My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2529 The auspicious day arrives

Chapter 2529 The auspicious day arrives

The appearance of Liu Mingzhi and Qi Yun made the atmosphere in the main hall gradually lively, and a warm scene of the guests enjoying themselves began to be staged.

After drinking for three rounds and eating all kinds of dishes, the men in the hall continued to push and change glasses and drank the wine, while the women chatted about interesting things in a low voice, and the children went to the hall to play and play after they were full.

When the sun was setting, the only people who were still drinking at the dinner table were Liu Zhi'an, the in-laws, obviously following the previous agreement not to get drunk and not to return home.

"Brother Qi, because Cheng Zhi's marriage is coming soon, I won't say anything today bro.

But don't worry, after Cheng Zhi's marriage is over, the day after tomorrow is the 21st, let's go to Tianxianglou for another good meal.

On that day, the old man will call on Song Yu and the others who are old and unscrupulous, and we old brothers will go to the oirans to have a good time.

At that time, we will open up to drink and play again, and all the expenses will be covered by my brother.

Hiccup, don't worry, my brother won't let you go to Beijing for nothing no matter what.

The singers and dancers of the Western Regions are all outdated. In the first half of this year, my family bastard filled some Western Ocean horses that violated my dragon Tianwei into Jiaofangsi.

You haven't been to the capital for a long time, this time I must ask you to open your eyes and see the world. "

Qi Run hugged Liu Zhi'an, who was also drunk, and laughed happily, with his arms on Liu Zhi'an's shoulders and raised the wine glass in his hand.

"Big ocean horse? Hiccup... I haven't heard of it. From what you said, it seems to be a rare thing.

On that day, my brother will have full authority to listen to your arrangements, my brother, and we will also see and see foreign things.drink! "

Liu Zhi'an patted his chest heavily: "Wrap it on my brother."

Everyone including Young Master Liu looked at Liu Zhi'an who started talking nonsense after being drunk, the corners of Qi Run's in-laws' mouths twitched non-stop.

First Young Master Liu glanced at the increasingly gloomy faces of his mother and mother-in-law, raised his toes under the table and kept kicking the old man's ankles.

"Old man, my lord father-in-law, it's getting late, it's time for us to leave.

When Cheng Zhi's marriage is over, you two, husband and brother, have a good drink. "

Liu Zhi'an and Qi Run's old brothers still had pretty good wines. After hearing Young Master Liu's words, they put down the wine glasses in their hands, staggered and stood up with each other's shoulders on their shoulders.

"Brother, the bastard is right, it's really getting late, you and your mother-in-law and the old couple must be very tired after traveling all the way, you should go back early and rest.

We've had a good time drinking today, and we'll continue drinking to our heart's content after Cheng Zhi's marriage is over. "

"Hi, it's up to you, brother, I'll listen to you."

"The end?"

"Let's go."

Brother Liu Zhi'an waved their hands and walked towards their respective wives reluctantly, saying in unison: "Madam, it's time for us to go back and rest."

Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Qi glanced at their drunken man with disgust, but because of the presence of a group of juniors, they could only suppress the jealousy in their hearts, showing a virtuous and virtuous side and actively supporting the two like-minded old men Batch walked towards the back hall.

After Liu Zhi'an and his two old couples left one after another, the little cutie sitting on the stool drinking tea suddenly put the teacup on the table, and looked at Young Master Liu with a smile.

"Daddy, you see, going to Tianxiang Tower is a matter of root, this is a matter of root.

This is a root problem, after that you can't beat me up anymore. "

The people in the hall were overwhelmed by the cutie's words, and looked at each other with strange expressions, not knowing what to say.

Liu Mingzhi glared at the smug little cutie angrily: "Go to hell, go back to sleep in your old age."

"Slightly slightly... Lianiang, Yunxin, Lingyun, let's go back to sleep, sister will tell you stories."

The little cutie stuck out her tongue at her father, greeted the younger sisters below and ran out of the main hall.

Young Master Liu looked at the sky outside the hall, shook his head with his hands behind his back, and walked out of the hall with a sigh.

"Looking at the weather today, it shouldn't be cold if you sleep on the floor. It's all gone."

Listening to her husband's teasing words, all the beauties understood the deep meaning contained in Young Master Liu's words, and couldn't help laughing with their red lips covered.

The next day, after the sky was bright, Young Master Liu learned about his old man and his father-in-law Qi Run from Qi Yun and the others when he got up to wash up. They squatted outside the door early in the morning to reflect on their own affairs.

About three poles up that day, a large number of guests ushered in Liu's mansion.

Not only Liu Mingzhi's brother-in-law Qi Liang returned from Beifu in time, but also the Bai family in Donghai, led by Bai Ling'er, came to congratulate a large group of direct descendants of the Bai family with heavy gifts.

Liu Mingzhi's grandparents did not come in person this time because of their advanced age.

