Chapter 2517
Song Qing frowned, and slowly exhaled a puff of smoke.

"Are you worried that once Chengfeng helps Tsarist Russia grow stronger, Tsarist Russia may get involved in my Dalong's territory in the future?"

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, squinted his eyes and remained silent for about a cup of tea, then handed three of the letter papers in his hand to Song Qing

"Brother, these three pieces of paper describe the general situation of some major events that happened in Tsarist Russia since October last year. After you read them, you will understand my worries, brother."

Song Qing took the three pieces of letter paper, held them in his hand, lowered his head, and read the content on them silently.

After about a cup of tea, Song Qing put down the three pieces of letter paper in his hand with a look of surprise on his face.

"Why does this layout seem vaguely familiar to Brother?"

Liu Mingzhi pulled out his chair and stood up, staring solemnly at the map hanging on the wooden stand and walked over.

"Are you familiar with it? Long-distance friendship and short-distance attack, first small and then big, combining vertical and horizontal, and finally unifying the world.

These are the tried-and-tested conspiracies of our predecessors of military strategists and strategists hundreds of years ago. How could you not be familiar with military books if you are familiar with them? "

Song Qing's thoughtful eyes suddenly lit up, he hurriedly nodded a few times in agreement, got up and followed Liu Mingzhi.

"That's right, that's right, the tactics played by the Tsarist Russians is to make friends from a distance and attack close to each other, and start small and then grow up... It is unexpected that there are such great military skills among the Tsarist Russian generals in the barbaric land.

In this way, it was really an eye-opener for Brother Wei. "

Liu Mingzhi tore off the silk cloth covering the wooden frame of the map with a slight pull, and turned around with a faint smile to glance at Song Qing who was following up.

"How can you be sure that this military strategy was conceived by the generals of Tsarist Russia?"

"What you said is not what they think, can it still be Chengfeng and Song Yang...they...they..."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Song Qing who was gradually falling silent with playful eyes, lit a candle on the side with a torch, held it up in his hand and waved it around towards the top position of the map.

Song Qing came back to his senses and hurriedly shook his head and moved towards First Young Master Liu.

"I can't, are you thinking too much?"

"Maybe, I hope it's brother, I think too much, look at the map."

"what happened?"

Liu Mingzhi picked up a bamboo pole and drew a circle on a spot on the top of the map: "From the content of Chengfeng Letter, it can be roughly inferred that the current territory of Tsarist Russia is about [-]% or [-]% of our Dalong's. .

And there are dozens of various kingdoms and principalities in the area around Tsarist Russia. These kingdoms are fighting for the vested interests of their own country every year.

Tsarist Russia is also one of them, and it is also one of the more powerful countries.

Look at the current situation in Tsarist Russia, does it look like our Dalong Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period? "

Song Qing's eyes were piercing and he glanced at the terrain on the map that Liu Mingzhi had drawn with his own handwriting: "That's right, it's indeed similar to my situation in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period."

Liu Mingzhi vigorously drew a big circle on the map with a bamboo pole: "If all the kingdoms around here are annexed by Tsarist Russia, this circle will be the area that Tsarist Russia can rule.

Now look at the comparison of the borders of our two countries. "

Song Qing raised his head and saw Liu Mingzhi draw marks with a bamboo pole, he couldn't help but gasped.

"Not counting Tianzhu, the territory of the Great Food Kingdom, once Tsarist Russia annexed the surrounding small countries to complete the great unification, the area they own is actually the same as the territory of our Great Dragon Heavenly Dynasty... No, it seems vaguely bigger than me. The territory of the Dalong Heavenly Dynasty is even wider.

Hiss... this..."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Song Qing's astonished expression as if he was still in shock, narrowed his eyes slightly, and tapped his palms with a bamboo pole lightly, meditating.

"No! No! Third brother, it is absolutely impossible to continue like this.

Listen to me, we must not just watch Tsarist Russia transform from a hungry wolf into a fierce tiger like this. "

Liu Mingzhi was silent for a moment thoughtfully, then put the bamboo pole back in place and walked towards the desk.

"Brother, you said a few years ago that you have always been troubled by the existence of this Tsarist Russia, and now my brother is telling you that its existence is also making me sleepless.

This little queen of Tsarist Russia is not simple!

Although we haven't seen what kind of girl she is, it's not hard to see from the lines in Chengfeng's letter that this little girl is a bit like she was when she was young.

The little Queen Selina mentioned in the letter is the use of troops to make friends with the powerful Ukrainian nation and attack the weak and weak Catan nation.

If there is no shadow of Chengfeng, Song Yang and his two little bastards, I will eat this table right in front of you, my young master.

The little queen Serena was also overwhelmed by the fact that those old and antique noble ministers of Tsarist Russia strongly opposed her marriage. She was forced to make compromises in front of those old guys who held great power or were heavily armed!

Can you think about marching into two neighboring enemy countries in a blink of an eye?

Nonsense, it's just fucking impossible.

In that case, the little queen Serena was too busy to take care of herself, so how could she think about the issue of expanding her territory.

If this damn thing hadn't been for the secret assistance of Liu Chengfeng and your Song Yang, two little bastards, do you think this kind of thing would have happened? "

"This...uh...According to common sense, it is somewhat unlikely."

"It's simply impossible. Make a long-distance attack and close attack, eat the small first and then swallow the big. Some generals of the Tsarist Russians may have thought of this strategy, but it makes you and I feel very familiar with it. Isn't this unreasonable?

Chengfeng's behavior like this is tantamount to raising a tiger for trouble for me, Dalong! "

Song Qing stood up abruptly, looking at the three pieces of letter paper on the table with an uncertain expression.

"Then what should we do next? Should we immediately send a team of soldiers to the King's City of Tsarist Russia day and night to summon them back to the capital?

If we continue to let them help the little queen of Tsarist Russia like this, we will really be in a cocoon! "

"not necessarily!"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Liu Mingzhi waved his hand to signal Song Qing to sit down before talking, picked up his dry tobacco pipe and lit the shredded tobacco to the candle.

"Brother, if this is Chengfeng taking the initiative to help the little queen Serena, then I'm not worried, brother. What I'm worried about is that this brat Chengfeng has fallen for the beauty trick used by the little queen."

"Why? Is there any difference between actively helping and passively helping? In the end, isn't it all about helping Tsarist Russia gradually grow?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Song Qing's bewildered reaction, and a sly smile rose from the corner of his mouth: "That's because you don't know my boss well.

This kid seems to be honest and honest, but in fact he is full of extravagant thoughts, and he is definitely the one who doesn't stalk a rabbit when he sees a rabbit.

If he offered to help, it meant that his relationship with the little Queen Serena had reached a level far beyond what was described in the family letter.

As long as the relationship between Chengfeng and Little Queen Serena is confirmed, it will hardly have a big impact on my brother and my next plan. "

"Then what if Chengfeng passively helped because he was infatuated with the little queen Serena?"

Liu Mingzhi opened the drawer, pulled out an envelope from the bottom of several books and threw it in front of Song Qing.

"The soldiers of Anxi Dufu and the allied forces of the Western Regions have retreated from the battlefields of Dashi and Tianzhu.

If Tsarist Russia is playing tricks, then the young master will have to wait for the fish and the clams to fight each other, and become a fisherman to benefit. "

"Fuck, when did you write it?"

"The mission was prepared before the mission, but my big dragon fights every year, and my brother really doesn't want to use troops.

However, this does not mean that brothers, I am afraid to use troops. "

"I'll go, you're too prepared for a rainy day, aren't you?"

(End of this chapter)

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