hurry and even forgot the carved jade fan in the study.

Reaching out and taking the small Qingluo fan in Qi Yun's hand, he fanned the slightly sweaty forehead with a cool breeze, and Liu Mingzhi sighed and nodded to the three women.

"He went back to his hometown to visit his parents' body, so how could he stop him from letting him go back?
Besides, why should my husband stop him?
To put it more bluntly, the relationship between my husband and girl Ren is that she has called me my elder brother for several years, and my husband has called her girl for several years.

The eldest brother stopped the girl he had recognized to go back to his hometown to fulfill his filial piety, how can it be unreasonable!

As for the agreement, what good agreement do I have with her? "

The three Qi Yun sisters looked at each other, and nodded in disinterest.

"This... this is true, it's a pity."

"It's really a pity."

"Luo Hua intends to run water and be ruthless!"

(End of this chapter)

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