2519 Served

May [-]th in the fifth year of Dalong Taiping.

It's been another half a month since the day when Young Master Liu gave his eldest son Liu Chengfeng the letter back.

After taking a break from his busy schedule, Liu Mingzhi sent off a fortune-telling guest, put twenty copper coins into his arms, and slept leisurely on the recliner, waiting for the next guest to come to the door.

Young Master Liu, who was asleep with his eyes closed, felt the sudden darkness in the shaded awning before he felt drowsiness, and Young Master Liu, who was used to it, sat up straight.

"My distinguished guest, I don't know if you're looking for marriage or ex... Lao Gao?

What are you? "

Gao Jin, Chen Jie's personal servant, looked at Young Master Liu's stunned expression when he saw her, smiled lightly and bowed.

"Let's see Mr. Liu, Mr. Liu was shocked by our haste, and I hope Mr. Liu will forgive us."

Young Master Liu reacted and waved his hand casually: "Don't be too polite, don't be too polite.

Lao Gao, did you come here specifically to find Master Ben?Or is there something else that just happened to pass by the divination booth, and just came to say hello to this young master?

Would you like to sit down and have a cup of tea first? "

Seeing Liu Mingzhi's move to lift the teapot, Gao Jin hurriedly waved his hands to stop him: "No more, no more, thank you Mr. Liu for your kindness, but we have something to come to see Mr. Liu today, and we will have a drink another day, another day. "

Young Master Liu put down the teapot in his hand with puzzled eyes: "I really came here on business!

Let's talk, if you need Master Ben's help, just ask. "

Gao Jin turned her head and glanced around the busy street, leaned forward and approached Liu Mingzhi and said in a low voice: "Mr. Liu, we have come to invite you to come to the house for a visit according to the password of my nobleman." Syria.

I don't know if it's convenient now, sir?If you are not busy, Mr. Lao will accompany us to the house. "

Young Master Liu's expression changed, and he fixed his eyes on the cautious Gao Jin: "Did something happen?

Did Chen Jie tell you what she was looking for before you came? "

Gao Jin felt Young Master Liu's suddenly serious expression and shook his head generously.

"No, please rest assured, sir, the house is peaceful and peaceful, and nothing happened.

My nobleman didn't tell us why we were looking for you, but before we went out, we saw that the nobleman was smiling when he was talking to Concubine He, so it must be something good! "

"He Shu is also in the prince's old mansion now?"

"Yes, Concubine He came to the mansion early in the morning to chat with my nobles, and when we went out, the two nobles were asking the maid to prepare food and drinks!
I think it's for your visit, sir. Do you think it's convenient for you now? "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Gao Jin's usual demeanor and nodded clearly, put down the teapot, picked up the folding fan and stood up.

"Then let's go."

Gao Jin silently backed away and stretched out her hand: "Please, Mr. Liu."

"Liu Song, this young master has something to go out for a while, don't forget to close the hexagram booth when you are eating."

"Alright, young master, don't worry."

Hearing Liu Song's answer, Liu Mingzhi lightly shook the carved jade fan and Gao Jin rushed towards the Prince's old mansion while chatting and laughing.

After two sticks of incense, the figures of the two appeared in the mansion.

"Your Majesty, because there were so many people, I hope your Majesty will forgive us for our rudeness."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Gao Jin who had become stiff again after returning to the mansion and shook his head helplessly, closed his folding fan and walked straight towards the inner courtyard of the Prince's old mansion.

"Let's take a rest first, is my young master still so stingy, from now on, just call him Mr. as before.

The title "Your Majesty" comes from the mouths of you old friends, and it sounds harsh to my young master. "

"Yes, thank you sir, the two ladies are waiting for you in the boudoir now, we won't accompany you in, and we will leave."

After Liu Mingzhi entered the courtyard where Chen Jie lived, he looked around at the quiet and quiet environment in the courtyard and smiled.

He didn't need to think about it to understand that Liu Lianiang, a stinky girl, went to Liu's mansion to play with her brothers and sisters again.

Otherwise, when this stinky girl is at home, there must be laughter in the old prince's mansion, and it is absolutely impossible to be so quiet and elegant.

"Jie'er, Shu'er, your husband is here, why don't you hurry up and greet her?"

After Young Master Liu's voice dropped for a few breaths, two beautiful figures in plain white feather gauze clothes appeared in front of Chen Jie's boudoir, and they greeted Young Master Liu.

"Husband, you are here, I am polite."

"I have met my husband in person."

Liu Mingzhi cheerfully stretched out his hands to help Chen Jie and He Shu sisters up: "That's all right, all right, why don't you be so polite when there are no outsiders present.

The two of you specially asked Lao Gao to go to Wei Fu's place, tell me, what good things do you want to tell Wei Fu? "

The two sisters looked at the smiling Young Master Liu and looked at each other in surprise, and asked in unison, "How did you know something good happened?"

