My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2521 National Marriage

Chapter 2521 National Marriage

When Liu Mingzhi woke up the next day, the sky outside the room had already risen.

Liu Mingzhi yawned and shook his drowsy head, first he reached out and rubbed the back of his aching head, and then he looked around the environment.

Seeing the familiar layout in Chen Jie's boudoir, Liu Mingzhi remembered why he appeared here.

His gaze finally settled on He Shu who was sleeping evenly and breathing evenly in his clothes on the inside of the bed, Liu Mingzhi raised his hand and gently pushed the beautiful woman's shoulder.

"Shu'er, wake up?"

He Shu opened his sleepy eyes, first looked at Liu Mingzhi who was leaning over to look at him in confusion, and then realized that he sat up straight with his hands on the pillow and looked at First Young Master Liu happily.

"Husband, are you finally awake? How do you feel now? No headache, is there any discomfort?"

As soon as He Shu woke up, he asked Liu Mingzhi several questions one after another, and the worry in his words was clear and clear.

First Young Master Liu looked at He Shu staring at his pretty nervous face, smiled lightly and turned his sore neck a few times.

"Shu'er, you don't have to worry, my husband doesn't have any problems except for a few minor ailments that anyone would have after a hangover.

Just put your heart in your stomach, and you will be fine as a husband after today. "

He Shu straightened up his delicate body and knelt in front of Liu Mingzhi with suspicion, raised his hands and pulled First Young Master Liu's body for a careful inspection before exhaling with a relaxed expression.

"It's good to know that you have a headache and feel uncomfortable, let's see if you dare to drink so much again in the future?
You looked so drunk yesterday that my concubine and my sister were worried and didn't sleep until late at night.

This is still half-dream and half-awake serving you, not daring to leave. "

"Really? Did your elder sister, Jie'er, take advantage of my husband's drunkenness and have no strength to resist, and do some bad things to my husband that I like more?"

He Shu looked at Young Master Liu's teasing eyes, his delicate face turned red, and he glared angrily at his sweetheart who was always talking when he woke up.

"Shameless, can't you be more serious? You drink like a dead pig, what bad things can my sister do to you?
Besides, don't you know if that bad thing is still useful after you're drunk?Just know nonsense! "

First Young Master Liu looked at the furious He Shu and buttoned his ears resentfully, then raised his head towards He Shu's abdomen with a smirk.

"It's wrong for my husband, it's wrong for my husband. Didn't my husband know that you were so happy after being pregnant, Shu'er, that you were too greedy for a while!

I promise my husband will never be so greedy again, come on, let's hear how our little baby is doing. "

"Virtue, the concubine has only been pregnant for more than a month, it's a ghost if you can hear anything."

Although He Shu spoke competitive words, his phoenix eyes gently supported Liu Mingzhi's head and pressed it towards his lower abdomen.

"How? What did you hear? Is the baby in my womb scolding you?

Scolding you as a father has no integrity at all, just like a local hooligan. "

Young Master Liu glanced at He Shu and said excitedly, "I heard it, my husband really heard it."

He Shu's pretty face froze, and she lowered her head in astonishment to look at the excited young master Liu.

"Really... did you hear that? What did you hear? This concubine is only more than a month pregnant, don't scare the concubine!"

"My husband heard your stomach growling. After my husband was drunk yesterday, the two of you shouldn't have time to eat properly, right?"

When He Shu heard that his answer was not what he asked, he glared fiercely at First Young Master Liu who had a playful expression on his face, and grabbed Young Young Master Liu's ear with his slender fingers and twisted it forcefully.

"Smelly rascal, are you trying to scare my concubine to death?"

"Hehehe, don't get excited, don't get excited, my husband is just kidding you, just kidding."

"Are you joking like that? With your serious look, I really think that something is wrong with my stomach!
In the future, if you scare the concubine like this again, the concubine will ignore you. "

He Shu said complaining words, but his hands supported Liu Mingzhi's head and pressed it on his round and strong legs, and pressed Liu Mingzhi's temples with both hands and kneaded gently.

"Don't move around, I will massage the acupuncture points for you."

Liu Mingzhi smiled silently, turned over and changed into a comfortable position and nestled in He Shu's arms, letting the beauty's fingers rub his forehead.

