Chapter 2515

Liu Mingzhi looked at the three sisters who were sighing each other speechlessly, feeling extremely depressed.

Is this really something women should react to?Are you really not afraid that your husband will be snatched away?
With a tangled expression, he raised his hand and knocked twice on the forehead with the light fan, and Liu Mingzhi handed it back to Qi Yun directly.

"What is this all about? Husband didn't say anything, what the hell are you three sisters here lamenting! Husband almost lost his train of thought.

No matter what, the person has already been sent away anyway, and it is estimated that he is about to leave the boundary of the capital now, so it is useless to say these things.

If you have nothing else to do, you can continue to eat melon seeds and chat, and go back to the study for my husband. "

Qi Yun took the fan and backed away silently: "Okay, sisters who are concubines will not delay... Huh? Husband, why did you lose the badge you wore around your waist before you went out in the morning.

Is it in your arms?It’s fine if you keep it in your bosom, but if you lose it, you have to find it right away. "

Just as Qi Yun took a step back, she found that the waist badge her husband was wearing in the morning was gone. Qi Yun, who knew what the Golden Dragon Token meant, hurriedly reminded Young Master Liu.

Liu Mingzhi glanced at his waist subconsciously and waved at Qi Yun and the others casually.

"I didn't lose it, I didn't lose it, I'm not so careless as a husband.

Not long ago, I gave it to Maid Ren on the official road. In case she encounters any troubles on the way, holding the husband's waist card can ensure that she can go back to Sichuan without hindrance. It is a little care of the husband.

The main reason is that the husband is afraid that she will come back to the capital if she encounters troubles. Holding the badge of the husband can ensure that she will return to Shu in a safe manner, and will not turn back halfway to disturb the leisurely life of the husband. "

Qi Yun was stunned for a moment, squinting her phoenix eyes, and looked at First Young Master Liu teasingly.

"Oh—so that's the case, in order to ensure that sister Qingrui can return to her hometown safely, my husband really has a heart.

So in this way, if sister Qingrui wants to return to the capital one day, she can also return safely and unimpededly with the gold medal at the fastest speed?
Husband's waist card is much easier to use than the certificate issued by the local government, right?

When the time comes, as soon as you show your husband's waist card, let alone encounter embarrassment from the guards at the city gates, the local officials might have to send a team of soldiers to escort her into Beijing!
Sister Yunyao, Sister Rongrong, do you think this makes sense? "

Young Master Liu looked away for a moment, pretending not to hear Qi Yun's words, coughed a few times and hurried towards the study.

"Then what, my husband still has official business in his study, so I won't chat with you guys anymore, let's go, let's go first, and call me husband when we have dinner."

Looking at the back of her husband who seemed to be running away in a hurry, the three Qi Yun sisters covered their red lips with playful faces and laughed softly.

Qi Yun recalled her husband's nonchalant virtue just now, and the fan in her hand was gently shaking in front of the turbulent chest of the mountains.

"It seems that this man's duplicity is not much better than us, the little girls they talk about!"

Huyan Yunyao withdrew her eyes from looking at Young Master Liu's back and hurriedly echoed: "What my sister said is exactly the same as what my younger sister thought just now.

In my heart, I clearly hope that the little beauty can go and come back safely, but she still pretends to be indifferent. Why do you think it is necessary?

You are a promiscuous pervert, others don't know, don't we have so many sisters who don't understand?Really, who would you show a decent person pretending to be calm?

I really don't know what he was thinking, but he became serious when he shouldn't be serious. "

When Gu Mo Rongrong was in the Western Regions, she had experienced the bitterness of unrequited love. She was the one who could understand Ren Qingrui's current mood best among the three, and she sighed faintly when she heard the two sisters' teasing words.

"I don't know if little sister Qingrui can guess the real intention of her husband to give her the gold medal, if she can't, then it's really God's trick.

I hope God blesses, don't let sister Qingrui really mistakenly think that the reason why her husband gave her the gold medal is to keep her from returning to the capital. "

Qi Yun frowned slightly when she heard the words, and gently rubbed the top of Qingluo's small fan on her chin.