Young Master Liu hugged the two beauties, one on the left and the other on the right, in a cheap way, and lightly patted the two girls' charming buttocks a few times.

"Does it need to be said? Of course it's because my husband has a tacit understanding with you.

Since you have a tacit understanding, then of course you two alluring beauties have a clear understanding of what is going on in your mind, isn't your husband very powerful? "

Chen Jie slapped Young Master Liu's dishonest hand off her delicate body with a delicate face.

"Virtue, what's the point of understanding, these sweet words to deceive ignorant little girls are not bad, if you want to deceive concubines and sisters, you should save yourself.

If I guess by myself, it must be that Gao Jin told you that he saw us sisters talking and laughing before going out, so you know that we sisters have something good to tell you.

Is it like this? "

"Eh...Don't worry about how my husband knows. As soon as my husband heard that you had something to do with me, I couldn't wait to come here. If my husband loves you so much, you should at least show it?"

First Young Master Liu laughed a few times after he finished speaking, stretched his neck, approached the two girls and shook his head.

Chen Jie and sisters looked at Young Master Liu's rascally appearance, kissed Liu Mingzhi's left and right cheeks lightly with their blushing cheeks, and then gave Young Master Liu an angry look.

"Are you satisfied?"

Young Master Liu smiled and nodded, pulled the two girls and walked towards the room: "Satisfied, satisfied, let's go, let's talk about the next thing in the room."

"Hey! Why did you prepare so much? My husband is getting more and more curious about what good things you two have to tell me."

Young Master Liu looked at the eight delicious dishes made of meat and vegetables on the dining table, looked strangely at the two women, walked to the main seat and sat down.

"Jie'er, Shu'er, both of you sit down quickly, and tell Wei Fu what's the good news?"

After Chen Jie entered the room, He Shu, whose delicate face suddenly became a little shy and nervous, went to Liu Mingzhi and sat down with a pot to fill him with a glass of wine.

"There's nothing particularly important, just... I just want to tell you that sister Shu'er has made great contributions to your Liu family."

First Young Master Liu took the wine glass from Chen Jie, and looked at He Shu who was sitting beside him with puzzled eyes.

"Shu'er has made meritorious service? Now that the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the world is peaceful, Shu'er can make... make... meritorious service?

Meritorious service! "

As Young Master Liu spoke, his eyes suddenly widened, and he hurriedly looked at He Shu's lower abdomen wrapped in plain gauze.

"Is... is it the kind of meritorious service you think of for your husband?"

He Shu felt Liu Mingzhi staring at his abdomen with piercing eyes of surprise, stretched out his hand to caress his lower abdomen, and responded with a tickling sound like a mosquito.

"Well. I'm happy with my life."

Although he didn't hear what He Shu said very clearly, He Shu stroked his lower abdomen and nodded again, which made Young Master Liu understand directly in his heart.

Surprised and inexplicably surprised in his heart, he raised the wine and drank it all in one gulp, Liu Mingzhi stood up with trembling hands, walked gently to He Shu and squatted down.

Liu Mingzhi supported He Shu's slender and straight legs with one hand, and reached out to the beauty's still flat lower abdomen with the other hand to touch carefully.

"Really? Have you consulted a doctor for a pulse?"

He Shu flexed his fingers and tapped Young Master Liu's forehead: "Stupid, it's true. I have already seen the doctor secretly, and it has been more than a month."

Young Master Liu immediately grabbed He Shu's hands with a smile on his face: "Shu'er, that's great. Finally, my husband's hard work is not in vain!"

Liu Mingzhi sighed and looked at He Shu with a slight frown: "Shu'er, you are in your early 41s this year. Although it is a good thing to be pregnant with Liujia, having a pregnancy at this age will also have a great impact on your body. what!

In the future, you have to take good care of your body. The fetus in the womb is important, but to your husband, your body is more important than the fetus.

In the future, as long as there is even a little bit of discomfort, you must immediately seek medical treatment from a doctor, and you must not be careless in the slightest, understand? "

He Shu looked up at her husband's nervous expression and was extremely sweet in his heart, and nodded peacefully to Young Master Liu with a smile on his face.

"Husband, don't worry, I already have Jingyao and Tao'er two children, I know how to take care of my body when I'm pregnant."

"Then you have to be careful."

"I know, I know, seeing how nervous you are, the concubine's body is not so delicate that it will break if touched.

Sit down and eat quickly, these are specially ordered by my concubine and my sister, and all of them are dishes that you like more. "

"Okay, okay, my husband must have a few drinks today.

Now, Shu'er, you let your husband become a father again, which means that your husband is still young!

Jie'er, Shu'er can't drink now, come and have a drink with your husband.

Such a happy event should come to light. "

(End of this chapter)

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