Just as Liu Mingzhi welcomed the members of the Bai family into the mansion, the Yun family's flagged carriage slowly stopped outside the gate of Liu's mansion.

Because Yun Chong, the current head of the Yun family, was away on a western expedition, the Yun family had no choice but to ask Liu Ying, the wife of the current head of the Yun family, the former eldest lady of the Liu family, to come to the Liu mansion to congratulate her.

Liu Ying stepped on a low stool and just jumped out of the carriage when she caught sight of First Young Master Liu standing in front of the mansion gate to greet guests.

Liu Ying's eyes lit up, and a charming smile appeared on her charming and mature face, and she raised a pair of slender jade arms with a smile and rushed towards First Young Master Liu.

"Xiao Mingming, do you miss my sister? Come on, let my sister give you a hug."

Young Master Liu looked at the figure of his aunt Liu Ying who jumped towards him as soon as she jumped off the carriage, and hurriedly dodged to the side.

"Stop, stop, all the distinguished guests are here today, so please forgive me, aunt."

Liu Ying looked at Young Master Liu's reaction of avoiding her like a tiger after seeing her, and a layer of resentment suddenly appeared on her mature and enchanting face.

"Xiao Mingming, how can you treat your sister like this?

When my sister was in Yunzhou, she missed you when she was eating, when she was sleeping, and when she was dreaming. It was only twelve hours a day when she missed you all the time.

Now that we have finally met again, you treat your sister like this, even refusing to let her hug you, blah blah, sis is angry. "

Liu Ying's behavior of being so out of tune with her age immediately made Young Master Liu look cold. He very much doubted whether there was a little girl who would never grow up living in his aunt's mind.

How old is it? Do you think you are still a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl?

Have you forgotten that your own grandson is now two years old?
Fortunately, there are no outsiders in front of Liu's mansion, otherwise Young Master Liu must have traveled as far as possible, and he would definitely not let others know that he knew Liu Ying.

"Hmph, my sister is really angry."

Liu Ying, who is just in her early 50s, not only does not have the slightest senility, but instead reveals a soft and charming temperament that makes normal men's hearts rage.

It seems that this is not a woman in her early 50s, but a young woman who has just reached the age of Huaxin.

It can be seen that Liu Ying has taken good care of her life without worrying about food and clothing all these years.

"Liu Ying, my young master is welcoming guests now, can you pay attention to the occasion?

Do you understand what does social death mean?I beg you, baby, please forgive me. "

Seeing Young Master Liu's extremely depressed and aggrieved reaction, Liu Ying snorted triumphantly and walked towards the gate of the mansion while twisting her plump and enchanting water snake waist.

Because tomorrow is the wedding day of Liu Chengzhi and Li Jingyao, those members of the Yun family who brought gifts all lived in restaurants in the inner city.

Liu Ying was the only one who actually came to the door.

After all, the Yun family is a famous family, so naturally they would not be rude enough to send a wedding gift one day in advance.

Although the Bai family moved in with Bai Ling'er in the Liu Mansion, the congratulatory gifts they brought also stayed in the inn in the city.

It will only be delivered on the official big day tomorrow.

"Little brother Mobei Zhang Family Zhang Yue has met cousin Liu, so be polite.

This visit is to attend the wedding banquet of my nephew, so my younger brother has the guts not to present a big gift, and I hope my cousin will forgive me. "

"Cousin Yue, please be polite. Today, there are only relatives and friends, there is no difference between monarch and minister. Please come into the house."

"Thank you."

After Liu Mingzhi happily welcomed the arrogant second son Zhang Yue into the mansion, he turned to Liu Song who was beside him and said, "Liu Song, except for these distinguished guests who are very close to each other, the rest of the distinguished guests who received invitations should They won't come to the door anymore, but accidents are not ruled out.

Now you continue to stay outside the mansion to take care of it, and if there are any guests coming to the door, please notify me immediately, young master, I will go to entertain the guests who enter the mansion first. "

"I understand, young master, you should go back first."

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently, glanced at the long streets on both sides of the mansion gate, turned and rushed to the inner courtyard.

Just as Liu Mingzhi guessed, except for the members of the other three major families who came to visit one day in advance, the rest of the guests all stayed in the inns in the inner and outer cities and waited for Liu Chengzhi's wedding tomorrow. On the big day, come to congratulate me again.

After confirming that no guests will come to the house again, Liu Zhi'an, Liu Mingzhi and his son began to entertain the guests from Bai, Zhang and Yun's family with all their heart.

Knowing that the Liu Mansion will be busy tomorrow with celebrations for the whole world, Liu Ying, Zhang Yue...they naturally wouldn't ask for a big drink today, they casually drank two glasses of wine and chatted about their daily routines, and then they left.

August [-]th is a day of great auspiciousness.Everything works.

Liu Mingzhi was so busy yesterday that he was able to fall asleep until late at night. At five o'clock, Young Master Liu was suddenly awakened from his sleep by the sound of fireworks crackling outside the window.

(End of this chapter)

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