Chapter 2525

Liu Mingzhi glanced sideways at his younger sister Liu Xuan who was still letting nature take its course, and lightly flicked Liu Xuan's jade-white forehead with his fingers.

"Silly girl, you are not young anymore, and you have all the skills you can afford if you are alone, but you can't ignore the feelings of the old man and mother, right?
The two elders are about to reach their sixtieth age. After working hard for most of their lives, don't they just hope that we children can get married as soon as possible and stabilize?
You're a girl, although you don't need to start a career, you can't stay married forever, right?
How can there be a girl who doesn't leave the pavilion to get married?What I know is that Xuan'er, you are a lady with high vision, and you can't find a man you like for a good marriage at the moment.

But what about those who don't know?Those who didn't know thought that there was something wrong with you, Xuan'er, that you wouldn't be able to get married!
You don't need to tell the elder brother about the fearsome truth of people's words, do you know it yourself?
The old man and mother are so old, you said that if some gossip reaches their ears in the future, how will they bear it in their hearts?
The third younger brother Mingjie heard what the old man said a few days ago. It should be that he has had a special relationship with the eldest lady of the Duan family since last year. As for the extent of the private relationship between the two, the elder brother did not take the initiative to ask. Pass.

But since the old man mentioned this matter, it is time to prepare for the matchmaker in the past two years.

The third child is the youngest among the four of us. He is about to start a family and start a business. Do you think it is appropriate for you to be a sister who has not yet married?

Listen to the big brother, find a good man as soon as possible to settle down your marriage.

If you can't find a good man you like, the eldest brother can help you with one or two suggestions.

Whether you are from the military or a famous family, or a young talent who has not yet married a family in the court, the big brother can help you connect.

As long as you like it, no matter what kind of good guy you are, you can try your best to match him up.

In this vast world, I don't believe you can't pick out a good man, Xuan'er, whom you secretly want.

How about it?Do you want big brother to help you? "

Liu Xuan glanced sideways at the smiling elder brother and shook her head generously.

"No, Xuan'er doesn't want you to meddle along, you are a 40-year-old man, how can you understand what kind of man a young man like Xuan'er likes?

Xuan'er is still the sentence that big brother you taught Xuan'er before, it's better to be queer than to be indiscriminate.

Fate sometimes has to have it, and there is no time to force it. Xuan'er believes that sooner or later, Xuan'er will find a satisfactory husband by herself.

You, don't worry about the little sister's trivial matters, and carefully consider how to handle Cheng Zhi's marriage successfully!

If Chengzhi's nephew is dissatisfied with his marriage and comes to complain to his younger sister, then you will see how Xuan'er will deal with you properly. "

"Smelly girl, you still have the face to say that Cheng Zhi is your nephew, and two days later will be his wedding day.

The nephews are about to get married, but you yourself, the aunt, haven't even found a partner to get married. You are not afraid that seeing Cheng Zhi and his nephews and nieces will make you look bad in the future. "

"What are you afraid of! Since ancient times, there have been many talented people who bloomed late, and today it is also possible to have younger sisters and older daughters who marry late.

The younger sister just didn't find the right person, and it's not that she couldn't get married. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Liu Xuan staring at the tranquil scene outside the hall, his lips lingered for a long time, but he didn't say what he wanted to say in the end.

Raising his hand to caress Liu Xuan's black hair hanging down her waist, Young Master Liu's deep eyes contained a faint apology.

"Xuan'er, there are some things that elder brother understands in his heart, it is elder brother who is sorry for you!"

"Brother, what nonsense are you talking about? How could you be sorry for Xuan..."



While the brothers and sisters were talking, Liu Zhi'an and his wife's joyful voices sounded from behind, and Liu Xuan immediately turned around and looked behind her.

Seeing her parents standing at the entrance of the back hall and staring at her excited expression, Liu Xuan's cherry lips parted slightly showing a beautiful smile and trotted towards Liu Zhi'an and his wife.

"Father, mother. My son, Liu Xuan, has seen both father and mother."

Liu Zhi'an's old Huai supported Liu Xuan's hands in comfort and lifted her up: "Good boy, get up, get up."

Mrs. Liu raised her hand and gently stroked the gentle and beautiful face of her good daughter, the distress in her eyes was self-evident.

"Girl, you have lost weight compared to half a year ago. You have suffered a lot outside in the past six months, haven't you?"

Liu Xuan stretched out her hand to grab the young wrist and shook her head with a smile.

"No, mother, don't worry, Xuan'er has not suffered a single bit of hardship in the past six months of wandering in the rivers and lakes.

Xuan'er is in the same half-step innate realm as your mother, and it is easy to break gold and broken stones with one hand. If Xuan'er doesn't trouble others, they will have fun secretly. Who would dare to take the initiative to find Xuan'er? ! "

"Smelly girl, you have to know that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky. If you really run into those old monsters who live in seclusion in the mountains, you will have no chance to regret it.

My mother has told you several times, the most taboo is to be arrogant when you are in the rivers and lakes. There are strange people and strange people in the world since ancient times. In case you meet an old man with a weird temper..."

"Oh, mother, you have said these words almost [-] times, and Xuan'er has almost engraved them in her mind. Xuan'er has never dared to forget, otherwise she would not have come back to our house completely, right? "

After Liu Xuan finished speaking, she raised her arms in front of Mrs. Liu and moved them around a few times gracefully: "Look, let's see, is there nothing wrong with Xuan'er?"

Mrs. Liu wanted to say something but was stopped by Liu Zhi'an waving her hand.

