My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2536 All comers are guests

Chapter 2536 All comers are guests
Liu Mingzhi's words had not been answered by the figure on the roof of the tower, and a loud shout instantly made the atmosphere in the palace tense.

"Escort, quickly escort. Quickly beat the drum and order all the soldiers in the inner and outer cities to enforce martial law in the whole city."

The source of the loud voice came from the generals of the Forbidden Army above the palace wall. As for which general of the Forbidden Army shouted for escort, Liu Mingzhi couldn't hear it because the distance was too far away.

The moment the general of the forbidden army finished speaking, tens of thousands of forbidden soldiers in an orderly manner raised their weapons, and quickly surrounded and approached the city tower in groups.

Holding a strong crossbow and a big yellow bow, the archers of the Forbidden Army took off the phoenix feather arrows in the quiver at the moment of action, quickly put them on the bowstring and pulled them for half a moon, aiming at the unstoppable tower standing on top of the city tower. Moving cloaked man.

The thousands of imperial guards who were responsible for maintaining the order of the guests on the square instinctively pulled out their weapons and gathered together, forming a semi-circular human wall, walking steadily towards Young Master Liu who was standing at the highest point outside the Hall of Qinzheng. .

The atmosphere in the palace became serious the moment the soldiers of the forbidden army took action.

Thousands of guests standing under the high platform looked at each other in blank dismay. Some looked nervous and inexplicable, and some looked a little excited. No matter what the reaction was, none of them would have thought that attending the prince's wedding banquet would be so exciting. Can encounter the assassin king to kill the car.

Although the vague figure on the tower did not indicate that he was here to assassinate the king, but from the thorny tone in his words, the guests realized that the purpose of this person was definitely not to congratulate His Highness the Second Prince So simple.

After all, the guests who came to congratulate the palace in a serious manner all swaggered through the palace gate to verify that they were serious and entered the palace. As long as the guests who came over the wall had a brain, they would know that the visitor must be unkind!

Hundreds of figures in Zhu Zihua costumes among the guests reacted from the astonishment. After glancing at the black shadow on the top of the tower, they immediately lifted their clothes and squeezed out of the crowd, trotting towards the high platform outside Qinzheng Hall. .

The appearance of these people is impressively that of those high-ranking civil and military ministers above the court.

Hundreds of civil and military ministers trotted towards the Palace of Qinzheng, while also shouting the word escort.

"Escort, escort quickly."

The civil and military officials on the thousand-level stage had just run to about halfway, when the thick and rapid sound of war drums suddenly sounded on the palace wall.

The rumble of war drums reverberated inside and outside the capital for a moment, so not only the atmosphere in the palace became tense, but even the atmosphere of the entire capital became tense because of the sudden sound of war drums.

The tens of thousands of imperial guards on duty on the walls of the inner and outer cities heard the sound of war drums suddenly sounding from the direction of the palace. It was something that the Ministry of War had already informed the officers and soldiers of the Imperial Army in advance.

However, when all the soldiers of the Imperial Army heard the follow-up rhythm of the drums, their faces changed drastically.

This rhythm is not the sound of drums to welcome guests, but the sound of war drums to warn of emergencies.

As elite soldiers and horses, they are all too familiar with the meaning represented by the rhythm of the drums.

And since the warning horns from the scouts were not heard from all directions in the capital, it was only because someone sneaked into the palace to assassinate the king.

For a while, the soldiers of the Forbidden Army on the walls of the inner and outer cities reacted and picked up various standard weapons and changed directions, looking towards the direction of the imperial palace.

The generals of the Forbidden Army at various gates of the capital unanimously sent orders to their respective troops.

"All the brothers immediately put all the city gates under martial law, and they are not allowed to leave their posts without orders. This general immediately rushed to the palace to investigate the situation."

"We take orders."

The most relaxed people in the capital are the people in the city. As ordinary people, they naturally don't understand what the sound of war drums above the palace wall means. Add to the fun!

There were also quite a few elderly people in the city with suspicious expressions on their faces. They were old and well-informed, and listening to the rapid sound of war drums coming from the direction of the palace, they faintly sensed something was wrong.

However, there was no news of a large-scale gathering of soldiers and horses of the imperial army outside the house, which made them wonder whether it was because of their old age that they had something wrong with their ears.