"It's hard to say, as the saying goes, the authorities are confused, but the bystanders are clear.

If Sister Qingrui is in a daze because her heart was hurt by some of her husband's words, she may really ignore the real purpose of that gold medal."

"My sister is right, if it is true what you said, there is a great possibility that this kind of thing will happen.

If people fall into a misunderstanding, they will sink deeper and deeper, and it is not easy to get out by themselves. "

Gu Mo Rongrong became nervous about Ren Qingrui again, as if she didn't care that the words of her sisters were to share her husband with other women.

"Then what should we do? Why don't we write a letter to Sister Qingrui to give her advice, but don't let her get into the wrong place, and miss a beautiful marriage of love and concubine for nothing. .

According to women's morality, when we sisters reach this age, we should take the initiative to make arrangements and then give our husband a young and beautiful concubine.

That being the case, it would be better for us to take in a little girl who doesn't know her roots and temperament, and take in Sister Qingrui, a little sister who has been with us under the eaves for many years, as a companion.

At least we understand how sister Qingrui is, so we won't have any conflicts when we get along in the future. "

"You're right, you're right, I also think I should write a letter to little sister Qingrui to point her out, so that she won't be confused by some of the bad guy's words.

Therefore, she got into a dead end and missed a good opportunity to figure out the real intention of her husband to give her the Golden Dragon Order. "

Qi Yun looked at Huyan Yunyao who was eager to try, Gu Mo Rongrong and sisters thought carefully for a long time with delicate faces, and shook their heads at the two sisters.

"No! We must never act like this.

Although the husband gave Sister Qingrui her Golden Dragon Token, he still made Sister Qingrui leave the capital full of sadness. If the husband did this, he must have done it on purpose.

I think he probably wants to leave this marriage to God's will.

Let's not be smart enough to add chaos.

In case when the time comes, the more you help, the more busy you are, which breaks your husband's mind, even if your husband won't blame us, we won't be able to get over that hurdle in our hearts. "

"This... how can this be done!"

"Perhaps we are too worried. The Golden Dragon Token means that meeting the order is like seeing the king. Little sister Qingrui can't guess the deep meaning in it, right?"

"Stop thinking about it, everything is predestined, why bother me?

Husband asked us to eat sunflower seeds and chat, so let's continue eating sunflower seeds and chatting. "

"Let's listen to my sister. By the way, is your peony apron pattern still there? My little sister is going to borrow it and compare it to re-sew a piece of underwear."

Qi Yun looked at Huyan Yunyao's exquisite figure with a smile.

"It's in the drawer in the room, but Junyao, don't you have that peony-patterned undergarment? Why do you have to sew a new one?
Is it broken?No way, you don't seem to have grown too much! "

"That's not true! My piece was... torn apart by that scoundrel."

"Hey, it seems that husband and you two are not playing wildly in private, so strong..."

"My maidservant sees the three young wives, and tells the three young wives, Chief Liu Song, to see you outside the courtyard if you have something to do."

The three Qi Yun sisters were teasing each other privately, but were interrupted by the maid who hurriedly ran towards the gazebo.

The three sisters Qi Yun immediately returned to their dignified and virtuous demeanor, straightened their clothes and nodded to the maid.



Under the corridor dozens of steps away from the gazebo, Liu Song held a letter in his hand and waved it at Qi Yun and the others.

"Little Liu Song sees the three young wives. I have something urgent to report. Is it convenient to go over?"

"It's convenient, come here."

Liu Song nodded in response, and trotted towards Qi Yun and the others excitedly holding the letter.

"I have seen three young ladies."

"You don't need to be too polite. Seeing that you are in a hurry, is there something wrong?"

Liu Song nodded heavily, held up the envelope in his hand and handed it to Qi Yun.

"Young Madam, the letter from Young Master Chengfeng to report his safety has arrived."

(End of this chapter)

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