My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2537 Bold, presumptuous, unreasonable

Chapter 2537 Bold, presumptuous, unreasonable
The visitor wearing a black cloak with a white beard on the city tower glanced at the scene above the palace square. Under the cloak, although he was old, his sharp eagle-like eyes gleamed with a faint complex color.

Hearing Young Master Liu's words of invitation to him again, the man in the cloak was silent for a long time and let out a full-hearted Lang Lang laugh.

"My lord invites me again and again. Naturally, my kindness is irresistible. If the old man refuses, I will be rude."

The moment the cloaked man's words fell, the cloaked man who had just stopped on the top of the tower suddenly leaped into the air, leaving blurred afterimages in the air and shooting towards the position where First Young Master Liu was standing. .

Judging by the body-protecting true qi lingering around his body, he must be a top master in the innate realm.

Within a few breaths, the cloaked man had leaped a thousand meters in the air, and stopped less than three feet away from Young Master Liu.

With such a close distance, if the man in black suddenly made a move to Young Master Liu, none of the people present would be able to react.

Looking at the cloaked man who had stopped in front of him in the blink of an eye, Young Master Liu's pupils suddenly shrank, and the expression on his face became serious.

Liu Mingzhi even felt his heart beating non-stop. He had to admit that if the man in the black cloak in front of him wanted to attack him, he would have to rely on his own strength except for the instinct of a martial arts practitioner. Apart from passively defending against its attacks, there is no time to fight back.

And passive defense means to bear the fatal blow from the cloaked man that caught him off guard.

And if he suffered a fatal blow from the cloaked man, he might not be killed on the spot, but he would definitely be seriously injured, and Liu Mingzhi didn't know to what extent he would be injured.

In front of his eyes flashed the protective qi that lingered around his body when the man in the black cloak flew across the air just now, Liu Mingzhi knew that the cloaked man in front of him must be a master of the innate realm without a doubt.

Thinking of this, Liu Mingzhi suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart. He is also in an innate realm. Is the gap with the cloaked man in front of him so big?

While Liu Mingzhi was thinking about it, Bai Ling'er and the other Bai family members had already quietly leapt to Young Master Liu to protect him, staring at the man in the black cloak in front of him with sharp and alert eyes, posing to attack at any time. .

The man in the cloak ignored Bai Ling'er and the other Bai family members, and looked at First Young Master Liu with complicated meanings from the sharp eyes under the cloak.

"My lord, long time no see.

Although I haven't seen him since Fengyundu in the past for many years, the old man can tell that the prince is not only healthy, but also full of energy and blood.

In this way, there is no need for me to say some flattering words that are suspected of flattering. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at the cloaked man in front of him quietly, hesitated for a moment, and waved his hands to Bai Linger and the others in front of him.

"Thirteenth Aunt, Sixth Aunt, Eighth Aunt, Fourth Uncle, Seventh Uncle, please step back first, it's fine."

Bai Ling'er and the others glanced sideways at First Young Master Liu, nodded hesitantly when they saw the calm expression on his face, put away their attacking posture, retreated a few steps away from Liu Mingzhi, and waited.

It's just that although Bai Ling'er and the others retreated to the side, their expressions were full of vigilance, staring at the cloaked man vigilantly, waiting to take action at any time to prevent accidents.

Liu Mingzhi silently let out a sigh of relief to calm down his ups and downs just now, smiled lightly and punched the cloaked man.

"Senior said that it's true that we haven't seen each other for many years. The younger generation can tell that the senior is still healthy and strong when he hears the senior's energetic voice. In this case, there is no need for the younger generation to say some polite words.

Since the farewell in the past, the younger generation has been sending people to look for the whereabouts of the senior all these years, but the senior is an extremely high-level person, and he has always been a dragon.

Even though the younger generation tried their best, they still couldn't find the senior's whereabouts.

Although you and I haven't met each other in these years, we have met a little bit during the period. The last time the junior and senior were the closest was the trip to the ancestral temple a few months ago.

