Chapter 2534
After the melodious and melodious bell ringing fell, the drums inside and outside the palace also gradually disappeared.

The moment after the sound of the drum completely disappeared, two teams of musicians burst out from both sides of Qinzheng Hall in an orderly manner. There were about 500 musicians on one side.

The two bands of musicians, men, women and children, all carry a variety of dazzling musical instruments in their hands or in their arms.

It can be said that as long as there are some musical instruments in Dalong territory after today's unification, all of them are displayed one by one in the hands of thousands of musicians.

The most eye-catching and shocking thing is that among the last group of musicians, there are still large-scale instrumental music such as antique chimes.

Thousands of musicians walked to the place set up on the high platform and stopped, looked up at the majestic and majestic Young Master Liu who stood on the highest place and bowed in salute.

"Your Majesty, my ministers, long live my emperor."

"Caomin and others see His Majesty, long live my emperor."

Liu Mingzhi looked around at the thousands of musicians who came to the Qinzheng Hall in an orderly manner and nodded majesticly. It is not unreasonable for a wedding banquet to cost more than 200 million taels of silver.

"No courtesy, take a seat."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Thousands of musicians walked to the positions they had already designated and sat down one by one to wait silently. Liu Chengzhi, who had already prepared everything in the hall, trotted to Young Master Liu and bowed.

"Report to father, the child is one step ahead."

First Young Master Liu looked at Liu Chengzhi who was standing under the high platform and bowed to him and nodded silently: "On the way to the Princess' Mansion, don't forget to give money to the people watching on both sides."

"Boy understands, baby leave."

Liu Chengzhi nodded respectfully, and walked towards the welcoming team that had been waiting for a long time on the square in the palace without haste.

Xiao Chengzi, who was standing not far from the musician's position, saw that Liu Chengzhi had got on his horse, flicked the whisk in his hand, and shouted loudly in a sharp voice.

"His Royal Highness set off to welcome the bride and play the music "Dragon and Phoenix Blessings"."

The moment Xiao Chengzi finished speaking, the first suona played a few joyful notes, and then thousands of musicians began to show their talents, using the instruments in their hands to echo the suona and stage a symphony unique to Dalong.

The majestic and festive music instantly lingered in the palace garden, attracting the attention of everyone in the palace.

Amidst the rare music in this world, Liu Chengzhi pulled the reins and led the welcoming team of thousands of people slowly towards the palace gate.

After about a stick of incense, the figures of Liu Chengzhi and the welcoming team disappeared into the palace.

The team of musicians also finished the prologue of the first symphony during the half-cup tea time when Liu Chengzhi and the welcoming team disappeared. They adjusted the instruments in their hands solemnly and waited for the guests to enter the palace.

In the Hall of Qinzheng, Nangong Meng looked at Yun Xiaoxi who was standing in front of him and saluted with a look of surprise in his phoenix eyes. After lightly rubbing his eyes a few times and looking again, Nangong Meng finally confirmed that he was standing in front of him. The beauty in front of her was Yun Xiaoxi who should have been assassinated many years ago.

"Xiao...Xiaoxi? Aijia...Aijia is not dreaming, right? Are you really Xiaoxi girl from the Yun family? come you still..."

Mrs. Liu stood aside and looked at the astonished and confused expression on Nangong Meng's mature and charming Feng Yan, she secretly slapped her thigh lightly, and kept reconsidering in her heart, trying to figure out how to get rid of Xiaoxi's matter. Forget it!
Qi Yun, Qi Ya, Qing Lian, the third princess and others who stood by and accompanied them saw Nangong Meng looking at Yun Xiaoxi with a somewhat bewildered expression, and Fang secretly said that it was broken by coincidence.

They had been busy with Liu Chengzhi's wedding and wedding, and they forgot about the fact that Yun Xiaoxi was still alive.

When Nangong Meng came to Qinzheng Palace from the harem, they were only happy because Nangong Meng was able to attend Cheng Zhi's wedding banquet, which showed that her grievances towards her husband had been eliminated.

