My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2516 His Honey, My Arsenic

Chapter 2516 His Honey, My Arsenic

The eyes of the three sisters Qi Yun were immediately attracted by the letter in Liu Song's hand, and their expressions were filled with excitement but mixed with disbelief.

"Cheng...Chengfeng, is it really a letter from Chengfeng to report safety?"

"Yes, you three young ladies heard correctly, this letter is indeed a letter from Master Chengfeng sent back from Tsarist Russia thousands of miles away.

There are a total of three letters from home, Wu Yi Wang Songqing has personally brought the other two letters to the study in the inner courtyard to find the young master, and this letter contains a total of more than a dozen letters from home, which are written by young master Chengfeng to your young wife. You motherfuckers.

Please young lady take a look. "

Qi Yun finally no longer wondered if she heard it wrong, and took the thick envelope in Liu Song's hand.

"Sister Yunyao, Sister Rongrong, let's take the letter and rush to Sister Lian'er. She has been waiting for this day for too long."

"Okay, now Sister Lian'er finally doesn't have to secretly wipe her tears anymore."

"Then let's go quickly."

"Yu'er, go and tell the other young wives to gather in the courtyard where young lady Qinglian lives."

"Yes, the slaves retire."

"Liu Song, do you have anything else to do?"

Liu Song watched Qi Yun and the three sisters eagerly rushing to Qinglian Garden, and silently shook his head.

"I have nothing else to do, young lady, please do your work first."

Qi Yun and Huyan Yunyao nodded their heads, and hurried to the courtyard where Qinglian lived with the letter from Liu Song.

In Liu's study, Young Master Liu stared blankly at Song Qing who was walking towards him after closing the door and asked in a daze.

"What did you just say? A letter from Chengfeng? This bastard finally came to write a letter?"

Song Qing nodded heavily, with an unconcealable smile on his face, he watched Liu Mingzhi take out two letters of different sizes from his loose cuffs and patted them on the desk in front of Young Master Liu.

"Third brother, please read the contents of Chengfeng's family letter. My Song Yang's family letter to my brother has already been read, and Yang'er's literal meaning is that they are doing well in Tsarist Russia!"

Liu Mingzhi forcibly controlled the excitement in his eyes, and gently put the ink brush in his hand for reviewing documents on the inkstone.

Reaching out to pick up the two family letters that Song Qing put in front of him, Liu Mingzhi didn't have the slightest intention to shy away from Song Qing, and directly pulled out the letter paper inside and looked at the contents in a grandiose manner.

After reading half of the letter, although Liu Mingzhi intentionally forcibly controlled his emotions so as not to show them, the slightly raised corner of his mouth still betrayed his truest feelings.

Song Qing gently stirred the tea foam on the water surface with the tea cover, and his slightly nervous mood was completely relaxed after seeing Liu Mingzhi's expression.

After a while, Liu Mingzhi casually threw the four pieces of letter paper full of words in his hand on the table, picked up the tea in front of him and took a sip to moisten his throat.

"This bastard, my young master thought he died in Tsarist Russia!

Now that I wrote the letter back, it means that my Dragon Mission has not encountered any critical situation in Tsarist Russia.

As long as there is no danger nearby, the rest is not important. "

Song Qing looked at Young Master Liu's pretentiously unruly attitude, and put the tea in his hand back with a wry smile.

"Come on, you, there is no outsider in the study, so stop stretching.

I don't know who's fingers were trembling when they reached out to take the family letter just now. They were obviously worried that they couldn't sleep or eat, and they insisted on saying insincere words. Is this necessary? "

" young master, it's because I have been reviewing documents for too long, and my fingers are stiff."

"All right, all right, whatever you say is what you say, who made you His Majesty today!
How about it?Did Cheng Feng tell you in his letter about the progress of his marriage with Elizabeth Serena, the little queen of Tsarist Russia?

Liu Mingzhi picked up a few pieces of letter paper and shook: "Not only did he say it, but he also said it in great detail."

Song Qing's body stiffened suddenly, and he stared curiously at the several pieces of letter paper in Young Master Liu's hand: "Quickly tell Brother Wei how the progress is going? Is there any possibility that my Dalong can form a good relationship with Tsarist Russia?" ?”

