Chapter 2535
At the same time Liu Chengzhi left the palace with the welcoming team, a large number of carriages in the sixteen squares of the two cities inside and outside the capital began to drive out of the mansion, post house, restaurant, inn, and folk courtyard towards the palace gate.

Countless carriages are extravagant and imposing. Just from the appearance of the carriages, it can be seen that the owner of the carriages must be either rich or noble.

To put it more simply, it means that there are high-ranking officials and dignitaries, famous families, and wealthy gentry.

There was also a figure who rode alone on a good horse worth thousands of gold and nominated an expensive gift box from various positions in Shiliufang and rushed to the gate of the palace.

It can be said that among the crowd who rushed to the palace, the Dalong capital and all the top powerful figures in the state capitals of Dalong were gathered.

After about half a stick of incense, the resounding shouts of the soldiers of the imperial guards guarding the palace gate came from the palace gate.

From the beginning of the palace gate, the bold and loud shouts spread to the ears of Young Master Liu outside the Hall of Qinzheng from the mouths of the officers and soldiers of the imperial army who had been arranged in advance.

"Report to His Majesty, the distinguished guests have arrived outside the gate of the palace."

"Report to His Majesty, the distinguished guests have arrived outside the gate of the palace."

"Report to His Majesty, the distinguished guests have arrived outside the gate of the palace."

After hearing the loud shouts in his ears, Liu Mingzhi first turned around and looked at the group of people behind him, his eyes touched Nangong Meng and Yun Xiaoxi who were standing together, and his heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Not only Qi Yun and the others forgot the fact that Yun Xiaoxi was still alive, but Liu Mingzhi himself forgot all about it.

It was only after seeing Nangong Meng and Yun Xiaoxi talking and laughing softly that Liu Mingzhi's uneasiness gradually dissipated.

Although he didn't know what happened during the period after he left Qinzheng Hall, but since the two were able to stand together talking and laughing, it meant that the situation shouldn't be too bad.

As long as the situation is not too bad, it means that no matter what the situation is, there is still room for repayment, so Liu Mingzhi can rest assured.

Seeing that everyone was ready, Liu Mingzhi nodded to Liu Song and Xiao Chengzi who were beside him.


"As ordered."

One of Liu Song and Xiao Chengzi galloped towards the palace gate, and the other trotted towards the musicians' team.

"The honored guest arrives, His Majesty orders to play music to welcome the guest."

Under the sharp voice of Xiaochengzi, the majestic and festive music once again lingered inside and outside the palace under the concerted efforts of the musicians.

Outside the palace gate, several long human-shaped dragons spread from the palace gate to the main street of Qinglong.

Suddenly they heard the majestic and festive music from the square in the palace outside the palace walls, and everyone who lined up outside the palace subconsciously corrected their posture immediately.

After silently tidying up the robes on his body, he unanimously took out the invitation card and the list of congratulatory gifts from the cuffs.

It's just that some people are used to it, and their expressions are as calm as water, while some people's faces are abnormally tense, and their agitation is beyond words.

The people who are accustomed to it are naturally the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty who will enter the palace every now and then. For them, entering the palace is like a routine, and there is nothing to be excited about.

Those people who were so excited were of course ordinary famous families, wealthy gentry. For them, being able to enter the palace and attend the wedding banquet of the prince of the dynasty is definitely something that can be honored and honored.

The palace!Looking at the world, ninety-nine percent of people have only heard of it, but they don't know what kind of noble place it is.

Now I and others can have a banquet in the palace, and after returning to my hometown, I can definitely brag to my relatives and friends for the last three to five years, or even a lifetime is not impossible.

All kinds of things in the world are vividly displayed in the short period of time among these long human-shaped teams.

Some people have long been accustomed to something, but for some people it will become a precious memory that will be unforgettable in a lifetime.

Liu Song rushed to the palace gate and took a deep breath, glanced at the [-] roster personnel beside him and asked, "Gentlemen, we are going to welcome guests into the palace soon, are you all ready?"

The [-] roster staff who had already prepared everything nodded without hesitation when they mentioned the pen on the inkstone.

"Return to Manager Liu, we are all ready, and we can open the door to welcome guests at any time."

"Okay, then follow the previously agreed rules. After the butler reads the gift list, I will enter them in the register from left to right. If you gentlemen can't keep up with the speed, you must remind the butler in time."

"I'll wait to understand."

Liu Song exhaled softly, walked to the table beside him, took some tea to moisten his throat, and then walked towards the palace gate with a serious expression.

"Your Majesty ordered to open the door to welcome guests."

The officers and soldiers of the Imperial Army guarding the palace gate heard Liu Song's shout, and immediately got together and pushed open the tall and heavy palace gate with concerted efforts.

Sun Hao, the general of the imperial army, turned around and looked at the wide-open palace gate. After nodding to the five female officers standing beside him who were in charge of searching the ladies of the distinguished guests, he walked slowly to the front of several lines and shouted loudly.

"Your Majesty ordered all distinguished guests to enter the palace for a banquet.

When our brothers are verifying the invitations in the hands of distinguished guests, please consciously dismantle the military booklets before disarming the arms.

Those who deliberately disturb, please don't blame our brothers for being rude, and invite all distinguished guests to enter the palace. "

The guests standing in the first row immediately walked towards a row of Imperial Guard soldiers, and after handing over the invitation and gift list, they consciously opened their hands.

