My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2543 It's Not Useful to Give You a Chance

Chapter 2543 It's Not Useful to Give You a Chance

Liu Mingzhi pulled Liu Ying to stop in the dark place under the corridor, and once again scanned the surrounding environment.

After confirming that there was no one else around, Young Master Liu let go of Liu Ying's bright wrist and squatted down on the steps beside her.

"Auntie, the most important thing is that the frontier army has hundreds of thousands of elite troops who have experienced many battles. You can't hand them all over to outsiders' generals to lead them.

Those are 40 iron-blooded elites who survived the world-dominating battlefield. Which one is not experienced in hundreds of battles?Which one is not a strong general with one against ten.

Once these 40 elite troops turn against each other, you can't figure out what the consequences will be, can you?
Among all the generals of the Western Expedition Army, if there are no relatives and cronies of my children, how can you let me rest assured?

After all, the boy's throne at that time was wrong!
Boy, I don't want to treat a gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain, but I have to guard against it.

Hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers and horses, once something goes wrong, the terrible consequences will be unpredictable and unbearable for me, my child.

There are two soldiers and horse commanders on the left and right of the Western Expedition Army, one is Uncle Zhang Kuang, and the other is Uncle Nangong Ye.

Nangong Shuai is the elder brother of the child's mother, the former uncle of the old country, and the general of Feiyingwei.

Deputy Marshal, Warlord, Wanyan Chizha, Yeluha, Huyanyu, Uncle, among them, except Uncle, the other three are all veteran generals of the former Jin Kingdom and the former Turks.

Don't be afraid of [-], just in case, if a few of them have any careful thoughts, the child will fall into a situation where there is no redemption.

At that time, when the situation was waiting, it was necessary to send troops to fight against Dashi. Under the situation of Tianzhu, if the boy didn't send his uncle to lead the army, who would be more appropriate to send to lead the army?

I have enough reasons and enough confidence to believe that none of them will rebel against the child.

But no matter how much you believe them, Hai'er must understand the reason why meat cannot be put in one pot.

Sometimes the child doesn't want to do this, but the child has to.

At the time of Fengyundu, spy shadow spies appeared in Haier's personal army, which sounded a wake-up call for Haier. Although Haier didn't want to be suspicious, he had to beware of spy shadow spies in the Western Expeditionary Army's team.

A few spy spies appearing in the hundreds of thousands of troops seem inconspicuous, and they seem to be incapable of causing any disturbances, but a single spark can start a prairie fire.

Once something goes wrong in the Western Expeditionary Army, and something goes wrong on the capital side, it must be a situation of internal and external troubles.

If this happens, not only Hai'er alone, but thousands of young and old members of the Liu family will all be killed by the sword.

It is not a pity for a child with a seven-foot body to die, but at that time, the world had just stabilized, and the death of the child meant that the world would immediately be in chaos.

At that time, if the world was in chaos, it would not be as simple as a small fight, it would be a real loss of life, and the people would be in dire straits!
Facts have proved that Haier's decision is correct.


Auntie, I'm sorry, my child has made you suffer for my own selfishness.

But the boy wants to protect all of you, so you can only wrong some of you.And that part of the people includes you, aunt.

Hai'er really didn't want to wrong you, but the trend of the times, Hai'er really had no choice at that time.

If there is anything that can make up for the grievances you have suffered, Auntie, just ask, no matter what it is, I will agree to it. "

Under the faint light of the lanterns in the long corridor in the distance, Liu Ying's beautiful eyes looked calmly at the complex and melancholy expression on Young Master Liu's face, and she gently squatted on Liu's bed with the hem of her cloud gauze skirt. In front of the big and the young.

"Xiao Mingming, stop talking, my sister was just joking with you just now, so don't take it to heart.

Why doesn't my sister understand in her heart that the reason why Rotten Wood led the army to march west is partly because he himself volunteered for Yingying.

And you soldiers!As soon as I heard that there was a war, I would be so excited that I would forget about my own mother-in-law and children.

Especially for those of you who are generals, it is even more extreme. Even when you are buried in a coffin and hear the sound of war drums, you can't wait to dig out of the grave and swing your weapons a few times.

Xiao Mingming, if you really didn't agree to that rotten wood to let him lead the army to march west, I guess after so many years, he would still be nagging in my sister's ear endlessly every day!

You wanted him to go, but he wanted to go even more.In such a situation of "love and concubine", it's really strange that he didn't abandon his sister to lead the army to march west, and let my sister and I stay alone in the vacant room.

It would be better for Rotten Wood to lead his troops on an expedition. My sister and I can not only end up clean, but also don’t have to go out of the wall every day in fear for a change.

For decades, my sister has had enough of guarding the rotten wood that doesn't understand the style.

Isn't this young, strong and energetic guy more enjoyable to use than his rotten wood! "

First Young Master Liu waved his hands angrily when he heard Liu Ying's 'unrestrained' words deliberately breaking the topic: "It's all right, stop talking nonsense.

How old is he, and he can't speak for four or six all day long.But as long as you can see it, aunt, I can feel better, baby.

To be honest, the burden and pressure on the child these years are not so great.

