Chapter 2531
After Liu Mingzhi and Qi Yun and his wife arrived in the front yard, they greeted the family and friends for a long time, and then drove to the palace in a carriage.

When a group of people arrived at the palace gate in a carriage, it was already bright, which meant that Liu Chengzhi would go to the princess mansion to welcome his relatives in less than an hour.

"We will see Your Majesty and welcome His Majesty back to the palace. Long live my emperor."

With a solemn expression, Liu Mingzhi glanced at the thousands of soldiers of the forbidden army on duty in front of Zhou Zhou Palace, and then looked up at the tens of thousands of soldiers kneeling on one knee on the palace wall to salute.

"All officers and men are exempt from courtesy."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Liu Mingzhi's eyes wandered in front of the two Imperial Guard officers and soldiers above and below the palace wall, and he said loudly, "Today, my Lin'er has a great wedding, and the hardworking brothers are on duty to maintain order inside and outside the palace.

There are no words to express the gratitude in my heart, only Xiqian expresses my heart with one or two words, and I hope brothers will not be disgusted.

I ordered the Ministry of Internal Affairs to distribute the happy money to all brothers, brothers should have received it yesterday, right? "

"Reporting to Your Majesty, we have all received the happy money that Eunuch Cheng brought with us yesterday, thank you for your reward, long live long live."

"It's good that brothers have received it, then I will bring a group of family members into the palace first, and work hard again, brothers."

"Respectfully send His Majesty into the palace, long live long live."

"Respectfully send His Majesty into the palace, long live long live."

"Respectfully send His Majesty into the palace, long live long live."

Amidst the shouts of more than [-] soldiers of the Forbidden Army soaring into the sky, Liu Mingzhi nodded to the family members behind him, and walked into the palace gate first.

All the members of the Liu family have been to the palace, so they are naturally not curious about the environment in the palace, but among the guests from the Bai family who came to Liu Chengzhi's wedding banquet, except Young Master Liu's thirteenth aunt, Bai Ling'er, who had been in the palace. , and the rest of them were entering the world-famous palace for the first time.

Just after passing through the two palace gates and entering the square in the palace, all the young direct descendants of the Bai family gasped in amazement.

Although the remaining seven or eight uncles and aunts of Liu's elders did not make a sound of surprise, their eyes also showed a look of surprise. Obviously, the grandeur and luxury of the palace has exceeded their previous imagination. .

Liu Mingzhi heard the exclamation of his cousins ​​and cousins ​​from the Bai family behind him, and he didn't think they were being rude.

I can be regarded as someone who has seen the world in my previous life. When I entered this palace for the first time in the past, I was also shocked by surprise!
The place of the emperor naturally gathers the power of the emperor. No matter who it is, it is inevitable that they will be amazed when they see this majestic building for the first time.

The younger generation of direct descendants of the Bai family came back to their senses and surrounded Liu Dashao's thirteenth aunt, Bai Ling'er. Seldom speak first.

"Thirteenth Aunt, why was Big Cousin so polite to the Forbidden Army soldiers guarding the palace gate just now?

He is the current emperor and the king of a country. Would it be a bit degrading to be an emperor if he called his soldiers brothers and sisters? "

"Yes, yes! The second brother is right. The gentlemen told Xing'er in the school dormitory at home. The king of a country is the real dragon emperor, who wields the supreme power in the world and holds the power of life and death in the world. Therefore, there is an emperor. When he was angry, the dead body said a million times.

Mr. said that the majesty of the emperor cannot be violated, just like a dragon has reverse scales, touching it will kill you.

Myolie is still thinking about it on our way to Beijing!Isn't the eldest cousin really fierce? Could he be the kind who can scare Xing'er to tears just by looking at her?

But when Myolie met her eldest cousin, she found that he was not at all the same as the emperor that her husband said, he was always happy anytime, anywhere like a big brother, not scary at all.

Is he really Dalong's present day? "

"I want to know too, I want to know too, Aunt Thirteen, please tell us quickly."

Bai Ling'er dotingly looked around at the juniors around her, and glanced at Young Master Liu's back with a smile.

"Xu'er, Chen'er, Yuan'er, Xing'er...the reason why you feel this way is because you don't know your big cousin yet.

Respectful corporals, love soldiers like sons, this is the foundation for your big cousin to gain a foothold in the world.

He can rule the world and be supported by all people in the world precisely because he has a heart of respect for everyone.

As the king of a country, if he can respect others, he will naturally win the love of others.

Of course, don't think that your eldest cousin has always been as kind and peaceful as you see now.

If he really got angry, it would really be the emperor's anger, and he would have a million dead bodies!

Dashi, the story of the two countries in Tianzhu, your ears are almost callused from the storyteller, and the root cause of the destruction of the two countries is the edict of your big cousin.

