My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2526 There is medicine to save

Chapter 2526 There is medicine to save
Liu Xuan stared instinctively at her elder brother's eyes, which looked like a pool of stagnant water, and then seemed to realize something, a subtle dodge flashed in the depths of her almond eyes.

Zhenshou lifted her head silently from her eldest brother Liu Mingzhi's lap, and Liu Xuan sat up straight and plucked a piece of grass from the lawn, pinched it with her fingertips and played with it gently.

"Brother, why are you playing charades in a cloud? Xuan'er really doesn't understand what you said just now.

No matter the sixteen lottery of marriage, the lottery is all missed.Your nonsense is so logical, you are really like those big masters who are cheating and abducting on the street.

Didn't you just say you wanted to help Xuan'er figure out where my future husband is?Why is it brought up again on the topic of who is not destined to be with.

Can you tell your fortune?The so-called magic fortune teller in the capital city, you won't seal it yourself, right?

It's fine to cheat outsiders outside, how can a big brother cheat his own little sister?

It's better for you to accept your magical powers as soon as possible, Xuan'er is afraid that she will go astray after listening to your words.

At that time, let alone finding a good husband, it is probably a question of whether he can marry in his sixtieth year. "

Liu Mingzhi looked sideways at his little sister Liu Xuan who was squatting with her waist leaning on her willow waist and playing with the grass in her hand, and turned the emerald wrench on her thumb with deep eyes.

"Xuan'er, elder brother just said that there are sixteen lottery marriages, all of which are undesired. But elder brother doesn't seem to say who you are destined to be with, right?

You have spoken such a large number of words endlessly, can you think that you have really thought of a certain man in your heart just now?

So who is that man you think of?Can you talk to your elder brother, after all, it is a matter of your life, elder brother must help you as a staff member, right?
If he is a loyal and kind person, the elder brother will naturally support the man you choose without hesitation. If he is a sinister and cunning person, the elder brother will definitely not watch you continue to sink into the mud.

Xuan'er, it's inconvenient for you to say something to the elders like the old man and mother, but you can tell the elder brother that we are of the same generation, brothers and sisters of the same origin, and the elder brother can understand things that the elders cannot understand .

You and I have been brothers and sisters for 26 years. If others don't understand your elder brother's temperament, you should understand it very clearly.

Brother, I am a very open-minded person. As long as you and the man you like are really suitable, you don’t need the old man to nod. Brother can help you make decisions and make your good things come true.

How about it?Do you want to share your thoughts with Big Brother? "

After Liu Xuan heard what her elder brother said, a trace of panic flashed in Linglong's almond eyes, and she quickly returned to normal.

Throwing the green grass at her fingertips on the grass casually, Liu Xuan turned around slightly and hammered First Young Master Liu's arm with her delicate face.

"Brother smelly, can you stop messing around with the mandarin ducks, the little girl can't understand what you are talking about, you are not fortune-telling at all, but suspicious nonsense, okay?

Seeing how serious you are, Xuan'er almost thinks that she really has a man she likes now.

If you insist on asking Xuan'er to tell who the man you like is, then Xuan'er can only say it's you, big brother, who made you love Xuan'er so much before?

You love Xuan'er so much, who else can Xuan'er like if she doesn't like big brother?
Looking around the world, besides you, big brother, Xuan'er doesn't like any man. You can marry someone if you want, unless you, big brother, can find a talented young man who is exactly like you to be her husband.

Otherwise, Xuan'er will never marry for the rest of her life, and will stay at home eating and drinking your food, and beat your children when she is free.

Anyway, you won't do anything to Xuan'er, if it really inadvertently provokes you to get really angry, as soon as Xuan'er packs up her burden, she pulls the rein and immediately goes wandering around the world. Come home and bother you. "

Liu Mingzhi silently endured Liu Xuan's beating for a while, squinted his eyes slightly to glance at the young girl's arrogant appearance, and directly stretched out his hand to grab Liu Xuan's creamy right wrist.

There was a look of astonishment in Liu Xuan's beautiful eyes, and she looked at her elder brother in astonishment: "Brother, what are you doing?
Why are you grabbing Xuan'er's wrist so suddenly?

