Chapter 2527
Liu Mingzhi listened to his younger sister Liu Xuan's slightly suppressed choked words, and his heart was stabbed fiercely as if being stabbed by a sharp knife.

He raised his hand and gently combed the little girl's messy black silk, Liu Mingzhi said in a soft voice: "Okay, big brother will tell you, which story do you want to hear?"

Liu Xuan hugged her elder brother's arm and gently turned over, found a comfortable position, and cuddled up to her elder brother's leg like she was when she was six or seven years old.

"Tell me about the first Snow White story you told Xuan'er that spring.

After so many years, Xuan'er still vaguely remembers some contents, but most of them have been forgotten.

Let's tell it again, brother, to help Xuan'er recall her childhood. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a slight smile, squinted his eyes and recalled the content of the story he told Liu Xuan back then, and said loudly: "A long time ago, there lived a very beautiful little princess in a distant country."

"Her skin..."

"With the help of the dwarfs, they lived happily ever after.

Xuan'er, what other stories do you want to hear?Brother will continue to tell you. "

"Brother, watch and tell, there are many stories that Xuan'er can't even remember their names..."

"Young Master, Eldest Miss, Master and Madam asked the younger one to find you and go back. The reception banquet prepared by Master for Eldest Miss has been arranged, and we are waiting for you to go back."

Liu Song's voice sounded out of place a dozen steps behind the siblings, interrupting Liu Xuan's next words.

Liu Mingzhi turned around and glanced at Liu Song who was behind him, and replied lightly: "Understood, we'll be there soon."

"Yes, the little one will leave first."

"Xuan'er, big brother can tell you the story anytime later, let's go back to eat first, don't disappoint the old man and mother's kindness."

Liu Xuan was silent for a long time, she pressed her hands on the grass and sat up straight.

"Okay, but Xuan'er needs you to carry me back, big brother. In order to come back in time to attend your son's wedding banquet, my little sister rushed back to the capital from Danzhou, which is [-] miles away.

Along the way, she was either eating or sleeping in the open or not having three meals a day. It can be said that she has suffered a lot. Now that she is finally home, Xuan'er doesn't want to move at all. "

"No, you are so old that you have to be carried by your elder brother. If it gets out, let's see how you get married."

Liu Xuan let out a tender snort, and she seemed to be limp on the grass as if she was weak and boneless.

"Hmph, if you don't recite it, then the little girl won't go back. Anyway, if I get so hungry, let's see how my father will deal with you."

First Young Master Liu hesitated for a moment and squatted down with a painful expression: "Oh! Brother is afraid of you, can't you? Just this time, let's go up."


Liu Xuan agreed happily with a pretty face, and nimbly volleyed from the ground onto Young Master Liu's back.

"Ride a big horse! Drive! Drive! Run fast, run fast."

Liu Xuan, a 26-year-old young lady, yelled childish words like a child of a few years old.

However, Liu Xuan's appearance not only did not give Liu Mingzhi a soft and artificial feeling, but made him feel the childlike side of the little girl's true feelings.

Just like those sunset evenings 20 years ago, when I carried my little sister on my back and frolicked in the garden of Liufu in Jinling.

It's just that he and Liu Xuan are no longer young compared to those years ago.

The young man who was in the prime of life in the past has entered middle age, and the little girl with braids in the past has grown into a slim and stunning beauty.

Maybe after carrying my little sister this time, it will be the last time, and there will be no more.

"Brother, when you get back to the front hall, don't talk about Xuan'er's marriage in front of your parents. After hearing what your parents have heard, you should start nagging Xuan'er again."

Young Master Liu smiled cheerfully: "Don't worry about this, you don't need to tell the elder brother to know.

When you were not at home, my eldest brother occasionally mentioned to the old man about your marital affairs. Our old man's expression was the same as that of our grandfather who died again after he came back to life.

The eldest brother didn't feel full and panicked, so he didn't want to ask for boredom. "

"Brother smelly, how can you say that about your grandfather? If our grandfather knows that your grandson dares to arrange him like this, he will definitely come to talk to you in the middle of the night."

"Hey! Don't talk nonsense, brat."

"Hahaha, obviously you were the one who started talking nonsense!"

"Big Brother's fault, it's all Big Brother's fault, let's not talk about this, let's talk about something else."

"Okay, so what are you talking about?"

"Let's talk about the more interesting things you have seen in Jianghu in the past six months."

Brother and sister Liu Mingzhi walked toward the front hall talking and laughing. When they were more than ten steps away from the front hall, they heard slightly joyful voices in the hall.

