Chapter 2540

In Princess Yunchang's mansion, Liu Chengzhi, wearing a scarlet robe embroidered with four-clawed dragons, rushed to the deepest part of the inner courtyard of Princess Yunchang's mansion with a spring breeze on his face.

Amidst the joyful jokes of a group of friends of the same age, Liu Chengzhi walked through the last arch leading to Li Jingyao's boudoir with a slightly embarrassed expression.

Although Liu Chengzhi looked a little shy under the jokes of his partners, the excitement in his eyes was hard to hide.

As the saying goes, it is the first time for a big girl to get on the sedan chair, but it is the first time for the groom to get married!

After all, today is the day of my first wedding, and Liu Chengzhi is the second prince of the dynasty, and his mood at this moment is also ups and downs, which is no different from the excited and disturbed appearance of ordinary people when they get married.

Liu Chengzhi, who has not yet been established as the prince and prince, and participated in major government affairs in the court, asked himself that he could not do that.

And the companions who surrounded Liu Chengzhi were all his very good friends when he was in the Imperial College since he was a child, and all of them who can appear here today are well-known sons in the capital.

Thinking about it, the younger generation of an ordinary family naturally couldn't get along with Liu Chengzhi, the second prince of the dynasty.

Everyone teased each other and finally came to Li Jingyao's boudoir with the closed door. Everyone looked at the festive beauty's boudoir and pushed Liu Chengzhi forward a few steps.

"Bride, our boss has already broken through the three barriers you set up, how long will we wait if we don't open the door now!"

"Yes! Yes! Open the door and come out, our boss is still in a hurry to go back into the bridal chamber!"

"If you don't open the door, my brothers and others will force their way in."

Several of Liu Chengzhi's good brothers stood beside Liu Chengzhi, laughing and talking teasingly at the closed door, and glanced at the door from time to time.

In the beaming boudoir, Li Jingyao was sitting in front of the dressing table in a phoenix coronet, listening to the teasing words of her sweetheart's good brothers outside the boudoir, her face was blushing, and her daughter's infinite shyness and longing for her were revealed between her brows. Thousands of styles.

A pair of slender hands as white as jade were tightly clenched together, Li Jingyao bit her crimson lips lightly and turned to look at the concubine He Shu who was standing aside, as if shyness was rippling in her shimmering phoenix eyes ripple.

"Mother...mother concubine."

He Shu looked at her daughter's charming and embarrassing beautiful face, her heart was both sad and relieved, how complicated and unspeakable the intertwining of these two emotions was.

The sad thing is that after the daughter is married, she is someone else's family member, and she can no longer be with her day and night like before.

Now Jingyao is still her own daughter, but she is about to become a relative. Although she is still her own daughter, her identity is completely different from what she is now.

What is gratifying is that my daughter has grown up, and has reached the age where she can marry, be a wife, a husband and teach children, and the worry of being a mother can finally be settled.

If the deceased husband had a spirit in heaven, seeing his good daughter and his sweetheart finally got married, he should be able to smile at Jiuquan.

Although I have treated my late husband badly in terms of feelings, I have been worthy of him in terms of raising children.

Although the family mansion and the imperial court's salary support can ensure that one has no worries about food and clothing, but raising a pair of children to adulthood is not all about having no worries about food and clothing.

Now that her daughter is finally married, the only burden in her heart can be completely let go.

He Shulian walked lightly and silently to her daughter, grabbed her daughter's catkins and patted them lightly a few times, took out a spotless white silk from her cuff and stuffed it gently into the palm of Li Jingyao's jade hand.

"Good boy, marry and follow your husband. After you get married, you must put your husband first in everything, and take your husband as the foundation. Don't lose your wife's virtue because of jealousy and resentment, and let your mother worry about you.

Cheng Zhi is a mother just like you. I watched you grow up. His character is stable and polite. As a mother, I believe he will not treat you badly.

But you also have to do what a lady should do, and don't let your petty temper and Chengzhi get angry for no reason.

After leaving the gate, you are someone else's family from now on, you must take good care of yourself, understand? "

Li Jingyao's stunningly beautiful face, which was already somewhat crimson, became even hotter and brighter after seeing the white silk that her mother and concubine stuffed into her palm, like the blood-stained sun in the sky when the sun was setting.