After all, there have been no wars in Dalong's inner mansion for many years. His Majesty is diligent in governing and loving the people, and the people of Dalong are well-fed and well-fed.

There are no natural or man-made disasters in the various state capitals this year, so it is naturally impossible for the people to riot and chaos. In this way, how could it be the sound of war drums to warn of emergency?

As for foreign enemies, it is even more impossible.

If the foreign enemy has already hit the capital and they haven't heard any news, then how powerful the foreign enemy must be!

Among the small Fanbang barbarian countries around Dalong, it seems that none of them has such strength.

Outside the Qinzheng Hall of the Imperial Palace, Liu Mingzhi glanced at the Forbidden Army officers and soldiers who protected him in less than a cup of tea, and the gratification flashed in his eyes.

Qi Yun quietly walked to Young Master Liu and stopped, gently tugged on the cuff of her husband's dragon robe, and looked at Young Master Liu worriedly with her beautiful eyes.

"Husband, will there be any problems with Chengzhi and Jingyao?"

Liu Mingzhi squinted his eyes and shook his head indifferently: "Yun'er, don't worry, they don't dare to attack Chengzhi and girl Jingyao so blatantly."

"Really? Husband, are you sure?"

"Don't worry, there is still some confidence in being a husband. Now that all the rich and powerful people in the capital are in the palace, they naturally dare not do anything to Chengzhi and girl Jingyao at this time.

Among the guests, there are naturally people they care about very much.

If they dared to do it, they would not be able to bear the wrath of their husband's thunder. "

"The meaning of what my husband said is that you know who is coming?"

"Well! I already have a general idea in my heart, Yun'er, you can go back, this matter will be handled by my husband."

"This... well, husband, be careful."

After Qi Yun slowly backed away, Liu Mingzhi slowly took two steps forward, stood on the edge of a thousand-level high platform, and looked around at the soldiers of the Imperial Army more than ten steps away.

"You all retreat, didn't you hear that I have invited that senior down for a wedding banquet?

Don't you make me rude to others by the way you are waiting in such a serious manner?
When you listen to the order, immediately take back all the weapons and return them to their original places, and do not act rashly without my order. "

After hearing what Young Master Liu said, the generals of the Forbidden Army, who were closer to Young Master Liu, hurriedly turned around to look at Young Master Liu Ming with stunned expressions, as if they doubted whether they had heard it wrong.

Sensing the confused eyes of the generals of the Forbidden Army, Liu Mingzhi nodded calmly and spoke again.

"You listen to the order, put away your weapons and return to the original place immediately, and don't act rashly without my order.

In addition, an order was sent down immediately that all the forbidden troops in the capital must not act rashly without my order. "

This time, the generals of the Forbidden Army were finally sure that they had heard correctly just now, they looked at each other hesitantly, and looked at Liu Mingzhi's calm as water expression, hesitantly bowed and hugged each other.

"The minister waits to obey the order."

A group of generals silently inserted the horizontal knives in their hands into the scabbards, took out the command flags around their waists, ran towards the brothers under their command and waved the command flags a few times.

Thousands of soldiers of the imperial army were stunned for a moment when they saw the orders conveyed by the command flags in the hands of their immediate superiors. After reacting, they put away their weapons and scattered towards the square without hesitation, fully displaying the orders and prohibitions.

As soon as the soldiers of the Imperial Army dispersed, all civil and military officials headed by Xia Gongming happened to arrive in front of First Young Master Liu.

Watching the surrounding imperial army receding like a tide, civil and military officials looked at First Young Master Liu in bewilderment.

"Your Majesty, what is the meaning of this?"

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and glanced at the confused civil and military officials gathered in front of him.

"All ministers and gentlemen, dear friends, don't be alarmed.

Everyone who comes is a guest, and such a preparedness is not the way to welcome guests.

Just stay aside and watch with peace of mind, I greet this honored guest personally. "

A group of officials looked at each other for unknown reasons, looked at Liu Mingzhi's expression of neither joy nor anger, and scattered towards the sides hesitantly.

Liu Mingzhi withdrew his gaze and looked at the black shadow on the tower with a light smile, and extended an invitation again.

"Senior, I'm a guest from afar. Since you're here, why not come down and have a cup of dog's wedding wine, and let me show my friendship as a landlord."

(End of this chapter)

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