"Father-in-law, mother-in-law, it's really a sin for you to make such a long trip to the capital at your age."

"Hey~ My dear father-in-law, what you said is a surprise, isn't it? The grandson's wedding day, let alone in the capital, even in Beidi, in Xinfu and Beifu outside the customs, we old couple have to catch up Just come over to the dinner.

Besides, our old couple has been bored in Jinling for these years, and our bones are almost rusting. This time, we can not only participate in the wedding of our grandson, but also exercise our bodies.

How can it be hard to talk about such a good thing that has the best of both worlds! "

"Hahaha, my father-in-law is still open-minded and righteous as always, come on, let's drink tea to moisten our throats, and after Zhi'er and my girl rush back, we old brothers have a good drink.

Time is merciless!It's been two years since the last time we said goodbye. We old brothers haven't had a good drink and chat together. We must not get drunk when we reunite today. "

"Okay, brother, you have already opened your mouth. I have no reason not to drink, brother. Just according to what you said, we will not go home until we are drunk."

Liu Mingzhi put Liu Xuan off his back outside the hall, beckoned to the younger sister, and hurriedly walked towards the front hall with a smile on his lips.

As soon as he entered the hall, Liu Mingzhi saw his father-in-law Qi Run and his mother-in-law Mrs. Qi were reminiscing about the old days with his old man and mother respectively. After scanning the four people talking and laughing, Liu Mingzhi hurriedly bowed and gave a big gift.

"My son-in-law pays his respects to his father-in-law and his mother-in-law.

Earlier, my child was enjoying the scenery in the garden with my younger sister. I didn't know that you two elders came to the door, and I couldn't come to see the ceremony in time. I hope that the father-in-law and mother-in-law will not blame the child for being rude. "

Seeing this, Liu Xuan, who was following her elder brother, hurriedly gave her a blessing.

"Little girl Liu Xuan visits Uncle Qi and Aunt Qi."

Qi Run, Mrs. Qi and the old couple hurriedly stopped talking to Liu Zhian and his wife, and stretched out their hands to the two brothers and sisters.

"It's okay, it's okay, let's get rid of the ceremony."

"Miss Xuan'er is about to be exempted."

"Thank you father-in-law, mother-in-law."

"Thank you Uncle Qi, Aunt Qi."

"Mother-in-law, stop standing, let's sit down and talk."

"Okay, okay, sit and sit."

Brother and sister Liu Mingzhi walked to Liu Zhian's lower seat and sat down one by one.

"Father-in-law, mother-in-law, you two have worked hard all the way for Chengzhi's marriage.

Earlier, I thought about sending guards to Jinling to pick you two elders into Beijing, but when I thought it would be too ostentatious to mobilize the crowd, I had to work hard for you two elders to go around by yourself.

The son-in-law is unfilial, which made you two elders suffer. "

Qi Run waved his hand casually: "You are right, if you really send the imperial guards to Jinling to pick up our old couple, we will really feel uncomfortable.

Along the way, our old couple enjoyed the beautiful scenery on the road while driving, not to mention how comfortable it was.

We appreciate your filial piety, we appreciate it. "

Just as Liu Mingzhi was about to speak, loud footsteps came from outside the hall, and a large group of people headed by Qi Yun walked into the hall together.

"Baby Qi Yun pays homage to his parents."

"Baby Qi Ya pays homage to his parents."


"Grandpa, grandma."

"Grandpa, grandma."

"Little aunt, you are back too."

Qi Run and his wife looked at the big family in Young Master Liu's family with gratified expressions, and once again stretched out their hands a few times.

"Children, all are free, all are free."

"Thank you father, thank you mother."

"Thank you, grandpa and grandma."

Liu Zhi'an looked at a large group of juniors gathered in the hall in an instant, stood up cheerfully and walked to Qi Run and his wife.

"Father-in-law, mother-in-law, knowing that the old couple came to the door, the old man arranged the banquet to clean up the dust in the main hall. Now that the whole family is here, let's move together!"

"All right, all right, listen to your father-in-law."

"Okay, in-laws, in-laws, first please!"


Liu Mingzhi looked at the wives, children and children walking towards the outside of the hall, and stretched out his hand to tug on Qi Yun's sleeve.


Qi Yun, who was talking to Liu Xuan, immediately stopped and turned to look at First Young Master Liu.

"Husband, what's wrong?"

Liu Mingzhi gestured to the gazebo outside the hall.

"Come with my husband."

(End of this chapter)

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