After knowing the purpose of this piece of white silk, Li Jingyao hummed like a mosquito, and quietly put the white silk in her hand into the cuff of the phoenix robe, and the deer kept bumping in her heart.

"Mother Concubine, don't worry, after the child leaves the cabinet, he will definitely marry and obey his husband, and he will abide by the virtues of women, and will definitely not let you worry about it."

After Li Jingyao finished speaking, she gently raised her jade hand to caress the slightly raised belly of the concubine He Shu a few times, and looked up at the concubine mother's phoenix eyes with obvious worry.

"Mother Concubine, the fetus in your womb is getting bigger and bigger. After the baby goes out, he can't be with you all the time like before. You must take good care of your body.

If there is something that the servant girl doesn't take good care of, you must immediately go to your uncle and ask him to arrange some reliable servant girls to serve you by your side.

And, if it's really... really..."

He Shu'e frowned slightly, and her beautiful eyes looked at the obedient daughter who hesitated to speak suspiciously: "What if it's true? Silly boy, why are you still hesitating at this time? Just say no to what you want to say."

Li Jingyao looked at the puzzled eyes of the concubine mother, bit her red lips and hesitated for a moment.

"Mother and Concubine, if you really can't do it, you can move to the Liu Mansion, so that we, mother and daughter, can be together day and night as usual.

After the child gets married, you stay alone in the mansion without anyone to talk to you. It's fine for a short time, but how lonely you will be alone for a long time.

My uncle not only has to deal with state affairs, besides you mother, there are so many aunts on my child's side, even if you are done with the state affairs, you can't just circle around you all by yourself all the time!
You are pregnant with Liujia now, it must be inconvenient to live alone in the princess mansion, the baby is really worried about leaving you at home alone.

Or, after the turmoil of the child's marriage subsides, you can move in together. "

He Shu looked at her daughter's pleading and expectant eyes, her originally steady heart throbbed, and then calmed down.

"Silly girl, your kind mother took it with her heart, but mother can't make trouble for him!"

"How can this add to the chaos? It was originally Yun... Mother Yun took the initiative to invite you to settle in the Liu Mansion, and all the sisters didn't care. Mother, why do you hesitate?"

"Stupid child, you don't understand, what mother is talking about is not about your mother Yun and their sisters' situation, but the scholars and common people in the world... Forget it, you don't understand what my mother told you.

After you get married, you don't have to worry about your mother's side. If your mother really can't do it, you can just move to your aunt Jie's side. "

"But the boy not only hopes that you will move there, mother, but also that Aunt Jie, sister Zhiyao, and sister Lianiang will be together..."

Before Li Jingyao finished speaking, He Shu directly interrupted her.

"Silly boy, today is your day of great joy, let's not talk about it, it's getting late, you should go out, if you delay, be careful not to miss the auspicious time of praying to heaven and earth.

This child Cheng Zhi has been waiting for you outside the room for a long time, and he is about to put on the red hijab and prepare to leave the court. "

Li Jingyao looked at her mother's complicated expression of intentionally changing the topic, and nodded her head shyly.


"Xin'er, quickly bring the red hijab of Longfeng Chengxiang and cover it up for Yaoer."

"Yes, the concubine gave it to the empress."

Li Jingyao's personal servant girl responded heartily, and hurriedly picked up the dragon and phoenix hijab and walked towards Li Jingyao.

"Princess, it's getting late, you should quickly put on the hijab."

Li Jingyao saw that the maid handed over the red hijab and didn't take it immediately, she knelt down in front of He Shu and kowtowed a few times with a pretty face in embarrassment.

"Mother Concubine, the child is not filial, and I will not be able to accompany you often in the future. I hope Mother Concubine will take good care of the phoenix body."

He Shumei nodded her head with sour eyes, resisting the complicated emotions in her heart, took the hijab from the maid Xin'er's hand and gently covered it on Li Jingyao's phoenix crown.

"Xin'er, send the princess out of the pavilion."

"The slaves obey."

(End of this chapter)

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