My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2544 The 3rd Day Covenant

Chapter 2544 The Three-Day Covenant
Useless stuff?

Young Master Liu suddenly felt his heart hurt as if thousands of arrows had been pierced through his heart, and he personally felt a wave of malice and humiliation from his soul.

Yun'er, Sister Ya, Wanyan, Lian'er, Lingyi, Bizhu, Yunshu... All the sisters have used the treasure they agreed to, but when you say it, it turns out to be a fancy thing?

Young Master Liu looked at Liu Ying's disdainful and contemptuous eyes, and wanted to argue a few words with her, but when he thought of Liu Ying's disposition that was even more rogue than a rogue, he immediately gave this idea that just popped up to him. Killed in the cradle.

Who is Liu Ying?In the past few decades, I have traveled all over the world, but I have never met a woman who is more rogue than her. If I compete with her, I might be the one who can't get down in the end.

It would be all right if I endured her ridicule silently, but if I really dare to argue with her here, I guess I will not live in peace today.

Who is Liu Ying?That was a sturdy woman who dared to squat under the window of the room and cheer for her when she and Qi Yun were in the wedding night.

I actually wanted to argue with her just now, it seems that I really drank a little too much today, and I almost couldn't recognize how much my strength was compared with Liu Yingyi.

Seeing Liu Ying's strangely charming eyes again, Young Master Liu was afraid that she would make something wrong again, so he stood up and took out the invitation card that he kept in his cuff during the day.

"Auntie, this is the invitation card that the film master forcibly sent to the child when he was in the palace during the day. It contains some ordinary invitation words, nothing unusual, please read it."

Liu Ying reached out to take the invitation card handed to her by Young Master Liu, and turned directly to the corridor with red lanterns hanging. Seeing this, Liu Mingzhi had no choice but to follow.

Anyway, all the private things that should be said have been said, and there is no need to stay in that slightly dark corner.

Liu Ying silently walked down the corridor, her plump and mature body sat on the bench behind the guardrail and opened the invitation card in her hand.

There were only a few lines of content written on the visiting invitation, Liu Ying snapped the invitation closed in her hand, and looked at Young Master Liu who was quietly sitting next to her with a pair of enchanting and charming peach blossom eyes in surprise.

"Ask you to go to the appointment in three days? There are only three days, so it's a bit too hasty, right? You won't be given any time to prepare!

It seems that they came prepared. If you are not fully prepared by then, there is a real possibility that the ship will capsize in the gutter.

How about Xiao Mingming, you send someone to go there first, and inform the actor that the appointment time will be postponed for a few days? "

Liu Mingzhi narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at the stars in the night sky outside the corridor, silently turning the emerald finger on his thumb, lost in thought.

Seeing this, Liu Ying didn't bother, she just sat aside and waited.

She knew in her heart that Liu Mingzhi was now carefully weighing the pros and cons, and now she must not easily disturb his thoughts.

The corridor was quiet for about a stick of incense, Liu Mingzhi silently shook his head at his aunt Liu Ying.

"There's no need to delay on purpose, three days is only three days.

It's pretty good that the actor didn't let me go to the banquet tonight or tomorrow morning. "

Liu Ying looked helplessly at First Young Master Liu who was sobbing, and rolled her eyes angrily: "You heartless little thing, is your brain sick? How can you help your opponent speak?"

"Auntie, my child is just talking about the facts.

According to my understanding of the Spy Shadow forces, there is not much difference between the three-day preparation and the three-month preparation. Three years can't change the doomed result.

If Hai'er can shake the power of Spy Shadow, then it only takes three days to prepare the backhand, which is enough.

Besides, according to the analysis of the whereabouts of the spies under my two divisions during this period of time, the number of spies in the imperial mausoleum in the suburbs of Beijing three days later will definitely not exceed the number I expected.

As long as the situation does not exceed my expectations, it means that the situation is not too bad.

It’s just that my boy, I can’t understand why the film master chose the imperial tombs in the suburbs of Beijing as the place to meet me.

Could it be that after killing me, it is convenient to take my head on the spot to pay homage to the spirit of the emperor in heaven? "

Liu Ying didn't care about the questioning words Young Master Liu said to herself, she reached out and took out a token from her plump and proud arms, and handed it to Young Master Liu.

"How is it? Are you going to accept this token of the Shadow Killer now?

These three thousand shadow killer guards are useless in the hands of my sister and me. In the past, my sister wanted to hand them over to you several times, but you refused. Now time is running out and you are employing people under your command. Thousand Shadows Killer might just be able to help you a lot.

Anyway, there is no difference between keeping it in my sister's hands and handing it over to you, or you can accept it first. "

Liu Mingzhi looked down at the token in Liu Ying's hand for a moment, thought for a long time and shook his head gently, raised his hand and pushed back the jade hand that Liu Ying stretched out in front of him.

"I don't need it for the time being, so my aunt will continue to keep it for the child, and when the child really needs it one day, I don't need you to send the child away, and I will come to ask for it from you.

If it was put 20 years ago, I might have accepted it without hesitation when my aunt gave it to me for the first time, but now my child doesn't think so.

Forging iron still needs to be hard on oneself, and people still have to rely on themselves after all.

You took care of me for a while, but you can't take care of me forever, right?
Put it away, the boy still has some confidence now. "

Liu Ying looked at her right hand that was pushed back by Young Master Liu and shook her head with a frown. She threw the invitation in her hand into Young Master Liu's arms, got up and walked towards the inner courtyard.

"Stubborn donkey, you are just a pure stubborn donkey, it's up to you, whether you like it or not, I'm tired, so go back and rest first."

Liu Ying said indignant words, and her mature and graceful figure gradually disappeared into the corridor.

Liu Mingzhi picked up the invitation card that had slipped onto his lap and slapped his palms a few times, smiled wryly twice, pursed his lips and rushed towards the study.

If I didn't expect it, there will still be a place in the study that I need to spend a lot of time on later!
As expected, Liu Mingzhi just walked into the courtyard of the study, and saw the bright lights inside the study at a glance. As for who would be inside, he didn't even need to think about who it was.

Except for Qi Yun and Yinger and their sisters, no one else has the key to their own study, and even Liu Song can only control the key to the study for a period of time when he is away from home for a long time.

Putting the invitation card in his hand back into his cuffs, Liu Mingzhi let out a breath and tried to control his mood as much as possible, making his expression look normal before walking towards the door of the study.

It seemed that he heard Young Master Liu's footsteps. Young Master Liu had just rushed to the door and before he had time to push the door open, the door of the study was pulled open from the inside.

Qi Ya's slightly frowning crescent eyebrows suddenly relaxed when she saw her slightly surprised husband standing at the door, and let out a breath of foul air silently from her cherry lips.

"Husband, you can be regarded as coming back. The concubines and sisters have been waiting for a long time."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Qi Ya's delicate face in relief, bent his little finger and slid it through his hair a few times, and walked into the study with a faint smile.

After scanning all the beauties in the study, First Young Master Liu pretended to be surprised.

"Hey, ladies, all of you are here? What's the matter, is this posture planning to have three trials as your husband?"

(End of this chapter)

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