My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2518 Preparation for the Edict of Guilt

Chapter 2518 Preparation for the Edict of Guilt
Liu Mingzhi looked at Song Qing's astonished reaction while holding the letter, and a self-deprecating smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

"Brother, I don't want to be so meticulously calculated here and there, but now the inside and outside of my Dalong court seem to be calm, but there are undercurrents surging.

In order to leave a stable foundation for the children, brother, I can only rack my brains and plan carefully.

Although the internal situation has barely stabilized, the external situation still hides infinite murderous intentions.

Brother, after a hundred years, I can't leave an unmanageable mess to the children! "

Song Qing nodded with a sense of understanding, folded the letter and put it in his cuff: "Understood! But Brother Wei, I don't know if I should say something or not?"

"Say it, tell me there's nothing else you can't say between brothers."

"If you want to contribute to one person, the price you have to pay is immeasurable. You have to be mentally prepared to commit crimes against yourself.

Of course, it is the worst plan to commit crimes against yourself, and the result may be better than your estimate, even ten times better, or even hundreds of times better.

But even for the best, you have to prepare for the worst.

Just in case, be prepared! "

Liu Mingzhi glanced at Song Qing's sincere gaze, nodded his head and gently exhaled the smoke from his mouth.

"Okay, I'll take your suggestion into consideration.

You go back and prepare to reply to brother Yang's letter, and brother, I am also preparing to reply to Chengfeng's letter. We will meet again in three days and send someone to send back your letter and mine together. "

Song Qing immediately stood up and punched First Young Master Liu: "Okay, then I will retire first, brother."

Liu Mingzhi picked up the Langhao on the pen stand and gently moistened the nib in the inkstone, and waved his hand at Song Qing casually.

"Walk slowly without sending."

Song Qing nodded in response, then turned around and walked out of the study with a light footstep.

After Song Qing left the study, Young Master Liu took out a piece of rice paper and spread it on the table, picked up the ink-stained pen and stopped on the rice paper for a long time without writing.

With a slightly hesitant expression on his face, Young Master Liu put the wolf hair back into the distance, and walked to the window sill with his hands behind his back and stopped.

Listening to the chirping of birds outside the window with a melancholy expression, Liu Mingzhi's thoughts fluttered and he didn't know where he went.

Son!Regardless of whether you can successfully marry the Little Queen of Tsarist Russia, you all have to come back safely!
Even if you can't complete the task, as long as you can come back safely, dad will not blame you.

You are in a foreign country thousands of miles away, and you are in a situation of isolation and helplessness. Once the slightest mistake happens, even if you are a father, you will not be able to help you a little bit.

When you encounter trouble, don't act recklessly, you must think twice, you must think twice!
The ancestors of the Liu family have spirits in heaven, and they must protect my son and all the officers and soldiers of the mission to return home safely.

Feeling flustered, Liu Mingzhi, who was silent for a long time, turned around, walked to the desk and sat down, leaned over the table and raised Langhao to write on the rice paper.

One piece of rice paper, two pieces of rice paper, three pieces of rice paper.

It was not until half of the content was written on the third piece of rice paper that Liu Mingzhi stopped writing.

Liu Mingzhi first dried the ink on the rice paper, then checked the contents on it, and then he opened the drawer and touched the printed letter in the niche.

Just as Liu Mingzhi got the seal, there was a knock on the door, and then Qinglian's soft and hoarse voice reached his ears.

"Husband, are you busy now, I come to see you."

"It's not busy, come in quickly."


As soon as the door opened, Qinglian walked into the room lightly and went straight to her husband's desk.

Liu Mingzhi put down the letter in his hand and walked towards Qinglian: "Lian'er, you should have read Chengfeng's family letter, right?"

"Well! I have already seen it."

"It's good to have read it. Now we can finally rest assured that the child's situation in Tsarist Russia is still stable, but he may not be able to leave for the country in the near future. That's all.

However, as long as others are safe, even if we can't come back in the near future, we don't have to be as worried as before.

Weifu just finished writing his reply, and was thinking of going to your place after stamping the letter, but you came to Weifu's place first. "

Qinglian listened to her husband's comforting words and nodded lightly: "Your husband is right, as long as Chengfeng is a concubine who is safe and sound, you can rest assured.

