Chapter 2542
On the way Liu Mingzhi and his family left the palace and returned to the Liu Mansion, Young Master Liu faintly noticed that the atmosphere in the team was a bit oppressive, and after a little thought, he understood what was going on.

It was obvious that everyone in the family was worried about the sudden appearance of the actor to send invitations to First Young Master Liu.

The Liu family, who knew the existence of the Spy Shadow Agent, was well aware of the horror of the Spy Shadow's power. They vaguely understood in their hearts that the banquet sent by the shadow master might not be a good feast!
The Liu family, who didn't know the existence of Spy Shadow, also guessed from Young Master Liu's expression and reaction when he saw the shadow master that the shadow master was definitely not a person who could easily get along with him.

Liu Mingzhi's going to such a banquet hosted by such an unkind person, who can guarantee whether it will be a blessing or a curse.

For a while, whether it was the Liu family who knew the identity of the film owner, or the Liu family who didn't know who the film owner was, there was a thought in their hearts, that is, how to persuade the husband not to go to the imperial tomb in the suburbs of Beijing to attend the appointment after returning home .

It's just how to exhort them is more appropriate. They must now come up with a perfect and suitable wording.

Of course, Liu Zhi'an, the old silver coin, was not among the people who came up with this idea.

Back when the Li Dynasty was in charge of the world, he was not afraid of the power of spies, let alone young master Liu now in charge of a hundred thousand miles of mountains and rivers!

In the past, although Liu Zhi'an didn't dare to confront Spy Shadow openly, he couldn't say how much he was afraid of Spy Shadow's power.

The reason why his face was a little heavy was because he felt that it was unreasonable for the film master to show up so blatantly.

As the saying goes, when things go wrong, there must be a demon, and he, an old silver coin, has to be cautious about the sudden appearance of the actor.

After all, he has not been dealing with the film master for a day or two, and he still knows the nature of the old fox, the film master, and he is worried that his eldest son will fall into the trap set by the film master because of his arrogance.

Although the eldest son has now grown to the point where he doesn't need himself, and even faintly surpasses himself as the father in some aspects.

But there is a saying that is to be prepared, no matter whether the eldest son needs to get help from the old man when he goes to the banquet, he should prepare in advance to prevent accidents.

Under the different thoughts of each other, the atmosphere in the Liu family's team became more and more depressed. The depressed Liu Zhengran, Liu Lingyun, Liu Lianniang, Liu Yunxin and the other lively little guys all sat in the carriage obediently. Don't dare to make any noise.

Not only are they not stupid, but they are also very shrewd. They have already seen from the faces of the adults that now is definitely not the time to laugh and laugh.

So the two of them stayed in the carriage obediently and silently, for fear that their little buttocks would get slapped if they were not careful.

First Young Master Liu felt the uncomfortable emotions emanating from his family members, so he couldn't help twisting his body a few times on the horse's back.

Pretending to be inadvertent, he turned his head and glanced at the old man Liu Zhi'an and his aunt Liu Ying who were riding on horseback. Seeing the serious expressions on their brothers and sisters' faces, Young Master Liu smiled wryly and shook his head.

Isn't it just that the Bourne Shadow master suddenly appeared in public?Is the atmosphere so serious?
These years, I have been sending people to search for the whereabouts of Spy Shadow in secret, but they can't find it. Now they come to the door on their own initiative. Shouldn't this be a more gratifying thing?

What's the matter with all of you frowning, making it look like my young master is dying.

Especially you old man, as for?

I don't know who was bragging with this young master again and again, clamoring that he has the ability to compete with the Spy Shadow, why is he now looking like a concubine again?

In my young master's impression, you, Liu Zhi'an, have never been afraid of anyone!For you, no matter what opponent comes, isn't it just a matter of spending more money?

Although my young master and I, the client, attach great importance to the sudden appearance of the Spy Shadow Master, it is not as important as you, right?
Liu Mingzhi planned to say something interesting to break the oppressive atmosphere around him, but seeing the people coming and going on the street after the lights first came on, he dismissed this idea again.

It is obviously not appropriate to talk about these things at this time.

In the weird and depressing atmosphere, the Liu Family team returned to the Liu Mansion without haste.

After everyone entered the gate of Liu's Mansion, they greeted each other and dispersed, without any intention of persuading First Young Master Liu.