"By the way, where's Jie'er?"

"My sister is going to prepare hangover soup for you, and according to the hour, it should be ready soon.

The concubine will give you a massage for a while, and you should be much more comfortable after drinking the hangover soup prepared by your sister. "

"It's hard work for you two sisters. My husband just drank too much. There's no need for you two to be so nervous."

"Who is nervous about you being a big villain? Isn't this concubine afraid that the child in her womb will not have a father after it is born? If not, I would have ordered my servants to throw you on the street and ignore you."

"real or fake?"

"Of course it's true. Let's see if you dare to bully my concubine in the future."

Liu Mingzhi sat up and kissed He Shuying lightly on the lips before lying down: "Well, Shuer, do you like bullying you for your husband?"

"Be honest, the concubine just woke up and hasn't washed yet, so you're not afraid of getting smoked."

"Don't be afraid! The sweet taste is delicious."

"Virtue, the older you get, the less righteous you become, and you think you're like an eighteen or nineteen-year-old boy?

You are 39 years old this year, and you should call yourself an old man when you meet young people outside. You can't be so unsteady in the future.

You are the king of a country, and your behavior represents the face of the country. If the people see you like this, what kind of rumors will spread! "

"Understood, I understand. Being a husband is like this in front of you. Being a husband in front of outsiders is more serious than anyone else."

"I heard the two of you talking from a long distance away. From your energetic voice, my husband, it seems that there should be no major problems after the hangover."

While Young Master Liu and He Shu were talking, Chen Jie's teasing voice came from outside the door.

As soon as Chen Jie's voice fell, the figure just appeared in the boudoir, and put the tray on the table. Chen Jie slowly walked behind the screen, and shook her head helplessly looking at the two people who were acting intimately together.

"It's already very hot outside, you two are still lying on the bed."

Listening to his sister's teasing words, He Shu lightly beat Liu Mingzhi on the shoulder and rolled over towards the edge of the bed, put on his embroidered shoes, walked to the changing rack, and started to wash.

"My sister woke up so late. It's not the fault of the big villain, Husband. If it weren't for her sister, she wouldn't go to bed until midnight."

Liu Mingzhi also immediately turned over, got out of bed and walked to the main room stretching his waist. He didn't care that he hadn't washed up yet, and directly took the hangover soup sent by Chen Jie and drank it in big gulps.

"The servant girl will bring the food in a while, and you two will fill your stomach well later."

"Jie'er is so caring!"

"Trouble my sister."

The three of Liu Mingzhi chatted and laughed and ate the breakfast brought by the maid, and then talked about interesting things for a long time.

"Jie'er, Shu'er, it's getting late, my husband has to go back first."

"Okay, husband, you haven't returned all night, go back early and report to the sisters that they are safe."

"Be careful on the road."

"Understood, you didn't have a good rest after taking care of my husband last night, so go to bed later, my husband will go first."

As soon as Young Master Liu returned to Liu's Mansion, he informed Qi Yun and his sisters that He Shu was pregnant.

After Qi Yun and the others found out about this, they all expressed their opinion to let Liu Mingzhi take He Shu to live in the house, so that it would be easier to take care of her daily life.

Liu Mingzhi thought for a moment, and handed over the matter to Qi Yun. It was more appropriate for her, the eldest wife, to come forward than herself.

Three days later, Qi Yun, the three princesses and sisters told Young Master Liu that He Shu had rejected the move to live in Liu's mansion with helpless expressions.

Knowing the result, Liu Mingzhi was not surprised, because he had mentioned to Chen Jie and the others more than once about letting them move to Liu's mansion.

He Shu and the others rejected each time.

This time, He Shu's refusal was also within his expectations.

After some deliberation, Liu Mingzhi followed Qi Yun's suggestion, and privately spent a lot of money to arrange for three famous doctors to live in the side courtyard of Li Jingyao's Princess Mansion in case of emergency.

From then on, Young Master Liu's habit of going to the hexagram stall to watch after he went to court changed, and he went to Princess Yunchang's mansion every three days to visit He Shu.

These busy and leisurely days lasted until early August.

After the beginning of August, not only the Liu residence became busy, but even the whole court got busy.

The root of the busyness is that Liu Chengzhi and Li Jingyao's wedding is approaching.

(End of this chapter)

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