They only cared about helping their husband please Nangong Meng, but they ignored the existence of Yun Xiaoxi, a beautiful woman who should have passed away, among their sisters.

After seeing Nangong's unbelievable expression after dreaming of Yun Xiaoxi, Qi Yun and the others were at a loss, because for a while they didn't know how to satisfactorily explain the fact that Xiaoxi's sister was still alive.

After all, when sister Xiaoxi saluted the queen mother just now, she subconsciously claimed that it was Yun Xiaoxi who had seen the queen mother.

After all, Nangong Meng was not an ordinary woman, she seemed to have realized something after reacting from her shock, and the restless expressions of Mrs. Liu, Qi Yun, and the three princesses on the side further confirmed her guess.

Nangong Meng took a breath, a sour and bitter smile rose from the corner of her lips, she gently grabbed Yun Xiaoxi's white and delicate palm and patted it a few times, showing a soft smile to Yun Xiaoxi .

Seeing Yun Xiaoxi's delicate face with a look of unease, Nangong Meng raised her right wrist and took off a jade bracelet that seemed to be of extraordinary value at first glance, and gently put it on the bright wrist of Yun Xiaoxi's right hand.

"My child, I'm really happy to see you still in the world, and I'm really happy for you from the bottom of my heart.

The past and the past are like clouds and smoke, let the past disappear with the wind, and the Ai family doesn't want to pursue anything more relentlessly.

A lot of things are usually confused and unclear, Aijia knows it in his heart, and Aijia also understands it in his heart, maybe Ruizong and Aijia were really wrong at the beginning.

People die like lights go out, Aijia is old, and Aijia doesn't want to continue to trace the source of many things.

It's just that this bracelet should belong to you in the first place, and Aijia didn't put it on your hand at the beginning, and Aijia regretted it for many years before he was able to let go of it gradually.

Seeing that you are still alive now, the last bit of regret in Aijia's heart can disappear, and this bracelet should also be 'returned to its original owner'.

No matter what, you must accept this bracelet for your child, and it should be regarded as a fulfillment of Aijia's wish. "

Yun Xiaoxi felt the coldness brought by the emerald jade bracelet on her white wrist, and looked at Feng Yanfang, who was sad but forced to smile in Nangong Mengming, and felt pain in her heart.

Jiaoyan raised her hands in grief to grab Nangong Meng's hands, and Yun Xiaoxi bent her knees and knelt gently in front of Nangong Meng, her voice choked.

"My queen, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, but back then Xiaoxi really only had a brother-sister relationship with Brother Baiyu, Xiaoxi knew that Brother Baiyu loved Xiaoxi very much.

Xiaoxi is sorry for your mother's love, and even more sorry for Brother Baiyu's love.

It's just that the love between a brother and a sister can never replace the love between a man and a woman. Xiaoxi didn't want to be trapped in a deep palace compound forever and wash her face with tears, so she... escaped marriage without authorization.

I also hope that the queen mother will forgive Xiaoxi for her selfishness. If the queen mother still cannot be relieved, Xiaoxi is willing to use any price to make up for Xiaoxi's debt to the queen mother. "

Nangong Meng looked at her tearful eyes, and Yun Xiaoxi, who was shedding tears, hurriedly helped him up.

"Good boy, don't be like this, don't be like this. It's been so many years, and Yu'er has... well...

Today is the wedding day of Chengzhi and girl Jingyao, let's not mention these sad things, let's not mention these, get up quickly. "

"Well, Xiaoxi thanked the queen mother."

Mrs. Liu, Qi Yun and the others looked at Nangong Meng who had been relieved, and Yun Xiaoxi looked at each other vaguely, and the uneasiness in their eyes gradually relaxed.

"Mother-in-law, music has already been played outside the front hall to welcome guests. Let us masters stop being bored in the back hall. It's time to go to the front hall."

"Hey, go to the front hall, let's go to the front hall together."

(End of this chapter)

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