Young Master Liu watched a group of people say goodbye to him and rushed to his courtyard, and looked at his old man.

Quietly looking at the back of the old man Liu Zhi'an holding a pipe and leaving without stopping, Young Master Liu scratched his chin in complete confusion.

"What's the situation? This... just go straight away? Don't you plan to talk to me alone about the spy shadow Lord invited me to a banquet in the suburbs of Beijing?

Since, old man, you don't plan to talk to me about the show master's appearance, then what does it mean that you are thinking hard all the way, as if you are facing a big enemy?
Herd mentality?When you see other people looking cautious, do you feel that it is inappropriate for you to act casually? "

"Xiao Mingming, why are you staring at your father's back?"

Young Master Liu was staring at the old man Liu Zhi'an's back and pondering in secret, when a charming and suspicious voice suddenly came from his ear, which shocked Liu First Young Master, who had been wandering in the sky all this time.


Liu Ying looked at Young Master Liu who kept patting her chest, still in shock, and sized him up and down with a charming and charming face.

"Didn't my sister just say a word? Are you so scared?"

"Liu... Auntie, do you know that people who scare people will scare people to death? You appeared behind this young master without making any sound and suddenly spoke. I must be shocked!

Besides, any normal person would be shocked like me, okay?

are you a ghostWalking without making a sound. "

"Okay, my sister is wrong, my sister is wrong, can't I?
But you can't blame me entirely, sister, I stood by your side just now and never left, it's just that you didn't realize it yourself.

Besides, sister, even if I am a ghost, I am still a beautiful ghost, so I can't scare people!

Come on, let me give you a hug, my sister will let you take advantage of my sister, and we will owe each other nothing. "

Without saying a word, Liu Ying stretched out her arms and hugged First Young Master Liu, saying that she would take advantage of her as soon as she said that she would take advantage of it, and she was not deceitful at all.

She is really a real heroine who keeps her word!

Young Master Liu struggled out with his face flushed, and looked at the smiling Liu Ying in a sulky breath.

" young master, I am 40 years younger now, can you spare me, aunt?

I'm a man, not a eunuch, so don't go too far.

Please, don't bother me anymore, okay? "

Liu Ying's charming and charming face with a smile on her face suddenly disappeared, and changed into a pitiful and frail face that was about to cry.

"You actually attacked me. You said that my sister scared you just now. My sister, I don't have anything to compensate you, so I can only use this six-foot beauty to let you take some advantage to compensate you.

Besides, do you think sister, I want to torment you?
It’s not because of you, a heartless little thing, who sent the rotten wood from my sister’s house to the west for several years, so that my sister and I have been in Yunzhou for a few years. I can’t even meet a man. How empty and lonely and cold.

What is the difference between such a day and being a widow?After all, isn't it the difference between a widow and a living widow?

Now that I finally returned to Beijing, I met you, a little thing that my sister doesn't mind getting close to you. If my sister doesn't bother you, who will you bother with?Go to the street and randomly find a smelly man you don't know?

It's good for you, hug Xiaoxixi and the others at home, you and me, lingeringly living a happy little life of hugging each other on the left and right.

But what about my sister?How lonely it is to be alone in that broken place in Yunzhou! "

Young Master Liu looked at Liu Ying's distressed appearance as a boudoir and resentful woman, and he didn't know how much of what she said was true or false.

But there are some things she said that she can't deny, that is, after her uncle Yun Chong was sent to the west by her, she was left alone in Yunzhou alone.

"Ah... Auntie, I know that sending Uncle and her out to conquer the West made you suffer, but I had no choice but to do it.

At that time, the situation in the imperial court had just stabilized, and the imperial court was marching westward to Tianzhu. In order to ensure that nothing would go wrong, the two countries had to send some capable generals to command the three armies.

If it was because of his uncle's close relationship with Hai'er, Hai'er deliberately didn't send him to fight, and I can't explain to Hai'er about the rest of the Western Expedition generals.

Boy can't you deliberately not let him go to the battlefield just because he is my uncle?What do others think?
As the king of a country, Hai'er had to take care of the emotions of the other generals and had to treat them equally.

Of course, the most important thing is..."

As he spoke, Liu Mingzhi paused, looked around the environment in the courtyard, and pulled Liu Ying towards the dark corner beside the promenade.

(End of this chapter)

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