"Ma'am, the girl has just come back, so don't say these things to educate her. The girl is going home with food and sleep all the way. She must not be able to eat well and sleep well. You go and order the kitchen to prepare a sumptuous feast for the girl.

Let the girl have a good meal. "

"Hey, I'm going here."

"Xuan'er, you can chat with your father and your eldest brother first, and then mother will prepare a welcome banquet for you."

"Understood, mother, you can go to work first."

After Mrs. Liu left, Liu Zhian pointed to the chair beside him and walked towards his seat: "Girl, let's sit down and talk."

"Hey, dad, sit down first. Xuan'er will pour you tea."

Liu Zhi'an picked up Liu Xuan's poured tea and blew on it, looked her up and down lovingly, "Your mother is right, she's a little thinner than half a year ago.

Dad was still thinking about it two days ago, worried that you might not be able to come back in time because of the long journey, and dad was relieved when he saw you back. "

"Father, what are you talking about, Chengzhi's nephew's wedding day, Xuan'er, has to go home in time no matter how far away, how can Cheng Zhi get married without a little aunt, Xuan'er, making trouble in the bridal chamber?"

"Hehehe... It's good to be back, it's good to be back. This time, I will stay at home for a while when I come back this time, and spend good time with my father and your mother and our old couple.

In a blink of an eye, your father and your mother will be old. No matter how bad you are with us, maybe one day you will never see us two old bones again. "

"Father, don't say such depressing words, you and mother will live a long life."

"Okay, okay, listen to you, it's okay if dad doesn't say such things..."

"Old slave Liu Yuan has seen the master."

Liu Zhi'an's smiling expression slightly retracted: "Old brother, what's the matter?"

"My lord, there are some accounts that you need to deal with personally."

Liu Zhian's dark eyes flashed, he put down the teacup in his hand and looked at Liu Xuan with a smile.

"Xuan'er! You accompany your elder brother to catch up on the old days. Dad goes to the study to handle some accounts. You also know that our family has unsolved accounts every day. Dad will go there first."

"Okay, Dad, go slowly."

"You bastard, stay with your little sister well, if you dare to make Xuan'er feel unhappy in the slightest, the old man's bones will be torn apart by you."

Liu Zhi'an glared at First Young Master Liu with a stern face, flicked his sleeves and walked towards the back hall.

Liu Xuan looked at her elder brother's displeased expression, covered her lips and smiled and walked over: "Brother, let's go to the garden."

"Okay, the scenery in the garden is not bad now, you can feast your eyes."

The two brothers and sisters walked towards the garden outside the hall, talking and laughing.

After a few incense sticks, under the shade of the small artificial lake in the garden, Liu Xuan pointed to the lawn a few steps away and said, "Brother, let's sit down and have a rest."

Young Master Liu smiled lightly and nodded, walked towards the emerald green lawn first, picked a place with a cool shadow and sat down cross-legged.

"Brother listens to you. The old man said just now that he can't make you feel unhappy. Brother dare not not listen to you."

"Come on, when did you really hear what our father said?"

After Liu Xuan finished speaking, she didn't care how precious the clothes made of Shu brocade were on her body, she just lay down on the ground, leaned her head heavily on Young Master Liu's lap, raised her lotus arms and stretched her waist.

"It's still easy to live at home, big brother, tell me the stories you told me when you were young.

In the blink of an eye, twenty springs and autumns have passed, and Xuan'er almost forgot what the content of the story is, so you can help Xuan'er recall it. "

Liu Mingzhi looked down at the little girl who was staring at him expectantly and shook his head helplessly: "Hehe... those fairy tales are just for children to listen to, Xuan'er, you are over 20, it would be inappropriate to listen to those .

How about this, big brother, how about I give you a divination to calculate your future marriage? "

"Do you know how to tell a fortune teller?"

"Of course, there is no one in the capital city who doesn't know the name of my big brother, my fortune teller."

"When did it happen? Why doesn't Xuan'er know?"

"There are still many things you don't know! Seeing that you are the eldest brother's sister, the eldest brother will do a fortune-telling for you for free to see where your future husband is."


"Let's do this. You think of a man you know and feel good about, but who doesn't have a family. Brother, first calculate how much of your fate you have."


"I've made up my mind, you do the math!"

"Alright, you just wait to open your eyes."

After finishing speaking, First Young Master Liu took out a few copper coins from his cuffs, shook them a few times in the palm of his hand, and threw them directly on the ground.

Liu Xuan hurriedly turned over and looked at the copper coins on the ground, staring at the copper coins for a while Liu Xuan looked up at Young Master Liu.

"How is it? Brother, have you figured out where Xuan'er's marriage is?"

Young Master Liu smacked his lips, frowned slightly and shook his head: "This hexagram is not very good, brother will do it again for you."

Liu Mingzhi picked up the copper coins on the ground and repeated the action just now, then threw them on the ground again.

"How about this time?"

"It's still not good, come on."

After more than a dozen times in a row, the copper coins rolled to the ground again, Liu Xuan's exquisite almond eyes no longer had the previous curiosity, and she stared at First Young Master Liu as if she were a charlatan.

"Brother, don't let Xuan'er forget it. With your ability, you can coax a three-year-old child."

"This time the result is still not very good."

"Don't let Xuan'er forget about it anymore, just say what the result is."

Liu Mingzhi picked up the copper coins on the ground, and looked at Liu Xuan with deep meaning in his eyes.

"Marriage has sixteen lottery, but none of them are predestined. Xuan'er, it's time to turn around!"

(End of this chapter)

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