The big army marched westward to conquer Dashi, and the incidents of the two small barbarian countries in Tianzhu could be said to affect the whole body. There is no room for the slightest mistake, and the slightest mistake may cause an uproar.

Fortunately, in the past few years, the army of the Western Expedition has reported many successes, and the pressure on the boy is finally much less, but this does not mean that the Western Expedition is completely over.

On the vast territory of the Far West, the Western Expeditionary Army still faces many troubles.

As long as the war is not really over, my child will not be able to let go of the burden on me.

The Western Expedition to the barbarians and nations is a century-old project, and it cannot be accomplished overnight. It will be better if it can be completed, and it will depend on the successor if it is completed.

It is also not easy to choose a successor who has both ability and political integrity to continue this great work!

The Western Expedition is an external pressure, and the internal pressure of the court is also endless.

Don't look at the boy who is like a normal person, spending his days leisurely at the hexagram stall every day, but the pressure in my heart may not be much less than the pressure caused by the Western Expedition.

That's the matter of the crown prince and prince. The child is already 40 years younger, and the children are all grown up. Cheng Zhi has already married and established a family today.

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty were anxious to let Hai'er establish a crown prince as soon as possible, so as to appease the hearts of the people in the world, so why not be in a hurry?

But right now, these grown-up children don't care about those with great talents, and don't care about those without great talents.

It was okay face to face after being urged and scolded, but changed when he turned around.

Yiyi, Feifei, and Chengfeng have the same personalities as their mother, Lianer, gentle and undisputed.

This kid Chengzhi looks like I let whoever is the prince be the prince and heir. Her younger sister Yaoyao is obsessed with the art of Qihuang, and she was kicked out by me when she entered the Ten Kings Palace to be on duty.

It's just because this girl has a gentle personality and doesn't want to make me angry, so she obediently listened to my arrangements.

Cheng Qian was fine when he was a child, but now he either hangs out with the old San Mingjie all day, or holds a book to study. I can feel relieved if you read some books about emperor's power.

But aunt, you don't know how annoying the books that kid read are Confucian classics besides Confucian classics, are they so beautiful?
How can I rest assured that the prince of the current dynasty is so addicted to Confucianism.

Hai'er does not deny that Confucianism has its classic features, but he can't devote all his heart to Confucianism.

If I let him inherit the great cause, how can I rest assured if he relies on Confucianism to govern the country?

Besides, Yue'er, that stinky girl!According to the current situation, she is more suitable to inherit the throne than anyone else, but this stinky girl is a daughter, even if you don't like female celebrities and don't want to inherit the great career, you can do what girls should do.

A young girl in her late teens thinks all day long about dressing up as a man and going to a brothel to have fun, or to go to a place of fireworks to drink and have fun. There is no reason for this.

Our family has everything in the brothel, and you also have what the girls in the brothel have. Tell me why you, a big girl, always think about running to that kind of place all day long.

Can you do something or can you drop it?
In the past, it was okay to go alone secretly, but later he invited Cheng Zhi and his brothers to invite guests.

Now it's even more powerful, even Lianiang, Lingyun, Zhenghao, Zhengran, Yunxin...their little bastards have also boarded her thief ship.

The big ones are not caring, and the small ones are mentally incomplete.

Hai'er himself never imagined that the position of crown prince, which everyone in the world yearns for, fell into Hai'er's hands, and he couldn't give it away even if he wanted to.

Damn it, my young master, what crime did I do in my previous life to give birth to such a bunch of unworthy cubs..."

"Okay, okay, don't tell your sister about these shitty things anymore, my sister's head is almost bigger than her chest, I don't want to hear a word anymore."

Young Master Liu looked at Liu Ying's tireless expression under the bright moonlight, nodded with a wry smile and took off the pipe from his waist.

"Auntie doesn't want to hear it, so I don't want to talk about it. Sooner or later, there will be a way to solve these things, mainly as long as you don't blame the child for uncle's affairs."

"Don't worry, my sister is only angry because of this bad thing! It's not my sister who hurts me when I get angry.


"But what, just say it, auntie."

"Just now you seem to say that you want to compensate my sister and me, and you will agree to whatever request my sister asks, right?"

"Of course, after all, the boy owes you, Auntie. If he can make up for Auntie, the boy will do everything he can."

Liu Ying's charming peach blossom eyes narrowed, and she stretched out her hand to support Young Master Liu's chin with a smile and smiled seductively.

"My sister and I don't have any excessive demands. You can sleep with my sister and me tonight and we'll settle the matter."

"Hang Chi... Hang Chi... Cough cough cough..."

Young Master Liu just took a puff of the lit dry smoke and sprayed it out, his face was almost choked by the thick smoke to a liver color.

"Again... you are here again."

Liu Ying stretched out her hand to fan the smoke in front of her, she shrugged her shoulders boredly as she looked at Young Master Liu who wanted to get away immediately, and slowly stretched her right hand in front of Young Master Liu.

"Virtue, it's useless for my sister to give you a chance, take out the things and let my sister see."

Young Master Liu subconsciously clenched his legs and took a few steps back, leaning against the pillars of the corridor and looking at Liu Ying in panic.

"What... what?"

"Invitation card! Looking at your cautious and dirty look, do you think your sister asked you to take out some fancy and useless things?"

(End of this chapter)

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