As long as he can return safely one day, it is understandable whether he will be a concubine sooner or later. "

When Qinglian nodded obediently and gently, Liu Mingzhi immediately saw the red and swollen eyes of the beautiful woman, hurried to Qinglian and raised his hands to hold Qinglian's cheeks, looking at her flushed cheeks with distressed eyes. eyes.

"Lian'er, did you cry in the room before you came here?"

", the concubine was accidentally blinded by the wind, don't think about it, the concubine is fine."

Looking at Qinglian's delicate and considerate appearance that she was afraid that she was worried that she still wanted to hide it, Liu Mingzhi felt even more apologetic, and immediately hugged the beautiful woman tightly in his arms.

Since this silly woman followed him, he seemed to have never given her anything better except for a few years of stable and good life.

In the past, she almost died in order to take care of herself who was infected with the plague. Now the world is peaceful and stable, and because of some decisions of her husband, she has to worry about her children and have trouble sleeping and eating.

"Lian'er, my husband has owed you nothing but a debt for the rest of his life!"

Qinglian's side face was silently pressed against Liu Mingzhi's chest, and when she heard her husband's apologetic words, her pair of jade arms hugged her husband's tiger waist with full strength and did not want to let go.

"Silly husband, this concubine has never felt that way before. I know better than anyone else whether you owe me or not.

We are husband and wife, and since we are husband and wife, I should follow my husband and wife, and depend on each other for life and death.

When you say this, I feel uncomfortable physically and mentally, as if I am an outsider, and I am not allowed to say such things in the future, otherwise I will really get angry, did you hear me? "

"Okay, okay, Lian'er can do whatever she wants. As a husband, everything depends on you, isn't it all right?"

"Husband, you have already written a reply to Feng'er, but I haven't written it yet because I came here in a hurry!

It shouldn't be a problem for me to write a letter here in your study, right? "

"Hehe... What you said, don't write a letter here, even if you live here as a husband, you will never say no.

Come, my husband will personally grind ink for you, Lian Er. "

"Well, thank you husband."

"You're being polite, aren't you? By the way, Lian'er, has that girl Yiyi explained to you about her relationship with that kid from the Xie family?"

Qinglian just picked up the fine brush and put it back after hearing her husband's words, Jiaoyan sighed depressedly.

"Don't mention it, it's been a few months, and she still hasn't said anything to my concubine today!
The concubine wanted to ask her first several times, but the concubine was afraid that asking her would make the girl feel ashamed, so she held back in her heart and didn't ask her what was going on.

Why don't you, husband, ask her what's going on with Xie's kid when you have time?Yiyi, Feifei and the other two sisters have been close to you since they were young, it may be more appropriate for you to ask instead of the concubine. "

Liu Mingzhi frowned and remained silent for a while: "Wait a little longer, girls are thin-skinned and easily shy, waiting for them to take the initiative to talk to us is more appropriate than asking them.

Maybe this girl hasn't figured out what kind of feelings she has for the Xie family boy!It doesn't matter if we ask, it will be troublesome if we mess up the mandarin ducks. "

"That...that's true, that concubine obeys her husband, so wait a little longer."

"Just listen to your husband, let's write a letter to Chengfeng first."

Qinglian smiled peacefully, picked up a pen and wrote gently on the blank rice paper, gradually leaving lines of graceful handwriting.

Three days later, Song Qing, who had dispersed the court meeting, went directly back to Liu's study together with First Young Master Liu.

Liu Mingzhi put the reply letters of himself, Qinglian, Qi Yun and the others in front of Song Qing.

"Don't forget to tell Baoyu and Baotong that after sending the letter, additional scouts will be sent across Lake Baikal to investigate the situation in Tsarist Russia.

Once you notice something is wrong, you can leave, and your fate will not be accepted. "

"Understood, do you have any other orders?"

"No more, I have replied to Chengfeng in the letter, and I can deal with the rest as appropriate."

"Okay, then I'll go back first. Only by sending the letter back to Tsarist Russia as soon as possible can I really feel relieved."

"Let's go together, there is no government affairs today, so it's time for my young master to go to the divination stall to earn some money for tea."

"Okay, you go first."

(End of this chapter)

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