It's a pity that the senior's whereabouts are vague and he didn't want to meet in person, but just sent me away with a letter. For this reason, the junior secretly regretted it for a long time.

These days, the juniors have been thinking about when the next time they will deal with the seniors.

Unexpectedly, the senior unexpectedly gave the junior a surprise, so he showed up to meet the junior.

I don't know if this counts as stepping on the iron shoes and finding nowhere to find it, it doesn't take much effort to get it? "

Listening to what Young Master Liu was talking to him, there was a strange look in the eyes of the man in the cloak.

"The prince already knows who the old man is?"

Liu Mingzhi turned his head slightly to look at the people on both sides, and smiled slightly as he watched the man in the cloak lower his voice.

"Although the junior has never met the senior, the voice of the senior will never be forgotten by the junior.

After all, the senior was the one who almost made me die young. Although the junior dare not say that the voice of the senior has been turned into ashes, I can hear it, but the memory is still fresh!

When the senior spoke for the first time on the tower, the junior didn't dare to confirm the identity of the senior, but after the senior stood in front of the junior and spoke again, the junior immediately recognized who the senior was.

And looking at the world, in broad daylight, you are the only one who dares to appear in front of the juniors so swaggeringly in front of everyone.

Senior Spy Shadow Lord, junior, right? "

Liu Mingzhi revealed his identity in one word, which made the actor's gaze even more complicated.

"Hehe! I didn't expect you, my lord, to have such a deep impression on this old man. I am really flattered by this old man!"

"That's senior's own ability, senior, since you've already shown up, you might as well explain why you're here.

Although the junior is not afraid of the senior, he doesn't want to feel that he is being watched secretly by a man-eating tiger. "

"My lord was joking, it coincides with the wedding day of His Royal Highness and His Royal Highness Princess Jingyao, so the old man naturally came to congratulate the new couple.

Otherwise, the old man couldn't have come to assassinate the prince in broad daylight, right? "

The shadow master said that his right hand under the cloak swam in the cloak for a while. The shadow master's behavior made all the people present vigilant, and even Young Master Liu himself took precautions.

The film master noticed everyone's reaction, and a sneering smile rose from the corner of his mouth that was exposed under the cloak.

Fortunately, everyone was just a false alarm, and the film master slowly took out a small gift box from under the cloak and handed it to Liu Mingzhi.

"Old man Li Kan, I would like to present a small gift to congratulate His Royal Highness and His Royal Highness Princess Jingyao on their newlyweds, and they have been married for a hundred years."

With a half-doubt look in Liu Mingzhi's eyes, he hesitantly stretched out his hand to take the gift box handed over by the film master. When the gift box was received, the film master still did not do anything wrong, so Liu Mingzhi's tense mind relaxed.

The film master looked at the gift box that Young Master Liu was holding in his hand, and moved slightly sideways, bypassing Young Master Liu, and walked silently towards the crowd behind Young Master Liu.

Seeing this, Liu Mingzhi hurriedly turned around and followed, hanging a few steps away from the actor, to prevent him from doing anything wrong to his wife, children, and children.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the film master walked slowly in front of Nangong Meng and the third princess and plopped in front of the mother and daughter.

"Old slave Li Kan, I pay my respects to the Empress Dowager, and to Your Highness the Princess. Your Majesty is a thousand years old, and the Princess is a thousand years old. This old slave is very polite."

Nangong Meng's mother and daughter watched the film owner's respectful behavior, and looked at each other when they heard the film owner's extremely respectful words.

The mother and daughter really don't know who the film master is, but from the name he calls Li Kan, the mother and daughter understand that the person in front of him who is kneeling and saluting should be some left behind by Emperor Ruizong Li Zheng. Veteran.

The behavior of the shadow master also stunned everyone except Nangong Meng's mother and daughter, and there was a complicated look in the eyes of the shadow master who was kneeling on the ground.