Could it be that besides being 'proficient' in easy calculations, you are also proficient in the pharmacology of Qihuang?
Are you planning to feel Xuan'er's pulse to see if Xuan'er is in good health? "

Liu Mingzhi looked at the little girl's dazed pretty face and said calmly: "Xuan'er, brother offended."

"Ah? What? What offended you?"

While Liu Xuan was still confused, Liu Mingzhi directly pushed up the fringed sleeve on the younger sister's right arm, looking at the point on the younger sister's jade arm that was as eye-catching as it was many years ago, the hesitant look in Liu Mingzhi's eyes In a blink of an eye, with a little spit in his mouth, he pressed down on the Shougongsha on Liu Xuan's arm.

Under Liu Xuan's dumbfounded reaction, Liu Mingzhi vigorously rubbed the Shougong sand on Liu Xuanyu's arm a few times with his thumb.

However, after Liu Mingzhi rubbed it seven or eight times in succession, except for a few red marks on Liu Xuan's jade arm, the spot of Shougong sand was still as stable as Mount Tai and remained in place.

Liu Mingzhi raised his thumb to examine it carefully, and then looked at the Shougong trachoma on Liu Xuan's arm, which concealed a faint sense of relaxation.

Xuan'er, it turns out that you are still a perfect body, so elder brother will feel better.

Liu Xuan finally reacted from her elder brother's series of actions that caught her off guard. Seeing her elder brother's relieved expression, Liu Xuan hurriedly broke free from her palm, and stretched out her hand to put down the fringed sleeve on her arm.

Liu Xuan tightly grasped the tassel sleeve on her right wrist, staring at First Young Master Liu with a pretty face.

"Brother, how could you do this?

You yourself told Xuan'er more than once just now whether men and women can kiss each other!As the eldest brother, how can you casually look at the younger sister's guard... Shou Gongsha! "

Liu Mingzhi looked at his younger sister Liu Xuan's blushing and delicate face with resentment, and there was an inexplicable complex meaning on her face.

He stretched out his hand to untie the pipe at his waist and take a few sips, but he was afraid that the little girl would not be used to the pungent smell of the smoke, so he withdrew his palm that was touching the cigarette stick at his waist and patted Liu Xuan lightly a few times. of fragrant shoulders.

"Xuan'er, elder brother knows that this is inappropriate for you, a young girl who has not yet left the cabinet, but elder brother is already wrong, and you have no complaints about beating or scolding elder brother.

but.At least you let big brother know that Xuan'er still has medicine to save you.

Xuan'er, big brother doesn't want to see you getting deeper and deeper, some people are just a passer-by in life after all.

Promise brother, turn around, okay?
Otherwise, big brother will be very difficult to do! "

Liu Xuan stared blankly at her elder brother's increasingly melancholy expression, she vaguely understood that what her elder brother said to her was not aimless.

A trace of sourness flashed in Liu Xuan's beautiful eyes, and she silently looked at Young Master Liu for a while, stretching out both hands to wrap her elder brother's arm into her embrace.

With a light movement, she snuggled up to Liu Mingzhi's lap again and lay down, Liu Xuan's flamboyant profile quietly pressed against her elder brother's lap and caressed it.

"Brother, the day after tomorrow is the wedding day of Cheng Zhi's nephew, can we brothers and sisters stop talking about it on such a day when the wedding is about to happen?

Xuan'er's matter Xuan'er knew in her heart what she should do and what she was doing.

Brother, don't worry, Xuan'er will not make things difficult for you no matter what. "

Liu Mingzhi looked down at his little sister who was as tired of being close to him as he was when he was a child, and sighed faintly.

"Okay, if you don't want to talk about this, big brother won't continue talking about it with you.

But big brother Xuan'er hopes you can understand one thing, big brother is really reluctant to see you being wronged, and even more reluctant to feel wronged by yourself.

There are some things that big brother can do for you, big brother will definitely be obliged, but for things that big brother really can't do, big brother also hopes that you don't resent big brother in your heart.

Life is unsatisfactory nine out of ten.

No matter how much elder brother loves you, there will be times when there is nothing you can do. "

"Yes! Xuan'er understands.

Brother, let's tell Xuan'er the story of my childhood again, Xuan'er wants to hear it. "

(End of this chapter)

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