Chapter 2541
Li Jingyao stood up slowly from the ground with the support of her maid Xin'er, and finally gracefully gave a gift to her mother and concubine He Shufu.

"Mother and Concubine, the child will go out first."

He Shu hurriedly blinked her beautiful eyes several times, forced back the mist that formed in her eyes, nodded to Li Jingyao who was already covered with a red hijab, turned around and walked towards the door of the boudoir.

He Shu first inadvertently wiped the corners of his eyes, then gently opened the closed boudoir door, nodded to Xin'er, the maid who was supporting Li Jingyao, and silently retreated to the side.

"Princess, the door is open, we should go out."

Li Jingyao's delicate body trembled, and she responded softly, letting the servant girl support her arm, and walked slowly towards the door with lotus steps.

"Oh oh oh, the bride finally came out."

"The bride is coming out, play music."

Amidst the yelling of Liu Chengzhi's partners, the band standing on one side immediately played the welcome music, and the cheerful music gradually dispelled Li Jingyao's melancholy about saying goodbye to her mother and concubine He Shu.

A group of Liu Chengzhi's partners looked at Liu Chengzhi who was staring at Li Jingyao who was walking out of the boudoir in a daze, shaking his head helplessly, and hurriedly pushed him forward to meet him.

"Pick up the bride."

"Pick up the bride."

Liu Chengzhi reacted from the sluggishness, hurriedly straightened his robes and greeted Li Jingyao with a refined manner.

"When the bride comes out of the pavilion, she will lead the red one."

The servants who followed immediately handed over the already prepared Qianhong to Liu Chengzhi.

After Liu Chengzhi took over Qianhong, he walked up to Li Jingyao silently, and handed the other end of Qianhong to Li Jingyao.

"Jingyao, I'm here to marry you."

Under the red hijab, Li Jingyao nodded with a mixture of anger and joy on her delicate face, and gently held the Qianhong handed over by Liu Chengzhi in the palm of her hand.

"A couple of newlyweds leave the hospital, and bid farewell to their nurturing grace in the hall."

Listening to the voice of the old housekeeper of the Princess Mansion, Liu Chengzhi and the two walked toward the main hall of the Princess Mansion at a leisurely pace, holding each other's hands.

He Shu, who had already made a detour from the side door to the main hall, listened to the sound of music that was getting closer and closer to his ears, exhaled softly with red lips, and sat on the chair and waited silently.

After about half a cup of tea, Liu Chengzhi and his young couple finally entered the main hall.

The old housekeeper of the Princess Mansion glanced at Li Jingyao who was covered with a dragon and phoenix hijab, and waved gently to the servants beside her.

"Farewell to parenting for newcomers, let's have farewell tea."

The servants at the side immediately walked up to the two of them with a tray containing two warm teacups.

"Uncle, Your Royal Highness, please."

The two picked up their teacups and walked towards He Shu who was sitting at the top.

"Aunt...Mother-in-law, please drink tea."

"Mother, please drink tea."

He Shu picked up the two people's tea one after another, took a sip and put it aside.

"You two must respect each other as guests in the future, and live a good life like a couple of gods and gods."

With just this one confession, He Shu didn't say any more.

"Mother-in-law, don't worry, my son-in-law will treat Jingyao well in the future, and will never let her suffer any grievances."

He Shu pursed her cherry lips and nodded slightly, raised her hand and waved gently.

"It's getting late, hurry up and enter the palace, don't delay the auspicious time."

"Hey, my son-in-law bids farewell to his mother-in-law."

"The child is not filial, farewell mother and concubine."

After Liu Chengzhi and the two saluted one after another, they got up and walked slowly towards the door.

Outside the gate of the princess mansion, when He Shu poured the clear water from the copper basin under Li Jingyao's lotus feet, Li Jingyao got into the imposing sixteen-carrying sedan chair with the help of the maid.

"When the bride enters the sedan chair, she will have many blessings and offspring. Get up the sedan chair."

There were about 1000 people when they came, and about 2000 people when they left, they gradually disappeared at the corner in front of the Princess Mansion Street under the watchful eye of He Shu.

"Empress Taifei, it's time to go back and change the palace clothes. The carriage is ready, and it's time for us to enter the palace for the banquet."

"Yes. Ben Gong knows."

About half an hour later, Liu Chengzhi rode a tall horse and slowly entered the palace gate under the attention of thousands of people.

The moment the welcoming team entered the square in the palace, the entire palace instantly became silent, and everyone's eyes were on Liu Chengzhi who was riding on the horse.


Feeling the pressure of all the attention, Liu Chengzhi took a breath, turned around, got off his horse and walked towards the sixteen-carrying sedan chair behind him.

"Press the sedan chair."


Looking at the pressed sedan chair, Liu Chengzhi leaned aside and said softly: "Jingyao, now we have arrived at the Dragon Bridge in the palace, it's time for you to get out of the sedan chair."