"The current situation is not bad. Judging from what Chengfeng said in the letter, there is a [-]% to [-]% certainty that this marriage can be finalized."

"What about the remaining [-] to [-] percent?"

"There is resistance from some noble ministers of Tsarist Russia, especially some noble ministers with high positions and old-fashioned ideas.

Judging from the literal meaning of Chengfeng Xin, some old things in Tsarist Russia who are about to die are very pretentious!

They thought it would be an insult to the dignity of their tsarist Russia to marry the supreme tsar of their own country to Chengfeng, a prince from a foreign country.

These old guys not only resolutely opposed this matter in the court of Tsarist Russia, they even openly formed cliques and encouraged the people in the city to march and demonstrate, forcing the little Queen Serena to make concessions.

The little queen Serena had no choice but to make some temporary compromises because of the power and heavy troops in the hands of these old things.

Therefore, the marriage between Chengfeng and the little Queen Serena is now in a stalemate. "

Song Qing's sharp eyes suddenly focused, and he raised his hand and hammered the armrest of the chair heavily.

"Hmph! It seems that the one hundred thousand Tsarist Russian army commanded by the Slavs and Ledev in the past failed in our Great Dragon Heavenly Dynasty, and they didn't really have a long memory!

Little Queen Serena marrying the eldest son of the Great Dragon Emperor as his wife, in the eyes of these old things, it is an insult to the dignity of their Tsarist Russia?

Not ashamed!arrogant!
Facing such arrogant and conceited Huawai barbarians, it is time for King Xing to crusade against them. "

Liu Mingzhi picked up the pot and served Song a cup of tea: "Be safe and don't be impatient, be safe and don't be impatient.

The current situation has not reached the point where it is necessary to launch a crusade and meet with each other.

At least half of the ministers in the imperial court of Tsarist Russia are more supportive of Chengfeng, the little queen Serena and the two of them can get married!

Chengfeng and Brother Yang were able to lead our Great Dragon Mission to Tsarist Russia for more than half a year and were still safe and sound, which shows that the Tsarist Russian court's overall perception of our Great Dragon Mission is pretty good.

Especially the little queen of Tsarist Russia, Elizabeth Serena, since she can keep my Great Dragon Mission in their Tsarist Russia for so long, maybe she has fallen in love with this kid Chengfeng now.

As long as the little queen and Chengfeng are of one mind, then the marriage of the two can be achieved with half the effort.

Chengfeng and the others have now begun to think about how to deal with those old antique problems. As long as the little queen is there to help them, it should not be too difficult to deal with those old antique nobles in Tsarist Russia.

It's just that it's been a few months before the family letter reaches us, and I don't know if Chengfeng and the others have solved these troubles now. "

Song Qing rapped on the table with his fingers and was silent for a while, then suddenly asked: "If it's as you said just now, because of the power and military issues in the hands of the old Russian nobles, the little queen Serena had to fight between her and Chengfeng. Make compromises on the issue of marriage.

Doesn't this mean that the little queen Serena has not completely controlled all the power of Tsarist Russia, can this be understood by my brother? "

"Of course it can be understood in this way. What we can learn from Chengfeng's letter is the following.

First, the throne of Queen Serena of Tsarist Russia was inherited from her grandmother, not from her father.

Second, after the little Queen Serena succeeded to the throne, although she quickly took the government of Tsarist Russia into her hands with her outstanding political means, there were still some noble ministers who were still arguing because of her young age. The reason has been doing the deeds of obedience and infidelity to him.

Thirdly, the result of the annihilation of one hundred thousand soldiers and horses of the Slavs and Ledev in the territory of our Great Dragon Northland had a certain impact on Serena's throne.

This is the conclusion roughly drawn by the younger brother based on the contents of the letter. "

Song Qing untied the pipe from his waist, skillfully lit a pot of shredded tobacco, and swallowed gently.

"If this is the case, if Chengfeng helps Queen Serena to completely consolidate her throne, will there be no voices against them getting married anymore?"

Liu Mingzhi snapped his fingers softly: "That's right, but for Chengfeng, if he does this, he can indeed get what he wants, but for my Dalong court...

Not necessarily a good thing.

The honey that rides the wind, the arsenic that I face. "

(End of this chapter)

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