Chapter 2538 Cold

Liu Mingzhi looked at the little cutie who was facing the direction of the palace gate tower with his hands pinching her waist with a proud expression, raised his hand and gently patted the bun on the little cutie's head.

"Stinky girl, even if this senior is not kind, don't interrupt casually when you are talking to the elders on behalf of your father. Such behavior is very impolite."

The little cutie turned her head to look at her father, and wrinkled her nose angrily.

"Daddy, Yue'er knows that such behavior is very rude, but you know that Yue'er has never behaved so rudely before, right?
This time it was really that stinky old man's speech and behavior were too much, it's fine to keep calling Daddy your lord, but look at his attitude when he talked to Daddy you just now, he looked rebellious, like Daddy you It seems that I owe him something.

Especially the act of sending invitations, is that sending invitations?It's just threatening to force Dad to accept his invitation, okay?

After all, you are also the king of a country. When Dalong is today, even if that stinky old man is capable enough to be proud of his talents, he shouldn't be so rude to you.

This is completely defiant, you don't take Dad in your eyes at all!
Yue'er is obviously fighting for you, why did you 'reprimand' Yue'er in turn?You really don't know right from wrong, you can't tell the difference between enemy and friend. "

Listening to the little cutie complaining about her words, First Young Master Liu smiled lightly and patted the little cutie's fragrant shoulders.

"Okay, okay, it's okay for my father to be wrong? After I'm done with your second brother's lifelong affairs, can I apologize to you after my father returns?

If you keep nagging like this, being a father will immediately become a person who kills relatives righteously. I can't bear such a big crime as a father. "

"Really? Is it sincere and willing to apologize to Yue'er?"

"Yes, sincerely and willingly."

"Then after finishing my second brother's lifelong affairs, Yue'er will go to Tianxiang Tower to play."

The corners of Young Master Liu's mouth twitched a few times, and he turned his head sharply to give Little Cutie a fierce look.

"Smelly girl, if you are not afraid of being humiliated by being beaten in front of so many rich and powerful people, as a father, I don't mind moving my body and playing with you."

The little cutie's pretty face froze, she curled her cherry lips resentfully, turned around and walked quickly towards the side of her mother Wanyan Wanyan.

As for why he walked quickly, it was because Xiao Kei felt that his lightness kung fu should be practiced properly.

Regarding the question of whether she is afraid of being beaten, the little cutie directly despises the princess, will this princess be afraid of being beaten?

Who doesn't know that I, Liu Luoyue, have been beaten since I was a child, and I have survived more than ten years of beatings. Are you afraid that I will be beaten twice this time?
What a joke, this princess completely disdains, okay? .

The queen glanced sideways at the little cutie who had been shrinking her jade neck after she walked to her side: "What are you doing with your neck shrinking all the time? Did you have a stiff neck last night?"

"Have you...have you shrunk your neck? Have you? Has Yue'er shrunk her neck?"

"You're not stupid, can't you feel it?"

The cutie immediately straightened her slim and graceful jade body and coughed lightly: "I don't wear too much today, it's cold!"

The empress was startled, first she looked at the light sweat on the little cutie's forehead, and then she looked up at the scorching sun in the sky.

Will it be cold on this August day when the autumn tiger is watching?Then why did you live so happily in the cold winter when you were in the Kingdom of Jin?
"Stupid eagle."

The queen muttered softly, and silently straightened the phoenix robe that wrapped her delicate body that was as mature as a peach, and moved slightly to the left two steps, as if standing with the cutie would be contagious.

After the cutie left, Liu Mingzhi glanced at the ordinary invitation in his hand and put it in his cuff.

Walking to the high platform, Liu Mingzhi first looked down at the thousands of guests who were discussing softly on the square, and then turned his head to look at the civil and military officials on both sides.

"My lords and gentlemen, what happened earlier is nothing more than trivial incidents, so you don't have to worry about it.

