My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2539 What's wrong with you

Chapter 2539 What's wrong with you

"We will see the queen empress, and all the concubines and empresses, the empresses are thousands of years old."

"We see your highnesses, princes, and princesses, thousand years old, thousand years old."

Liu Mingzhi glanced softly at the thousands of relatives and friends saluting in front of him, smiled slightly, and waved his hands at the thousands of tables on the left and right sides of the square.

"Today is my Lin'er's wedding day, and on Lin'er's behalf, I have thanked all the distinguished guests who came from afar to come to Beijing to congratulate her.

Many distinguished guests are seated free of charge. "

"Thank you, Your Majesty, long live long live."

After getting up, all the guests walked towards the neatly arranged tables and chairs on the left and right sides, and finally found a place in it that suited their status after spending a while.

The guests greeted and complimented their nearby companions for a while, then stood straight in front of the tables and chairs, looked at Liu Mingzhi and waited.

Feeling the eyes of the guests, Liu Mingzhi smiled indifferently, turned around and walked to the highest position where the dragon chair was placed, lifted the hem of the dragon robe and sat on the first dragon chair in the center under the steps.

"Empress, all my beloved concubines, all my lovers, all relatives, friends and guests, please take a seat."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the seat."

Qi Yun, the three princesses and sisters, after listening to her husband's words, sat down dignifiedly on Liu Mingzhi's slightly bowed chair carved with phoenix patterns.

Then came the empress, Huyan Yunyao, Qi Ya... the sisters and others took their seats in turn on the luxurious chairs arranged in a half-moon shape.

The seats of the people present are all divided in a strict order, and there must be no overstepping in the slightest.

Today, there are so many victorious friends and guests gather to rejoice, even Young Master Liu, who doesn't care much about some red tape, rarely becomes official.

After everyone on the square took their seats one by one, Liu Mingzhi raised his hand to Xiao Chengzi beside him and pointed to the musicians on both sides.

Xiao Chengzi immediately understood, and shouted at the top of his voice.

"Your Majesty has orders, play music."

The team of musicians once again played the cheerful music that was enough to linger in the ears. The guests and hosts present listened to the beautiful notes lingering in their ears, and waited leisurely for Liu Chengzhi and Li Jingyao, the new couple, to enter the palace to worship the heaven and the earth.

As for the impossibility of eating or drinking something now, it's not that they don't want to, but that there is no food or drink on the table for the time being.

According to the rules, after a group of newcomers have not entered the palace to see the ceremony, the banquet cannot be served for the time being.

They can't be allowed to chew on the bare table in front of them!
During the music performance, Liu Song detoured behind First Young Master Liu from nowhere, and handed a simple and exquisite gift box and an exquisite gift list to Young Young Master Liu.

Young Master Liu was taken aback for a moment, then he lowered his head and glanced at the gift box in front of him and looked up at Liu Song, the doubt in his eyes was self-evident.

"Liu Song, this is?"

"Returning to Master, this is the wedding gift sent by Ren Qingrui and Miss Ren from Shu to Young Master Chengzhi and Princess Jingyao, a silver ticket of one hundred taels, a pair of mandarin duck rings, and a congratulatory message written by Miss Ren herself. , the content of the congratulatory message is a good match for a hundred years."

Young Master Liu's eyes were fixed, and he looked down at the gift box in Liu Song's hand with a hint of embarrassment. Due to some special reasons, it seems that he didn't send someone to send invitations to this girl Ren Qingrui, right?
Could it be that this girl herself heard about the wedding of Chengzhi and Jingyao girl in Sichuan?
Although this possibility is not impossible, it will take a long time for the news to spread spontaneously to the territory of Shu!

Calculated based on the time of Cheng Zhi's wedding and the distance from the capital to Sichuan, after Ren Yatou heard about Cheng Zhi's wedding day, it seemed that it would be too late to send someone to send a congratulatory gift, right?

