My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2532 The Lobbyist

Chapter 2532 The Lobbyist
After Liu Mingzhi's words fell, Qi Yun, the mistress of the palace, immediately led the crowd towards the Qinzheng Hall with a dignified demeanor.

Liu Mingzhi watched the crowd walk towards the Hall of Qinzheng, found the figure of the third princess Li Yan in the crowd, and hurriedly chased after him.

"Yan'er, come here as your husband."

The third princess turned her head to look at her husband and nodded slightly, then quietly left the team and followed her husband towards the left side of the Palace of Qinzheng.

The third princess Li Yan looked around and said softly to Liu Mingzhi: "Husband, you want to ask the concubine mother if she agrees to attend Chengzhi's wedding banquet, right?"

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently: "Yes, there are too many people just now, and it is inconvenient for my husband to ask you, how is it? How did she answer you after you took Chengzhi to visit the mother? Did the mother agree to attend Chengzhi?" A wedding banquet with girl Jingyao?"

The third princess looked at her husband's hesitant eyes intertwined with expectation and nervousness, nodded and shook her head with a delicate face.

Liu Mingzhi was stunned, looking at the complicated expression of the third princess in a daze, a little confused.

"No, Yan'er, what do you mean by nodding and shaking your head?
My husband really doesn't understand what it means. This... the empress mother, did the old man agree to attend or didn't agree to attend? "

"Oh, my husband, the empress mother didn't immediately agree, but she didn't directly deny it, she just told the concubine to think carefully before making a decision.

As for whether her old man will come out of Fu'an Palace to attend Cheng Zhi and Jing Yao's wedding banquet today, I can't guarantee it.

So I can only nod and shake my head, because I can't give you an accurate answer to my husband. "

Looking at the helpless expression of the third princess, Young Master Liu nodded in understanding, stretched out his hand to rest his chin with serious eyes, and pondered for a moment.

"Hearing what you said, it seems that the queen mother's answer is very ambiguous!

This is very difficult, and now the husband doesn't know whether he should announce that the queen mother will also attend Chengzhi's wedding banquet.

After the announcement of the husband, if the queen mother shows up on time, it will be a great thing to be happy, but if the queen mother can't come as scheduled, then she will face all the civil and military officials of the court, and many guests from relatives and friends. I can't get off stage.

However, it doesn't seem appropriate to just ignore the queen mother. After all, we even invited some concubines who loved you Yan'er very much in the past, but the queen mother, the empress dowager, was given to you. Ignore the past, and the husband will also be unable to step down when the time comes.

Difficult, really difficult!Wei Fu's current situation can be described as a dilemma! "

The third princess Li Yan looked at Young Master Liu's distressed face, her heart sank, she silently grabbed her husband's palm and patted it a few times towards the harem, pouting her lips.

"Husband, don't worry, there is still about half an hour before the bell will start to welcome guests, and there will be at least an hour and a half vacant time after the Korean, Chinese and military officials and all relatives and friends enter the palace after being inspected by the imperial guards.

In the middle period of time, the concubine will help you to invite the empress mother and the elderly from Fu'an Palace to attend Chengzhi's wedding banquet.

You go to entertain the distinguished guests in the palace first, and then the concubine leaves to go to the harem to pay respects to the queen mother. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at the third princess Li Yan who turned around and was about to walk towards Fu'an Palace without saying a word, and hurriedly grabbed the beauty's wrist.


"My husband will go with you. There are many people and strength is great. It's better to go together as a husband and wife than if you go alone. You will be more confident."

The third princess nodded with emotion in her phoenix eyes, but glanced hesitantly at the Palace of Qinzheng beside her.

"What about the distinguished guests in the palace?"

"It shouldn't be a problem to have Yun'er around, no matter how bad it is, the old man is there to help, anyway, it shouldn't be a problem if there are no outsiders."

"Okay, then let's go over quickly."

Liu Mingzhi and his wife walked through the hall all the way, and hurried to the gate of Fu'an Palace in the harem.

"Husband, the concubine... went first?"

Young Master Liu looked at Sangong for fear that he might feel resentful and worried, and nodded with a light smile in his eyes: "Go, it's okay for my husband."

"Well! I will definitely try my best to persuade the queen mother."

Watching the beautiful figure of the three princesses walk into the gate of Fu'an Palace, Young Master Liu habitually walked towards the pavilion more than 20 steps away.

Sitting on the stone bench and silently shaking the folding fan in his hand, Liu Mingzhi calmly appreciated the scenery in the Fu'an Palace.

Since he ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, he has never neglected the monthly salary and living expenses that Nangong Meng deserved.

It can be said that apart from the Imperial Garden in the entire majestic palace, the Fu'an Palace where Nangong Meng lives alone now has the most quiet, magnificent and pleasant scenery.

As the years passed, over the years, even a large number of rare objects donated by various state capitals were given priority to Fu'an Palace for Nangong Meng to enjoy and enjoy, in order to please her.

However, so many years have passed and the results have not been great. Liu Mingzhi gradually realized that he had always underestimated his mother, Nangong Meng, and had a grudge against him.

Maybe the fact that he took away Li Ye's child has become a thorn in Nangong Meng's heart that can never be eliminated.

It's not that Liu Mingzhi has never considered giving up the idea of ​​asking Nangong Meng to forgive him for his past behavior, but Liu Mingzhi knows better than anyone else that because the third princess Li Yan, his beloved wife, and his son Liu Chengqian are caught in the middle, he can't do it anyway. act like this.

Otherwise, I'm afraid it will hurt the hearts of my beloved wife and son!
Especially the existence of Chen Jie, He Shu and their sisters were involved in it, not to mention the existence of his own daughter-in-law Li Jingyao now added.

For them, even if they knew they were asking for trouble, they still had to lick their faces and continue to set off Nangong Meng.

Of course, these are actually secondary. The main reason is that when his father, Emperor Li Zheng, was in power in the past, Nangong Meng, the mother-in-law and mother-in-law, was really good to her son-in-law, and she never denied this.

It is not impossible to be ruthless in life, but one must know how to be grateful. A person who does not know how to be grateful will definitely not end up in a good end.

Just think that I owe them the Li family.

While Liu Mingzhi was thinking inwardly, two elegant and luxurious figures dressed in phoenix robes and court attire walked out from the gate of Fu'an Palace hand in hand.

It's not the former empress dowager Nangong Meng and the third princess Li Yan who are their mother and daughter.

How the third princess persuaded Nangong Meng was only known to her, but when the mother and daughter walked out of the palace hand in hand, it meant that the third princess had succeeded. For Liu Mingzhi, this was enough.

After the third princess helped her queen mother, Nangong Meng, out of the palace gate, her light phoenix eyes hurriedly searched for her husband around the palace.

When she saw First Young Master Liu sitting in the pavilion shaking a folding fan in a daze, the third princess hastily pretended to be casual and coughed a few times to remind her husband.

Fortunately, the location of the gazebo was closer to the steps of the palace gate. When the third princess coughed lightly for the second time, Liu Mingzhi reacted and looked towards the palace gate.

Seeing the figures of the queen mother Nangong Meng and the third princess standing together, the joy in Liu's eyes flashed, and he hurriedly greeted the mother and daughter with the folding fan in his closed hands.

After stopping in front of Nangong Meng's mother and daughter, Liu Mingzhi blinked at the third princess without a trace, and then bowed to Nangong Meng with a respectful expression.

"The son-in-law Liu Mingzhi visited his mother, and wished her a long life and good health."

(End of this chapter)

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