It's getting late now, I guess my Lin'er has already arrived at Princess Yunchang's mansion and started to break through three levels. I think it will take less than half an hour to marry Princess Yunchang and enter the palace to worship heaven and earth.

The couple's life-long event is in full swing, let's not be idle here, let's all take our seats and wait for the couple, who are about to be perfectly matched, to enter the palace. "

All civil and military officials listened to Young Master Liu's hearty words and bowed in unison.

"I will obey your orders."

Liu Mingzhi casually arranged the black dragon robe on his body, turned around and waved to Qi Yun, the empress, Qinglian and the other beauties, and walked down the thousand-level stage first with steady and powerful steps.

Qi Yun and the others saw her husband's gestures to her sisters, and immediately adjusted their palace attire, raised their chests, and followed her husband's back with great demeanor.

Then came Young Master Liu's children dressed in festive clothes, and then Liu Zhi'an, Mrs. Liu, Qi Run, Mrs. Qi, all the members of the Bai family...their relatives.

The last is the civil and military officials headed by the chief minister of the cabinet Xia Gongming.

It's just that among the last civil and military officials, some senior veterans of several dynasties, compared with the happy appearance when they first entered the palace, now there is a trace of indescribable complexity in the dim, old but radiant eyes .

The sudden appearance of the film owner and the loyal and respectful attitude of the film owner to Nangong Meng and the three princesses, mother and daughter, brought a lot of feelings to these former court officials.

At this time, some old ministers were deeply moved, and secretly asked themselves if they had really achieved what a human minister should do now?

As a minister, you should be loyal to the country, even if you die, you will have no regrets.

But after the fall of the Li Dynasty, have they been loyal to the Li Dynasty, and have they died without regret?
However, after I and others assisted the new king, they continued to be dedicated to their duties, and never slack off in government affairs.

For the next, I and others are worthy of the common people in the world; for the above, I and others are worthy of Dalong's country and community.

Is it just to be worthy of the people of the world, the country, the country, and the Li family?

As the chief assistant of the cabinet, Xia Gongming seemed to feel the complicated and melancholy mood of some old guys around him, and he sighed silently. He also admired the loyalty of the movie master, but he could feel his conscience and say that he had a clear conscience. .

When the Li dynasty fell, after the first emperor Chengzong Li Ye visited the imperial study room, he angrily denounced Liu Mingzhi as a traitor and traitor seeking power and usurping the throne. Knowing that there was no hope of restoring the country, he bumped his head against the dragon pillar in the Hall of Qinzheng. He intends to serve his country with death.

But God didn't accept his old bones that were dying.

Later, he continued to hold the official position of Yushi doctor in the court, and he did not want to see Dalong's country and society destroyed in the hands of the new king, Liu Mingzhi.

However, later he gradually realized that Liu Mingzhi was really a good emperor who sincerely served the country and the people, even more suitable to be the king of a country than Li Ye, the former emperor who had already become famous, and he gradually accepted it in his heart. Liu Mingzhi, the new emperor who rebelled and proclaimed himself emperor.

He can understand the mood of some old guys around him, because he was not in the same mood as they are now.

However, now that the general trend has been achieved, His Majesty is supported by all people in the world, even if my old bones are full of thoughts, what can they do?

Turn things around?Leaving aside whether I'm sorry or not, His Majesty has been condemned by Ron's conscience all these years, but with these old things like myself with a pen in hand, I have a few percent chance of winning!

If the situation is turned around in vain by force, in the end, the flames of war will be reignited, the lives will be destroyed, and it will be thousands of people who will suffer.

How can these old bones of my own bear such a weighty infamy through the ages?

Xia Gongming thought about it secretly, and made up his mind to have a good chat with his old colleagues after the second prince's wedding banquet.

No matter what, even if I and others resign after the wedding banquet and return to their hometowns and retire to the mountains and forests, they will not let the world of Dalong fight again.

"We see His Majesty the Emperor, long live long live."

(End of this chapter)

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