It's just that Aunt Thirteen doesn't know very well about these things. If you want to know more clearly, you can ask your eldest aunt.

You can also ask your cousin. "

After Bai Ling'er finished speaking, she smiled at Mrs. Liu Bai Bing, and pouted her red lips against Qi Yun's back.

"However, if you want to ask, you have to wait until the wedding banquet of your eldest nephew Cheng Zhi is over. Now you have to abide by the rules honestly. Otherwise, grandpa will punish you after you go back."

When more than a dozen young direct descendants of the Bai family heard Bai Ling'er talking about grandpa's punishment, they couldn't help but shuddered and immediately dispersed back to their original positions.

When they walked to the height of the arch bridge in the center of the square, everyone saw thousands of tables covered with red cloth neatly placed on the square, and all the pavilions and pavilions in the palace, where they could be seen by the naked eye, were all open. The lights and festoons, the atmosphere of festivities rushed directly to the face.

Even the Qinzheng Hall is surrounded by red silk lanterns and festoons, which makes the dignified Qinzheng Hall more festive and peaceful.

Liu Mingzhi scanned the palace garden full of festive atmosphere in front of him, only felt his heart was bleeding, and his face was full of heartache.

More than 200 million taels of silver!This is a magnificent scene that was arranged with more than 200 million taels of silver in the treasury!
Festiveness is indeed quite festive, allowing everyone to feel from the bottom of their hearts what the magnificent scene of universal celebration is like.

But all of these scenes are piled up with strings of yellow copper coins, ingots of snowflakes and silver, and pieces of pleasing gold bricks!

Liu Mingzhi looked down at the big red luxurious carpet from his feet to the gate of Qinzheng Hall, and couldn't help but wonder, what's the use of this thing besides being beautiful?

The floor tiles in the palace are all made of white marble, wouldn't it be superfluous to lay them again with carpets?

If First Young Master Liu was still the one-word side-by-side king at the beginning, he would naturally not feel anything, but after he became the master of his own family, Liu Mingzhi deeply realized how difficult it was when his father, emperor Li Zheng, and elder brother Li Baiyu were in power.

money!Money is being used everywhere!
Two million taels of silver, that's half a year's salary for 200 soldiers.

I don't know whether these objects that are currently arranged in the palace can be sold after they are used.

If it can be sold, even if you can't get back all the money, it would be good to get back half of the money!

If you really can't sell it, you have to instruct the Ministry of Internal Affairs to keep it properly.

I will take it out and reuse it later when the next few bastards get married. This will save a lot of money.

Young Master Liu had unknowingly walked to the highest point of the thousand-level platform in the school field when he was discussing secretly. Liu Chengzhi, who had been waiting outside the Hall of Qinzheng for a long time, saw the figures of Young Master Liu and his group rushing over in a hurry.

Liu Chengzhi, who was dressed in a dragon costume and showed a heroic and extraordinary temperament, stopped in front of Young Master Liu and his party, and knelt down solemnly.

"My son, Liu Chengzhi, sees my father, long live, long live, long live."

"The sons and ministers see the queen mother, and the mothers and concubines, thousands of years old."

"Grandchild pays respects to grandfather and grandmother, pays respects to maternal grandfather and maternal grandmother, wishing the four elders a long life and good health."

"My child has met your uncles, grandparents, and uncles and aunts. I wish you elders all the best and a safe body."

Liu Mingzhi watched Liu Chengzhi, who was suppressing his joyful mood, flash the gratification in his eyes, and silently turned around and stood on the high platform, looking at the beaming palace in front of him.

"Well! Get up."

"Good boy, give up the courtesy quickly, give up the courtesy quickly."

"No gift, no gift."

"Thank you, Father."

"Thank you mother, all mothers and concubines."

"Thank you, elders."

Young Master Liu looked up at the sky and said calmly, "Chengzhi."

Liu Chengzhi hurriedly walked up to his father and bowed with a very respectful expression.

"The child is here."

"Are you ready for everything you need to prepare? Today is your day of great joy. If something goes wrong, it will be embarrassing, but you and Jingyao are a new couple!"

"Reporting to Royal Father, all preparations have been made, and I promise not to disappoint Royal Father."

"With your words, I feel relieved to be a father. When the time comes to be a father, I will pass the order and ring the bell and play music to welcome the guests into the palace."

"My child understands."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, turned around and looked at Liu Song beside him: "Liu Song, what time is it now?"

"Return to young master, just after the hour, less than half an hour will ring the bell to welcome guests!"

"Okay, first of all, I would like to invite all distinguished guests to rest in the hall, and when the time comes, immediately ring the bell to welcome the guests."

"Little obedience."

(End of this chapter)

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