It turned out that this person turned out to be a veteran of the former dynasty, or it could be said to be a remnant of the former dynasty. I don't know if the appearance of this person is a blessing or a curse.

A dozen or so steps away, some veterans of several dynasties looked at the shadow master's figure, with shame and entanglement in their eyes.

Compared with the film master, who was always respectful to Nangong Meng and the three princesses, he and others seemed to be the villains who waited for the seller to seek glory.


"Senior, please forgive me."

"The old slave thanked the Empress Dowager, and thanked His Royal Highness Princess.

The old slave still has some things to say to the side-by-side king, so he will not talk to the empress and His Royal Highness the princess.

I beg your empress and Your Royal Highness to forgive me, the old servant has moved away. "

The film master didn't wait for Nangong Meng's mother and daughter to respond, turned around and walked towards Young Master Liu again.

"My lord, the old man's congratulatory gift has been delivered, and I still have an invitation to send to my lord, and I hope my lord will accept it.

Of course, it's up to the prince whether to accept it or not, and he has to accept it if he doesn't accept it. "

The cutie standing in the front row closest to Young Master Liu frowned when she heard that the film master dared to say domineering words to her father, she frowned and stared at the film master.

"Bold, how could you be so rude to this princess' father?"

The shadow master was taken aback, and he looked at the cutie with sharp eyes, and stared at the cutie for a while, with a look of enlightenment in the shadow master's eyes.

"It turned out to be Her Royal Highness Princess Yue'er. I'm sorry, I've met Her Royal Highness Princess Yue."

The little cutie felt the fierce tiger-like eyes of the movie master, subconsciously shrank her neck and hid behind Young Master Liu, her white jade-like hands clutched her father's robe and stared at the movie master .

"Presumptuous, you not only dare to be rude to the emperor, but also dare to frighten the princess with your eyes, you are too arrogant."

After the little cutie finished speaking, she hurriedly shrank behind her father, for fear of seeing the shadow master's sharp eyes that seemed to eat children again.

Regarding the little cutie's arrogant and timid behavior, the corner of the actor's mouth actually raised a faint smile, and then returned to normal.

He is no stranger to the little cutie movie master. He had dealt with little cutie when he served Li Baiyu, the first emperor of Wuzong, after Emperor Ruizong's great journey, and when little cutie came to Beijing alone to help Emperor Wuzong resist the rebels of the kings.

For this witty ghost, especially the lovable little princess, the actor also likes it very much.

It's just that the little princess of the Kingdom of Jin didn't know her identity in the past. After all, people like me can only live in the shadows forever.

The film owner is not angry at the little cutie berating her in public, she is also one of the few old friends.

The actor withdrew his gaze, took out an invitation card from his cuff, and flicked it towards First Young Master Liu.

An ordinary invitation card in the hands of the film master showed a speed even more frightening than a flying arrow, leaving an afterimage invisible to the naked eye in the air before arriving in front of First Young Master Liu.

Liu Mingzhi instinctively reached out to take it, and firmly grasped the spurting invitation in his palm.

"My lord, after the wedding of His Royal Highness and His Royal Highness Princess Jingyao, the old man and all the brothers under his command waited respectfully for His Royal Highness at the Imperial Tomb in the suburbs of Beijing.

The invitation has been received by the prince. I wonder if the prince dares to attend the appointment? "

The moment Liu Mingzhi accepted the invitation in surprise, the shadow master had disappeared in place, leaving behind blurred afterimages flying towards the outside of the palace.

It's just that the words left at the end, compared with Young Master Liu's dare or not, seem to be a bit provocative to use his own way to treat his own body.

The cutie who was hiding behind her father heard the shadow master's erratic words echoing in the air, and hurriedly turned her head to look in the direction of the palace gate.

However, after seeing only an afterimage, the figure of the shadow master had disappeared into the palace.

The little cutie pinched the slender willow waist with her hands angrily.

"It's unreasonable, do you invite people to a banquet like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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