My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2520 The general trend of the world is like a tide

Chapter 2520 The general trend of the world is like a tide

The fact that He Shu was pregnant with Liujia was tantamount to joy from heaven for Liu Mingzhi.

Ever since the two had a love affair, Liu Mingzhi hoped that He Shu could give birth to an heir for him more than once, but no matter how hard he worked hard for so many years, He Shu's stomach never responded.

It wasn't until last year that He Shu confided the truth to herself. It turned out that she secretly took saffron as a drug every time she and she had sex.

He Shu secretly took this drug, so it's not impossible that she might become pregnant, but the chance of this is extremely slim.

After Liu Mingzhi knew about it, although he didn't reprimand He Shu sharply, he still said some words of complaint, and He Shu promised himself that he would never take saffron and other abortion drugs in the future.

Sure enough, after He Shu stopped taking saffron, her hard work finally paid off.

Liu Mingzhi looked at He Shu who was caressing his belly, and He Shu, whose phoenix eyes exuded the radiance of maternal love, was filled with joy. He kept raising his wine glass to drink with Chen Jie who only took a sip of the old wine every time.

Chen Jie looked at her sweetheart who was drinking happily with a spring face, and from time to time picked up a piece of appetizer with chopsticks and put it in Young Master Liu's bowl.

"Drink slowly, drink slowly, eat something to fill your belly."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Chen Jie, whose crescent eyebrows were slightly frowned and her phoenix eyes were full of worry, and she burped lightly, her eyes softly lingered on the two sisters, and then she lifted the jug and poured herself a drink with a smile.

"Jie'er, don't worry, no matter how bad your husband's alcohol tolerance is, you can drink this little wine.

I am so happy today, really, I am so happy. Ever since my husband and you sisters have a real husband and wife relationship, my husband has always been afraid of treating you two badly.

Although the two of you sisters seldom mention the matter about the elder brother in front of your husband, but my husband knows in his heart that the two of you still have some regrets in your heart.

But Wei Fu had really tried his best back then, from the old Kingdom of Jin to now the northern prefecture of Songzhou, he rushed back to the capital at full speed, and along the way Wei Fu persisted with hundreds of thousands of soldiers eating dry biscuits and drinking snow water.

In order to be rescued by the king, the time for my husband to close his eyes for less than three hours a day along the way.

However, there are unpredictable things in the sky, and people have misfortunes and blessings, so I hurried to catch up with my husband, but in the end I still couldn't get back in time.

Are you ashamed of your husband?Wei Fu touched his conscience and said that I really did not feel ashamed of him, because I really did my best.

If you have to say something about what you owe my husband, it is what happened to your husband and your sisters.

But I don’t regret it for my husband. If I had to choose between the so-called reputation of the sage and you two, my husband would choose to spend the rest of my life with you two without hesitation.

I have never thought of being in charge of Dalong's [-] miles of rivers and mountains before. You may think that I am hypocritical. After all, I have already sat on the throne of the lord of the world, and it seems a bit hypocritical to say anything.

But whether you believe it or not, I still want to tell you something that I have been holding back in my heart over the years.

In the past, my husband really only wanted to guard his family, his wife and children, and lead a down-to-earth life of drunkenness and sensuality.

My husband was forced to go to Beijing by the old man from his hometown in Jinling. If my old man hadn’t forced me, perhaps my husband would not have the following career as an official in the court.

Not long after entering Beijing, I got a title in a daze. At that time, my husband was already satisfied. Really, my husband thought that after having this title, at least my life would be more chic and comfortable.

But then there was a mission to the Kingdom of Jin.

However, when I went to the Kingdom of Jin as my husband, I was also driven to the shelves. If it wasn't for the first time for my husband to go to court, I was not used to falling asleep in the court hall. When I was half asleep and half awake, I happened to bump into my father when I was stretching. Asking which love is willing to come As an envoy to the Kingdom of Jin, it is no longer a case of going to the Kingdom of Jin as an envoy for her husband to facilitate mutual trade at the border.

During the disaster relief in Qingzhou, the father intentionally set up a trick for the husband, and it was impossible for the husband not to go.

Jiangnan's suppression of the bandits was also due to the father's intention to accumulate credit for the husband in order to promote the marriage between the husband and Yan'er, so that he could take advantage of the situation to marry Yan'er and marry the husband. On the chariot of the Li family.

Of course, this is something that Weifu only realized later. At first, Weifu thought that the emperor just wanted to temper my lazy temperament.

After all, at that time, the lazy character of fishing for her husband for three days and drying the net for two days was well known in Beijing, and even going to court depended on her mood, let alone other things.

Therefore, it is understandable that my father wanted to motivate me to be a little bit self-motivated.

Furthermore, it was about the expedition to the Western Regions. At that time, the father secretly left the capital Weifu to go to Haijin Town at that time, which is now Haijin Port, the first seaport of my Dalong.

When my father Weifu was in Haijin Port, he ordered his eldest brother to supervise the country's governance, and it happened that the coalition forces of the Western Regions invaded the northwest border of Dalong.

At that time, the eldest brother was really inexperienced in governing the country because of his sudden supervision of the country, and there was no leader above the court.

