My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2530 Gains and Losses

Chapter 2530 Gains and Losses
Liu Mingzhi sat up straight from the silk quilt lazily, rubbed his sleepy eyes a few times and turned his head to scan the situation in the room.

Qi Ya was no longer in the brocade quilt on the side of the bed, and the two sisters Qi Yun were nowhere to be seen. Liu Mingzhi stretched out his hand towards the quilt, feeling the faint warmth in the quilt, and understood the two sisters Qi Ya in his heart. I think it's been a long time since I woke up.

Turning around and taking a look at the flickering red candles at the head of the bed, Liu Mingzhi stretched and got out of bed and walked towards the washstand behind the screen.

"Come on."

Immediately there was a servant girl's response from outside the room: "Master, you're up, what's your order?"

"Go and find the young lady."

"Yes, the servant knows."

Liu Mingzhi heard the footsteps of the maid outside the room gradually going away, rolled up his sleeves and leaned over in front of the copper basin on the washing rack and began to wash.

After about a cup of tea, Young Master Liu had just put down the porcelain cup in his hand after washing, when he heard the door outside the screen being pushed open, and then Qi Yun's voice sounded.

"Husband, you are finally up."

Liu Mingzhi took the towel to wipe his face and walked towards the outside of the screen.

"Yun'er, where are the clothes you prepared for your husband?"

"The concubine's body was put in the closet for you last night, and I will bring it back for you immediately."

Young Master Liu walked out of the screen and looked at the oncoming Qi Yun with a look of amazement in his eyes.

I saw Qi Yunzhen's head coiled like ink green silk, dotted with phoenix heads and green hairpins on the side, and a little powder and daisy was applied on Bi Huajiao's face, but it was already bright and moving, and its beauty shocked the world.

A decent phoenix robe palace attire wraps Qi Yun's curvy and graceful figure, vividly showing the seductive curves of the beauty's exquisite figure.

The seemingly simple attire makes Qi Yun full of grace and luxury, and the elegant temperament of her mother.

Compared with Qi Yun Tao Li Fanghua's charming face many years ago when she was young, Qi Yun's every frown and smile now reveals a graceful and mature charm.

Compared with the charming demeanor when they were young, each has its own merits.

Feeling her husband's fiery eyes, Qi Yun gradually stopped walking towards the back of the screen, her phoenix eyes slightly lowered her head unnaturally to look at her attire.

"Husband, why are you looking at me like this? Is there anything wrong with my clothes today?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Qi Yun's stiff reaction, which seemed a little unclear, and shook his head with a smile.

"No, there's nothing wrong with it, Yun'er, you can wear this palace dress more in the future, because my husband likes you wearing this dress."

After listening to Young Master Liu's words, Qi Yun finally realized what her husband's fiery eyes meant. She is not a fool, how could she not understand what unscrupulous things her husband is thinking now.

With a soft spit in secret, Qi Yun rolled her eyes coquettishly at First Young Master Liu, and walked lightly to the wardrobe at the head of the bed.

After a while, Liu Mingzhi looked at the black dragon robe that Qi Yun took out from the wardrobe in surprise: "Yun'er, why are the clothes you prepared for your husband called dragon robes?"

Qi Yun put the black dragon robe in her hand on the table, turned and walked towards her husband, gently stopped in front of Liu Mingzhi and stretched out her hands to sort out the underwear on Liu Mingzhi's body.

"If it's not a dragon robe, what kind of clothing can it be? Chengzhi and Jingyao are going to have a big wedding in the palace. Husband, do you think that if you wear a slightly formal casual dress today, you will sit on the dragon chair and accept it?" Is their big gift for the newlyweds appropriate?

You must know that this time is different from the previous dynasties, just accepting the audience gifts from civil and military officials.

Cheng Zhi's newlyweds were full of guests, and there were countless relatives and friends who came to congratulate him. If they saw today's day wearing an ordinary at-home dress sitting on a dragon chair, what would be the face of you, the king of a country?

The concubine knows that you don't care about these obvious things, but from time to time, even for the sake of your son, you have to dress up to attend.

When it's official, it has to be official. "

"All right, all right, my husband just listens to you, and you can wear whatever you say."

"Hey! This is a good husband who is a concubine."