Li Jingyao responded softly in the sedan chair, and walked out of the sedan chair silently while supporting the body of the sedan chair, and Xin'er, a maid who was holding a red hand beside her, hurried up to help her.

After Li Jingyao got off the sedan chair, she glanced at the position where Liu Chengzhi was standing on her toes and silently aligned her figure. The two of them took the lead in the maid's hand and walked steadily towards Young Master Liu and the others.

"The newlyweds cross the Dragon Bridge and play the dragon and phoenix harmony."

Compared with the previous music of dragon and phoenix auspiciousness, although the current music of dragon and phoenix harmony is equally festive, it is not as majestic as before, and it is a bit more gentle and gentle.

Standing behind First Young Master Liu, Liu Song looked at the couple who had already passed the Dragon Bridge, took a deep breath, took out a piece of bright red silk from his cuff, ran to the high platform in front and stopped.

Liu Song stared at the couple who were getting closer, and quickly tore apart the silk and sang in Brown's voice.

"The dragon begs the phoenix to come and the phoenix follows the dragon. The dragon and the phoenix play a new chapter. Welcome the bridegroom.

On a good day, the beauty of the world is beautiful, and the moon and the phoenix and the dragon are full of flowers.welcome the bride.

Stepping lotus flowers into the palace corridor, red makeup is reflected on the red carpet for ten miles.I wish the groom and the bride forever.

Wearing the clothes of my Han family, marrying a wife with ten miles of red makeup.

Enter the palace of my Han family and show off my etiquette.

Befriend Qin and Jin, and set a long-term love for a hundred years.

Guests from all over the world arrive, and the first one is my emperor.

All are guests at the banquet, and I sincerely congratulate you on your long-term affection.

The bridegroom and the bride bow to heaven and earth. "

When the last sentence of Liu Song's harmony fell, Liu Chengzhi and Li Jingyao just stopped about ten steps in front of Young Master Liu's table.

The two of them turned around and knelt down to salute the sky with their hands in their hands, bowing to the sky and the earth.

"Li Cheng, invite the bride and groom to pay their respects to the high hall."

After the two got up, they kowtowed again to Young Master Liu, his wife and others.

"Licheng, husband and wife worship each other and send them to the bridal chamber."

The two turned to face each other, ending the last ceremony of the husband and wife's worship.

"At the end of the ceremony, feast the guests, and play the dragon and phoenix to bring prosperity."

Just as Liu Chengzhi was about to accompany Li Jingyao to the room that had been arranged in the harem, a group of good brothers around him immediately looked at First Young Master Liu who was sitting in the first place with a faint smile on his face.

Young Master Liu sensed the gazes of a group of people, glanced at Liu Chengzhi who had already walked more than ten steps and nodded with a light smile.

He was no stranger to this group of young men standing beside Liu Chengzhi, and seeing their eagerness to try, he naturally didn't want to dampen their interest in drinking.

After all, it's really early to enter the bridal chamber now.

After receiving Eldest Young Master Liu's consent, a group of teenagers were so excited that they rushed at Liu Chengzhi with a fierce tiger.

"Want to run? It's still so early, boss, where are you going?"

"That's right, it's early in the morning. How can there be such a good thing if you want to enter the bridal chamber without drinking?"

"Boss, brother, as a person who has been here, I sincerely tell you that entering the bridal chamber too impatiently may not be a good thing for you. From now on, you will understand that the brothers are doing it for you."

"Stand up and go drink."

Liu Chengzhi struggled a few times in panic, and found that he couldn't break free from the shackles of these animals, so he could only resign himself to his fate and watch his bride being sent towards the harem with the help of the maid.

After receiving the order, the imperial dining room, which had already been prepared, sent the already prepared banquets to the square in the palace in a row.

After about a stick of incense, all the tables of all the guests have been set up with a banquet that is full of color, fragrance, and appetite.

"My dear friends, all distinguished guests, I will offer you a cup, and I will do it first to respect you."

"I dare not, I respect Your Majesty."

"We dare not, we respect Your Majesty."

Liu Mingzhi put down his wine glass, smiled lightly and nodded to Xiao Chengzi beside him.

"Your Majesty ordered to sing and dance."

Hundreds of young and beautiful dancers stretched their graceful and enchanting bodies and rushed towards the center of the square at the moment Xiao Chengzi's words fell.

Dancing to the festive music.

A palace wedding banquet began.

The golden crow was falling to the west, and the setting sun was like blood. Liu Chengzhi, who was a little drunk from being fed by his brothers and guests, ran towards the harem with the support of the maid.

Liu Song and Xiao Chengzi also began to happily walk around the square to see off the guests.

When the last guest left the palace gate, it was getting late.

Young Master Liu glanced back at the eunuchs and maids who were cleaning up the mess in the square, and left the palace with a group of family members waving the folding fan in their hands.

After Young Master Liu and the others returned to the mansion, when the moon first rose, the harem was already full of spring scenery, which was intoxicating.

(End of this chapter)

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