After checking the seal on the invitation, all the soldiers of the Imperial Guard carefully searched the body of the guest and shouted softly.





Liu Song smiled lightly and nodded to the first guest in front of him, then took the gift list from the other party and looked through it.

"Donghai Baijia, ten thousand taels of gold, ten thousand taels of silver, a pair of Donghai silk soft armor, ten Donghai corals, fifty Donghai pearls, ten boxes of precious jade, twenty boxes of pearl agate, ten pairs of jade ruyis, jade bi Twenty pairs."

"Northwest Yunjia, 5000 taels of gold, 5 taels of silver, two bloody BMWs, fifty Sichuan brocades, fifty cloud brocades, five thousand-year-old ginseng, one Tianshan snow lotus, two thousand-year-old snow lotus seeds, ten boxes of emeralds and jade .”

"Geng's family in Huzhou, 10 taels of gold, [-] taels of silver, one luminous pearl, ten pairs of jade discs, one pair of jade Ruyi, five hundred pieces of silk, and five boxes of pearls."

"Xia Gongming, chief assistant of the cabinet, one hundred taels of silver, ten ancient calligraphy posts, and a pair of dragon and phoenix auspicious jade pendants."

"Jiang Yuanming, Minister of the Household Department, 200 taels of silver, five ancient paintings, and two robes woven by dragon, phoenix and auspicious clouds."

"The Zhang family in Mobei, 5000 taels of gold, [-] taels of silver, a pair of soft armor with gold silk, [-] bolts of Jiangnan silk, ten thousand-year-old ginseng, ten boxes of antique jade, and fifty boxes of pearl agate."

"The Feng family in Yangzhou, Jiangnan, ten thousand taels of gold, ten thousand taels of silver, fifty Hainan Jiaozhu, one night pearl, a box of warm jade from the East China Sea, and a pair of coral trees."

Song Yu, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, 500 taels of silver, two famous postcards of Han calligraphers, a pair of jade Ruyi, a pair of jade discs, and ten brocade quilts for mandarin ducks. "

"Eastern Sea Daoyahai, ten thousand taels of gold, fifty East Sea pearls, five East Sea corals, ten pairs of jade ruyis, and ten boxes of emerald agate."

"Li Bohong, King Qing of the clan's mansion, a thousand taels of gold, ten thousand taels of silver, ten pieces of ancient Han porcelain, a pair of dragon and phoenix gold locks, and a pair of calligraphy posts by famous Chinese masters."

"The Imperial Concubine Qing of the clan's mansion, 500 taels of silver, a pair of mandarin ducks and jade pendants, a bed of dragon and phoenix brocade quilts, a pair of long-life locks that will last for a hundred years."

"Zhu Run, Marquis of Guannei, has 20 taels of gold, [-] taels of silver, ten boxes of pearls, fifty boxes of agate, fifty boxes of silk, fifty pairs of jade ruyis, fifty pairs of jade discs, fifty East Sea pearls, and ten thousand-year-old ginseng plants. , two bloody horses."

"The Shibi tribe in Xinfu has a thousand taels of gold, ten thousand taels of silver, a thousand horses, ten thousand bulls, twenty thousand fat sheep, and five thousand sheepskins."

"Beifu Yeluhu, one hundred taels of gold, one thousand taels of silver, two ginseng plants of Taibai Mountain, one pair of Yu Ruyi, fifty Goguryeo ginseng plants, and one hundred boxes of Goguryeo special products."

"The Great Compassion Zen Forest in Ximo, a thousand taels of silver, hand-copied by eminent monks, one copy each of the Diamond Sutra and the Amitabha Sutra."

"Mizhou Luo family..."


With the singing of Liu Song, the gift list of each guest was intensively recorded on the roster by Mr. Twenty List, and the human-shaped dragon outside the palace gate was gradually shortening.

Finally, after three poles in the sun, all the long teams outside the palace entered the palace gate, and walked to the square under the guidance of the forbidden army.

"Your Majesty, my ministers, long live my emperor."

"We see Your Majesty, long live my emperor."

"See Your Majesty, my emperor, long live my emperor."

Three completely different shouts sounded successively above the vast palace grounds.

With a solemn expression, Liu Mingzhi glanced at the thousands of rich and expensive guests in the plaza under the Qiantai stage, smiled lightly and raised his hands.

"My lords, relatives and friends are free to enter..."

"Wait a minute, my lord. Before all the guests have arrived, my lord ordered all the distinguished guests to sit down and wait for the arrival of the new couple. Isn't it a bit rude?"

A loud voice that seemed to come from the sky interrupted Liu Mingzhi's voice. Although the voice of the visitor was not loud, it was clearly heard by everyone present.

Liu Mingzhi's expression was fixed, and his eyes were slightly narrowed, silently looking towards the top of the tower on the palace wall.

Staring at the faint figure on the top of the tower, Liu Mingzhi subconsciously touched his waist.

It was only after he failed to touch the hilt of the Heavenly Sword several times that Liu Mingzhi realized that because today was his son's big day, he did not carry such a hostile weapon as the Heavenly Sword.

He took out the Wanli Jiangshan carved jade fan from his cuff and fanned it gently, Liu Mingzhi stared sharply at the black shadow on the palace wall and tower.

"Since senior came to congratulate, why not come down and have a cup of dog's wedding wine together.

I don't know if the seniors dare. "

(End of this chapter)

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