Qi Yun praised First Young Master Liu with a smile, and took her husband's hand to the table where the dragon robe was placed and stopped.

Looking back to confirm once again that her husband's close-fitting clothes are fine, Qi Yun began to pick up the slightly cumbersome dragon robe and put it on Young Master Liu one by one.

After about half a stick of incense, the black dragon robe sewn for Liu Da's body by Shangyifang was completely put on under Qi Yun's service.

Qi Yun wiped the sweat off her forehead with a handkerchief, sat on a chair and stared at the brighter sky outside the door with a pair of phoenix eyes.

"Husband, there is still about an hour and a half before Cheng Zhi and the wedding team will go to the Princess Mansion to marry Jing Yao, how time flies.

The concubine felt as if it was only a blink of an eye, and the young boy back then was about to start a family and start a business today.

The concubine had obviously made countless psychological preparations before, but when this moment was really approaching, the concubine still felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

It seems... as if something precious belonging to my concubine is about to be lost suddenly.

The concubine was looking forward to Chengzhi and girl Jingyao getting married one day soon, and at the same time complaining that girl Jingyao took away the good son of the concubine, inexplicably wishing that they could get married a little later .

Husband, if I think so, is it a failure as a mother? "

Liu Mingzhi looked at the sad expression of the lady who was sitting gently on the stool beside her, grabbed Qi Yun's delicate and moist jade hand and patted it in the palm of her hand.

"Yun'er, you have not experienced the complicated mood of being a husband these days!
But for the rest of our life, some things are destined to look forward. After the children get married and start a business, they will be estranged from us, but the fact that he is our son will never be changed.

As parents, we have to look at these things, otherwise the child's life will be delayed.

If you don't look away, if you don't want to open some, there is Yaoyao behind Chengzhi, and there are so many children who are about to get married and start a business, we can't just hold on to her forever, right?

In any case, after the children get married and start a career, it can be regarded as an end to one of our worries.

After we hold our grandson next year, there will be nothing to worry about. "

Qi Yun sighed softly, and nodded silently to Young Master Liu.

"My concubine understands, my husband, you are right, there are some things that we as parents have to look away from.

It's getting late, we should pack up and go to the palace. "

Liu Mingzhi looked up at the sky outside the door, slowly got up and stretched his waist: "Yes, it's time to enter the palace, Yun'er, go and see Sister Ya, Lian'er, Qingshi, Wanyan, Yunyao... ... Are Yun Shu and the others ready?
If everything is ready, my husband will inform the old man immediately, and we will enter the palace immediately. "

Qi Yun lightly tapped Young Master Liu's forehead with her finger with a resentful expression: "Stinky husband, you are the laziest in our family. Before the fifth watch, the concubines, sisters, and parents will have an early date." It's ready.

The children also got up early and put on festive clothes and set off fireworks and firecrackers in the front yard. Now our whole family is waiting for you to get up alone.

Now that you are finally up, we can leave for the palace at any time. "

Feeling the lady's resentful gaze, Young Master Liu smirked a few times, stretched out his hand and patted Qi Yun's buttocks wrapped in the palace attire without warning, and then walked out the door quickly with steady and powerful steps .

Qi Yun let out a soft cry with a pretty face, covering the position where her husband attacked her, and followed with a coquettish expression.

"You big slob, you smelly husband, you know how to bully my concubine."

"Hey, Yun'er, that's what you said, you are not lazy at all as a husband.

Is it your husband's fault for getting up so late today?Who made Yun'er, you and sister Ya, you two, like a vixen, to squeeze you into a husband last night?
If it weren't for my husband's good health, whether he could get up today would be a problem.

Now I'm complaining about my husband, I don't know who kept calling my husband last night and I still..."

Qi Yun, who was following Young Master Liu, heard her husband talk about the love affair last night so openly, her pretty face suddenly turned hot and bright red, she covered Young Master Liu's mouth and gave her husband a hard look .

"Don't talk nonsense, no matter how much you dare to speak out, I can't spare you."


Qi Yun watched her husband nod her head non-stop, and then let go of the palm covering Young Master Liu's lips, twisting her plump and enchanting willow waist, and rushed towards the front yard first.

"Good lady, it's still early, you walk slowly and wait for your husband!"

(End of this chapter)

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