In addition, the second elder brother, King Qing, the third elder brother, King Shu, the fourth oldest King King, and the fifth old King Yun... They also made obstacles, and some civil and military officials who secretly attached to them obeyed their orders and intentionally disobeyed the eldest brother. At that time, I really put my eldest brother in a difficult situation.

Although the father was in Haijin Town at that time, he knew everything that happened in the capital. After knowing the situation that the elder brother was facing in the court, the father secretly instructed the then chief executive, Lao Zhou, to order .

So the emperor's father pushed Weifu to the cusp of the regent's decree, and Weifu had no choice but to be kicked out of the shelves again, and had to come forward to assist the elder brother in dealing with the border invasion by the coalition forces of the Western Regions.

At that time, Wei Fu and the important ministers in the court formulated a set of divorce schemes, which was to lure some countries in the Western Regions with gold and silver, so that their alliance would collapse.

However, Wei Fu never expected that when Wei Fu appointed a warlord to rush to the northwest border of Suzhou, those countries in the Western Regions that received gold and silver from the imperial court would abscond back to the Western Regions with money.

At that time, my husband boasted in front of his eldest brother and the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty. Their behavior of running away after collecting money was completely slapping Weifu in the face.

First, because the actions of the Western Regions’ unnamed troops to invade our borders aroused the anger of the government and the public, and because the imperial court really lacked war horses at that time, the idea of ​​launching an army to attack the Western Regions came to my husband’s heart. head.

After all, at that time, Dalong, the Kingdom of Jin, and the Turks signed a treaty of friendly relations and exchanging supplies because of the establishment of a mutual market at the border.

At that time, sending troops to the Western Regions could not only avenge the crimes committed by the coalition forces of the Western Regions, but also bring back a large number of war horses for the court to make up for the lack of cavalry in our court.

With such a situation in front of us, it was a godsend opportunity.

Although it was obviously arranged by the elder brother, it was actually managed by the father behind the scenes.

Therefore, the grand event of launching a crusade against the 36 countries was led by Wei Fu, under the open arrangement of the elder brother, and under the covert support of the father and emperor, it took advantage of the trend.

At that time, he was in command of his husband and led 40 elite soldiers. In about two and a half years, he captured 36 countries in the Western Regions in one fell swoop.

This expedition to the west not only expanded the territory of the imperial court, but also brought back more than 30 excellent war horses from the Western Regions for the imperial court.

At the same time, it also established the position of Duke Dingguo, who was one of the five princes of the Husband Dynasty at that time.

At that time, Wei Fu had the same momentum in the court, and few colleagues dared to compete with Wei Fu openly.

In this regard, after a few years of being a husband, the emperor knew that he was getting old, and it was time to pave the way for the elder brother, the current prince.

The old emperor is relegated, and the new emperor is recalled to show his favor. This is the most common way of paving the way.

At that time, my husband was thinking, who will be the first stepping stone to pave the way for the eldest brother?
I thought of many colleagues for my husband, but I ignored myself.

After the father's imperial edict, Weifu was later ordered to go to northern Xinjiang to serve as the governor of the two governments, which became the first stepping stone to pave the way for the elder brother.

It wasn't until the father and emperor passed away in the winter of the seventh year of Rui'an that the husband was able to return to the court to assist the new king.

What happened later, after you two sisters moved into the harem, you also have the qualifications to contact court affairs, and you all know it without going into details for your husband.

Until five years ago when you rebelled against your husband and proclaimed yourself emperor, the two of you sisters more or less knew the details of all the incidents that happened in the middle, and you two sisters even participated in some things .

It can be said that many things are not the husband's original intention. The husband just wants to live a comfortable and leisurely life.

However, the general trend of the world is like a tide, and the ups and downs pushed Wei Fu to the current position step by step!

You don't mind about the big brother's matter whether you are a husband or not, but Jie'er, Shu'er, as a husband, wants to tell you sisters two words.

In the past half of my life, I, Liu Mingzhi, have committed many murders, incurred many debts of love, and owed many injustices, but I, Liu Mingzhi, have ruled the world for decades.

In public and in private, you have no shame in your heart, no shame in your heart!

As for the two of you, my husband is not willing to treat you badly.

Now that both of you sisters are willing to give birth to your husband, some of the last regrets in your heart can finally disappear.

It is only waiting for the day when the queen mother will no longer avoid seeing her husband, and she can return to heaven with peace of mind after being a husband for a hundred years. "

As soon as Liu Mingzhi finished speaking, the wine glass in his hand slipped quietly towards the wine table, and Liu Mingzhi fell unconscious on Chen Jie's legs.

With a pretty face, Chen Jie hurriedly raised Liu Mingzhi's forehead to have a look, and she was suddenly relieved when she saw that it was really just drinking too much and there was no other problem.

He Shu also hurriedly stood up and walked to Chen Jie's side and asked worriedly, "Sister, is your husband okay?"

Chen Jie glanced at the two bottomed wine jars on the table, and the two bottomed jugs shook her head gently at He Shu.

"It's okay, it's just that I drank too much."

He Shu swept the wine on the table, took out a handkerchief and gently wiped the fine sweat from Liu Mingzhi's forehead.

"Sister, maybe my husband is suffering more than any of us!"

" him to the bed first and have a good sleep, I hope everything will be as before when he wakes up."

(End of this chapter)

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