Unless someone notified Ren Yatou separately, so Ren Yatou could send someone to send the congratulatory gifts to the palace in time after she got the news.

"Liu Song, young master, don't you remember that I told you to send invitations to girl Ren! Did you make a claim without telling me, young master?"

Liu Song shook his head with a wry smile, and lightly gestured to Qi Yun on the left of First Young Master Liu, the meaning he wanted to express was self-evident.

Liu Mingzhi nodded knowingly, picked up the gift list in Liu Song's hand, flipped through it casually, and handed it to Qi Yun's side with a faint sigh.

"Good rhyme, you've done something good for your husband behind your back!"

Qi Yun was stunned for a moment just like the previous Young Master Liu, watching the gift list handed over by her husband quietly put it into her cuffs, and opened the gift list under the cover of the table case to take a look.

Looking at the beautiful and powerful words Ren Qingrui under the gift list, Qi Yun pursed her red lips and smiled lightly, and quietly put the gift list in her cuffs, Qi Yun secretly cast a wink at Young Master Liu.

"The concubine is happy, can you control it? Which big dragon law in the imperial court clearly stipulates that concubines are not allowed to send invitations to their good sisters?"

"That's not true, it's just that girl Ren was a bit stingy, so she gave a congratulatory gift of one hundred taels of silver, what's that enough for?
Fortunately, this girl didn't come to the capital for the banquet in person, otherwise I would have to pay for a banquet for my husband.

I would be really at a loss for my husband. "

"Bah, you should be content, isn't a hundred taels too little? You can't earn that much money by setting up a stall outside a restaurant for three months.

Compared with other famous families, the rich and gentry's list of gifts is a little less, but at least this gift depends on the family's background!

Anyway, the concubine is very satisfied, very satisfied with the gift from Qingrui's little sister.

Thousands of miles to send congratulatory gifts, the gift is light and the affection is heavy!No matter what the gift is or how much it is, as long as it is what you want.

Concubine Shen, Cheng Zhi and Jing Yao are not so short-sighted and caressing people!

Besides, this is a wedding gift from little sister Qingrui to our son and girl Jingyao. Does it have anything to do with your husband?

What are you so disgusted with here?

Little sister Qingrui at least gave it to you. If they pretended not to receive the invitation and just threw it out the door like a pair of shoes, what would you do to her? "

"A woman's opinion, a woman's opinion! Well done, my husband is too lazy to argue with you. Anyway, the congratulatory gift has already been delivered, and you like to receive it. Why don't you just leave it alone?"

Qi Yun snorted, and turned her gaze back to the direction of the palace gate: "You can't control it even if you want to."

Young Master Liu listened to Qi Yun's rebuttal words not to be outdone, smiled wryly and shook his head and stopped answering. Damn, it's simply unreasonable.

Looking around in the capital, I have never seen any lady who is eager to give her husband a room of young and beautiful little sisters to come back to serve her husband!

Even if it is because of obedience to women's morality, at a certain age, I have to provide my husband with a young and beautiful concubine, that is still cheerful on the lips, but 1 unwilling in my heart.

It's good to be on my side, I have never mentioned these things, but the sisters and others are eager to drag Ren Qingrui in and stuff them into their arms.

Sensible is very sensible, but this is too sensible, right?

The sensible person made himself a little overwhelmed, and even wondered if there was any conspiracy in it.

But I am the kind and loving husband of their husbands and wives. As good ladies who love me in every possible way, what kind of bad thoughts can this group of beauties have towards me?


Could it be because their abilities are too strong, the sisters feel that they can't bear the grace of rain and dew, and they have no choice but to find another young and beautiful little sister to share a part or two?
Ok!It is so, it must be so!
Thinking of this, Liu Da felt a sense of pride in his heart, and he couldn't help puffing out his chest and sitting up straight.

When Young Master Liu was conceited, Liu Chengzhi from Princess Yunchang's mansion rushed to the boudoir where Li Jingyao was to be married after passing through three barriers.

(End of this chapter)

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